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"Be My Guest" Bugs [MERGED]

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So, I came back today to this story mission to finish the two missing achievements I had. Hear all taunts from Joko and don't step into the lasers.

Yesterday I could just logout and log back into the mission since there was a checkpoint right before the laser Part. Today I'm getting booted back to the very start of the Instance.

So why did you remove the checkpoints? They were a great help and now it's a real pain in the butt. If you do one little error you have to redo the whole mission....

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During the fight with Joko i lost my connection (my Internet died, not dc) and after reloging i could start from the point when the fight is about to begin. Unfortunately when restarting the fight with Joko he disappears and after some dialogue he does not come back (or any enemy for that matter) as is supposed to happen and i have no other choice than leaving the instance.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> So I ran -repair on my client and went from constant crashes in the instance to completing it with no bugs.

> Make sure it’s not a corrupted file on your end.


Great advice. Like "check the network", this is a very low cost thing to do, and ensures that you have a fully functional and correct client. You pretty much can't lose: it either fixes the issue, or you lost a couple minutes and are no worse off that you were before.

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I have gotten to the Ossuary - Unlock the Contaminarium stage of the instance but no matter how I correctly align the parts of the logo nothing happens. As far as I know, once they're aligned the BeastMaster is supposed to appear. Is there a trick to doing this, other than getting the 4 segments aligned correctly? Or is this a bug? All help is appreciated!

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If I remember well theres outer rings and inner rings, I also thought I couldn't get it but then I saw a very tiny part in the middle that was off... Not sure if them laser beams changed to different circles after a successfull match. I did use the ring a few times as well tho....

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> @"Rothgare Ablewise.9046" said:


> *

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> *

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> Use the special action


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"vilver.4501" said:

> > Update: the enemies were just invisible.


> Just press the Special Action key to activate the Signet of Dispel Illusions ring which your character picked up earlier during the mission. That's what you are supposed to do. ;)


> @"hiccups.3790" said:

> That is supposed to happen. =)

> You remember you found a special ring? Think about it. ;)


using the ring did nothing, still no enemies. i know i was supposed to use it as i disconnected past that point the first time. if it was that simple i wouldn't make a post

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