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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:


> asshats


Signed, the company you work for?

No doubt _your_ boss is good with it like Mike O'brien should've been?


> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:


> O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.


> As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.


What you don't understand about the situation is, it's unlikely he was forced into this decision.

Instead, it is simply a good business decision. Some people need to get cut loose a few times before they learn to act right.

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> @"Nagi.8941" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Uhura.5163" said:

> > > When you see those kind of réaction after the decision to fire JP and PF, you can see there is something wrong.[https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk "https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk")

> > > I hope Deroir knows he is one of the 2 person who started all of this and could have stop it to escalate at this point.

> > > Anyway, even if they won't read this post, i want to say that as a female player, Jessica and Peter you have all my support.

> >

> > Deroir appologized 2 times.

> >


> The victim in the situation shouldn’t have to apologize, imho. He did nothing wrong. She, a capable adult woman, posted a discussion on a public twitter feed that she chose not to make private. He responded to it in a considerate and respectful fashion. Her reaction to that was not something he could control.


> It’s amazing how many people here think that a professional woman is not capable of controlling her own emotions and that it is the duty of the big strong capable man in the situation to make sure not to upset her. It’s really tiring seeing how many of you with “good intentions” view women like irrational children who will blow up at any minute.


> She’s an adult. She’s a professional. She chose to react how she did, and it’s not his place to control her reaction to his respectful attempt to have a conversation with her.


i absolutly agree, just wanted to get the facts straight.

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Although I will stick with the fact I believe Anet treated this how they would treat anyone regarding their policies in the workplace and on social platforms, I would just like to add that said 'you tuber' making a 'serves you right' (to find a better phase) video and laughing about what has happened, doesn't make this so black and white.


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> @"Uhura.5163" said:

> When you see those kind of réaction after the decision to fire JP and PF, you can see there is something wrong.[https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk "https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk")

> I hope Deroir knows he is one of the 2 person who started all of this and could have stop it to escalate at this point.

> Anyway, even if they won't read this post, i want to say that as a female player, Jessica and Peter you have all my support.


So now the person who she launched an unprovoked attack on because he dared try to have a conversation owes here some kind of intervention? I can't even articulate all the ways in which that is wrong. So some people acted like jerks in response to her acting like a jerk. If their viewers find it offensive they should feel free to sound off about that as well. Deroir has no obligation to step in and he's not accountable for those people.


ONE person started all of this. That one person chose to escalate this to attacks in accordance with the hostile manner in which she conducted nearly her entire online life. She chose to associate her name and her behavior with her employer. Ultimately she got hoisted by her own petard and what she started ultimately finished her career.


You're free to support whoever you like but honestly I'm not sure why you would want to support someone merely on the basis of their gender and not on the merit (or absolute lack thereof) of their actions.


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> @"DaShi.1368" said:


Whoops, look who got justice served in the end. Guess i wasn't so wrong after all. * Snicker *


I'm glad that at least some sensible people are in control over at Arena net, JP got exactly what she deserved. And no amount of white-knighting will ever conceal that.

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> @"Belorn.2659" said:

> > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> >

> > > @"Menoitios.8375" said:

> >

> > > Right, I am not disagreeing, it was in extremely bad taste to revel in anyone's death regardless of the cause of death. Also, for all we know that may have also played a part in this, who knows? Only the people at Arenanet (and likely only the higher ups) truly know and all we can do is speculate.

> >

> > Is her Twitter post what you would call reveling? I didn't realize people were so sensitive today. Good on you to backtrack saying that TB was able to be criticized, because his death is used as a bludgeon against anyone who dares to point out how toxic and irresponsible he was throughout large swathes of his career.


> I sincerely hope you never have to experience someone you know die slowly in a hospital bed, watching as they sit in eternal agony and pain that no medicine can reduce. Watch as they slowly deteriorate and sometime not even recognize you. Their face stuck in constant pain with open mouth that is silently screaming. Days, hours, minutes and seconds...


> Being happy that someone died from cancer is a sign of pure lack of empathy. Trying to spin that as criticisms is nothing else than harmful to anyone who has experience a similar loss.


I sincerely hope that one day you are able to appreciate nuance and not let a person's death gloss over all their wordly deeds.


There are plenty of us who have experienced the pain of losing loved ones in this way and other horrible ways and still have the sense to recognize that they do not suddenly become immaculate saints free of reproach- and for even fewer still warrant disparagement rather than remembrance. TB's life was a complicated one and not one universally worthy of praise or critique but i can understand why people would do either.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Although I will stick with the fact I believe Anet treated this how they would treat anyone regarding their policies in the workplace and on social platforms, I would just like to add that said 'you tuber' making a 'serves you right' (to find a better phase) video and laughing about what has happened, doesn't make this so black and white.



