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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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Mike, please stop throwing talent away, just because some kids on the internet feel butthurt.


I'd like to suggest everyone turn their internet devices off, go outside and catch a bit of fresh air, maybe get some ice cream or a beer. Weather's nice.

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> @"thruine.8510" said:

> I woke this morning and noticed a new Wooden Potatoes video on this subject and was intrigued by the stuff he revealed, to me at least, from Kate Welsh and Angel McCoy. Having gone back through old GW2 videos these past months, I had come to learn of them. I really enjoyed Points of Interest with Kate and thought they were absolute fools for letting someone like that go as she made things sound so much better than I may have. In any event, their messages left me thinking, is there something wrong behind the scenes at ArenaNet? I had only researched Kate's reasons for leaving because of the PoI show number 5 missing from YouTube. Just thought at the time how unfortunate she had left and how odd to just take off without another offer already on the table. Was that something to do with being in front of the public? At any rate, I lost interest in the show afterwards as I was playing those chapters and watching the show sort of like going into a time machine. While Ruby is nice enough she's a bit bland to take at the same time of having a bland time in game too.


> I don't think Jessica Price is a horrible person as some have said. Certainly not garbage as some have. I said way earlier that I rarely offer feedback uncalled for because I just assume they aren't interested in what I think all of the time. Obviously that is the case. That's okay. Murders are horrible people. She's just not a likable person. But like one of the two former female developers said, maybe she got tired of feeling she had to be customer service or something along those lines. At any rate, normally people aren't horrible for not liking or respecting you on the internet. I think she went overboard but I think everyone else aghast at her also did. She doesn't have to like you online. Of course one could say that MO thinks she does but I've never gotten the feeling he always liked us all the time either so there you go.


> Social media can be a great thing. But its also has a very terrible side to it that I'm not sure its worth all the good it can bring. Its a bit like being at a concert. When you there in the crowd and everyone dancing and listening to the music, we're all one community. But as soon as that mob of people having a good time stop focusing on the music, like in the parking lot, is when all the ugliness of humanity can happen. Social media is inviting people to come have a concert over a game, movie, what have you but there are too many that just can't wait to get out into the parking lot. Waiting for that one person to bump into you, like Denoir did with JP and then like JP did herself, to just stop the music and burn the hall down. Me personally, I think I'll be extending my vacation from GW2. I'm a bit tired of it being all I've been playing and there are other games to spend money on. Besides, I probably blew my spending budget on this last Steam sale. But I think the company has some things to sort out.


> Regardless if intended or not, its apparently some in the community are feeling marginalize. While we might not understand why because clearly someone toxic butted head with someone from the community and they are gone, its not going to change their feelings just like that. We all bring our own bias to everything. As we read it, as we watch it, as we experience it. Just like whenever I call up AT&T most women push back at me while most men who answer do not. I've often wonder are they just hiring women with chips on their shoulders or is there something in the way I say things that bristle them. Like for almost always if a woman operator refers to me as "Hun" things seem to go smoother. So, I think its me but I don't know. And sure, she probably shouldn't do that but I don't mind and at the same time I know the exchange would be totally different if our sexes were reversed. What I'm trying to get at is I have to call up AT&T too kitten much! And that we can't always tell how we are perceived by others or have any control over it. My intentions don't matter. I think JP probably needs to work on herself but I also think maybe she's lashing out for very reasonable reasons. I don't know but I suspect we will see more of this type stuff. I'm still having it difficult to believe, even given her past actions, that she would respond as she did (and you should really see all of it) and still be a functioning human being to even get a job. It feels like there's something more. Or maybe she had just started Game of Thrones and they've just killed off Jon Snow.


I'm not gonna read all that, but i will tell you something and then ask you one question.


Price is a person that has reacted like this to EVERY sort of criticism and opinions and differ from hers. She is someone that was also removed from her previous jobs for very similar things and complains from the staff itself. She acts like a social justice spellbreaker constantly, thinking that everything wrong in her life is because men place her down and saying any opinion from a man is mansplaning. She insulted multiple ANet partners and made fun of Totalbiscuit's death when cancer unfortunately took him away. Now that she was fired, she's doubling down on a few things by running to her media friends and telling them, again, that it's men holding her back, suggesting that other women should think about leaving too and trying to say she likes the fans after saying she didn't have to pretend to like them on Twitter.


