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SPvP - Soulbeast (The Sic'Em Meta)


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Hi, I'm Saizo Sol.
Quick history lesson, I've been playing Guild Wars 2 from release on and off. I've got over 6k hours on my ranger and I've been around for every single SPvP meta. I was once a hardcore WvW Dueler but found myself moving away from 1v1 and into more team spec for SPvP. I've played for some top teams in SPvP and against the best of the best over the years. I'm blunt and narrow-minded at times when comes to Ranger, I tend to only listen to people I trust or know they hold there own, I'm not a fan of meta rangers who pop-up for one season and think they're good. So that's me, in a nutshell, hate me or love me, I'm too old to care anymore.
Stream on Twitch _(18+ fair bit of swearing and raging, it's who I am)_
**All my builds are based off using "Sick 'Em!".** (Work In Progress)

Soulbeast Beastmaster - Build Link Updated (7th July)

Intro - "High Risk, High Reward". The full Berserker burst build isn't easy to play and is extremely volatile to condition damage. It can take almost anything down solo and is the most stable burst build I've found for SPvP. The build requires you to play very aggressively, the build's defense comes from its offense. Learning the build I highly recommend using Marauders, but once your ready change to Berserker. Longbow is your burst weapon and your Greatsword is your cleave/escape/counter weapon and Smokescale is your burst pet and Gazelle is your counter/cleave pet. This build was designed for mobility and +1 fights, the concept is to take your target down extremely fast and move onto the next fight or target.

Soulbeast Nature Magic - Build Link Updated (7th July) work in progress.

Intro - Some games it's too risky to play the full glass cannon build, Nature Magic build allows me to survive much longer while dealing a decent amount of burst damage. I recommend getting used to calling targets as your in the best position for the role. The build works great in most situations, it can back-cap and survival a 1v1 but some classes such as Condi Mesmer will give you a hard time.

~~Soulbeast Marksmanship. The build has been scrapped.~~

Video guides coming soon, along with gameplay of each build. **I won't be releasing any guides until I know how far away balance patch is.**
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> @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

> You have my follow. Looking forward to your guides when you release them!


There a work in progress, finding the time to make one is the hard part. I will be making them in 2 parts. First will cover the core of the build 2nd will cover gameplay and strategies.



> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> Running Zerker + Pack is an uncomfortable amount of balls.


> Following Twitch for the constant bursts of mini-montages and excellent swearing.


> I've played from launch and seen this guy in the Mists and in games a few times.


Once you go full Zerker you tend to never want to turn back, it's hard but the damage is just unreal.

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> @"NoNameNoob.9758" said:

> What is The Second pet you use in The Single Target Build ? Can only See one pet in The Build Template

> Never Played Ranger in pvp wanna give it a try and The Build seems like a lot of fun:D


Gazelle, I also recommend going Marauders if you're new to Ranger. The full glass cannon is really hard to play. I will be updating links soon as I've made some minor changes and I've noticed what works and what doesn't. The Marksmanship build isn't cutting it atm, it's decent but it requires a proper team to really be effective.



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Everytime I've used Sic 'Em as a Soulbeast, it never honestly seems to actually work. Because I use Sic'Em when merged with my pet. I play a Soulbeast that never unmerges except where required. I am always melded.


I most definitely don't seem to get the speed increase that I should. But I'm also a Quickness Dagger Soulbeast. I've played Ranger since release as well. Soulbeast is the ultimate class as far as Width goes at least. But I don't feel like Sic 'Em does what it is supposed to do.

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As a Soulbeast melded with one's pet, the current philosophy is that The Ranger assumes all the attributes of their pet as well. This is why we get increased stats, and extra skills. In addition, buffs and debuffs that affect one's pet, affect The Ranger if the two are melded together. Therefore boons that affect The Ranger's Pet, also affect the Ranger while melded.


But when it comes to "Sic 'Em" there really does not seem to be a 40% speed increase. Or else I'd be doing a lot more damage than I'm doing. Is that attack speed, or move speed? Or overall speed, like a Quickness+Swiftness?

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> @"NoNameNoob.9758" said:

> Gonna try zerker and marauder, im Not new to pvp so that May help :D playing in Gold atm so often People dont focus and you can easily snipe from sides ^^


Been so many games lately when I've said to myself I wish I was running Berserker over Marauder. I always believed each team needs someone who is a cannon which can sway the fight in your favor, it's hard in lower tiers than it is in higher due to teammates just not understanding conquest and playing like its deathmatch or WvW.


