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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Doireann Devir.6984" said:

> > Also, not sure if this helps, but each time I try to go back in, the startup screen shows Crystal Oasis before realizing I'm in Desert Highland.


> You know, information like this *could* be helpful, so thanks for posting it.


> I understand the frustration, but "It's broken" posts aren't nearly as helpful as those that give details, such as an error code, your general location, a tracert, that sort of thing. You are truly welcome to post here in any form (aside a breach of the FCoC, of course ;) ) but if you could provide a little info in the post, that would be excellent. I've pointed out this thread to the devs and they may find helpful details with in it if you'll share them.


> Thanks very much!


Seriously Gaile? That's what you want to tell us?

The Episode was delayed to fix issues, the issues persist, and your reaction is: "You don't know how to feedback?".

Can you really blame people that are locked out of their characters being angry and frustrated, especially since **this is a recurring problem since Path of Fire released**?

Can you really blame people for being mad when they can't play on the day you released a new mount, and are constantly refusing to specify how you're going to market it, surely going to opt for the more exploitative means possible.

Sure you'll hear fanboys defend your position, but the majority of players are not really on that set.


The production quality of the game has been on a steep decline, with the exception of LWS3, which to be honest was the only reason i bought PoF, but keep the current quality and consumer relations trend, and speaking for myself, that was the last expansion i'll have purchased.


Now if you want details, i'll repeat what everyone probably said:

1. Doing Forearmed is Forewarned (antecipating a pun with Blinky's, or whatever his name is, arm), when entering the temple of Primaeval Kings it triggered the step completion, but didn't advance.

2. Restarted the client, dialog advanced up to Taimy's Update was completed, but stalled again.

3. Relogged, got Taimy's Dialog again, and it advanced. Moved to the star, got the dialog about opening the portal, but portal became unresponsive.

4. Relogged, nothing changed.

5. Restarted the client, got the green star in place and a dialog asking if i wanted to continue the mission. I said yes, got the instance loading screen, but then the Connection error that others have shown in Screenshots.

6. Now everytime i try to log in on that character i get the same error. It shows Desert Highlands loading screen.


UPDATE: Now i managed to login on the character, but got dcd half way on my way to the portal...

Network error code 1083:5:7:1596:101


RE-UPDATE: Now i can't even log in on other characters! GREAT WORK!


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Here's something I could gather. Not sure about all of it though, as it is hard to prove, but here it goes, I hope this is in any way helpful.

When I had my disconnects I couldn't log back into my crashed character, so I tried another character, but login in also crashed the game. Afterwards going back to my original character worked again.

Now with the last story instance disconnect I couldn't really reproduce that a third time instantly, but after a few tries it worked again. Not sure though if it is related to swapping my characters.


Also the character that got disconnected in the story instance now also gets disconnects outside of any story content. But I haven't tried any other character yet, so I don't know if it is specific to any of my characters.


Oh yeah and the error code I got is: Code=1083:5:7:1596:101

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Both myself and the person I'm grouping with cannot progress past the portal loading screen. We tried together several times. After that cannot connect at all for several minutes.


Rinse repeat. Incidently I had started a movie for the youngster I'm babysitting and it has now finished which means I have too return to watching her. Should have been able to complete at the very least GETTING to the new map in an hour and a half right?



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The "Network Error" crash that boots you out of the game and prevents you from loading any maps on a character (seems to affect all characters for me, regardless of the map they're on) has occurred in Desert Highlands on the regular map, and also in the Deepstone Fractal instance. Like the person above, it also happened as the elevator was descending. The first time, I waited around 10-20 minutes before rebooting the game and was able to load maps again. We'll see if that works again! Hopefully the info is helpful.

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The disconnections do not appear to be connected to player actions. I have been disconnected both in Amnoon and in Desert Highlands both in and outside of the story instances as well as both in and out of a party. To test, I sat on the character selection screen and was popped offline after about five minutes as if I were running around in-game.


The disconnections seem to occur at random, and swapping between characters has a similarly random chance of successfully logging in versus being completely kicked out of the client.


I'm inclined to believe that there is currently no 'trick' to getting this patch working correctly and that successes are random bouts of server stability. Also, this week I learned that the word _lyssophobia_ is the fear of losing one's mind. Not related to the issue, but interesting to know.

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Also had the problems, though I had gotten as far as entering the portal for FiF.


Took 10+ minutes off to do something else, then tried to log in to another character (in Queensdale).


Network Error




So, it's more than it needing time to discover that you're no longer playing before it lets you try again.

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> @"DreamySkullz.8203" said:


> Maybe give some legit criticism instead of saying rude, unhelpful things like this?


Criticism for what? I am just another person to add into their quota, that their game is broken. Fact is some colleague of theirs was boasting about a mechanism to avoid these things and they are doing constant tests. As you can see here, it's all fairy tale.

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>The Episode was delayed to fix issues, the issues persist,


That's the point wich upset me too. First when i read that it take more time to deliver everything on a better quality i thought ANet learned from the past few LS releases. But for me it dosen't seems so.

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When we (a group of 5) did go into "forearmed" the first time and one player made damage to the awakened (or what it was) then the instance crashed for all of us and we all could not connect for a minute (or so).


After we could connect again we were disconnected again right after we opened the instance again.



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I will only say one thing, surely season 1 could not be re-done, but she was without serious bugs in contrary of all instances since PoF... Extensions became worst than the core game. I love core tyria, the best part of the game with the greatest amount of content and with a SERIOUS involvment: Queen jubilee, fouth wind festival, SAB, dungeons why breaking their legs? SAB make an awesome start and now you just shut down any thread about it... Instead of creating new maps for each episode, why not bring back giant meta events in core tyria like during scarlet? Less cost, and you can re-use old assets. Would like to see aetherblades and clockwork minions again.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> it is always the same. New episode, servers collaps.


> And here I thought being on amazon's virtual servers would make it possible to deal with load in a flexible way.


> I was wrong.


Yeah, you and Arena Net. This has been a consistent issue since they moved to Amazon.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > it is always the same. New episode, servers collaps.

> >

> > And here I thought being on amazon's virtual servers would make it possible to deal with load in a flexible way.

> >

> > I was wrong.


> Yeah, you and Arena Net. This has been a consistent issue since they moved to Amazon.


Then perhaps they are too conservative about increasing the number of servers during high load.

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