Now answer me this, is this a person worthy of being defended so much?

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> @"Itzena.8452" said:

> > @"Shoyoko.7309" said:

> > > @"Eternity Theory.5392" said:

> > > Good job ArenaNet, exactly what I said would happen last night has happened. Congratulations of getting the community you wanted apparently.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The majority of the community in GW2 have been reasonable and sensible about this.

> I work in a service industry. If our customers acted like the vocal, visible percentage of GW2 customers here and on r/GW2, we would - no joke - make a concerted effort to go out and find some new customers. The level of entitlement is unrealistic and unsustainable, and now the sole remaining founder of Arenanet has just thrown two of his team to the wolves because he wrongly thinks it will help. (He's actually just declared open season on anyone connected to Arenanet, but he probably won't realise that until Reddit brigades to get him fired at some point).


> The customer is not always right.


Arenanet chose to defend its community and company from two sexist, vulgar, and rude employees.


Any sane company wouldn't allow its employees to publicly post sexist and rude comments towards its customers and company partners, nor comment with a complete lack of respect for life (Total Biscuit).


If you want a company and customers that support sexism, then please remove yourself from this community or rethink your completely bigoted viewpoints.


If you currently treat your customers and partners the same way that Jessica treated Deroir, Inks, and the community, then you are no different than the garbage you falsely imagine you're fighting against.

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> @"Feothyr.6072" said:

> Mike, please stop throwing talent away, just because some kids on the internet feel kitten.


> I'd like to suggest everyone turn their internet devices off, go outside and catch a bit of fresh air, maybe get some ice cream or a beer. Weather's nice.


Yes Mike, come on, the game devs should be disrespectful to their customers as much as they want, and shouldnt had to face any consequenseces for their actions....sometimes I wonder how old some people here are, if they actually ever had a job or know how the world works...

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I distinctly remember being told yesterday I would never be able to find work because of my people skills. Remarkably funny since that individual has since demonstrated their own unemployment and lack of people skills by responding to literally every criticism in this thread. I don't need to mention them by name because they won't be able to resist responding with some condescending remark tinged with hints of nauseating alt-right ideology.

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> @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > @"DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756" said:

> > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > Congratulations, some of you have just had 2 actual people fired. I hope it was worth being offended on the internet. Sick age we're living in.

> > > > > > > > She was offended too. So was he. Because accountability is a sick age we live in. Amazing right?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yeah well if everyone was accountable for making others offended on the internet, we'd all be in jail now. But I guess in this case only the devs got the short straw. As I said, congratulations people (you know who you are), your outcry was heard by the mighty Mo, you don't need to be offended anymore.

> > > > > > Don't worry, the UK is working on that. lol

> > > > >

> > > > > Great so now you agree with me?

> > > > It's not a good idea for law to be punishing people based upon feelings. Because the law should be objective, not subjective. However in this case, we can look at objective and see clearly what was wrong.

> > >

> > > But that's precisely the point. Was what they did illegal? If not why are they getting fired for it? Because it hurt someone's feelings which is why they made a reddit thread about it and other people went there and agreed with it. You have to self-censor yourself if you want to keep your job, then?

> >

> > Illegal? I understand who you are replying to, and what they said, but the situation still had nothing to do with actual law. They were employees acting like kitten. More so Price since from what I saw of the other guy, crap was tame. I don't know if you know how businesses work, but normally you don't want employees attacking your fans/customers unprovoked. Also censor yourself? no. Just don't act like an kitten for no reason in this case. Unless the person is naturally an kitten, then yes, self-censor.


> Yeah but they weren't acting as employees. Remember those were their personal accounts. My point isn't that she wasn't acting noxious, my point is that it should have no bearing on her employment. And also if someone didn't put it on reddit, most people wouldn't be offended by it because they wouldn't have known about it. Because what is said between individuals should sometimes just stay between individuals.


Don't know about you, but I don't magically loose my job when I go home for the night. Yes they are on their own accounts. But they were still Anet employees. They had proudly shown they were Anet employees. They were linked to Anet. Hell Price was actively speaking on work. She might as well have been on the job at the time. But no bearing? she snapped on a known content creator. She snapped on players and customers. I don't know what world you live in, but that is a no-no, no matter what the clock says.


