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Should LI be sold by raid vendors?

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Since Anet has basically given up on developing armor with off/on combat phases for the other modes, I'd say their distribution of legendary armor is pretty unbalanced right now. Let us make it very very clear that the legendary armor for PvP and WvW are just **the rehashed skins for the respective triumphant sets with a more expensive gold label attached.** Not only it's a disservice to players who don't do raids but do everything else PvE it's also pretty insulting to PvP-only and WvW players that they won't even bother developing unique skins for those modes.


With this said, why would they go back on a primary design decision this far down the road? Raids are doable, and you can do Escort for 3 months and buy the rest of the bosses for collections if you so want the skin (you're still farming for it, just not the bosses themselves). I don't care at all if they allow LI to be sold, it's not a good entry barrier for pugs anyway.

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Usually, a kill awards around 10 shards. By your logic taking "25-50" shards for one LI, you'd have to put in way more effort.

Also, the Armor is supposed to be challenging. It's high end content. You may want to find a training guild instead of complaining that LFGs keep kicking you.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Since Anet has basically given up on developing armor with off/on combat phases for the other modes, I'd say their distribution of legendary armor is pretty unbalanced right now. Let us make it very very clear that the legendary armor for PvP and WvW are just **the rehashed skins for the respective triumphant sets with a more expensive gold label attached.** Not only it's a disservice to players who don't do raids but do everything else PvE it's also pretty insulting to PvP-only and WvW players that they won't even bother developing unique skins for those modes.


> With this said, why would they go back on a primary design decision this far down the road? Raids are doable, and you can do Escort for 3 months and buy the rest of the bosses for collections if you so want the skin (you're still farming for it, just not the bosses themselves). I don't care at all if they allow LI to be sold, it's not a good entry barrier for pugs anyway.


Obtaining legendary armor was originally supposed to be from raids. Anet made a compromise and added legendary armor without the skins to the other game modes. The issue with the skins from the raids is that they were very time consuming to make them.


SPvP and WvW are very small/narrow game modes. There’s very little reason to split rewards equally across these game modes as if GW2 were three games. This is just a single game and unique rewards should be given to incentivize playing different areas of the game.


Historically, legendary items have always been primarily a PvE obtainable item. An exception being the back items.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > Since Anet has basically given up on developing armor with off/on combat phases for the other modes, I'd say their distribution of legendary armor is pretty unbalanced right now. Let us make it very very clear that the legendary armor for PvP and WvW are just **the rehashed skins for the respective triumphant sets with a more expensive gold label attached.** Not only it's a disservice to players who don't do raids but do everything else PvE it's also pretty insulting to PvP-only and WvW players that they won't even bother developing unique skins for those modes.

> >

> > With this said, why would they go back on a primary design decision this far down the road? Raids are doable, and you can do Escort for 3 months and buy the rest of the bosses for collections if you so want the skin (you're still farming for it, just not the bosses themselves). I don't care at all if they allow LI to be sold, it's not a good entry barrier for pugs anyway.


> Obtaining legendary armor was originally supposed to be from raids. Anet made a compromise and added legendary armor without the skins to the other game modes. The issue with the skins from the raids is that they were very time consuming to make them.


> SPvP and WvW are very small/narrow game modes. There’s very little reason to split rewards equally across these game modes as if GW2 were three games. This is just a single game and unique rewards should be given to incentivize playing different areas of the game.


> Historically, legendary items have always been primarily a PvE obtainable item. An exception being the back items.


I mostly agree with that except, are Raids not a narrow mode? There is a 93-page discussion on this very board suggesting it might be. Anet just doesn't want to admit they dropped the ball on even proposing legendary armor before they had the tech to do it (as you will remember, this is just one of the fiascos from HoT's development - legendary weapons of 2nd gen not releasing within the game's release being another blunder from their vain promises), and so had to claim it was supposedly to be Raid-exclusive. But it makes no sense not to develop legendary armor for all kinds of modes if, like you said, unique rewards should be given to incentivize playing different areas of the game. I had the sPvP backpack since gen 2, where is the incentive to play the other 10 seasons after that? Let us not even get started with WvW where I can barely find motivation to go past rank 300 since I don't play in one of the bigger servers. Legendary items are PvE-attached because apparently they are unable to optimize armor/weapon skin development even years after the game was released. This is on their end, their mistake, one they only put some band-aid on by releasing gemstore items at outfits instead of actually streamlining and optimizing their skin development process.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > Since Anet has basically given up on developing armor with off/on combat phases for the other modes, I'd say their distribution of legendary armor is pretty unbalanced right now. Let us make it very very clear that the legendary armor for PvP and WvW are just **the rehashed skins for the respective triumphant sets with a more expensive gold label attached.** Not only it's a disservice to players who don't do raids but do everything else PvE it's also pretty insulting to PvP-only and WvW players that they won't even bother developing unique skins for those modes.

