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Extremely disappointed in the way some ArenaNet writers think about their playerbase

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> Wow at how many people are currently getting upset because of two tweets ... guess theres nothing else to be upset about at the moment so people just choose some entries from a social media platform for it ... sigh


I count at least 7 tweets on her behalf linked to this matter.


It's about her acting inappropiate to a comment on her post about the troubles they face when creating the story for GW2. Calling it mansplaining, making it a gender issue when the guy (respected content creator for gw2) simply made a decent and polite comment about which part he was slightly disagreeing with.

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Whats really sad is, the thread that " started" this mess was a well thought out, insightful post with a lot of good points in it, which begged to be discussed ( people in the Internet love to discuss ). And we could all have profited from that discussion. Instead the answer to the guy who disagreed with that posts went with the worst possible way to do it for everyone and used the gender card. Maybe she snapped due to always reading disagrreing comments and that one comment was one too many, but this could have been still redeemed after a quick apology. Instead she doubles down on it and now we have a full blown shitstorm which can hurt Anet quite hard.


And no, day off and private twitter account doesn't work. I don't know how this is in the US but where I come from we learn quite early that the moment we enter a company and work for it, we are also representing it and any bs we do can hurt the company we work for and stuff like this can be VERY problematic. Especially in the times of the internet where nothing is private. And this can fall back on the comapny we are working for.

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > But that's the thing: she can't. She cannot act how she likes on her Twitter BECAUSE of backlash. That is the whole point I'm trying to make in how people react to social media. It's no longer just some thing you can post or tweet whatever on. It's regulated, monitored and quickly spreads to a degree that if you do *ANYTHING* that either your educational institution, your congregation, your employer or business partners can see will have an effect thus you can't do what you like on your account, only what you're allowed to do.

> > >

> > > Yeah, that's called accountability and professionalism. When you work for a company, you essentially become (one of) the public face(s) of that company. What you say reflects the company's policy as a whole.

> >

> > FYI, I don't disagree with you, I just feel there could have been a divide between people and their online identity. Because even if people hold harmful or racist or sexist, etc views, so long as they can hold that divide of "what they feel/think" and "what they do", who are we to restrict anyone in such a way? It's only in recent decades that people have this belief in "subconscious biases" that need to be changed rather than just give individuals responsibility to restrict themselves.

> >

> > I mean, the more freedoms you try to strip away from people, the more dangerous they become.


> While you bring up a good point, this isn't about personal freedoms. Price represents a company - end of story. In THAT CONTEXT, company employees should censor themselves in order to reflect better on the company as a whole. Professionalism: being mature enough to realize that a company-affiliated media channel is, in fact, not your personal rant nest. Now, if this were indeed someone's private account, then sure - feel free to say what you please...and be prepared to deal with possible consequences in the form of people lashing back at you (free speech works both ways).

> But it is not a private account. That's part of the problem.


I wholeheartedly agree. My idealistic reply was just that: idealistic. But it's a shame because I'd consider my view as very moderate. And my moderate view likely becomes more and more extreme as the internet becomes more regulated for the sake of ad revenue and thus politics seep into what you can do online even more.

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> Whats really sad is, the thread that " started" this mess was a well thought out, insightful post with a lot of good points in it, which begged to be discussed ( people in the Internet love to discuss ). And we could all have profited from that discussion. Instead the answer to the guy who disagreed with that posts went with the worst possible way to do it for everyone and used the gender card. Maybe she snapped due to always reading disagrreing comments and that one comment was one too many, but this could have been still redeemed after a quick apology. Instead she doubles down on it and now we have a full blown kitten which can hurt Anet quite hard.


> And no, day off and private twitter account doesn't work. I don't know how this is in the US but where I come from we learn quite early that the moment we enter a company and work for it, we are also representing it and any bs we do can hurt the company we work for and stuff like this can be VERY problematic. Especially in the times of the internet where nothing is private. And this can fall back on the comapny we are working for.


Yes totally agree with you. The thread she posted really gave a good insight in all the problems they face when writing the story. Gave me really good insight in why not everything can be how you like it. But playing the gender card like that on a polite and respectful comment is really inappropiate.

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Sounds like all the fans of this "respected content creator" are pretty butthurt. Funny how no one "wants to get her in trouble", yet continue to list the reasons why they think she should be in trouble, and ultimately fired.


If you really are this upset over something that literally only has a tangential relation to your life, maybe take a break and a breath.


This entire post from start to finish has been a witch hunt. This is literally always how it happens. ArenaNet will decide the appropriate actions. The proper course of action would have been to report the post to the relevant ArenaNet department and left this off the forums.


Just sayin'.