~~That's a shitty thing to do. I've missed who this is. Is there a link?~~


Nevermind missed the link above

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I think the most important note to take from this is that there's obviously some community members that disagree with one another. However it's evident that (with a couple exceptions) there is discussion taking place around this where people are treat each other appropriately and professionally.


This precisely why there was a controversy as it's every person's expectation that they would behave professionally online and receive professionalism in kind, let alone having the context of actively representing your company.

It is late here but I'm glad there is at least a majority of civil discussion on this despite the usual internet riff-raff that is to be expected.

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> @"Uhura.5163" said:

> When you see those kind of réaction after the decision to fire JP and PF, you can see there is something wrong.[https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk "https://youtube.com/watch?v=oA9xzTI4Zyk")

> I hope Deroir knows he is one of the 2 person who started all of this and could have stop it to escalate at this point.

> Anyway, even if they won't read this post, i want to say that as a female player, Jessica and Peter you have all my support.


Deroir didn't start this. He offered an opposing and evidenced view on a subject that she started a discussion on. However, this story is out of Deroir's hands now, he can't stop it. It's out there for all to see, and even if he says anything, it'll just keep going through multiple outlets and people will still wrongly blame him.


I'm more 50/50 on Peter's situation than Jessica's, but ArenaNet had no choice. Peter's guilty by association, whilst other developers didn't get involved. There are multiple cases of developers from GW2 posting: *looks at Reddit, goes back to July 4th*. They didn't follow suit, and so, Peter made a big mistake and perpetuated the same cycle. I don't enjoy generalising, but the majority of people who are supporting the disgusting behaviour of Jessica are the same people who would do the same to other people, and that's even more horrifying to think about.


Both sides of the identity politics spectrum are terrible, they don't need to exist. They're petty factions with thin arguments, and thin skin. So, ultimately, leave the identity politics to people who are experienced in the matter, and have enough thick skin to pull categories out of debates and respond rationally. The reaction of the community to their dismissals is a sigh of relief from many gamers, and this is why it's spreading so widely. For too long, developers in multiple studios have been given a 'get out of jail' card for horrible cases of misconduct. ArenaNet said that enough was enough and removed the source of their issue to send a clear message. This is actually an amazing case of PR. They've turned horrendous PR into a revolutionary moment for the industry where they've openly said: 'We're here to protect the gaming community against people with regressive attitudes towards other people.' That's completely normal, and I believe that more people should be applauding them for not bowing down to the messages of a politically-inaccurate group of people.


This is the hypocrisy of some people. They preach unity, they preach equality, but if something goes against them, it's not equal and the system's biased. It's not realistic, it's ideological and it's becoming a damaging thing to any debate. If someone provides an opposing view, they aren't wrong on the basis of holding a different view. If she didn't want it, all she had to say was:


'I appreciate your feedback, but could this be moved to the GW2 Forums where I can respond more appropriately? Thank you for understanding!'


If she said this, the whole situation wouldn't have happened. However, she tried to make an example out of him and suffered the consequences. It's her fault, not Deroir's.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Koen.1327" said:

> > Justice right here:

> >

> > 1. Keep her job --> Bad PR --> bunch of rich shareholders might get less profit as potential business earnings both current and future might beplaced at risk __> more employees potentially have their jobs and livelihoods put at risk

> > 2. Fire her --> lost her income --> has time to reflect and hopefully learn how to take criticism when working in a position where it works hand in hand - whilst also learning how separate her personal and professional ideologies



> >

> > this is the reality (if bad PR even exist to a certain extend) and a lot seem to have trouble finding a balance

> >

> > Of course Bad PR exists.. what no one knows is what damage it might do from one person/company to the next. A company's reputation takes a long time to build, but potentially one employees Twittertrash to destroy it. Therefore ANET were placed in a no win situation and handled it accordingly.

> You or I have no idea what took place internally to arrive at the outcomes it did and we do not know if any additional issues internally were also subject to the decision making process.




1. yeah except that this is not how profit works (which is merely extortion of the employees); for the shareholders it won't change thus they don't care

2. she has other things to worry about than reflecting

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > @"Daxramas.1940" said:

> > > @"morology.2507" said:

> > > Disgusted to see ArenaNet pandering to a pathetic ggate-style hate mob. I won't be playing their games anymore.

> >

> > Are you willing to elaborate on this?


> O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.


> As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.


