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mounts still dismissing necro minions

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date, time, and time zone the bug occurred: almost a year after mounts initially were introduced, still. all time zones.

name of map you're on: every map

your character name, level, race, and profession: not important, all levels but mostly 80, human and asura, necro

whether you're in a group: yes and no


this is ridiculous. i play a minion heavy build and wow it sure is annoying to dismount only to find my minions have been dismissed AGAIN and are on cooldown. when will this be fixed? never? because that's what it looks like :)

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When I've played a MM build and used mounts a lot, I've noticed that two things seem to trigger this more often than not: quickly dismounting and remounting, such as if you use an Engage skill to kill a low-level mob then remount immediately afterwards, and going between level scaling areas on your mount. Not entirely sure about the latter, but given that I often use the Flesh of the Master trait it could be more to do with that (perhaps in combination with dismounting). But definitely minimising how often you get on and off your mount will reduce how frequently your minions are dismissed.

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Never happened to me and I do play MM heavily. You will lose them obviously if you go under water and your underwater skills are not set for same minion summon or change mapss. But they all remain when I use mount, even when using mount engage skill to attack enemies. Which is huge improvement over the Siren's Landing map where getting Ley-Line Scavengers organs killed off all your minions every time.

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> @"FogLeg.9354" said:

> Never happened to me and I do play MM heavily. You will lose them obviously if you go under water and your underwater skills are not set for same minion summon or change mapss. But they all remain when I use mount, even when using mount engage skill to attack enemies. Which is huge improvement over the Siren's Landing map where getting Ley-Line Scavengers organs killed off all your minions every time.


When you dismount there is a little delay as they resummon / respawn automatically. As near as I can tell, if you mount before that has "completed" you lose them, I guess because whatever test says "if minions, despawn them and remember this" looks, and sees "no minions", or something.


Pausing just a fraction longer when using a minion build made the issue go away for me, and it has only ever happened when rapidly switching mounts.

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  • 5 months later...

From my own experience Minions dying when mounting only happens if you quickly re-mount after dismounting.

The minions must be allowed to go through their spawn animations after a dismout or they will instantly die upon remount.


It took me a while to catch on to this but giving them the few seconds they need to respawn is all you need to do to avoid them dying.

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  • 1 month later...

I have had minions repeatedly cleared on dismount. For example, earlier tonight, while sitting in the Amnoon, I have my minions out. I hear "Choya Stampede", mount up, go through the gate, "Cannonball" into the Choya, and no minions, all are unsummoned. There was no repeated mounting / dismounting Have had this happen on every single map I have been on, several times, so it's not a map/zone issue. Now I know, sometimes it does happen from mounting and dismounting too quickly (such as rapidly switching to different mounts), or as someone else mentioned, diving below water and surfacing to repeatedly. I have been able to duplicate that. But many times, this is not the case. It is lterally, had minions when I mounted. Activate my mount attack, and minions are no longer summoned. It has led to some awkward moments, when I drop into a cluster of mobs, and have to frantically resummon my minions before I get my butt kicked lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is not something I would expect to see changed any time soon. It's a viable build to place a lot of reliance on a full set of minions however for Anet the act of changing them from a maintained illusory buff to actual pets isn't worth the time or headache.


For a long time Minionmancers had a strong presence in WvW also but when they changed them to nerf their power it became possible for other players to simply cast a boon changing/removing spell that stripped them of minions 2s into the fight. If they changed them back the snivelometer in WvW would once again be at max.

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  • 1 year later...

I think dismissing this as an exclusive minionmancer issue is counterproductive; really it affects all classes and can easily de-spawn a single minion just as easily as it de-spawn's all of them at once. It seems to be the same bug that causes daredevils with 3x full evade-bars, to mount and unmount, and have to regenerate that 3rd evade bar. Ever been in the build menu and watch what happens when you mount/unmount? On a guardian with firebrand its F buttons (when mounted) do not display that of a firebrand. On reaper, the F1 (Reaper's Shroud) reverts to the core's Death Shroud. This happens to all classes, and is especially frustrating for necros due to the inconsistency at which it occurs. It does not de-spawn a minion on first time, but if you mount and unmount in any form of repetition, there will be a time when minion utilities will go on a full cool down.


Can this be fixed? Sure! Ever notice an engineer with the Elixir Gun, upon mount and unmount? It does not drop this skill - but firebrands loose their books, necro's loose their minions, daredevils loose their 3rd evade-bar.


I would love to see some consistent behavior brought between these use cases, but I have my doubts. Same thing can be said about how the auto-attack applied to a non #1 skill acts differently across classes.

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