> > >

> > > With this said, why would they go back on a primary design decision this far down the road? Raids are doable, and you can do Escort for 3 months and buy the rest of the bosses for collections if you so want the skin (you're still farming for it, just not the bosses themselves). I don't care at all if they allow LI to be sold, it's not a good entry barrier for pugs anyway.

> >

> > Obtaining legendary armor was originally supposed to be from raids. Anet made a compromise and added legendary armor without the skins to the other game modes. The issue with the skins from the raids is that they were very time consuming to make them.

> >

> > SPvP and WvW are very small/narrow game modes. There’s very little reason to split rewards equally across these game modes as if GW2 were three games. This is just a single game and unique rewards should be given to incentivize playing different areas of the game.

> >

> > Historically, legendary items have always been primarily a PvE obtainable item. An exception being the back items.


> I mostly agree with that except, are Raids not a narrow mode? There is a 93-page discussion on this very board suggesting it might be. Anet just doesn't want to admit they dropped the ball on even proposing legendary armor before they had the tech to do it (as you will remember, this is just one of the fiascos from HoT's development - legendary weapons of 2nd gen not releasing within the game's release being another blunder from their vain promises), and so had to claim it was supposedly to be Raid-exclusive. But it makes no sense not to develop legendary armor for all kinds of modes if, like you said, unique rewards should be given to incentivize playing different areas of the game. I had the sPvP backpack since gen 2, where is the incentive to play the other 10 seasons after that? Let us not even get started with WvW where I can barely find motivation to go past rank 300 since I don't play in one of the bigger servers. Legendary items are PvE-attached because apparently they are unable to optimize armor/weapon skin development even years after the game was released. This is on their end, their mistake, one they only put some band-aid on by releasing gemstore items at outfits instead of actually streamlining and optimizing their skin development process.


Raids are no more a game mode than activities and adventures are. The gating may be do to LI but it follows a similar system as newer legendary weapons.


That 93 page thread I assuming has nothing to do with people saying raids are narrow but instead of some players wanting an _lazy_ easy mode to get LI. This thread was just a different attempt and accomplishing the same goal.


Having legendary armor in sPvP and WvW would be the equaivalent of allowing players to obtain legendary armor by grinding out world bosses. There’s very little effort or skill involved. We already see a lot of what sPvP leagues have become with people just grinding each season to obtain there legendary armor. We saw the same thing in WvW with players just AFKing while obtaining pips.


As far as 2nd gen legendary weapons, they **never** states they would all be available at release. Hardly a blunder in that aspect but the whole collection thing was as it was time consuming to implement and very bug prone.


Their limitations with armor skin development is due to how they created the system for them in the first place. Undoing all of that, and finding a replacement, just isn’t worth it at this time. If it were, we would have gotten different responses over the years when it first became realized as posing an issue.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > I mean if there's pugs that ask for 250li they clearly arent looking for you..

> > >

> > >

> > > That’s all I ever see

> >

> > Then why not make your own group or join a guild for that?



> I’ve tried and it doesn’t work. I guess I need to just keep spending hours and hours trying to get people


Raiding is slow at the start. You need to build up the connections, so that you do not need to pug anymore. Honestly even 1 or 2 players who are subpar can really hinder a group.


Remember, this is an mmo. If your not here to socialize, why are you here? So get out there, make your own groups, identify who is a good player, and add them to your friends list. If that doesn't work, go do fractals, meet people there. Successful raiding in gw2 is 1/10 personal performance and 9/10's networking.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Raids are no more a game mode than activities and adventures are.

And if the only pve armor set was obtained through adventures, and not raids, you can be sure it also wouldn't have been taken well.


> The gating may be do to LI but it follows a similar system as newer legendary weapons.

Newer legendary weapons aren't gated beyond a niche submode. As of now, they aren't even gated beyond a specific expac (beyond the first 4).



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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > I mean if there's pugs that ask for 250li they clearly arent looking for you..

> > >

> > >

> > > That’s all I ever see

> >

> > Then why not make your own group or join a guild for that?



> I’ve tried and it doesn’t work. I guess I need to just keep spending hours and hours trying to get people


Almost as if people leading pug raids are trying hard to find people they will not need to replace, because it takes them hours to fill a group, huh?


Anyway, now you see the choice you have. You get to either have the LI already, or find an organized group, or invest hours building and leading your own. Take your pick.