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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> Sounds like all the fans of this "respected content creator" are pretty kitten. Funny how no one "wants to get her in trouble", yet continue to list the reasons why they think she should be in trouble, and ultimately fired.


> If you really are this upset over something that literally only has a tangential relation to your life, maybe take a break and a breath.


> This entire post from start to finish has been a witch hunt. This is literally always how it happens. ArenaNet will decide the appropriate actions. The proper course of action would have been to report the post to the relevant ArenaNet department and left this off the forums.


> Just sayin'.


The whole point of these forums is to give Anet feedback, it's up to the community managers to gather this feedback and forward them to the appropriate departments, if we cant even do that here I question what's the point of these forums then.

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A lot of companies over atleast the last decade have been adopting a Social Media clause into their employees contracts, for many reasons, one being as to protect the company from defamation of image. I would be surprised if Anet, being the big company it is, didn’t have such a clause.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > Oh come on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. People and pc today, they act like it personally affects their lives if some1 has their own opinion. She never POINTED anyone specific out. Some people are just way to sensitive. It doesn't affect the players game time in anyway, so everyone keep chiving on and playing the game as you normally do.

> >

> > I think she did. She literally quoted some guy's tweet with a caption of something like "A day in the life of a female game developer: someone telling me how to do my job" or some such.


> Guess I skimmed over that bit. And that persons' life is just gonna be changed forever now I suppose (for the worst). OH THE HORRORS......smh


That's not the point. The point is that the behaviour itself is unacceptable.


Either way.


It's stupid as hell and there is no excuse for it. Bringing gender into it, pretending that you're above it all.. everybody is worthy of criticism. Dismissing it with "didnt ask for it" is like yelling for feedback then blocking the people giving feedback. Hiding behind block lists and arrogance.


I am glad this behaviour gets called out simply because this type of thinking is bred in a bubble where nobody ever gets critized for the right reasons. Nothing can improve if the people who are responsible for it brush everything off and NEVER LEARN. You can't learn when dismissing everything, you may only grow more experienced - and that doesn't even have to be worth anything.



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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> Sounds like all the fans of this "respected content creator" are pretty kitten. Funny how no one "wants to get her in trouble", yet continue to list the reasons why they think she should be in trouble, and ultimately fired.


> If you really are this upset over something that literally only has a tangential relation to your life, maybe take a break and a breath.


> This entire post from start to finish has been a witch hunt. This is literally always how it happens. ArenaNet will decide the appropriate actions. The proper course of action would have been to report the post to the relevant ArenaNet department and left this off the forums.


> Just sayin'.


I think you have a point. However, i don't think the people here are calling out to get her fired. (I really think she's doing a goob job) We just want to let Anet know they can't act like this never happened.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Oh come on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. People and pc today, they act like it personally affects their lives if some1 has their own opinion. She never POINTED anyone specific out. Some people are just way too sensitive. It doesn't affect the players game time in anyway, so everyone keep chiving on and playing the game as you normally do.


Did you read the posts?


She did make sexist statements - "Manfeels" - which I wouldn't at all be surprised if people took offence too. She and her colleague also berated and slandered one of the GW2 content creators, trying to make him look bad. It's unprofessional, and publicly available for all that creator's fans, and other GW2 fans, to see.


What was actually out of hand, and far too "PC" were the actions of the Anet employees.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > > Oh come on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. People and pc today, they act like it personally affects their lives if some1 has their own opinion. She never POINTED anyone specific out. Some people are just way to sensitive. It doesn't affect the players game time in anyway, so everyone keep chiving on and playing the game as you normally do.

> > >

> > > I think she did. She literally quoted some guy's tweet with a caption of something like "A day in the life of a female game developer: someone telling me how to do my job" or some such.

> >

> > Guess I skimmed over that bit. And that persons' life is just gonna be changed forever now I suppose (for the worst). OH THE HORRORS......smh


> That's not the point. The point is that the behaviour itself is unacceptable.


*Rolls my eyes* there's gotta b a 12 step program (thin skin prevention) out there, and looks like quite a few need it. Someone start 1 asap. If her comments prompts someone to not play the game then maybe they SHOULD go play another game. There are plenty to fill the space in GW2. Hopefully they will just close this thread soon cuz its just gettin silly.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > > Oh come on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. People and pc today, they act like it personally affects their lives if some1 has their own opinion. She never POINTED anyone specific out. Some people are just way to sensitive. It doesn't affect the players game time in anyway, so everyone keep chiving on and playing the game as you normally do.

> > >

> > > I think she did. She literally quoted some guy's tweet with a caption of something like "A day in the life of a female game developer: someone telling me how to do my job" or some such.

