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Achievement Points

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Season 4 seems to continue the trend of really low rewarding AP, with a lot of 1 pointers out there that don't feel appropriate rewards for a tier let alone a full achievement. This has been a steady trend since HoT and a lot of feedback has been trying to draw attention to the idea that AP rewards feel increasingly low. Can give you context as to why this is and are you open to returning to improved AP this going forward given the feedback over the last 2-3 years?

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Yes, it is very disappointing. Either make much more achievements (there are so many missed opportunities everywhere) or increase the rewards. Something that would be 20 AP five years ago is like 3 AP now if lucky. Even for the top players like me it will take 1-2 more expansions to even reach the first backpack skin at this rate.

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I have to agree that this really leaves a bad aftertaste, and it's getting worse. Achievements just feel like jokes now. Give more points for tough achievements, not less for easy ones. Being given 1AP for luring and killing the drake boss in the new map felt really cheap, and the overall point count for this episode is below 80 iirc. I don't care about the upper limits. Let some players have 60K achievement points if they are into that, but I don't want to be artificially slowed down when I have barely hit my first 10K... it's just a really dissatisfying decision. When point rewards go up to 60K, getting 1 AP at a time feels like the system is mocking you. Really, this is no good. Please, can you consider reworking this?

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Two questions related to achievements:


1. When entering Kourna and saw the achievement list I noticed bounties and legendaries of the map have no achievements while they did in prior content. I missed this a little. Was there a specific reason to do so?

2. The FTT achievements chain (the turret upgrades). This is a very lengthy achievement chain that needs a lot of spare parts which makes it extremely grindy to get (while I rather explore and have fun and get achievements in a non grind way (there is a reason I play GW2 and not a random mmo thats all about grind for everything)). Also the idea of how the turrets work I do like but they seem to have zero use in combat since its cheaper, non grindy and easier to kill enemies with regular character skills. And the points rewarded are super low for this as well. Is there any reason why you made such a grindy achievement and with items (turrets) that seem to be a waste of use for combat? The potential of the turrets is definetly there if reworked so it actually has a use.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Yes, it is very disappointing. Either make much more achievements (there are so many missed opportunities everywhere)


you are absolutely correct, for example titles like God of PvP should give at least 50 points so best of the best can feel rewarded for their accomplishments


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This is an annoying trend, this time there are even a lot of 0 point Achievements for the story. The rewards for these achievements seem lack lustre with crafting required for the commanders banner (which itself seems an arbitrary inclusion).

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Another question about achievements:


Are there any plans to bring back rewards for doing achievements besides AP? I remember in heart of thorns every story achievement would give something in addition to achievement points (whether it be champ bags or map currency.)

If the AP cap for each release has to be low is there a chance we can start seeing more rewards for doing achievements instead?

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Yes, it is very disappointing. Either make much more achievements (there are so many missed opportunities everywhere)


> you are absolutely correct, for example titles like God of PvP should give at least 50 points so best of the best can feel rewarded for their accomplishments


I feel like we discussed this plenty of times already. The top 250 pvp leaderboards are a cheaters paradise as predicted. A large sizeable amount of players with top 250 titles are cheating to get them, i would go as far as top 10 is less than 50% of legitimate players. It is not always win trading or match manipulation, but also account sharing. Take one of my biggest rivals (not naming anyone) who spends like 80%+ of his account playtime account sharing (he wouldnt even be top 1000 alone lol) and even paying people real money to get things done. He is pretty open about that on TeamSpeak. In PvP he is even worse than me when he is playing himself, but most of the time it is one of the two people he is paying to grind champion brawler for him (I think they also got at least one top 250 title for him already).

So as you can imagine I am glad these give 0 AP or it would be even more troubling to keep up with these kind of players. You will probably find some reason to redicule me again, but whatever. This is the last time I am discussing this topic with you.

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> @"Ruadan.9301" said:

> I have to agree that this really leaves a bad aftertaste, and it's getting worse. Achievements just feel like jokes now. Give more points for tough achievements, not less for easy ones. Being given 1AP for luring and killing the drake boss in the new map felt really cheap, and the overall point count for this episode is below 80 iirc. I don't care about the upper limits. Let some players have 60K achievement points if they are into that, but I don't want to be artificially slowed down when I have barely hit my first 10K... it's just a really dissatisfying decision. When point rewards go up to 60K, getting 1 AP at a time feels like the system is mocking you. Really, this is no good. Please, can you consider reworking this?