As for the Reddit part. What exactly does that matter? If you don't know about it, you can't exactly react to it. Alright? I fail to see how that changes anything. If someone commits a crime, and no one reports it or knows about it. It doesn't magically stop being a crime. If she acts like an ass, but nobody is there to call it out. It doesn't stop her from being an ass. Whether it got out or not, doesn't magically stop what it is.


As for the last bit. What was said between individuals should sometimes stay between individuals? I'm sorry but what? This wasn't some small convo had between people. This was a comment made on an open platform for anyone to see and respond to.

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> @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > Congratulations, some of you have just had 2 actual people fired. I hope it was worth being offended on the internet. Sick age we're living in.

> > > > > > > > She was offended too. So was he. Because accountability is a sick age we live in. Amazing right?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yeah well if everyone was accountable for making others offended on the internet, we'd all be in jail now. But I guess in this case only the devs got the short straw. As I said, congratulations people (you know who you are), your outcry was heard by the mighty Mo, you don't need to be offended anymore.

> > > > > > Don't worry, the UK is working on that. lol

> > > > >

> > > > > Great so now you agree with me?

> > > > It's not a good idea for law to be punishing people based upon feelings. Because the law should be objective, not subjective. However in this case, we can look at objective and see clearly what was wrong.

> > >

> > > But that's precisely the point. Was what they did illegal? If not why are they getting fired for it? Because it hurt someone's feelings which is why they made a reddit thread about it and other people went there and agreed with it. You have to self-censor yourself if you want to keep your job, then?

> >

> > The letter of the law doesn't matter in the corporate world, friend. Companies have specific policies on how to engage with customers, partners, how to act, and establish criteria when making political statements.

> >

> > What JP said, in the context of employment, was unreasonable. It is not "illegal" to be bigoted. But it is wrong. And as such no company permits their employees to stand by it. The logic is the same applied to people mouthing off horrible things about other subsets of people or marginalized groups; just because it is "legal" to say, does not mean it is tolerated, and it is absolutely unprofessional and not a view endorsed by a company whose name got sucked into the mix. It is this reason why people get suspended from the game and related services for saying such things as well.

> >

> > If you look through JP's twitter history, it is awful. Not just the victim behavior, not just laughing at dead people, but she spouted downright racist things against minorities and people from other countries; to be quite honest, I'm more taken aback that she wasn't fired sooner for that behavior alone. Peter Fries... I know too little info on for me to comment. A lot of his tweets were deleted. Really, though, he shouldn't have backed up the behavior or stood by someone like JP. Women like her are a blight to the feminist movement in pursuit of equality, for she leeches the attention away from people who are being seriously wronged, and removes legitimacy from their claims.

> >

> > The whole thing is just sad. There are no winners here. People who are happy need to sit down, shut up, and set aside their pride because people lost their jobs and some real pieces of trash are relishing in this ordeal. People who are outraged need to be more objective and rational and realize how damaging to ANet and our community JP was and would continue to be.

> >

> > My hat's off to the lovely people at ANet who've stayed quiet in this turmoil. Let's get back to the game.


> I agree, mostly. The problem here is that you basically can't talk freely on your personal account if you're employed. You'd have to go anonymous. Also why wasn't she fired ages ago, if her twitter is a kitten den? Because someone took to reddit and posted it there and it gained "popularity". That's why I blame some members of the community getting offended over it for the incident.


Not if you're employed; if you're representing the company. People are quick to jump and attack companies for hiring people they don't like. These days I think it's best for non-managers and below to leave their employer information private or simply post behind an alias. Tbh, I don't think anyone really paid attention or cared to what she posted in her free time previously which is why she got away with it. Otherwise I really don't know. She posted some really vile things that most people would get canned for in other industries at other companies if ever put under scrutiny or someone above was made aware. That much I can say with certainty. What we don't know is if ANet knew any of this, or if had things gone differently, would the two employees have been kept around. I think that'd be more damaging to ANet than anything if word got out about them keeping someone who they knew was posting blatantly bigoted perspectives with the company name. The whole issue is just a mess and a big loss to everyone.


There were definitely some unsavory community members responsible here for it snowballing into such a big problem. Really, it should have been our issue. No denying that. What I did notice on reddit is that a lot of the people fanning the flames and making it a big deal had little to no history of involvement on the gw2 subreddit or a similar account name here. A lot of people outside of our community were crossposting about it into controversial subs. We have a few assholes here, sure who went too far and played it up in other communities unnecessarily to begin with. But really, that kind of behavior is unacceptable and is worth bringing up when ANet's brand name on it. It's super sad it's come to this is all.