Buying LI, either by paying your way into carries in regular raids, or from a vendor, or whatever, will simply change it to another form of proof, exactly as @"Astralporing.1957" says. Because people don't care **about LI in the slightest**, they use LI as a proxy for "are you practiced enough to be competent".


If you make LI easy to obtain, it stops being a (very marginally) useful proxy for that, and so they will move on to whatever the next semi-difficult thing to obtain is.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Raids are no more a game mode than activities and adventures are.

> And if the only pve armor set was obtained through adventures, and not raids, you can be sure it also wouldn't have been taken well.


Of course, because there's nothing really skillful about adventures and especially not now with all of the nerfs done to them.


> > The gating may be do to LI but it follows a similar system as newer legendary weapons.

> Newer legendary weapons aren't gated beyond a niche submode. As of now, they aren't even gated beyond a specific expac (beyond the first 4).



Note that I had said similar and not exactly. The various gifts require players to do a range of game content that isn't just raids is similar to how the gifts for legendary weapons are. The most recent iteration of the legendary specific gifts require map or LS season specific currencies which is similar to LI. The precursor armor set is slightly different but more or less can be done in a single raid play through with minor exceptions. It follows a system like the fractal legendary back item except it requires a combination of raid and open world activities. Subsequent precursor armor sets then require LI which is an option currently not available for any of the other legendary items with the exception of generation one weapons which you can acquire outside of collections.



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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > I mean if there's pugs that ask for 250li they clearly arent looking for you..

> > >

> > >

> > > That’s all I ever see

> >

> > Then why not make your own group or join a guild for that?



> I’ve tried and it doesn’t work. I guess I need to just keep spending hours and hours trying to get people


Why if I may ask, did this not work? I'm genuinely curious about the hurdles that gate people from getting into groups this way.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > > Since Anet has basically given up on developing armor with off/on combat phases for the other modes, I'd say their distribution of legendary armor is pretty unbalanced right now. Let us make it very very clear that the legendary armor for PvP and WvW are just **the rehashed skins for the respective triumphant sets with a more expensive gold label attached.** Not only it's a disservice to players who don't do raids but do everything else PvE it's also pretty insulting to PvP-only and WvW players that they won't even bother developing unique skins for those modes.

> > > >

> > > > With this said, why would they go back on a primary design decision this far down the road? Raids are doable, and you can do Escort for 3 months and buy the rest of the bosses for collections if you so want the skin (you're still farming for it, just not the bosses themselves). I don't care at all if they allow LI to be sold, it's not a good entry barrier for pugs anyway.

> > >

> > > Obtaining legendary armor was originally supposed to be from raids. Anet made a compromise and added legendary armor without the skins to the other game modes. The issue with the skins from the raids is that they were very time consuming to make them.

> > >

> > > SPvP and WvW are very small/narrow game modes. There’s very little reason to split rewards equally across these game modes as if GW2 were three games. This is just a single game and unique rewards should be given to incentivize playing different areas of the game.

> > >

> > > Historically, legendary items have always been primarily a PvE obtainable item. An exception being the back items.

> >

> > I mostly agree with that except, are Raids not a narrow mode? There is a 93-page discussion on this very board suggesting it might be. Anet just doesn't want to admit they dropped the ball on even proposing legendary armor before they had the tech to do it (as you will remember, this is just one of the fiascos from HoT's development - legendary weapons of 2nd gen not releasing within the game's release being another blunder from their vain promises), and so had to claim it was supposedly to be Raid-exclusive. But it makes no sense not to develop legendary armor for all kinds of modes if, like you said, unique rewards should be given to incentivize playing different areas of the game. I had the sPvP backpack since gen 2, where is the incentive to play the other 10 seasons after that? Let us not even get started with WvW where I can barely find motivation to go past rank 300 since I don't play in one of the bigger servers. Legendary items are PvE-attached because apparently they are unable to optimize armor/weapon skin development even years after the game was released. This is on their end, their mistake, one they only put some band-aid on by releasing gemstore items at outfits instead of actually streamlining and optimizing their skin development process.


> Raids are no more a game mode than activities and adventures are. The gating may be do to LI but it follows a similar system as newer legendary weapons.


> That 93 page thread I assuming has nothing to do with people saying raids are narrow but instead of some players wanting an _lazy_ easy mode to get LI. This thread was just a different attempt and accomplishing the same goal.


> Having legendary armor in sPvP and WvW would be the equaivalent of allowing players to obtain legendary armor by grinding out world bosses. There’s very little effort or skill involved. We already see a lot of what sPvP leagues have become with people just grinding each season to obtain there legendary armor. We saw the same thing in WvW with players just AFKing while obtaining pips.