JP launched an unprovoked attack on the community. Like it her not her job pretty much entails doing _exactly not that_. Anet didn't pander to anyone. These people made their own bed and quite frankly even had nobody said a single word calling for her termination, just seeing that conduct should have been enough for them to fire her on the spot. Employees who launch unprovoked attacks on customers are bad employers, full stop. It's profoundly unprofessional and indefensible. If someone working for me got even half as hostile as she did with a customer, let alone a content partner, in public display, with the company name on their profile and while discussing company business, I wouldn't even wait for someone to complain to show them the door, _even if I agreed with everything they said_.

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> @"Twyn.7320" said:



> If she said this, the whole situation wouldn't have happened. However, she tried to make an example out of him and suffered the consequences. It's her fault, not Deroir's.


Better in turn to make an example out of the woman who had to deal with someone outside her profession obviously ignoring the subcontext of an essay she wrote out for the sake of taking a cheap pot-shot at her writing. That is so much better right?

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:


>Some people need to get cut loose a few times before they learn to act right.


Ah, she just needs to 'learn to act right.' Behave herself. Be humble and grateful and know her place, yeah?


Gator through and through. Shame on this community. Absolute shame.

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> @"Daxramas.1940" said:

> > @"mixxed.5862" said:

> > I'm disgusted by this community's reaction to her tweet, calling for her to be fired and being genuinely happy about it afterwards. To me it's simply inconceivable how so many could overreact like that to blow this matter this massively out of proportion.

> >

> > She obviously perceived herself as being treated in a sexist way and called it out. It doesn't matter whether this indeed was the case or not, because it is very understandable how she could arrive at that conclusion:


> > Imo her reaction was perfectly understandable - although it was unprofessional. She shouldn't have replied to criticism on her own twitter account like a private person.


> That's literally the entire controversy. It's extremely important on whether or not there was genuine sexism directed at her to prompt such a response, because the reality of the situation now was she wildly accused someone publicly of being sexist towards her while also representing Anet.


> Her reaction was ludicrous and extremely unprofessional, and that's the root of the entire event that transpired.



Speaking on a purely professional level, I agree her reaction was inappropriate. She did react unprofessionally while representing Anet and with the massive upheaval in the community it was clear that there would be consequences. But keep in mind that in most cases it's impossible to prove or disprove a subtle sexist motivation. That isn't the point, it's enough that the community was upset about her implying there was.


There's more to the controversy. For one:


My comment was more focused on the communities response on a personal level. There were a lot of personal attacks, direct insults and blaming her in obscene ways. And these comments were even among the most upvoted - I know it's the internet, but that doesn't justify anything. The amount of anger was massively out of proportion. Like I already said, sexism is a very relevant matter in our society. Overt sexism isn't broadly tolerated anymore, instead it shows in more subtle ways, like a male college assuming an equally qualified female co-worker as naturally being less competent. Why shouldn't she be upset about it? Rationality, objectivity and competence are still regarded as typical male attributes by a considerable amount of people.

Was she right assuming sexist motivations? Certainly not, as she doesn't know the youtuber personally and it wasn't but a written comment. However she reacted emotionally and shouldn't be blamed for it, probably she's made a couple of experiences of sexism previously - like most women working in professions that are dominated by men have. Her reaction to a comment she genuinely perceived as sexist simply doesn't deserve this much hate. Given the context I don't fault her for (mis)understanding this kind of harsh criticism as "I think you're incompetent, so here's how you do it, gurl".

Emotional reactions to comments that were meant as purely factual happen all the time, it's in our nature to ask ourselves: What does him talking the way he does say about his opinion of me? This interpretation happens subconciously and plays an important role in all of our social interactions.

Even when in our professional lives we're demanded to react to feedback in a positive way (and said youtuber was probably trying to keep his feedback constructive), and she acted unprofessionally in not doing so, I'm upset about the inconsiderate way some people reacted.

She reacted (inappropriately?) to one person she felt offended by! Yet the whole community acted as if she just insulted all of their mothers personally. Justified?


One final observation: It seems like there are a lot of people that just love to stigmatize others for publicly speaking about sexism.

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > @"Daxramas.1940" said:

> > > @"morology.2507" said:

> > > Disgusted to see ArenaNet pandering to a pathetic ggate-style hate mob. I won't be playing their games anymore.

> >

> > Are you willing to elaborate on this?


> O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.


> As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.


Guess what mate, if anyone in any industry disrespects a customer (regardless of reason) while ALSO publically representing the company you work for, you WILL be fired. This is a good lesson for her to learn and hopefully if she gets a new job she will carry this on with her so she doesnt make the same mistake in the future.