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> @"Aoi Ikazuchi.8420" said:

> @"Loli Ruri.8307": In reference to your last exchange with @"Komodo.7058", here's an article on the relevant logical fallacy: [argumentum ad passiones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion").



Why should I spend the time to provide citation here? Google....

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> @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > Congratulations, some of you have just had 2 actual people fired. I hope it was worth being offended on the internet. Sick age we're living in.

> > > > > > > > She was offended too. So was he. Because accountability is a sick age we live in. Amazing right?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yeah well if everyone was accountable for making others offended on the internet, we'd all be in jail now. But I guess in this case only the devs got the short straw. As I said, congratulations people (you know who you are), your outcry was heard by the mighty Mo, you don't need to be offended anymore.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You're acting like she's an innocent princess.

> > > > >

> > > > > As long as she's doing her job, I don't give a kitten. What is this corporation supposed to be? Democracy in the ancient Athens, when people could vote to exile someone each year?

> > > >

> > > > Ah, so in your opinion, they could pretty much do mass genocide, but hey, they're doing their job so you won't care. Yet another person that blindly defends her and knows nothing about how companies or businesses work. If you really think they acted solely because of the community's backlash, then you need a bit of help.

> > >

> > > Yeah but they're not doing mass genocide, are they, so don't straw man this, please.

> >

> > Have you read what you've been typing to even say that to me? You and a few others have been on this hilarious crusade to find any way to say that firing someone like her was a horrible idea, even bringing law into this [when law wouldn't defend her either if she signed a contract]. How can any of you stomach it? To defend a woman that misguided and blind? Someone that was HAPPY that a man died of cancer. Someone who reacted so negatively TO ANET PARTNERS. Someone who flatout said that she didn't need to pretend to like us anymore [and yet went running to Kotaku saying that she likes at least 9/10th of the community she's seen].


> Because I don't question what my plumber does in his free time when he's working on my kitchen pipes. That's why.


You mention strawmans, yet compared a plumber in his free time to an MMO writer, well done.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Yes Mike, come on, the game devs should be disrespectful to their customers as much as they want, and shouldnt had to face any consequenseces for their actions....sometimes I wonder how old some people here are, if they actually ever had a job or know how the world works...


What people do in their free time is none of your or my business.


All I'm saying is: could we all just please stop and take a breather!? Somebody was mean on the internet. Oh no!


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> @"CursedShaitan.9720" said:

> I distinctly remember being told yesterday I would never be able to find work because of my people skills. Remarkably funny since that individual has since demonstrated their own unemployment and lack of people skills by responding to literally every criticism in this thread. I don't need to mention them by name because they won't be able to resist responding with some condescending remark tinged with hints of nauseating alt-right ideology.

Now I know why. LOL

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> @"inubasiri.8745" said:


> Yeah but Mo didn't choose us, he chose Anet, because he's a CEO of Anet and it's his job. And Anet was getting flamed for this, because it went popular on reddit. It's a PR incident and Mo handled it like a professional. It has nothing to do with anything else.


Yes, for PR, but that doesn't mean there aren't other reasons and factors that helped make that decision or that were an intended benefit from it. It is certainly possible that Mo cares for his devs and playerbase.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Loli Ruri.8307" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"inubasiri.8745" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Congratulations, some of you have just had 2 actual people fired. I hope it was worth being offended on the internet. Sick age we're living in.

> > > > > > > > > She was offended too. So was he. Because accountability is a sick age we live in. Amazing right?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Yeah well if everyone was accountable for making others offended on the internet, we'd all be in jail now. But I guess in this case only the devs got the short straw. As I said, congratulations people (you know who you are), your outcry was heard by the mighty Mo, you don't need to be offended anymore.

> > > > > > > Don't worry, the UK is working on that. lol

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Great so now you agree with me?

> > > > > It's not a good idea for law to be punishing people based upon feelings. Because the law should be objective, not subjective. However in this case, we can look at objective and see clearly what was wrong.

> > > >

> > > > But that's precisely the point. Was what they did illegal? If not why are they getting fired for it? Because it hurt someone's feelings which is why they made a reddit thread about it and other people went there and agreed with it. You have to self-censor yourself if you want to keep your job, then?