> >

> > And that persons' life is just gonna be changed forever now I suppose (for the worst). SMH


> I'm not disagreeing with you about blowing this whole situation out of proportion, just pointing out that she did point the guy out specifically.


> It's kind of funny because on these forums, it is enforced that you can't call out people like that but I suppose not even all the devs agree with all the rules enforced here.


She seemed to think that as she was on her personal time and using her personal twitter, that shes above the rules. Every company I've worked for had rules about your conduct when off duty, because you still represent the company. I don't see why Anet would be any different.

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> @"Kenagin.3529" said:

> > @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> > Sounds like all the fans of this "respected content creator" are pretty kitten. Funny how no one "wants to get her in trouble", yet continue to list the reasons why they think she should be in trouble, and ultimately fired.

> >

> > If you really are this upset over something that literally only has a tangential relation to your life, maybe take a break and a breath.

> >

> > This entire post from start to finish has been a witch hunt. This is literally always how it happens. ArenaNet will decide the appropriate actions. The proper course of action would have been to report the post to the relevant ArenaNet department and left this off the forums.

> >

> > Just sayin'.


> I think you have a point. However, i don't think the people here are calling out to get her fired. (I really think she's doing a goob job) We just want to let Anet know they can't act like this never happened.


This. Call out bad behaviour when you see it, otherwise things won't change because "nobody ever said anything". Do not call for somebody to get fired for being an idiot on the Internet.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > > > Oh come on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. People and pc today, they act like it personally affects their lives if some1 has their own opinion. She never POINTED anyone specific out. Some people are just way to sensitive. It doesn't affect the players game time in anyway, so everyone keep chiving on and playing the game as you normally do.

> > > >

> > > > I think she did. She literally quoted some guy's tweet with a caption of something like "A day in the life of a female game developer: someone telling me how to do my job" or some such.

> > >

> > > Guess I skimmed over that bit. And that persons' life is just gonna be changed forever now I suppose (for the worst). OH THE HORRORS......smh

> >

> > That's not the point. The point is that the behaviour itself is unacceptable.


> *Rolls my eyes* there's gotta b a 12 step program (thin skin prevention) out there, and looks like quite a few need it. Someone start 1 asap


You don't have to be offended by something to dislike the path it is going down.


Just like an educated mind can entertain an idea without believing in it.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Why are you throwing all Anet writers under the bus, for one devs actions on her Twitter account? She didn’t ask for an opinion, she stated an observation. She could’ve replied better, sure, but she didn’t actually ask for an opinion. Doesn’t really matter if it’s public or not, it’s her personal Twitter account, she can act how she likes on it. And guess what, Anet will decide how to handle it, not us on the forum.

> Her best option, would have been to not reply at all.


You're right. She should have kept quiet. Instead she created a mess, and people aren't happy. I think it's fair to demand answers. She offended much of the player-base, and unprofessionally slandered a GW2 content creator. She was also extremely sexist, which never goes down well.

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> @"Kenagin.3529" said:

> > @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> > Sounds like all the fans of this "respected content creator" are pretty kitten. Funny how no one "wants to get her in trouble", yet continue to list the reasons why they think she should be in trouble, and ultimately fired.

> >

> > If you really are this upset over something that literally only has a tangential relation to your life, maybe take a break and a breath.

> >

> > This entire post from start to finish has been a witch hunt. This is literally always how it happens. ArenaNet will decide the appropriate actions. The proper course of action would have been to report the post to the relevant ArenaNet department and left this off the forums.

> >

> > Just sayin'.


> I think you have a point. However, i don't think the people here are calling out to get her fired. (I really think she's doing a goob job) We just want to let Anet know they can't act like this never happened.


I really hope that Anet learns from this and sets up some social media guidelines, they exist for this very reason. Tis can get out of control very fast and then everyone involved here would loose.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > > > Oh come on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. People and pc today, they act like it personally affects their lives if some1 has their own opinion. She never POINTED anyone specific out. Some people are just way to sensitive. It doesn't affect the players game time in anyway, so everyone keep chiving on and playing the game as you normally do.

> > > >

> > > > I think she did. She literally quoted some guy's tweet with a caption of something like "A day in the life of a female game developer: someone telling me how to do my job" or some such.

> > >

> > > Guess I skimmed over that bit. And that persons' life is just gonna be changed forever now I suppose (for the worst). OH THE HORRORS......smh

> >

> > That's not the point. The point is that the behaviour itself is unacceptable.


> *Rolls my eyes* there's gotta b a 12 step program (thin skin prevention) out there, and looks like quite a few need it. Someone start 1 asap


I propose the "kid gloves off" clause where if you go ballistic on social media, it is within the rules to roast the everliving bejeebus out of you and you can't block it. So if you don't want your feefees hurt, you better stay in line.


