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Suggestion - The Beetle mount Endurance Bar needs some adjustment.

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The beetle mount is a cool new mount. but I'm not finding it to be as useful as the other mounts because it starts off with 0 endurance when mounted and takes roughly 10 seconds for it fill before you can use it once. On open plains like queens dale it really shines. but if your going up hill or terrain with a lot of obstacles your gonna have a rough time finding a good reason to use it. Its not the biggest deal in the world but it would cool if I didn't have to wait 10 seconds to go fast.


Edit- After to talking to others, I think many people have come up with some really good ideas


PinkFluff.6084 - "One suggestion I have is maybe instead of starting off at full endurance, half the time it takes for your endurance to fully recover. That way at short distances/ most uphill cases other mounts still shine.?"


eldrjth.7384 - "If they left it the way it is and just increased the rate that the endurance bar filled then that be ok too OR reduce the speed boost and made it handle stamina similarly to the other mounts."

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ANet has done such an amazing job with the mount system and the beetle is no exception! They've managed to have surprisingly little overlap between mounts. Each one feels unique and useful in its own way. And every time they add a mount, the challenge to maintain that becomes more difficult. Well done once again, ANet! The Roller Beetle is fantastic!

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I agree with the OP. Granted yes they do need to give reason to use other mounts! However... I find it hard to find a time to chose it vs another mount unless I'm in a lot of the core maps because, well those are a LOT more flat than hot/pof maps, but what veteran player are in those maps often anymore. Also if you accidentally bump something and come to a halt you are moving at snail pace until your endurance is full. I wanna say THAT is what kills me the most about the mount. Having fun and chugging along then seconds of time out while you walk through sludge and quick sand.


One suggestion I have is maybe instead of starting off at full endurance, half the time it takes for your endurance to fully recover. That way at short distances/ most uphill cases other mounts still shine.

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> @"PinkFluff.6084" said:

> I agree with the OP. Granted yes they do need to give reason to use other mounts! However... I find it hard to find a time to chose it vs another mount unless I'm in a lot of the core maps because, well those are a LOT more flat than hot/pof maps, but what veteran player are in those maps often anymore. Also if you accidentally bump something and come to a halt you are moving at snail pace until your endurance is full. I wanna say THAT is what kills me the most about the mount. Having fun and chugging along then seconds of time out while you walk through sludge and quick sand.


> One suggestion I have is maybe instead of starting off at full endurance, half the time it takes for your endurance to fully recover. That way at short distances/ most uphill cases other mounts still shine.


You may be right. I mean, I love the beetle as it is but it does seem as if the endurance bar refills painfully slowly. This was likely done to make the third skill unlock worthwhile. Unfortunately, that does nothing to address the annoyance of wasting time getting the beetle rolling, only to hit a small tree and come to a stop with no endurance. There is probably room for adjustment there without making other mounts obsolete.


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It should also have a skill slot 2 on the bar for the drifting move. It is clear to me now that mount skills and keybindings need a complete rework, because the current system is uninformative and frankly just bad.


Mount skills 101, when a mount has 2 skills, make 2 skills on the skillbar...

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I would like that a lot. I prob only use it when I know I need to travel a long distance on a flat unobtrusive terrain. If they left it the way it is and just increased the rate that the endurance bar filled then that be ok too OR reduce the speed boost and made it handle stamina similarly to the other mounts. I also think that its special ability breaking walls doesnt even fit the overall theme of the mount. It should be something speed related.

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Now that I've played with the drifting skill a bit more, I'm even more convinced that this is the most fun I've ever had with a mode of transportation in a game!


With a little practice I figured out you can take corners at speed or even come to a full stop by spinning 180 and releasing the keybind. And if you do that with full endurance you can immediately rocket back in the opposite direction! This is great!


Oh, and I'm sure you've seen you can even skip like a stone over a sizable distance of water!

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Now that I've played with the drifting skill a bit more, I'm even more convinced that this is the most fun I've ever had with a mode of transportation in a game!


> With a little practice I figured out you can take corners at speed or even come to a full stop by spinning 180 and releasing the keybind. And if you do that with full endurance you can immediately rocket back in the opposite direction! This is great!


> Oh, and I'm sure you've seen you can even skip like a stone over a sizable distance of water!


Yeah the mounts really cool. But that doesn't really address any of the issues brought up. No one was talking about stones or jumping over water. The drift feature is pretty cool though, but that doesn't increase starting off speed. or help you go up hills where it looses speed quickly.

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The beetle, got me excited, but it's bad.


It had so much potential. All of it absolutely slaughtered by the atrocious waiting for endurance when mounting up.

My suggestion to ArenaNet: Change it quick and say it was a bug, that way some of us may believe it actually was.


You want to balance the mount? Sure, the mount is about speed. Waiting 10seconds to go fast for 3-4seconds is not good (with THAT speed, you're bound to slam into something so 4 seconds might be too long).

Here's how you could have done it that would be cool and not a total mood killer:

Make the mount by itself grow speed over time up to the "boost" speed, but FASTER than the amount of time it takes for endurance to fill at the moment. It's painful to watch the bar.

Keep ability 2 drift.