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> @"Alfador.7649" said:

> > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > > @"Daxramas.1940" said:

> > > > @"morology.2507" said:

> > > > Disgusted to see ArenaNet pandering to a pathetic ggate-style hate mob. I won't be playing their games anymore.

> > >

> > > Are you willing to elaborate on this?

> >

> > O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.

> >

> > As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.


> JP launched an unprovoked attack on the community. Like it her not her job pretty much entails doing _exactly not that_. Anet didn't pander to anyone. These people made their own bed and quite frankly even had nobody said a single word calling for her termination, just seeing that conduct should have been enough for them to fire her on the spot. Employees who launch unprovoked attacks on customers are bad employers, full stop. It's profoundly unprofessional and indefensible. If someone working for me got even half as hostile as she did with a customer, let alone a content partner, in public display, with the company name on their profile and while discussing company business, I wouldn't even wait for someone to complain to show them the door, _even if I agreed with everything they said_.


Then I'm very sorry for the employees who have to work under you. Sacrificing their personal agency on their personal feed about something that directly affects them, just because their employer fears some bad publicity (which they handled incredibly poorly) is not worth it. I'M proud of JP and PF for speaking out against covert sexism and especially JP doesn't owe anyone any false friendliness.

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> @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > @"Twyn.7320" said:


> >

> > If she said this, the whole situation wouldn't have happened. However, she tried to make an example out of him and suffered the consequences. It's her fault, not Deroir's.


> Better in turn to make an example out of the woman who had to deal with someone outside her profession obviously ignoring the subcontext of an essay she wrote out for the sake of taking a cheap pot-shot at her writing. That is so much better right?


Except no cheap pot shot was taken. And even if it was, she is a professional. Despite what some of you may think, women are actually capable of controlling emotion and not just blowing up every time someone makes a sideways comment. It’s not the fault of a third party that she chose to act unprofessionally while purposefully representing her company.


As a fully capable adult, she made a conscious decision. Sometimes those decisions have consequences, as hers did. Also, she is more than capable of handling those consequences without male intervention.

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> @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > @"Twyn.7320" said:


> >

> > If she said this, the whole situation wouldn't have happened. However, she tried to make an example out of him and suffered the consequences. It's her fault, not Deroir's.


> Better in turn to make an example out of the woman who had to deal with someone outside her profession obviously ignoring the subcontext of an essay she wrote out for the sake of taking a cheap pot-shot at her writing. That is so much better right?


He didn't take a cheap pot-shot at her writing, he offered the opposing view in the context of his experience with Guild Wars 2, which was the context of the original discussion topic. He even acknowledged that her essay was well-argued and interesting to read. Her reaction was the issue.

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > @"Alfador.7649" said:

> > > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > > > @"Daxramas.1940" said:

> > > > > @"morology.2507" said:

> > > > > Disgusted to see ArenaNet pandering to a pathetic ggate-style hate mob. I won't be playing their games anymore.

> > > >

> > > > Are you willing to elaborate on this?

> > >

> > > O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.

> > >

> > > As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.

> >

> > JP launched an unprovoked attack on the community. Like it her not her job pretty much entails doing _exactly not that_. Anet didn't pander to anyone. These people made their own bed and quite frankly even had nobody said a single word calling for her termination, just seeing that conduct should have been enough for them to fire her on the spot. Employees who launch unprovoked attacks on customers are bad employers, full stop. It's profoundly unprofessional and indefensible. If someone working for me got even half as hostile as she did with a customer, let alone a content partner, in public display, with the company name on their profile and while discussing company business, I wouldn't even wait for someone to complain to show them the door, _even if I agreed with everything they said_.


> Then I'm very sorry for the employees who have to work under you. Sacrificing their personal agency on their personal feed about something that directly affects them, just because their employer fears some bad publicity (which they handled incredibly poorly) is not worth it. I'M proud of JP and PF for speaking out against covert sexism and especially JP doesn't owe anyone any false friendliness.


The only sexism that was exhibited was that by JP. She acted extremely unprofessional while talking about a professional topic. Doesn't matter that it was her "personal twitter feed", fact of the matter is it was business talk and should have been handled as such or not posted at all.

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> @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > @"Alfador.7649" said:

> > > @"Phosphorite.6192" said:

> > > > @"Daxramas.1940" said:

> > > > > @"morology.2507" said:

> > > > > Disgusted to see ArenaNet pandering to a pathetic ggate-style hate mob. I won't be playing their games anymore.

> > > >

> > > > Are you willing to elaborate on this?