I would condescend her to oblivion to get that triggering going, that'd skip her at least 4 steps in the program lol

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> @"Lord Krilik.3692" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > Why are you throwing all Anet writers under the bus, for one devs actions on her Twitter account? She didn’t ask for an opinion, she stated an observation. She could’ve replied better, sure, but she didn’t actually ask for an opinion. Doesn’t really matter if it’s public or not, it’s her personal Twitter account, she can act how she likes on it. And guess what, Anet will decide how to handle it, not us on the forum.

> > Her best option, would have been to not reply at all.


> You're right. She should have kept quiet. Instead she created a mess, and people aren't happy. I think it's fair to demand answers. She offended much of the player-base, and unprofessionally slandered a GW2 content creator. She was also extremely sexist, which never goes down well.


You are using these words with very specific legal meanings, and I don't think they mean what you think they mean. Has what she said demonstrably ruined, defamed or otherwise materially damaged his brand? Probably not. If anything, this has been excellent exposure!


Have you taken a poll of the entire community? I'm sure 95% of players have no idea this is even an issue. The people most upset seem to be supporters of the elusively named "respected content creator".


The last part is most intriguing, though. She's sexist? Maybe. But I am fairly certain, as a woman, she has dealt with more sexism this month than any man has ever dealt with since... ever. Unprofessional as it allegedly is, most people are viewing this through tinted glasses.

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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> > @"Lord Krilik.3692" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > Why are you throwing all Anet writers under the bus, for one devs actions on her Twitter account? She didn’t ask for an opinion, she stated an observation. She could’ve replied better, sure, but she didn’t actually ask for an opinion. Doesn’t really matter if it’s public or not, it’s her personal Twitter account, she can act how she likes on it. And guess what, Anet will decide how to handle it, not us on the forum.

> > > Her best option, would have been to not reply at all.

> >

> > You're right. She should have kept quiet. Instead she created a mess, and people aren't happy. I think it's fair to demand answers. She offended much of the player-base, and unprofessionally slandered a GW2 content creator. She was also extremely sexist, which never goes down well.


> You are using these words with very specific legal meanings, and I don't think they mean what you think they mean. Has what she said demonstrably ruined, defamed or otherwise materially damaged his brand? Probably not. If anything, this has been excellent exposure!


> Have you taken a poll of the entire community? I'm sure 95% of players have no idea this is even an issue. The people most upset seem to be supporters of the elusively named "respected content creator".


> The last part is most intriguing, though. She's sexist? Maybe. But I am fairly certain, as a woman, she has dealt with more sexism this month than any man has ever dealt with since... ever. Unprofessional as it allegedly is, most people are viewing this through tinted glasses.


Since when is "they did it first" an excuse? I thought kids in elementary school or pre school used that and were taught that it doesn't matter

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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> > @"Lord Krilik.3692" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > Why are you throwing all Anet writers under the bus, for one devs actions on her Twitter account? She didn’t ask for an opinion, she stated an observation. She could’ve replied better, sure, but she didn’t actually ask for an opinion. Doesn’t really matter if it’s public or not, it’s her personal Twitter account, she can act how she likes on it. And guess what, Anet will decide how to handle it, not us on the forum.

> > > Her best option, would have been to not reply at all.

> >

> > You're right. She should have kept quiet. Instead she created a mess, and people aren't happy. I think it's fair to demand answers. She offended much of the player-base, and unprofessionally slandered a GW2 content creator. She was also extremely sexist, which never goes down well.


> You are using these words with very specific legal meanings, and I don't think they mean what you think they mean. Has what she said demonstrably ruined, defamed or otherwise materially damaged his brand? Probably not. If anything, this has been excellent exposure!


> Have you taken a poll of the entire community? I'm sure 95% of players have no idea this is even an issue. The people most upset seem to be supporters of the elusively named "respected content creator".


> The last part is most intriguing, though. She's sexist? Maybe. But I am fairly certain, as a woman, she has dealt with more sexism this month than any man has ever dealt with since... ever. Unprofessional as it allegedly is, most people are viewing this through tinted glasses.


You're starting to show some sexism here.


The thing is, men usually suffer different kinds of sexism than women but it's not any less difficult to deal with. If anything, the reason men tend to not complain about sexism as much is because we've dealt with it for our whole lives even down to when your mom tells you "you gotta be the man of the house and protect everyone", it instills a different mentality that we are expected to suffer and struggle and sacrifice. It's a sign of equality that most mend *don't* bring up their hardships because it's supposed to be mutually understood that women suffer different difficulties just like we do and don't expect equal compensation.

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