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Another crack theory about the future of the story (Season 4 spoilers, obvs)

Rockin Twilight Sparkle.26

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I came up with this theory on the spot, it has to do with Joko, Aurene, Bloodstones, and how you murderlize a lich (or exorcise him, in this case? I dunno, science geeks: Give me the word!)


Alright, so Aurene went NOMNOMNOM on Joko at the end of Long Live the Lich, then she got a really bad case of indigestion. That indigestion might have been because Joko's soul is just that spicy, maybe she's being possessed, maybe... well, a lot of things


There's been a lot up in the air regarding why exactly Balthazar (hereafter referred to as 'Bath Salts') was as powerful as he was still, if there was any God magic or not (dude could relight Sohothin in the Mists, but couldn't break his own chains? He needed an upstart Charr to free him, seriously? And the timing, dude!) but he DID absorb the Bloodstone power, that much is certainly true.


The Bloodstones are super important things that allow the races of Tyria to use magic. Doric was like 'dude the magic is too much, people are dying' and the Gods were like 'we gotta lock that down man' and Abaddon was all like 'thats not fair!' so they kicked him in the face and locked him up and the stone was split into five parts, which limits magic


but the stones can be put back together by way of the Keystone

I THINK the keystone is the one in the Ring of Fire Islands, at the doors of Komalie. Prophecies players will remember that we gank the lich on top of it and it sucks out his soul, because thats a thing that Bloodstones do: They eat souls... which I'm pretty sure is a function of eating magic, because souls are magical power

Dragons also eat magical power, hence Aurene nomming on Joko's soul

Magical energy CAN also be spicy, or not good for some things. Joko's a really old dead thing who seems to know a lot about dragons. Possible raw death magic, something of the like... whatever it was that caused that kick that we see on Aurene at the end of 'Be My guest'



Back to the Bloodstones though... the magic from the Bloodstone was absorbed, yet I don't think there's anything to actually indicate that that school of magic was lost. That would be a pretty major story upset... though it could be just as much for gameplay reasons (but then hey, maybe don't blow up a Bloodstone.) My theory was that Lazarus (hereafter referred to as 'Lazzy') who was actually Bath Salts ended up taking on the role of BEING the Bloodstone without realizing it. We gank Bath Salts, Divine Fallout Boy plays their little set and the magic gets nommed out of the air


So Kralkatorrik and Aurene are basically living Bloodstones now, or partial ones. Actually befits their role pretty well as parts of The All


I'm not sure how long its been in the game, but in the Straits of Devasation, there's a door that looks an awful lot like it might lead into the Bloodstone caves. Given that it lines up with that location from GW1?


The other two Bloodstones we have a definitive location on are the now exploded one from Bloodstone Fen, and the aforementioned on in the Ring of Fire Islands and the one I suspect is the keystone... even if its not, rest of the theory can still stand


Basically it comes down to Joko (or some other force, perhaps... is this the answer that they have for The Voice, maybe?) using the fact that the possibly steadily being corrupted and impressionable young dragon nommed on so much Bloodstone magic to attune with the other stones and attempt to bring them back together and cement themselves as basically a big bad god of magic... and so we have to kill Aurene on top of a Bloodstone to suck out the soul or whatever and basically its the end of Prophecies again (which is really why I want the Ring of Fire stone to be the keystone, yes)


hey, I'd play it

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Please dont take this the wrong way, but ive read this three times and im struggling to understand what your theory is. Can you summarise?


Bloodstone reunification by way of some entity that might be Joko or might be something else, related to however his magic works and whatever happened to Aurene after she ate his face

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The "schools of magic" that the Bloodstones introduced have been made irrelevant in lore by argument of "ambient magic in the world grew so large they override the restrictions the Bloodstones' splitting introduced". Reuniting the Bloodstones probably isn't possible due to the Maguuma Bloodstone's explosion, anyways.


Joko is gone for good and devoured souls cannot possess their host, at least in normal cases (this may not be so for the Six Gods pantheon though).


And I cannot see us killing Aurene. She's the mcguffin of the entire game franchise and resurrection doesn't exist. She might go evil at some point, but ultimately it'll lead to her redemption not death.

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I don’t think this really works but o definitely want to see more bloodstone maps, that shade of red is one of my favorite colors just because bloodstones are so beautiful.


One idea I’ve had is a bloodstone landing in the unending ocean and exploding (why could be part of the story) and creating an entire Bloodstone Archipelago. This would also give more land to a deep sea expansion to keep haters more comfortable. Also, “unending ocean” is a very, VERY large label, along the lines of tyria or Elona, a general continental name, not actual regions like Kryta or shiverpeaks. Tyria is full of labels and Elona has a considerable number too, and the unending ocean needs some as soon as Anet decides on lore. The areas east of Elona, blazeridge, and blood legion lands also need labels (again, too much land for those to be the only region names)

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