> > >

> > > The letter of the law doesn't matter in the corporate world, friend. Companies have specific policies on how to engage with customers, partners, how to act, and establish criteria when making political statements.

> > >

> > > What JP said, in the context of employment, was unreasonable. It is not "illegal" to be bigoted. But it is wrong. And as such no company permits their employees to stand by it. The logic is the same applied to people mouthing off horrible things about other subsets of people or marginalized groups; just because it is "legal" to say, does not mean it is tolerated, and it is absolutely unprofessional and not a view endorsed by a company whose name got sucked into the mix. It is this reason why people get suspended from the game and related services for saying such things as well.

> > >

> > > If you look through JP's twitter history, it is awful. Not just the victim behavior, not just laughing at dead people, but she spouted downright racist things against minorities and people from other countries; to be quite honest, I'm more taken aback that she wasn't fired sooner for that behavior alone. Peter Fries... I know too little info on for me to comment. A lot of his tweets were deleted. Really, though, he shouldn't have backed up the behavior or stood by someone like JP. Women like her are a blight to the feminist movement in pursuit of equality, for she leeches the attention away from people who are being seriously wronged, and removes legitimacy from their claims.

> > >

> > > The whole thing is just sad. There are no winners here. People who are happy need to sit down, shut up, and set aside their pride because people lost their jobs and some real pieces of trash are relishing in this ordeal. People who are outraged need to be more objective and rational and realize how damaging to ANet and our community JP was and would continue to be.

> > >

> > > My hat's off to the lovely people at ANet who've stayed quiet in this turmoil. Let's get back to the game.

> >

> > I agree, mostly. The problem here is that you basically can't talk freely on your personal account if you're employed. You'd have to go anonymous. Also why wasn't she fired ages ago, if her twitter is a kitten den? Because someone took to reddit and posted it there and it gained "popularity". That's why I blame some members of the community getting offended over it for the incident.


> Not if you're employed; if you're representing the company. People are quick to jump and attack companies for hiring people they don't like. These days I think it's best for non-managers and below to leave their employer information private or simply post behind an alias. Tbh, I don't think anyone really paid attention or cared to what she posted in her free time previously which is why she got away with it. Otherwise I really don't know. She posted some really vile things that most people would get canned for in other industries at other companies if ever put under scrutiny or someone above was made aware. That much I can say with certainty. What we don't know is if ANet knew any of this, or if had things gone differently, would the two employees have been kept around. I think that'd be more damaging to ANet than anything if word got out about them keeping someone who they knew was posting blatantly bigoted perspectives with the company name. The whole issue is just a mess and a big loss to everyone.


> There were definitely some unsavory community members responsible here for it snowballing into such a big problem. Really, it should have been our issue. No denying that. What I did notice on reddit is that a lot of the people fanning the flames and making it a big deal had little to no history of involvement on the gw2 subreddit or a similar account name here. A lot of people outside of our community were crossposting about it into controversial subs. We have a few kitten here, sure who went too far and played it up in other communities unnecessarily to begin with. But really, that kind of behavior is unacceptable and is worth bringing up when ANet's brand name on it. It's super sad it's come to this is all.


Actually, people KNEW who she was and warned Anet about it, but they kinda ignored it [there is a bit of a difference between just being a jerk to random people and being a jerk to the community your company is actually focused on, especially to Partners].

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I'm going to leave this here


> https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/6/17541318/guild-wars-arenanet-jessica-price-peter-fries-fired-reddit


> Make your own judgement.





Lol The Verge?


Why not just have Weekly World news write up something?

A Biased extremist game journalism site actually shows how she is playing the victim card.

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I hate fale, manipulative claims of sexism just as much as I hate real sexism.


What she received was polite, well constructed criticism, and could have been made to anyone regardless of gender. But ofc, instead of being rational she had to use it to push her social justice narrative.


A-net did the right thing shutting this stupid narrative down.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I'm going to leave this here


> https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/6/17541318/guild-wars-arenanet-jessica-price-peter-fries-fired-reddit


> Make your own judgement.





lol really? Wanna bring Kotaku's article too? Theres a reason why nobody respects this "gaming journalism" shit...if you want to leave your opinion just research for yourself on what a hell happened and dont listen to what other people have to say about it.