> As far as 2nd gen legendary weapons, they **never** states they would all be available at release. Hardly a blunder in that aspect but the whole collection thing was as it was time consuming to implement and very bug prone.


> Their limitations with armor skin development is due to how they created the system for them in the first place. Undoing all of that, and finding a replacement, just isn’t worth it at this time. If it were, we would have gotten different responses over the years when it first became realized as posing an issue.


I don't see the problem with giving legendary armor (or rather, let me rephrase myself here, armor with unique combat on/off animations) for grinding world bosses, not at all. Where is this different from grinding raids? One minute we will all agree that raids are easy when you get to know mechanics, the other minute we will be claiming it somehow _deserves_ to have the unique kind of skins to the whole game because it's so challenging and requires work to get into it. Raids are minimum effort, so is grinding world bosses (which is just an example). I don't have nearly enough the patience that people have to do world boss trains every day for the bosses' unique drops, and kudos to whoever has that attribute. Regardless, this is bordering off-topic so let's just agree to disagree: Anet could have been invested in optimizing their development problem for years now, they need no replacement, no scrapping what is there already, merely optimize it would have shown an effect after years of doing just that. But they didn't, and I don't know what else they are spending resources on since, the last episode has just as much complaint of lack of content as we see here with raid complaints. And now speaking about LI in particular, yes I still don't care if they want to give alternatives to get everything, this is just what happened to PvP backpack (we expected it would be exclusive to the year it was released yet they added a way for everyone to get it anyway, instead of developing new yearly skins). Which by the way would totally not even happen if you allowed LI to be sold, as people would still need to do collections in order to finish the armor. They have a bottleneck and it's showing, and it's incredibly odd they never alleged to even trying fixing this bottleneck since "Fashion wars" is kind of a backbone to the game.

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So I tried for over 4 hours today to get a raid kill (a mix of training groups and normal ones), and did not get a single kill. Every time we were getting closer to accomplishing a kill, people would give up and disband the squad. I did however earn 30 magnetite shards from my failed attempts

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> So I tried for over 4 hours today to get a raid kill (a mix of training groups and normal ones), and did not get a single kill. Every time we were getting closer to accomplishing a kill, people would give up and disband the squad. I did however earn 30 magnetite shards from my failed attempts


Welcome to raiding, that's how it works. It's challenging content so don't expect to kill a boss within your first tries. Some people have practiced weeks to months till they got their first boss down. Focus on W4 bosses and you'll see that you don't need that much time nowadays - but it's still effort - nothing compared to the boring rest of the game.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

> > > > > I don't see the connection between "toxic group kicking you so you don't want to do the collection" and putting Legendary Insights into vendors even for Magnetite Shard. If you can't kill bosses, you don't even have the Magnetite Shards to buy those Insights. If you don't do the Collection then there is no point in getting Insights. I'm confused, someone send help!

> > > >

> > > > I'm confused too, but I'd wager the fact that raid pugs list "show us 250li" in their requirements has something to do with it, somewhere along the way.

> > >

> > >

> > > Yea, regardless of how it was then, nowadays the LI and prof kill on every single lfg I’ve seen makes it impossible because how can I get LI if I need LI to get more?

> >

> > I guessed that was the main reason. I still voted "no", because, again, it would solve nothing. If LI could be bought that easily, they'd stop being a requirement. Instead, people would switch to something else. Something almost certainly _more_ restrictive.

> >

> > Personally i'd rather not see, for example, voice in the void style requirements on every lfg.



> I know this isn’t a very good solution but Anet seems to be entirely unwilling to add another set of armor in another game mode. That way even though I’d still want these skins it would be ok for them to be incredibly hard to earn since you can get another set of legendary skins elsewhere


Your better off grinding out WvW and PvP for Legendary Armor and then doing the raid bosses leisurely to see the content.


Maybe they will add a new set of Legendary armor into pve that’s not raiding some day.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> So I tried for over 4 hours today to get a raid kill (a mix of training groups and normal ones), and did not get a single kill. Every time we were getting closer to accomplishing a kill, people would give up and disband the squad. I did however earn 30 magnetite shards from my failed attempts


From the sound of it, you severely lack experience. You expect to jump in and be able to do everything right from the start. That's not how it works. We have all struggled at the start, because we were just bad. We failed over and over, became better, struggled less. Now it takes me maybe 4 hours to pug my way to full clear with different groups. But now I know what to expect from any encounter on a pretty much moment-to-moment basis. I know what to expect from the group and what is expected of me. That's why it works for us and it doesn't for you. Consider your time spent in unsuccessful attempts a learning opportunity.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > > @"Cregath.7628" said:

> > > > > I don't see the connection between "toxic group kicking you so you don't want to do the collection" and putting Legendary Insights into vendors even for Magnetite Shard. If you can't kill bosses, you don't even have the Magnetite Shards to buy those Insights. If you don't do the Collection then there is no point in getting Insights. I'm confused, someone send help!

