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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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First of all, a huge thanks to the devs and community managers wading through the salt mine here to try to get helpful details. It's not easy to work so hard under this much pressure, especially when said work is being scoffed at. I appreciate your dedication.


Here is my piece of hopefully-useful information: I logged into LA after the patch and was able to do a little inventorizing at the bank before I was disconnected. As others are reporting, I could not log back in to that character for a while - I got a loading screen while trying to, and then I disconnected again. My error code was 1083:5:7:1596:101.


I exited the game client entirely, gave it a few minutes, and was able to get back in. My inventory had reverted - I received the daily chest again (it was a rewind rather than a duplicate - I got the same chest both times I logged in, but only the second one's contents stuck around). I was able to stably finish with my inventory, interact with merchants, and log out without disconnecting again.


I was then able to reopen the client, use teleport to friend to get to Kourna (thank you, squads that are organizing this), and grab the waypoints and Kourna portal scroll. However, I cannot use the Kourna portal scroll or waypoints - they give me a 'cannot gain access to the login server, commonly caused by firewall, security applications, etc.' message. The ID for that error, regardless of whether I'm using the scroll or waypoints, is 19:9:13:1599:101.

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Wow all the negative comments, I mean I get being annoyed you can't play but yesh. People acting like anet does this on purpose or isn't working their Joko off to fix an unintended bug.

Really Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the updates on the matter and for your all's hard work on trying to fix this thing.

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> @"saventis.1485" said:

> finished forearmed and forwarned story step but at the end of instance got an error saying i couldnt leave lol now i cant get back on character

> dosnt sound like anyone has made it this far yet so just letting u know where i managed to get to



I completed the instance too, and also have the same problem as you exiting the instance. I can login my character with no problem after that, but, now I can't get back to Domain of Kourna, because there's no wp unlocked.

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I think we all need to take a deep breath here. I'm just as upset as everyone else that I can't play. Some people are being very vocal and hostile about it. GW2 having one of the friendliest MMO communities shouldn't forget that the devs, like them, are people to. If you love the game enough to be upset about not being able to play, consider how you feel if you had worked on something for months just for it to run into all sorts of problems. The most adamant person would believe they wouldn't make the same mistake or would make sure all the bugs are worked out before release, but that is impossible. No one is perfect. Neither are you. Stomping bugs is a continuous things for ALL mmo games. We don't pay them much mind when update notes don't affect what we're doing. But when there's something unavoidable and we have to take notice, it's suddenly the end of the world and something that shouldn't be happening to us. Sure it sucks, but we live in an era where entitlement runs rampant. It's sad to see this "friendly community" rip the devs apart when things don't go their way. It's as if their servants brought them the wrong glass of wine.


All in all, stuff happens. It isn't the first time, it wont be the last. Watch a movie or play something else till it's resolved. Life has times where we don't have any other option but to wait. Some of us don't always agree on the decisions made, but we all realize the game breaking isn't something anyone wanted or intended. If anyone has it worse, it's doctors.


So pretend you're a dev the next time...


Someone says you gave them the wrong fast food order.

You're unable to work a conveyor and stack pallets at the same time.

You're late delivering mail because you had to pepperspray a dog.

You have a manager who always talks down to you.

Someone yells at you for something at work, but you have to keep smiling and be professional because it's your job.

you work any job at Wal-Mart.

I could go on...


So I wish you luck getting stuff back to working order. Some of us are from a time time where everything in life wasn't just handed to us and we had to learn some patience.

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> @"Cercie.1025" said:

> I think we all need to take a deep breath here. I'm just as upset as everyone else that I can't play. Some people are being very vocal and hostile about it. GW2 having one of the friendliest MMO communities shouldn't forget that the devs, like them, are people to. If you love the game enough to be upset about not being able to play, consider how you feel if you had worked on something for months just for it to run into all sorts of problems. The most adamant person would believe they wouldn't make the same mistake or would make sure all the bugs are worked out before release, but that is impossible. No one is perfect. Neither are you. Stomping bugs is a continuous things for ALL mmo games. We don't pay them much mind when update notes don't affect what we're doing. But when there's something unavoidable and we have to take notice, it's suddenly the end of the world and something that shouldn't be happening to us. Sure it sucks, but we live in an era where entitlement runs rampant. It's sad to see this "friendly community" rip the devs apart when things don't go their way. It's as if their servants brought them the wrong glass of wine.


> All in all, stuff happens. It isn't the first time, it wont be the last. Watch a movie or play something else till it's resolved. Life has times where we don't have any other option but to wait. Some of us don't always agree on the decisions made, but we all realize the game breaking isn't something anyone wanted or intended. If anyone has it worse, it's doctors.


> So pretend you're a dev the next time...


> Someone says you gave them the wrong fast food order.

> You're unable to work a conveyor and stack pallets at the same time.

> You're late delivering mail because you had to pepperspray a dog.

> You have a manager who always talks down to you.

> Someone yells at you for something at work, but you have to keep smiling and be professional because it's your job.

> you work any job at Wal-Mart.

> I could go on...


> So I wish you luck getting stuff back to working order. Some of us are from a time time where everything in life wasn't just handed to us and we had to learn some patience.


The thing is, this is a business that has taken your money. You are not the employee, you are the consumer. If you were the employee and screwed up your job this badly, you would be rightfully yelled at.


The moral is, don't fuck up your job regardless of your profession.

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> @"Silitha The Mystical.5480" said:

>They even said this bug did not show in their testing.


I'm sure they did very rigorous testing and then the code came to life and mutated into a completely non-functional state that prevents EVERYONE from accessing the map.




Anet lied to you and you believed them without question.

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I don't know if this helps you guys any, but I'm getting the connection crash issue in content that has nothing to do with episode 3. I took a break for all of PoF, and just returned. Been trying to do the final fight in head of the snake three times now, and I always get booted from the instance before it completes. Same error code others are reporting. Whatever is happening, I think the scope is beyond just episode 3.


Edit: Actually, youll probably find this interesting. When I killed Caudecus and got the cutscene, it didnt show him shooting his daughter like I see on youtube. What it showed was a plague of scarabs killing some elonians. I was super confused, but it looks like you guys have a bit of an issue with scene mixup. Related to the crashes maybe?

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> This or something like it does happen with every single lw release. It even happens with expansion launches. It's time for anet to start functioning like a business and deliver on promises to paying customers.


Oh really? Since when? Please explain. Oh wait, you can't because something this bad hasn't happened before. There has NEVER been a bug this bad with ANY living story. That is a fact. Sure there are some connectivity issues for some users but not for everyone like this one has. Again, get off your high horse and quit crying like a spoiled brat. You must be new to the gaming community or something. lmfao. Have fun in your little "everything has to be perfect" world!


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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @"Silitha The Mystical.5480" said:

> >They even said this bug did not show in their testing.


> I'm sure they did very rigorous testing and then the code came to life and mutated into a completely non-functional state that prevents EVERYONE from accessing the map.


> or


> Anet lied to you and you believed them without question.


eh, either way, bugs happen lol

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Just tried to log in onto my character that got stuck in Desert Highlands last night and it just threw me out and then tried to log on a character that is in DR and same thing. Cannot get in game with any character now.


edit: Got in on the DR character now and I have mail from a guildie that says that my character that is Desert Highlands was still showing as a yellow dot on their map 5 hours ago and I had not been in game for 8 hours so it's there, ghosting around. Suppose that's why I cannot log on it.

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