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Most viable Reaper build for Fractals and Raiding?

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Necro is absurdly tanky without parasitic contagion, as it is. Even without a healer, necro's survivability is the least of your concerns.

> Edit: as for condi reaper and condi scourge being similar in dps, I honestly think you are wrong, here. Snowcrows dps benchmark is at 30k for condi scourge, they dont even have condi reaper dps measured... And i have not found a single vid within the Last months with a condi reaper benchmark, after deathly chill nerf.


deathly chill wasn't nerfed, it was buffed and Farbstoff did the rotation videos

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Amerikajinn.4635" said:

> > I'll clear up a few condi Reaper things real quick (on mobile so difficult to easily quote Nimon and Subli).

> >

> > Firstly, Parasitic Contagion is a 10% dps loss for Condi Reaper (when utilized correctly) so I guess it depends on what one's definition of huge is; all the same to convert a loss of 2k dps in return for 2k hps is a pretty nice trade if you don't happen to have a competent healer.

> >

> > Secondly, one should never use a bad player playing a build as an example of its upper limits. While I can't provide my own logs right now I can surpass 20k dps in bursty fractal fights WITH parasitic Contagion equipped, let alone without it. Condi Scourge and Condi Reaper are remarkably similar in damage outputs where single target damage is concerned (but Reaper loses less from running Parasitic Contagion, whereas Scourge phlls ahead once Epi-bouncing enters the equation).


> Necro is absurdly tanky without parasitic contagion, as it is. Even without a healer, necro's survivability is the least of your concerns.

> Edit: as for condi reaper and condi scourge being similar in dps, I honestly think you are wrong, here. Snowcrows dps benchmark is at 30k for condi scourge, they dont even have condi reaper dps measured... And i have not found a single vid within the Last months with a condi reaper benchmark, after deathly chill nerf.


Absurdly tanky when you are specced for it sure, but you mistake my words for me telling people they should run Parasitic. I'm just pointing out that for the dps you lose to run it it isn't a bad trade at all so as to enable a tankier or more aggressive playstyle.


As for Condi Reaper, I know for a fact that until the most recent balance patch Condi Reaper was on the Snow Crows website because I wrote the guide on the Snow Crows website.

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> @"Amerikajinn.4635" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Amerikajinn.4635" said:

> > > I'll clear up a few condi Reaper things real quick (on mobile so difficult to easily quote Nimon and Subli).

> > >

> > > Firstly, Parasitic Contagion is a 10% dps loss for Condi Reaper (when utilized correctly) so I guess it depends on what one's definition of huge is; all the same to convert a loss of 2k dps in return for 2k hps is a pretty nice trade if you don't happen to have a competent healer.

> > >

> > > Secondly, one should never use a bad player playing a build as an example of its upper limits. While I can't provide my own logs right now I can surpass 20k dps in bursty fractal fights WITH parasitic Contagion equipped, let alone without it. Condi Scourge and Condi Reaper are remarkably similar in damage outputs where single target damage is concerned (but Reaper loses less from running Parasitic Contagion, whereas Scourge phlls ahead once Epi-bouncing enters the equation).

> >

> > Necro is absurdly tanky without parasitic contagion, as it is. Even without a healer, necro's survivability is the least of your concerns.

> > Edit: as for condi reaper and condi scourge being similar in dps, I honestly think you are wrong, here. Snowcrows dps benchmark is at 30k for condi scourge, they dont even have condi reaper dps measured... And i have not found a single vid within the Last months with a condi reaper benchmark, after deathly chill nerf.


> Absurdly tanky when you are specced for it sure, but you mistake my words for me telling people they should run Parasitic. I'm just pointing out that for the dps you lose to run it it isn't a bad trade at all so as to enable a tankier or more aggressive playstyle.


> As for Condi Reaper, I know for a fact that until the most recent balance patch Condi Reaper was on the Snow Crows website because I wrote the guide on the Snow Crows website.


I would like definitely a link on that, out of curiosity and pure interest. Thank you in advance!

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After the updates just now, I think Reaper is in a very good position to be played as a Power (at least Viper) build. I think it should be almost on par with Holo but I obviously didn't check it yet. With that said, it has gotten much of a buff and you still have the Shroud to simply ignore stuff and keep hitting which is awesome.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> After the updates just now, I think Reaper is in a very good position to be played as a Power (at least Viper) build. I think it should be almost on par with Holo but I obviously didn't check it yet. With that said, it has gotten much of a buff and you still have the Shroud to simply ignore stuff and keep hitting which is awesome.


you are wrong it's still trash tier the dps increased by 1.5k dps


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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > After the updates just now, I think Reaper is in a very good position to be played as a Power (at least Viper) build. I think it should be almost on par with Holo but I obviously didn't check it yet. With that said, it has gotten much of a buff and you still have the Shroud to simply ignore stuff and keep hitting which is awesome.


> you are wrong it's still trash tier the dps increased by 1.5k dps




Who did that benchmark? On Discord just after the buff people were pulling around 28-30k dps just in sitting in GS. Also you can get it higher by running sould reaping instead of blood magic

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Think power reaper is on a pretty decent spot now, considering it brings boonstrip, soft cc, hard cc, GS#5+ utility pull, aoe blind/boonstrip wells, vulnerability, all of that while having really good survivability and able to have some 'party support' with Blood Magic.

Wish all autoattack hits were buffed and Shroud#5 as well though. And maybe -20% cooldown on GS#3/4/5.