> > >

> > > O'Brien characterized not only JPs but PFs actions as "attacks against the community" and didn't lose one word about the incredibly toxic reactions they both had to face from certain despicable "community members". He threw both of them under the bus, even PF although all he did was defend JPs position in polite(!) words. If that's not pandering, tell me what is.

> > >

> > > As CEO he has responsibility towards his employees, to back them up against unreasonable demands from "consumers" who don't get that they purchased a product, not the time and life of the people who worked on said product. He did an incredible disservice to JP and PFand couldn't have handled this whole thing worse.

> >

> > JP launched an unprovoked attack on the community. Like it her not her job pretty much entails doing _exactly not that_. Anet didn't pander to anyone. These people made their own bed and quite frankly even had nobody said a single word calling for her termination, just seeing that conduct should have been enough for them to fire her on the spot. Employees who launch unprovoked attacks on customers are bad employers, full stop. It's profoundly unprofessional and indefensible. If someone working for me got even half as hostile as she did with a customer, let alone a content partner, in public display, with the company name on their profile and while discussing company business, I wouldn't even wait for someone to complain to show them the door, _even if I agreed with everything they said_.


> Then I'm very sorry for the employees who have to work under you. Sacrificing their personal agency on their personal feed about something that directly affects them, just because their employer fears some bad publicity (which they handled incredibly poorly) is not worth it. I'M proud of JP and PF for speaking out against covert sexism and especially JP doesn't owe anyone any false friendliness.


Covering your personal twitter with your company's name, acting as a representative of that company via your personal twitter, and then using your personal twitter to make derogatory statements towards people based on protected classes like gender, race, nationality or religion (oh, and also celebrating a cancer victim's death) is not going to end well for anyone.


Saying, after the fact, "it's my personal twitter!" is the corporate equivalent of "I'm not touching you!"

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I'd like to congratulate ArenaNet for taking actions face the current situation.

I myself strive for ethics, respect and a good relationship among my guild fellows, letting go those who not contribute to our mission/vision/values.

Despite all the controversy reported on Twitter, Reddit and here, I personally applause those actions.

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> @"Nagi.8941" said:

> > @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > > @"Twyn.7320" said:

> >

> > >

> > > If she said this, the whole situation wouldn't have happened. However, she tried to make an example out of him and suffered the consequences. It's her fault, not Deroir's.

> >

> > Better in turn to make an example out of the woman who had to deal with someone outside her profession obviously ignoring the subcontext of an essay she wrote out for the sake of taking a cheap pot-shot at her writing. That is so much better right?


> Except no cheap pot shot was taken. And even if it was, she is a professional. Despite what some of you may think, women are actually capable of controlling emotion and not just blowing up every time someone makes a sideways comment. It’s not the fault of a third party that she chose to act unprofessionally while purposefully representing her company.


> As a fully capable adult, she made a conscious decision. Sometimes those decisions have consequences, as hers did. Also, she is more than capable of handling those consequences without male intervention.


When i think blowing up i think the following phrase: "Allow me--a person who does not work with you--explain to you how you do your job". Man did she fly off the handle! Whew i am glad some put that you know what in her place.


It's not like after she responded, that minions in Deroir's little corner of the internet start sending notices out to the GG-remnants holding on for dear outrage as to sick them on her and drum up false controversy. MO is a sharp one to not cave and give all the gator trolls of the world exactly what they wanted.

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> @"Asudementio.8526" said:

> > @"Twyn.7320" said:


> >

> > If she said this, the whole situation wouldn't have happened. However, she tried to make an example out of him and suffered the consequences. It's her fault, not Deroir's.


> Better in turn to make an example out of the woman who had to deal with someone outside her profession obviously ignoring the subcontext of an essay she wrote out for the sake of taking a cheap pot-shot at her writing. That is so much better right?


Where is the cheap shot?


>Really interesting thread to read! ?

>However, allow me to disagree *slightly*. I dont believe the issue lies in the MMORPG genre itself (as your wording seemingly suggest). I believe the issue lies in the contraints of the Living Story's narrative design;When you want the outcome to be the same across the board for all players' experiences, then yes, by design you are extremely limited in how you can contruct the personality of the PC. But, if instead players were given the option to meaningfully express *their* character through branching dialogue options (which also aren't just on the checklist for an achievement that forces you through all dialogue options), then perhaps players would be more invested in the roleplaying aspect of that particular MMORPG.

>Nonetheless, I appreciate the insightful thread!


What I see is someone who wants to discuss how to make the PC more interesting by using branching dialog instead of the current narrative design. I see no insults either hidden or overt.


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