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Please allow us to disable the "Yellow Ring (square) of Obnoxiousness".

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I get it, this helps some people who were having issues seeing specific AoEs and the like under masses of visual noise, or just outright not being able to see them at all (looks at VG).


If you don't yet realise what I'm talking about, it is the new *horrible* yellow ring around your window to indicate that you are either stood in a dangerous AoE or have some other kind of mechanic based thing about to happen to you. Now I don't like it for 2 reasons. Firstly it's a re-shaded effect taken straight from being hit by Basilisk Venom which for the first couple of times caused me to semi-panic about what fresh hell had hit me, and secondly it's *way* too visually distracting - a 10mm yellow ring around the edge of the window would probably accomplish the same end without being so in-your-face.


I'm completely in favor of making things easier to see under all the clusterkitten of visual effects we now have, but at the very least make it so we can chose to turn it off. Personally I have no problem discerning the dangers it is trying to highlight to me and I'm sure a lot of other people don't either.


Tone it down or turn it off.

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I love it. A clear way to indicate whats going on. Do you know how many times I zoom in to 1 tick away from first person, and still can't see cairn's circle.


People complain this is more visual clutter. I see that argument, and I agree there should be a toggle. But, gw2 has had visual clutter for as long as I have played it. Years ago, I got into a debate with a guy online who said the visual clutter isn't bad, and so I took this picture of a sloppy dungeon pug run.




That white blob is the boss. My point is, gw2 has been cluttered for so long, its unrealistic to expect anything else. Instead, the raid team (which is a small team and unable to make large scale executive decisions) made a solution which overrides all that clutter, and is fairly future proof. I commend it, this helps new players in a way that is fair. Additionally it is recognizable across bosses, making training on the easier bosses an even better way to work up towards the hard bosses for new players.


Now, put in a toggle, and kill renegade shortbow on deimos and we will be looking really nice.

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I never had problems seeing circles at Cairn and VG has acoustic signals for teleport circles. Expecting some awareness from people is totally ok. I don't see the reason for implementing this. What they should do is to reduce the visual clutter in general since that problem isn't limited to raids.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> I never had problems seeing circles at Cairn and VG has acoustic signals for teleport circles. Expecting some awareness from people is totally ok. I don't see the reason for implementing this. What they should do is to reduce the visual clutter in general since that problem isn't limited to raids.


I agree, the visual clutter was what wad making it difficult to avoid those mechanics. Toning those down would have been the right move imo, but it was apparantly easier for them to make something flashier than what's on the floor to signal players. Not ideal, but better than nothing. Really do hope though we get a way to turn it of when they properly release it.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> You can just listen to the audio cues if you have problem with skill animation clutter


Uhhm some mechanics are really hard to catch with the skill clutter like VG teleport ( even with LOD thing, and it shouldn't require to check something like LOD to make mechanics more visible ) and the Cairn Teleports are even harder to see in the sea of skills not to mention the Xera AOE's after someone decided to play pacman and catch some orbs.. And for those things I would say the yellow ring is helpful, especially for people learning the stuff. What I want to see is to have a way to turn it off for more experienced players.


It also takes some time to train your ears for the audio cues, while I can hear the cues almost everytime, I know how it was at the beginning and if that stuff makes it easier for others to learn mechanics then why not? Just give us the possibility to toggle it off and no one looses.

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No it should not exist at all. It is a nerf to many mechanics. Basically move until the yellow boarder goes away. Really terrible design.


I dont see a problem if it takes some time to learn audio cues. Just turn of the music. There is nothing wrong to being some learning curve which barely exists in GW2 raids anyway.

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tone down visual clutter like they did *many* moons ago with ele and auras, some mesmer effects and so on - and I'll agree with you it doesn't need to be in game. As thats unlikely to happen i prefer that people have the option for this than no option. Having to listen for an audio cue on something you should outright be able to see is just dumb.

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> @"andyhens.4172" said:

> tone down visual clutter like they did *many* moons ago with ele and auras, some mesmer effects and so on - and I'll agree with you it doesn't need to be in game. As thats unlikely to happen i prefer that people have the option for this than no option. Having to listen for an audio cue on something you should outright be able to see is just dumb.


Reading animations is one of the major gameplay-elements though. You should do that yourself; the game shouldn't do it for you. This is especially important for newbies, else they'll definitely fail at bosses where reading animations is (at least one of) the main mechanic(s) (prime example: Matthias).

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> No it should not exist at all. It is a nerf to many mechanics. Basically move until the yellow boarder goes away.

Actually, you do need to know what mechanic this showcases, because it's different for each boss. In some cases you do need to move away, but in others it is a sign you should do something a bit more specific.


And there's quite a number of mechanics that _not_ everyone can see, but that do not have audio cues.


I kind of like it, although i do agree that it needs a "disable" toggle in options.


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