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> @"Naustis.8510" said:

> Who did that benchmark? On Discord just after the buff people were pulling around 28-30k dps just in sitting in GS. Also you can get it higher by running sould reaping instead of blood magic


i did that benchmark. i don't know how people are doing 30k dps if they are doing it fairly. feel free to ask them and let me know.

soul reaping is not used in raids/fractals so i'm not testing it. vampiric presence gives party bonus dps.

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Naustis.8510" said:

> > Who did that benchmark? On Discord just after the buff people were pulling around 28-30k dps just in sitting in GS. Also you can get it higher by running sould reaping instead of blood magic


> i did that benchmark. i don't know how people are doing 30k dps if they are doing it fairly. feel free to ask them and let me know.

In other threads they say they do it by _not_ using axe, but just camping gs/shroud. can't check it myself yet, though, and haven't seen any vids to back it up.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> In other threads they say they do it by _not_ using axe, but just camping gs/shroud. can't check it myself yet, though, and haven't seen any vids to back it up.


Even if they reach 30k, most of the time this won't be perceived as competitive for PvE end game. What can you do when other profession still do 10 to 20% more DPS and provide wanted support on top of that?

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> In other threads they say they do it by _not_ using axe, but just camping gs/shroud. can't check it myself yet, though, and haven't seen any vids to back it up.


during my early testing i also tried pure gs rotation (with shroud) and i was getting way worse effects than with axe.



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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Amerikajinn.4635" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > @"Amerikajinn.4635" said:

> > > > I'll clear up a few condi Reaper things real quick (on mobile so difficult to easily quote Nimon and Subli).

> > > >

> > > > Firstly, Parasitic Contagion is a 10% dps loss for Condi Reaper (when utilized correctly) so I guess it depends on what one's definition of huge is; all the same to convert a loss of 2k dps in return for 2k hps is a pretty nice trade if you don't happen to have a competent healer.

> > > >

> > > > Secondly, one should never use a bad player playing a build as an example of its upper limits. While I can't provide my own logs right now I can surpass 20k dps in bursty fractal fights WITH parasitic Contagion equipped, let alone without it. Condi Scourge and Condi Reaper are remarkably similar in damage outputs where single target damage is concerned (but Reaper loses less from running Parasitic Contagion, whereas Scourge phlls ahead once Epi-bouncing enters the equation).

> > >

> > > Necro is absurdly tanky without parasitic contagion, as it is. Even without a healer, necro's survivability is the least of your concerns.

> > > Edit: as for condi reaper and condi scourge being similar in dps, I honestly think you are wrong, here. Snowcrows dps benchmark is at 30k for condi scourge, they dont even have condi reaper dps measured... And i have not found a single vid within the Last months with a condi reaper benchmark, after deathly chill nerf.

> >

> > Absurdly tanky when you are specced for it sure, but you mistake my words for me telling people they should run Parasitic. I'm just pointing out that for the dps you lose to run it it isn't a bad trade at all so as to enable a tankier or more aggressive playstyle.

> >

> > As for Condi Reaper, I know for a fact that until the most recent balance patch Condi Reaper was on the Snow Crows website because I wrote the guide on the Snow Crows website.


> I would like definitely a link on that, out of curiosity and pure interest. Thank you in advance!



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> @"Naustis.8510" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > > After the updates just now, I think Reaper is in a very good position to be played as a Power (at least Viper) build. I think it should be almost on par with Holo but I obviously didn't check it yet. With that said, it has gotten much of a buff and you still have the Shroud to simply ignore stuff and keep hitting which is awesome.

> >

> > you are wrong it's still trash tier the dps increased by 1.5k dps

> >

> >


> Who did that benchmark? On Discord just after the buff people were pulling around 28-30k dps just in sitting in GS. Also you can get it higher by running sould reaping instead of blood magic


i am still waiting for someone showing exact details about that 30k dps by just camping gs. the last one i asked went quiet after posting a screen of his chatbox showing 29.x k dps. where is everybody claiming "woah 30kdps"?

edit for clarification: add a tiny bit of sarcasm while reading.


i get similar results to subli. pure gs = worse than gs+axe rotation



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> @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> i am still waiting for someone showing exact details about that 30k dps by just camping gs. the last one i asked went quiet after posting a screen of his chatbox showing 29.x k dps. where is everybody claiming "woah 30kdps"?


> i get similar results to subli. pure gs = worse than gs+axe rotation


you seriously waiting? i thought it was an obvious lie/inaccuracy. what i posted and later Target from SC is the most you can get

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> > i am still waiting for someone showing exact details about that 30k dps by just camping gs. the last one i asked went quiet after posting a screen of his chatbox showing 29.x k dps. where is everybody claiming "woah 30kdps"?

> >

> > i get similar results to subli. pure gs = worse than gs+axe rotation


> you seriously waiting? i thought it was an obvious lie/inaccuracy. what i posted and later Target from SC is the most you can get


actually i am bored and want to discuss things that have been discussed for forever ...

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> @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> > @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> > > @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> > > i am still waiting for someone showing exact details about that 30k dps by just camping gs. the last one i asked went quiet after posting a screen of his chatbox showing 29.x k dps. where is everybody claiming "woah 30kdps"?

> > >

> > > i get similar results to subli. pure gs = worse than gs+axe rotation

> >

> > you seriously waiting? i thought it was an obvious lie/inaccuracy. what i posted and later Target from SC is the most you can get


> actually i am bored and want to discuss things that have been discussed for forever ...


ok then my most recent riper thought - would be cool to have elite skill and 2nd utility that is a good dps choice, instead of having to use minions. well of corruption and plaguelands are rly bad on golem. i was having an idea of the shout "Suffer" having ammo and doing 2348723894723894723 more damage.

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