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Easy DPS class to get into raids/fractals?

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I was thinking of Elementalist/Warrior/Firebrand/Daredevil for pure DPS in fractals/raids. Are these okay?

I was trying to stay away from Elementalist as I was told it's very complex and difficult to get its proper rotation. Maybe these others stand better for that?

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IF you will learn anything from the beginning, you might as well do it properly and go with the elementalist. I dont think it will ever be off meta and as long as you try to understand what you are doing, you will do well enough to not be dead weight. Dragonhunter has a pretty easy viable power rotation and warrior looks fun as well but if you want to keep it safe longterm just roll with elementalist.

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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> I was thinking of Elementalist/Warrior/Firebrand/Daredevil for pure DPS in fractals/raids. Are these okay?

> I was trying to stay away from Elementalist as I was told it's very complex and difficult to get its proper rotation. Maybe these others stand better for that?


https://metabattle.com/ is probably your best resource here. It gives you both the build recommendations and choices, but also advice on skill swaps, and critically, a guide to the rotations for both fractal and raid DPS.


IMO, Elementalist is a low skill floor, high skill ceiling class, and is relatively squishy at all skill levels. A badly played ele has very low damage output relative to most classes, while a very well played one will be highest DPS in almost every situation. That takes a *lot* of effort and knowledge, though, and one mistake can be a big dent in your damage output.


Being non-squishy is really a thing of wonder. Like, top 0.1 percent wonder. Most people will not be able to be robust on the class, even those experts absolutely can.

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> @"Deadvillager.1956" said:

> IF you will learn anything from the beginning, you might as well do it properly and go with the elementalist.

He was asking for an _easy_ class though. Elementalist is anything but easy.


I'd personally go with Dragonhunter for power dps, and sb/sb soulbeast for condi. Both are relatively easy and are a good first pick option for anyone starting raids. If we include fractals in the mix, considering that power trumps condi there, we'd be left with dragonhunter.

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Power dag/dag deadeye, power DPS berserker (check Kitty's vids), power or condi-renegade, condi shortbow soulbeast, Kitty's kitless holo are the easiest builds to start learning the raids with. Then next tier difficulty-wise would be DH, firebrand, condi berserker, condi mirage, condi weaver, condi scourge and power reaper. Kitty would say daredevils are more difficult than those to learn raiding with since having to use evasion as part of DPS-chain and trying to position properly especially at small hitbox bosses can very easily mess up newer raiders. Then we ofc have power weavers and condiengi which are in a league of their own when it comes to difficulty, most likely also power guardian since trying to keep up aegis is very nasty business unless you know the boss fights really well and there's no random hits from adds or mechs.


Though mirage also uses evasion as part of DPS chain, it has so excessively many evasions available that it's almost impossible to run out of evasions on it.

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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> I was thinking of Elementalist/Warrior/Firebrand/Daredevil for pure DPS in fractals/raids. Are these okay?

> I was trying to stay away from Elementalist as I was told it's very complex and difficult to get its proper rotation. Maybe these others stand better for that?


Elementalist is probably your best bet but also most difficulty rotation and mastery.


Warrior is quite a bit easier and highly sought after as banner slave or spellbreaker on certain bosses.


Firebrand and Daredevil we are getting into territory of less popular damage classes. Might want to consider Scourge, Holo or Dragonhunter instead.


Everything else as damage dealer you will have a hard time to have people give you a try.

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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> I love Condi so you think soul beast is good for Condi? I thought soul beast was Underpowered and not meta? I'm currently using thief and I love his condi you think soul beast applies better?


A [Condition Stance-Share SoulBeast build is in the recommended list for raids](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Condition_Stance_Share) on metabattle. I also played one for a while, and found it worked pretty well. YMMV, of course, on who wants that.


Ultimately, I think you are worrying vastly too much about "is it meta", and not enough about "do I have the skill to back this up in the highest end content".


I'd strongly suggest that regardless of class you raid with a regular guild group, rather than trying to pug your way through.

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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> I was thinking of Elementalist/Warrior/Firebrand/Daredevil for pure DPS in fractals/raids. Are these okay?