> > > >

> > > > I'm confused too, but I'd wager the fact that raid pugs list "show us 250li" in their requirements has something to do with it, somewhere along the way.

> > >

> > >

> > > Yea, regardless of how it was then, nowadays the LI and prof kill on every single lfg I’ve seen makes it impossible because how can I get LI if I need LI to get more?

> >

> > I guessed that was the main reason. I still voted "no", because, again, it would solve nothing. If LI could be bought that easily, they'd stop being a requirement. Instead, people would switch to something else. Something almost certainly _more_ restrictive.

> >

> > Personally i'd rather not see, for example, voice in the void style requirements on every lfg.



> I know this isn’t a very good solution

It's not about it being not so good solution. It's about it being _no solution at all_.


You want LI to be purchasable in order to bypass LI-based LFG requirements. What you miss however is that those requirements have nothing to do with LI. Those are merely an imperfect way of gauging your experience. The moment they stop being useful for that purpose, raid groups will replace that requirement with another one. One you still won't be able to bypass. And it will be probably even a more demanding one.


Thus, your method will simply not work for the purpose you had in mind. All it would accomplish is to make things even _harder_ for new players.



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Should be attainable w/o going into raids....thats why people play this game. Or Anet needs to make another legendary armor set for other players to get.

After raiding in other mmos, if you have no bias... you have to admit GW2 explains nothing on class needs/builds or what have you. ( This is what starts the raiding experience)

People pick a toon that sounds cool and kill stuff, that is GW2.... that's why people bought it. Make 2 sets of legendary armor....or provide explanation on classes/roles/abilities (tutorials on builds, let me save builds in 2018 please)....IN GAME!


I maybe have 1 LI I dunno, but tried to raid in this game and it's entirely too frustrating....I'll just play other modes. (wish this wasn't the case as I love raiding)

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Yes and please let me buy PvP ELO too! I deserve to be in the Legendary division, it’s just that my team is holding me back! Please replace all the currencies with gold too so that people who don’t like to play the game can just buy everything they want! I don’t know why that should be such a big deal, those who like to actually play can still do that right?

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"sakura.7961" said:

> > Yes and please let me buy PvP ELO too! I deserve to be in the Legendary division, it’s just that my team is holding me back!


> You say that like people don't really, honestly believe this.... ;)

Well, buying wins (even tournament wins) does really happen, so...

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> @"sakura.7961" said:

> Yes and please let me buy PvP ELO too! I deserve to be in the Legendary division, it’s just that my team is holding me back! Please replace all the currencies with gold too so that people who don’t like to play the game can just buy everything they want! I don’t know why that should be such a big deal, those who like to actually play can still do that right?


Raids are not a competitive game mode (we barely have a competitive game mode in this game...you're just barking at the wrong tree if looking for exclusivity). Currencies also prevent retroactively buying everything in new releases (say, using gaeting crystals rather than mag shards so players won't buy everything in w5 as soon as it's released). This doesn't mean they shouldn't somehow be mutually exchangeable, probably at a higher cost than simply "acquiring" them from the original source (like getting ascended armor for higher gold cost but less crafting inside Fractal merchant for research pages, converting materials on mystic forge, and so on). This makes the game economy livid and already happens in many cases.


Most people here are not presenting proper development reasons for there not to be LI-selling. It seems the idea does hurt some people in ways I can't see how (specially if they feel "hurt" someone will have easier access to some in-game item that they had to work to acquire, and again, Anet has already done that by baiting the yearly PvP backpack as being yearly but eventually claiming there would be more ways to get it). The truth is, it won't happen not because it's somehow "unfair" or "people have to work to get in my club", but simply because it would make _no sense_ regarding their design decisions so far. It would mean they would be going back on a lot of things they have previously established. And it would not help players do the collections to boast, which pretty much makes it useless since we do not have any LI sinks (now THAT is a real issue that will get worse in time, and if they introduce some kind of LI sink then we might want to start talking about it as a currency, which it is NOT at the moment).

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Most people here are not presenting proper development reasons for there ~~not~~ to be LI-selling.


Fixed it. Only reasons I’ve been seeing is because they want the rewards but don’t want to do raids.


If there absolutely needs to be a sink, Anet could just make the able to be sold to a vendor for a certain amount of exchangeable for shards/crystals/etc.



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