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Episode 3 Connection/Log-in Issues [MERGED]

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I had a disconnect in the first story instance talking during the court part.

After that I couldn't log into my characters anymore for about 10 minutes, but afterwards it worked again and I got through the story part.

Now I got another disconnect in the second instance right when unlocking all the abilities after loading into the area and I cannot log into any of my characters again.

I hope you find a solution for this soon.


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can't even login any more. second part of story never continued. logged off and on several times before the story would continue. got into instance and dc'ed now can't log on anymore on any character. getting same error as the screenshot that was posted (Code=1083:5:7:1596:101)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey all,


> We're aware that some players are experiencing a disconnect issue with Episode 3. The team is working on a fix and we'll get that corrected as soon as possible!


How strange, those kind of problems never happen after a LS patch <.<

<-Edit: Now I can't even load any map on any of my characters anymore :/

This Scarab Plague sure is dangerous...it also affects the game itself...

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Made it fine up to the Desert Highlands part. Then my friend didn't hear the dialogue and neither of us could trigger the portal to the new map until relogging. Made it to the new map, picked up the object, reviewed the special action tooltip, barely moved two feet before crashing. Thereafter got network errors for a bit. I loaded back into Highlands at last (EDIT: right after successfully entering VB on a flax farm alt), as did my friend, though we were in different maps. I re-entered the portal, he did not get an invite popup, and I crashed out again from the loading screen.


We shall continue to try but I wanted to add my data.


One other note: The NPC and Commander dialogue is very muted even with the slider maxed. I could hear the judge and bystander commentary fine, but everyone else means straining to hear.

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> @"Luna.9640" said:

> Infinite loading or a Crash to character select or both.


> ![Edit: Add random Network Error too ](https://i.imgur.com/svPG4si.png "")


> Feeling kinda salty but we had to wait extra weeks just so the very 1st instance turned out to be bugged and an-accessible ?


> And this is not the first time LS instance get same bug - it happened few times in the past but seems like devs can't fix it.


Same network error for me. Tried to play the first episode, first atempt: long loading screen then the network error, tried to log in with a different character localized in mistlock sanctuary, with the same result. Closed the launcher, checked internet, restartet pc. Second attempt:instance loaded, listened to ambient dialogue for a few seconds, dc with network error, also occurs on different characters when trying to log into the game with them.

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I just spent the last 30 min moving some gear to my new ranger and doing fashion wars only to have the servers screw up and roll my character back to before I started. I'm PISSED and I demand a full refund. I will accept payments of 1min per day until my time has been repaid. If you want out of this debt sooner, you could also fix the servers so we can all play your sweet sweet new story. thanks :sweat_smile:

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> @"Luna.9640" said:

> Infinite loading or a Crash to character select or both.


> ![Edit: Add random Network Error too ](https://i.imgur.com/svPG4si.png "")


> Feeling kinda salty but we had to wait extra weeks just so the very 1st instance turned out to be bugged and an-accessible ?


> And this is not the first time LS instance get same bug - it happened few times in the past but seems like devs can't fix it.


same here


when i can join the Story instance, then i can talk with Taimi, a fter that i start moving to the negotiation and the it disconnects


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First crash in the first instance before the video when we expect the ship.

Then the progress stucks at the grave after the both npcs started talking. Next stuck when we had to meet Taimi again outside the grave.

(Relog helped here)

Then a next crash on entering the second instance (that portal) ... now I'm trying to get back into the game for now 5 mins...

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Got to the story-step where you have to visit the tomb and nothing happened. Someone said that relogging near the portal helps - it did... kinda... i apparently somehow skipped the whole conversation (or whatever happens) in the tomb and was told to meet Taimi. Then I got kicked with the 1803-error and now i can't log into any character. No matter if they are in the desert-highland maps or somewhere else.

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I disconnected first time when i was loading first S04E03 instance. I relogged in getting to character screens and trying to load into Amnoon only to receive a disconnect network error. I searched forums for a bit, after about 5 mins mins i retried and got in. Story loaded up started playing fine till Gorrik says "pestilence" and i crash again. Now back to network error codes.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"skillze.7689" said:

> Just to let you know you can stop the crash cycle by loading another character in, i loaded a character who was in the heart of the mists to stop the loading crash errors.


Helpful work-around, skillze. Thanks for posting that. (I'll relay to the team, but I believe they were commenting similarly a few minutes ago.)

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This story keeps stall in Desert Highlands. It doesn't want to continue and also markers and texts/communications are missing. Resetted the story already a few time, at first it would continue a little but now I seem really stuck at story. I am not alone I hear.


Stalls at "Visit the Primeval Dynasty", stalls for good at "Ask the Primeval queens for help".

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