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SUGGESTION: Update older items to act as a light source

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Is there any chance some of the older weapons with particle effects, such a Firebringer, can be updated to act as a light source? It makes sense and probably wouldn't be that hard to implement. It wouldn't cause any balance issues either because areas dark enough to require a light source are few and far between and usually gives you a temporary one to get through it. Also a few classes (torch classes, engineer flamethrower, etc.) already have access to their own light, and several items already emit natural light. It would just be a small flavor/QoL updated I would love to see on some of the older items.

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I agree but not just for the weapons, stuff like the radiant armor and these ley-line tentacles from the mistforged triumphant hero's chest piece should also be a light source, same goes for stuff like the ice encasement outfit.


Furthermore, light sorce items sould be visible as such for every player regardless of whether or not he's the one with the item equipped.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> I liked the Cobalt greatsword, for this reason, and enjoy a torch user, again for this reason. I was surprised that a couple of the "has actual flames" scepters didn't throw light, so not to throw shade at the team building them, but it would be awful nice to fix that. ;)


Yeah this is what got me thinking about. Firebringer, the 1 handed sword is literally engulfed in flames

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> It shouldn't be hard to do at all!


Probably not hard to do, but I can imagine performance issues if there are too many light sources at once.


> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> If it’s really dark you can use an AoE skill to light up the ground. For example, Weyandt’s Revenge jumping puzzle. I use Staff 2 skill on my Guardian. I click it to put a green circle on the ground then I move it around and use it to see what’s ahead of me.


Since Guardians are able to use torches (and should do so for a good amount of damage), this method is rather impractical for this particular profession. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> > It shouldn't be hard to do at all!


> Probably not hard to do, but I can imagine performance issues if there are too many light sources at once.


> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > If it’s really dark you can use an AoE skill to light up the ground. For example, Weyandt’s Revenge jumping puzzle. I use Staff 2 skill on my Guardian. I click it to put a green circle on the ground then I move it around and use it to see what’s ahead of me.


> Since Guardians are able to use torches (and should do so for a good amount of damage), this method is rather impractical for this particular profession. ;)


I’m not sure what you’re saying. Any profession I take through that JP I use an AoE circle from a utility or weapon skill to light up the floor to get through that no light section.


The OP wants a light source. I was saying that AoE skills light up the ground and allow you to travel. It’s better because torches don’t allow you to project their light far ahead of you and you can use the AoE to show the ground as far out as it will reach.


Edit: a torch only lights up the area right around you. It can’t be moved to show your path. The AoE skill you use like a flashlight and move it around to see what’s further away, all the way out to the limit of the skill.

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I like this idea. It's always kind of disappointing when I equip an illuminated item and realise it doesn't actually give off any light. It would also have practical purposes, like when I forget about the dark room in the Obsidian Sanctum (WvW jumping puzzle) every single time I do it. And there glowing items would be even better than a torch because they have the added bonus that they won't damage 'enemy' players who are trying to do the puzzle at the same time.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> > It shouldn't be hard to do at all!


> Probably not hard to do, but I can imagine performance issues if there are too many light sources at once.


> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > If it’s really dark you can use an AoE skill to light up the ground. For example, Weyandt’s Revenge jumping puzzle. I use Staff 2 skill on my Guardian. I click it to put a green circle on the ground then I move it around and use it to see what’s ahead of me.


> Since Guardians are able to use torches (and should do so for a good amount of damage), this method is rather impractical for this particular profession. ;)


That's only true if you also have a torch with you at the time. My guardian uses a greatsword and sword/focus so whilst it's true she can equip a torch that knowledge doesn't do me much good when I find myself in a dark room without one. I can either log out, log into a different character, drop a torch into a shared inventory slot, log back into my guardian and equip it or buy a cheap torch from the TP and use a TP Express to get it. Or I can pick literally any ground-targeted skill to use that method.


More importantly though this works for professions which can't use a torch as well and doesn't require anything more than temporarily changing 1 skill. I think all professions have access to at least 1 ground-targeted utility, elite or profession skill (as in something they always have available, unless they're low level and haven't unlocked it yet, so they don't need to be carrying a specific type of weapon).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > I’m not sure what you’re saying.


> That using a torch works better and faster, and if a profession has access to it, then better use that instead of AoE circles.


If you can equip a torch, if you have a torch while you’re at that place, if you don’t mind that a torch or glowing item only illuminates the immediate area around you and that you can’t use it like a flashlight to examine the the path around you all the way out to the limit of the skill, then it _might_ be better.

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For me the thing about torches is that you can jump to any area they illuminate, so if the torch lights it up, you can jump to it. With a ground-target reticle, it only shows the contours of the terrain but not your jump distance. So if i'm on staff necro i can use the marks precast targetting to see where the edges of platforms are or whether i need to jump high and/or long- the torch does all this automatically as well as showing you how far you can jump.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> > It shouldn't be hard to do at all!


> Probably not hard to do, but I can imagine performance issues if there are too many light sources at once.


This problem already exists, as most torch skins, and some other weapon skins, already act as light sources. For example, the Touch of Madness, and Cobalt, both light things like this. No *new* problem would be introduced by extending this to additional skins. (Especially when some-but-not-all "on fire right now" skins of a particular type cast light, I'm looking at you scepters.)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Probably not hard to do, but I can imagine performance issues if there are too many light sources at once.


I don't know that there would be any performance issues from too many light sources, at least not locally. You can only see the glow from environmental and the personal lighting that you carry, but not light sources from other players. I'm not sure if there are any consequences server-side, but I doubt it since it is the client that renders the lighting effect.

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Makes the torch less useful so no. Give casters a light spell with a 60 second cd may be to cast on party members and have them switch once everybodys' got light. Also the light effect should last 5-25 minutes depending on lvl of caster. Some items already have this but way too many items have some light partial effect, most black Lion weapons do.

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> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> Makes the torch less useful so no. Give casters a light spell with a 60 second cd may be to cast on party members and have them switch once everybodys' got light. Also the light effect should last 5-25 minutes depending on lvl of caster. Some items already have this but way too many items have some light partial effect, most black Lion weapons do.


If things being lighted by other weapons lights makes a weapon that not every class has access to, *less* useful, then maybe the weapon itself needs to be looked it.


@OP I agree, this would be a harmless thing to do, considering that alot of newer weapons of various types that are on fire or "glow" also light up the area around you.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > Makes the torch less useful so no. Give casters a light spell with a 60 second cd may be to cast on party members and have them switch once everybodys' got light. Also the light effect should last 5-25 minutes depending on lvl of caster. Some items already have this but way too many items have some light partial effect, most black Lion weapons do.


> If things being lighted by other weapons lights makes a weapon that not every class has access to, *less* useful, then maybe the weapon itself needs to be looked it.


> @OP I agree, this would be a harmless thing to do, considering that alot of newer weapons of various types that are on fire or "glow" also light up the area around you.


Your right all weapons should have a range attack like a bow or rifle.

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