-Rework ability 1:

Make Peety try to attempt to throw off the rider, bouncing wildly. -That way it gives players more control and ability to jump over relatively small heights (think of griffon 1 jump height or jackal jump), while maintaining top speed with no interruptions.


The whole level design concept of maps since HoT release was "verticallity". Something Peety is probably worse than -on foot- player at.

Having some way of jumping over a pebble is useful.

But if you're totally against a bouncy roller beetle - the endurance wait time must go or this mount will be probably never used.


And also, whats up with the wall breaking? Like 0 use aside from getting a couple Points of Interest? That's lazy. At least add some treasures in those rooms... >.<

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> @"Brosef.7852" said:

> The beetle mount is a cool new mount. but I'm not finding it to be as useful as the other mounts because it starts off with 0 endurance when mounted and takes roughly 10 seconds for it fill before you can use it once. On open plains like queens dale it really shines. but if your going up hill or terrain with a lot of obstacles your gonna have a rough time finding a good reason to use it. Its not the biggest deal in the world but it would cool if I didn't have to wait 10 seconds to go fast.



Yes.... Every time I mount I think this. You really need to be on it always to make use of it. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't dirt slow at the beginning. But oh man that speed when you can roll uninterrupted <3

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I'm fine with having to wait to boost, but it's starting speed needs to be the same as the raptor and jackal. Heck, the skimmer on land also needs that as well. The raptor and jackal can already use their skills to exceed that base speed, so I don't see much point in other mounts having a penalty.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> "Oh my god, I have to wait 10 seconds before I can ultraboost away. Such impertinence!!"

> I wonder how some of you were able to survive the time before mounts :#


Can you give me one good reason why it should be so slow? or do you want exaggerate what I said?

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> @"Brosef.7852" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > "Oh my god, I have to wait 10 seconds before I can ultraboost away. Such impertinence!!"

> > I wonder how some of you were able to survive the time before mounts :#


> Can you give me one good reason why it should be so slow? or do you want exaggerate what I said?


The raptor, if it would exist, would perhaps have around 200kg while being rather muscular. With force being the product of weight and acceleration, that comes out quite dynamic.

The griffon, as a bird-like creature, is rather light by design. Yet, it's starting acceleration is rather slow and also the land movement is not the fastest.

The springer takes its sweet time to accelerate and is outspeeded by the raptor, given it's jump-like running style.

A huge roller beetle, on the other hand, which is not in the least created to be fast, and which - looking at the sheer bulk - might weigh at least around double of what the raptor does while not looking overly muscular, simply lacks the physical ability to accelerate fast.

The only thing it has is its round shape and high weight, allowing it to convert gravitational potential into kinetic energy.

Or, in other words, to roll down a slope while gaining speed and building up momentum.


Hence, from a physical perspective, the roller beetle is doing just fine. Or do you guys expect to slightly push against a wrecking ball (because that's clearly what the roller beetle is supposed to be) and send it flying? As most of the mounts do control more or less physically correct (no turning on the spot aso), for me, the beetle does behave like I expected it to.


When the raptor is a motorcycle, the beetle definitely is one of those small daihatsu buses =)

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Well i agree with OP .


It needs full endurance at the beginning and a faster endurance regeneration and maybe a bit better handling and NO it wouldnt put raptor or jackal out of order. It cant provide barrier or pull enemies together .

The raptor allows you to do some huge leaps forward to skip some paths or the jackal can be used in tight areas for decent controlls or crowded areas, where the beetle could have some struggle compared to those times, because it's simply a fast moving mount, if anet would change the endurance management.

Also if you fear about raptor or jackal, then you would already be worried about it ,when the griffon was there, because its faster than raptor and jackal and allows you to fly above enemies head or evades alot of stuff still and it can jump upwards almost as high as a bunny t1.


Variations are always good, but this mount is abit annoying in terms of endurance.


You barely want to use it in open world near enemies because TEN SECONDS of ENDURANCE REGENERATION.

Any other mount could do something at that time already and skill 1 that roll out skill is not really that much. Bunny is cc wise better :^) and that weakness buff feels rather strange. Also mastery t3 feels .... useless ? unless you are in Kourna at the desert part ? That master rank t3 could changed to "increase endurance regeneration and improves handling with your beetle and also let you start with full endurance." ... just an idea from my side.

I mean those tricks are neat ,but you barely cant perform them on land or anything like that. or maybe allow us to do tricks on land to regain some endurance.



It's a fun mount and its cool to drive around. however it got some flaws compared to other mounts. they all are unique and they all are fun to play. Only the beetle needs some "changes" and it would be another mount that would be perfect :D


Well this is my opinion atleast.

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Another idea.

Since last mastery trait is endurance-oriented, add the following effect to it: "Mastery over the beetle riding allows you to start with full endurance when mounting up."

Problem solved. Band aid though, not full fix to the core issues of the mount, but it would help keep it's niche (straight flat grounds or ramps) better. Meanwhile Jackal and Raptor leap like crazy and could be faster in certain terrains.

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It's not really different from the other mounts: The griffon needs extra height to go faster. The springer needs time to ramp up height (yes, you can start building it up immediately; no you can't jump that high without channeling). The raptor can't turn on a dime (or a pfennig).


Sure it would be more fun still if it had a full endurance bar to start with, but it would also be even more ridiculously overpowered than it is now.

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