I completely agree with Ruadan , the original poster and most of the others here. When you go after an achievement it should feel satisfying with the AP rewarded.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Yes, it is very disappointing. Either make much more achievements (there are so many missed opportunities everywhere)

> >

> > you are absolutely correct, for example titles like God of PvP should give at least 50 points so best of the best can feel rewarded for their accomplishments

> >

> I feel like we discussed this plenty of times already. The top 250 pvp leaderboards are a cheaters paradise as predicted. A large sizeable amount of players with top 250 titles are cheating to get them, i would go as far as top 10 is less than 50% of legitimate players. It is not always win trading or match manipulation, but also account sharing. Take one of my biggest rivals (not naming anyone) who spends like 80%+ of his account playtime account sharing (he wouldnt even be top 1000 alone lol) and even paying people real money to get things done. He is pretty open about that on TeamSpeak. In PvP he is even worse than me when he is playing himself, but most of the time it is one of the two people he is paying to grind champion brawler for him (I think they also got at least one top 250 title for him already).

> So as you can imagine I am glad these give 0 AP or it would be even more troubling to keep up with these kind of players. You will probably find some reason to redicule me again, but whatever. This is the last time I am discussing this topic with you.


Without giving proper rewards for true prestigue titles we can't start any AP related discussion. Currently you get 25 AP for kneeling before Pale Tree, while really prestigous achievements give now 0 AP. There is no discussion here until Anet fixes the ridiculous state of AP distribution.

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> @"Ruadan.9301" said:

> I have to agree that this really leaves a bad aftertaste, and it's getting worse. Achievements just feel like jokes now. Give more points for tough achievements, not less for easy ones. Being given 1AP for luring and killing the drake boss in the new map felt really cheap, and the overall point count for this episode is below 80 iirc. I don't care about the upper limits. Let some players have 60K achievement points if they are into that, but I don't want to be artificially slowed down when I have barely hit my first 10K... it's just a really dissatisfying decision. When point rewards go up to 60K, getting 1 AP at a time feels like the system is mocking you. Really, this is no good. Please, can you consider reworking this?


It really is a bad joke, I agree. I hope ANet will reconsider.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > Yes, it is very disappointing. Either make much more achievements (there are so many missed opportunities everywhere)

> > >

> > > you are absolutely correct, for example titles like God of PvP should give at least 50 points so best of the best can feel rewarded for their accomplishments

> > >

> > I feel like we discussed this plenty of times already. The top 250 pvp leaderboards are a cheaters paradise as predicted. A large sizeable amount of players with top 250 titles are cheating to get them, i would go as far as top 10 is less than 50% of legitimate players. It is not always win trading or match manipulation, but also account sharing. Take one of my biggest rivals (not naming anyone) who spends like 80%+ of his account playtime account sharing (he wouldnt even be top 1000 alone lol) and even paying people real money to get things done. He is pretty open about that on TeamSpeak. In PvP he is even worse than me when he is playing himself, but most of the time it is one of the two people he is paying to grind champion brawler for him (I think they also got at least one top 250 title for him already).

> > So as you can imagine I am glad these give 0 AP or it would be even more troubling to keep up with these kind of players. You will probably find some reason to redicule me again, but whatever. This is the last time I am discussing this topic with you.


> Without giving proper rewards for true prestigue titles we can't start any AP related discussion. Currently you get 25 AP for kneeling before Pale Tree, while really prestigous achievements give now 0 AP. There is no discussion here until Anet fixes the ridiculous state of AP distribution.

It would be prestigious if Anet would spend more effort hunting down people who cheat for spots on the leaderboard and not just remove a handful from either NA or Eu leaderboards after huge outcries on reddit. Currently I value these titles less than say Voice in the void unless some known streamer is using the title.

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I echo the sentiments in this thread. Because the AP gains are so low, I don't bother with most achievements. The exceptions are achievements that give a tangible something (a bag, a skin, etc) at the end. I've skipped a number of those as well and generally just work on a few when doing mastery grinding.


It doesn't help that the AP reward track is on the underwhelming side.


In my opinion, we need more AP. 5 should be the minimum for any single achievement. And if people cap out, that's perfectly fine. Something can't be prestigious if no-one has it.

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