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Keep getting disconnected on "Be My Guest" STORY step

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I keep getting disconnected on "Be My Guest" Story step.


The first attempt was last night 6/26 around 10pmEST. I got as far as "about to blow up the gate after the bridge" and when the explosion went off ingame it also crashed the game :disappointed: and i got dis error message : https://imgur.com/peSTyAn

Then the toon that was doing that story got stuck in the never endieng loading game can' tlog in loop. [log into game > character select screen > Kourna loading screen > DC > error message https://imgur.com/7NZlzIR Repeat.]


Today 6/27 11:30amEST, I finally was able to log back on this toon, thinking the problem was solved *fingers crossed* and crashed again :(

This time I got a little farther to where i had to follow Braham to the sewer grate? and when i got over there on the tar piles the game crashed again.


It's been about 24 hours since patch went live, but i guess the story dc issues continue to be a problem. I hope this is being worked on?


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Same here get across the bridge and crashes. Then when trying to re log the same character i get the Network error message again 1083:5:7:1596:101 and takes me about 3 restarts of GW2 to even get logged back in. Keeps wasting my food, utility, banners, and item boosters because the buffs are not active when i log back in.

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I also got past all the lasers but the door won't open . Same issue as above...not sure if I missed something or if it's a bug. I have been back to the beginning of where the lasers are twice but still does not work for me. ***UPDATE*** I ended up going back to the beginning again where the lasers start and interacted with the round door then clicked on Braham and my story progressed and I was able to finish the story.

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