> @"Dakk.8025" said:

> As a Soulbeast melded with one's pet, the current philosophy is that The Ranger assumes all the attributes of their pet as well. This is why we get increased stats, and extra skills. In addition, buffs and debuffs that affect one's pet, affect The Ranger if the two are melded together. Therefore boons that affect The Ranger's Pet, also affect the Ranger while melded.


> But when it comes to "Sic 'Em" there really does not seem to be a 40% speed increase. Or else I'd be doing a lot more damage than I'm doing. Is that attack speed, or move speed? Or overall speed, like a Quickness+Swiftness?


See, you shouldn't be melded with your pet until your ready to spike, you're losing out on the unstoppable union trait which in SPvP is 100% needed if your using an LB, as there is an insane amount of aerial denial from the current meta builds so that could be half your problem. Sic'Em is very noticeable when you do a spike rotation the numbers I get I wouldn't even come close to if I wasn't using Sic'Em, I don't really notice the +40% movement speed but I have swiftness normally so your not really going to notice but I wouldn't be surprised if its bugged and your not getting the increased movement speed or its overriding each other and only 1 is taking effect so that extra % isn't going to be noticeable or maybe it only works while in combat and lets face it your not really looking at your movement speed while your fighting someone.


I'm just waiting to see what balance changes are coming, my goal for this season was to take the Sic'Em build to legendary. But the timezone I play in is extremely hard to progress 5 steps forward 10 steps backwards, best time climb the ladder is NA prime and I'm AU so high chance I'm working.





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> @"Dakk.8025" said:

> As a Soulbeast melded with one's pet, the current philosophy is that The Ranger assumes all the attributes of their pet as well. This is why we get increased stats, and extra skills. In addition, buffs and debuffs that affect one's pet, affect The Ranger if the two are melded together. Therefore boons that affect The Ranger's Pet, also affect the Ranger while melded.


> But when it comes to "Sic 'Em" there really does not seem to be a 40% speed increase. Or else I'd be doing a lot more damage than I'm doing. Is that attack speed, or move speed? Or overall speed, like a Quickness+Swiftness?


Sic'em give 40% damage to your pet, if you are melded you will receive only 25%.

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> @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> Think i got some games with you if i am not mistaken. I was the "going Firebrand" guy, because double ranger is just too much. lol


I believe I remember, it's rough in SPvP. I'm starting to come to terms not always is Ranger right option, depends on what other side has sometimes SB is the weak link. Shame really but, I've started relearning my Guardian again both burst and support just so I can change if need be, Druid is nice but nothing like FB and I'd rather have hybrid druid build that caps home and pushes far wins 1v1 and escapes 2v1.

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> @"Sol.4310" said:

> > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > Think i got some games with you if i am not mistaken. I was the "going Firebrand" guy, because double ranger is just too much. lol


> I believe I remember, it's rough in SPvP. I'm starting to come to terms not always is Ranger right option, depends on what other side has sometimes SB is the weak link. Shame really but, I've started relearning my Guardian again both burst and support just so I can change if need be, Druid is nice but nothing like FB and I'd rather have hybrid druid build that caps home and pushes far wins 1v1 and escapes 2v1.


I’m using guardian a lot now as well. Just seems to be useful/strong no matter the enemy comp. do you do the hammer core for your burst build?

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> @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

> > @"Sol.4310" said:

> > > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

> > > Think i got some games with you if i am not mistaken. I was the "going Firebrand" guy, because double ranger is just too much. lol

> >

> > I believe I remember, it's rough in SPvP. I'm starting to come to terms not always is Ranger right option, depends on what other side has sometimes SB is the weak link. Shame really but, I've started relearning my Guardian again both burst and support just so I can change if need be, Druid is nice but nothing like FB and I'd rather have hybrid druid build that caps home and pushes far wins 1v1 and escapes 2v1.


> I’m using guardian a lot now as well. Just seems to be useful/strong no matter the enemy comp. do you do the hammer core for your burst build?


I still mainly use my Burst SB over guard, the main reason being I'm just better at it. But yeah core guard vs my berserker build can 1 shot me, I've had to start using Marauder vs them which creates the next problem of I won't have deeps to break them before they break me.

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Well, this build becomes a hell of lot stronger. I've run few games done some tests and now deleting a target got even easier, I've started looking at ways I can improve my rapid fire seen as its only skill I'll need to kill anyone now.

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