> I was trying to stay away from Elementalist as I was told it's very complex and difficult to get its proper rotation. Maybe these others stand better for that?


Based on my personal experience:


**Elementalist:** Very complex rotation, its low health pool means there's almost no room for error in fractals & raids. It has the highest DPS currently if playing Weaver (arcane).

**Warrior:** Pretty easy to use, can provide banners and empowered allies while still doing decent DPS. Bigger health pool than Elementalist.

**Firebrand:** No idea.

**Daredevil:** Haven't seen a good one in raids, for fractals they are _ok-ish_.

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> @"Yeldo.4576" said:

> I love Condi so you think soul beast is good for Condi? I thought soul beast was Underpowered and not meta? I'm currently using thief and I love his condi you think soul beast applies better?

It's definitely way easier, and, what's more, _people know that_. In any raid fight where condi is an okay option you are extremely unlikely to be kicked for playing sb. Notice though that on several bosses you might be asked to pick a power dps option. And that in fractals in general power does better than condi. Condi just takes too long to ramp up for trash mobs and many of the shorter fights.


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In terms of ease:


1. Power Warrior - you facetank everything swinging greatsword, only dodging/blocking to avoid the big hits.

2. Power Guardian - see #1.

3. Power/hybrid Necromancer - see #1. No blocks, but you can use shroud/barrier to mitigate damage.

4. Power Ranger - see #1.

5. Power Daredevil - see #1, except substitute staff or s/p in place of greatsword. Probably not running blocks, but you have more dodges.

6. Revenant - see #1, except substitute your favorite weapon set, depending on power or condition.

7. Power Holosmith - rotate skills, watching for dodging/blocking moments.

8. Mesmer - see #7.

9. Elementalist - see #7, timing your high DPS channeling skills so you don't have to interrupt yourself to dodge.

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If you want to get into fractals and don't want to learn an additional class later on, do yourself the favor and don't choose a condition-class. You won't do yourself a favor since people don't really like condition-based setups in T4s or at least not in CMs if you want to do these later on (no real cleave, ramp-up times, etc.). From what's already suggested here, your best pick is probably Warrior (either Core or SpB) since you will always get a spot due to your banners. It's also not as squishy as classes like Elementalist and certainly rather easy to play.

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For fractals anything goes as long as you know the mechanics. Lately I've been playing Power Herald there which is an auto-attack fiesta and just really smooth to play as, coupled with the amazing CC from Jade Winds and if absolutely required you can also swap Jalis for Glint for extra utility (specially in off-meta comps with no chrono+druid).


As for raids you definitely need one of the most popular classes if you want to pug (Weaver/DH/Soulbeast/Deadeye). Soulbeast I would say is the easiest. Renegade I didn't include because while it does seem simple there are quite literally 58 steps for your optimal rotation lol. DH has become more complex after the last patch, with Weaver remaining more or less the same. Deadeye is supposed to be braindead but keep in mind your DPS strongly relies on flanking and that can be very bothersome in a pug scenario.


Also keep in mind that although "complex", the Weaver rotation has key tells and cooldowns you have to look out for and you can experiment playing around these on the golem (i.e if you can at least rotate so as to keep Meteor Shower, Lava Font and Glyph of storms off CD, you'll have viable DPS for any encounter). With its burst, Weaver is one of the best choices overall and will probably remain so until they release content that specifically forces us to drop Weaver.

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I would pick warrior. As much as ele is great. It’s a huge learning curve. Understanding to dodge and still keep up dps is completely harder. If your warrior and bring banners, no matter what raid, you will always be welcome. And then learn rotations. Also for warrior you can be power spell breaker and bring banners for doing kc. So depending on how you feel. Condi berserker or power spellbreaker. You will be needed.


As this patch deadeye is the easiest rotation however I doubt deadeye will be number one for long. I would rather you gear up warrior then deadeye because in couple months, deadeye will be nerfed.


If you were not talking about easy rotation, ele or holo are always good dps classes, but as far as (easy), it is not.


If your warrior, ele, holo. You will be welcome into many raids. But since warrior is easiest and out of all needed the most, take warrior.

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