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> @"Greyraven.4258" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > I'm going to leave this here

> >

> > https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/6/17541318/guild-wars-arenanet-jessica-price-peter-fries-fired-reddit

> >

> > Make your own judgement.

> >

> >

> >


> Lol The Verge?

> Really?

> Why not just have Weekly World news write up something?

> A Biased extremist game journalism site actually shows how she is playing the victim card.


I read through that article earlier, and it was so cringeworthy I'm surprised I was able to make it to the end.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"thruine.8510" said:

> >

> >

> > I don't think Jessica Price is a horrible person as some have said. Certainly not garbage as some have. I said way earlier that I rarely offer feedback uncalled for because I just assume they aren't interested in what I think all of the time. Obviously that is the case. That's okay. Murders are horrible people. She's just not a likable person. But like one of the two former female developers said, maybe she got tired of feeling she had to be customer service or something along those lines. At any rate, normally people aren't horrible for not liking or respecting you on the internet. I think she went overboard but I think everyone else aghast at her also did. She doesn't have to like you online. Of course one could say that MO thinks she does but I've never gotten the feeling he always liked us all the time either so there you go.


She's sexist and racist. She doesn't believe white people can be victims of racism. She doesn't believe men can be victims of sexism. She attacks Deroir simply for being a man. She hates all of Spain simply because in her mind racism was "created" there.




She doesn't respect life. See her tweet about Total Biscuit.




She doesn't respect her company, company partners, or the community she works for. Deroir and Inks are two ANET partners that have done a lot for the GW2 community, along with being extremely kind and respectful people. Not to mention that she's already been fired by a company for similar reasons.


She's close-minded and bigoted. Her twitter is a complete echo chamber, where every dissenting opinion is deleted and the user blocked. Many people are pre-emptively blocked if they follow things or people she disagrees with.


She's an entitled SJW misandrist who views everything she doesn't agree with to be sexist aggression against her. She plays the gender/ female victim card even when people are being completely respectful to her.



She's arrogant, prideful, and rude. She believes she's above feedback because she's the "professional" writer.




She's a complete prick even to people being nice to her. See her tweets against Derior. And Inks.




She expects people to respect her opinions, but is an absolute hypocrite that dismisses others opinions.




^click the tweet to see the entire conversation with Jebro.


If you're having trouble seeing why she's a horrible person then I hope this can help!

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Hello all, I am new to this community. I have never played GW or GW2 before. To be honest, until they publicly fired this person for being a dumpster fire of a human being, I hadn't even considered this game. Then I saw a youtube video covering this scandal from the channel known as Geeks & Gamers, and bought this game immediately. Glad to see a company take a stand on how its customers are treated regardless of which parts are found to be between the offender's legs. A rare thing these days. When an S.J.W. accuses someone of "mansplaining," my eyes roll almost completely out of my head.

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I really think enough has been said on this topic for it to be closed, this is the game's forum, not a cesspool for discussing sexism and who was in the right-- Mo made a decision, and I'm sure it was a tough one. No one is a winner here and while there are many bad things said, no one is going to benefit from calling that out now. We all know what was said from official posts, we can all think about our opinions, and we can all play online games together as it should be. Be glad we have a place we can all go to to kill dragons, ghosts, and walking cacti. While everyone may enjoy bashing each other, many of the silent majority do not, please respect that on this forum.

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> @"Itzena.8452" said:

> > @"Shoyoko.7309" said:

> > > @"Eternity Theory.5392" said:

> > > Good job ArenaNet, exactly what I said would happen last night has happened. Congratulations of getting the community you wanted apparently.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The majority of the community in GW2 have been reasonable and sensible about this.

> I work in a service industry. If our customers acted like the vocal, visible percentage of GW2 customers here and on r/GW2, we would - no joke - make a concerted effort to go out and find some new customers. The level of entitlement is unrealistic and unsustainable, and now the sole remaining founder of Arenanet has just thrown two of his team to the wolves because he wrongly thinks it will help. (He's actually just declared open season on anyone connected to Arenanet, but he probably won't realise that until Reddit brigades to get him fired at some point).


> The customer is not always right.


Ay do me a solid and let me know what job this is. More specifically the company. Don't want to complain or anything, but if that company would defend it's employees attacking customers unprovoked, I would like to know so I can avoid.


Don't want to be called an "rando asshat" if I try to buy something, and *slightly * disagree with whatever I got if I don't end up liking it.

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