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Today in being a GW2 customer:

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I get a lot of people are upset, or those that think that people are being overly sensitive. I have a different perspective: Alright, if that's how you feel as a company then I'm just going to spend my time and money elsewhere. No need to go indepth about your employees.

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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > > Yea, honestly it's pretty telling to see how Anet employees have been viewing player feedback. :( If this was just a one off, I'd think that she was just a miserable person who hated her job, but when Peter Fries also chimed in defense of her stance, it kinda drove home that this is likely more of an Anet corporate culture outlook that isn't relegated to just one person.

> > >

> > > I'm struggling to look at GW2 the same anymore, especially the story knowing it was written by them and how little they think of those of us who play the game.

> >

> > Peter Fries, another developer was supporting her actions? Wow. I think that A-net in-general has very nice developers. There are a few bad apples but they might be having a bad day. However, I don't understand why Peter was supporting her demoralization of Deroir publicly.


> Yea, it was a pretty unfortunate thing to see. :(


> https://twitter.com/Peter_Fries/status/1014590359916048384


WOW! I really wish I had not come across this thread. This really makes me want to go find something else to do if they think that little of their player base. Not what I expected from GW devs. :-(

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Sighs* and awayyyyyyyyyy we go. Why bring this here when it just stirs people up both pro and con. Leave this off the forums. It has no bearing on the game play itself.....SERIOUSLY.


It does tho...people are upset that they think so little of us and in reality, if it wasn't for us, they wouldn't be where they are... and that is the fact. So if they lose some players now, it's less money for them = less content... sure, few people leaving won't be a big deal, but if this keeps going on then yes it does have a big impact. Even you should be mad, because even if you don't buy gems, you still bought their game.. you still gave them your money and this is what they think of you behind closed doors.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > Sighs* and awayyyyyyyyyy we go. Why bring this here when it just stirs people up both pro and con. Leave this off the forums. It has no bearing on the game play itself.....SERIOUSLY.


> It does tho...people are upset that they think so little of us and in reality, if it wasn't for us, they wouldn't be where they are... and that is the fact. So if they lose some players now, it's less money for them = less content... sure, few people leaving won't be a big deal, but if this keeps going on then yes it does have a big impact. Even you should be mad, because even if you don't buy gems, you still bought their game.. you still gave them your money and this is what they think of you behind closed doors.


And what complete strangers think of me is going to have direct consequences on my game play? No! I paid for my game etc and enjoy it regardless of who thinks what or why. People keep bringing this into the forums just to stir the populace imo, instead of leaving it to ANET to sort out if they feel the need. And ANET won't be losing any money because it's a MMO and gamers quit and others always fill the slots. Open door FTW

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> And what complete strangers think of me is going to have direct consequences on my game play? No! I paid for my game etc and enjoy it regardless of who thinks what or why. People keep bringing this into the forums just to stir the populace imo, instead of leaving it to ANET to sort out if they feel the need. And ANET won't be losing any money because it's a MMO and gamers quit and others always fill the slots. Open door FTW


They won't deal with it and you know it, unless people get mad about it. You can clearly see they basically even defend her because they're ultra-S-J-W.

And well, if someone googles about the game to see if they wanna play or not, see how disrespectful devs are, they will choose not to come to it meanwhile people will leave if they keep doing it..so again, yes, it might have impact on your gameplay long-term if there's nobody to pay for it.


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@"MetalGirl.2370" It's 100% necessary we bring this to these forums. We all know Anet hardly looks at the reddit (which is completely exploding over this right now, justifiably) This is one of the only ways this issue can be brought to their attention. The fact that Anet has let the unprofessional behavior of Jessica Price go unaddressed speaks volumes and overall hurts company-player relationship, which is vital.

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> @"Thoraxe.5694" said:

> @"MetalGirl.2370" It's 100% necessary we bring this to these forums. We all know Anet hardly looks at the reddit (which is completely exploding over this right now, justifiably) This is one of the only ways this issue can be brought to their attention. The fact that Anet has let the unprofessional behavior of Jessica Price go unaddressed speaks volumes and overall hurts company-player relationship, which is vital.


Exactly ... and there was already thread on forums about it which got locked. So it just shows they are limiting our right to say what we want but they can go off on players all they want and have no consequences for it. She is a developer, she absolutely has to have an open mind and take any criticism...if she can't do it, quit and do some other work where you don't have to face peoples opinions.

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> @"Thoraxe.5694" said:We all know Anet hardly looks at the reddit (which is completely exploding over this right now, justifiably)


What? They do an AMA over there every release (even did them there before they started doing the Forum Chats here), and several devs are fairly active over on Reddit. Have you never seen the posts here complaining that Anet seems to favor reddit too much?


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I'm confused why the "sexist" card was pulled. Did someone say something about females, or simply about her. I could understand if the post contained negativity about women in general, but I loathe when people use the "you're not like me, so you obviously hate everyone that is" arguement. That thinking just perpetuates the hate they are calling out.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I frankly don't think this deserves so much attention, from any side.


It does. This is the straw that broke the camel's back, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Arenanet. This kind of stuff has been going on awhile, as most conservative posters have learned the hard way.


The fact is that we are tired of it. We're tired of hatred and stupidity masquerading as indignant moral superiority. We're tired of seeing it in every television show, every comic, every movie, every internet community, every hobby. We're tired of having every "heteronormative" comment being met with a horde of zealots who will relentlessly harass every tangentially related person in an attempt to get the offender fired from their job and unperson'd in the industry.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> I'm confused why the "sexist" card was pulled. Did someone say something about females, or simply about her. I could understand if the post contained negativity about women in general, but I loathe when people use the "you're not like me, so you obviously hate everyone that is" arguement. That thinking just perpetuates the hate they are calling out.


It was because she's a female and the guy who offered his opinion (politely!!!!) was a man. That's all. If I called every man sexist who gave me recommendations or feedback on how things could be differently, I would never have improved in my own job.


And to all who say she can do what she want on her private Twitter: she makes her tweets visible to all. She could protect them, too, and only connect with people she likes and trust. Then no gamers could see her tweets. But she posts publicly as a representative of Anet. I work for a charity. Do you think they would like it if I proudly mentioned that in my profile and then was disrespectful towards our clients? I'd lose my job. Simple as that. That's why you keep private profiles and profiles related to your job SEPARATE. She also complained a lot more about people, and not nicely. She felt hassled because it was a holiday in the US. If she had a company twitter, she could just NOT see that on days off. And her truly private Twitter profile would be free of people she doesn't want to communicate with. Simple.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > I frankly don't think this deserves so much attention, from any side.


> It does. This is the straw that broke the camel's back, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Arenanet. This kind of stuff has been going on awhile, as most conservative posters have learned the hard way.


> The fact is that we are tired of it. We're tired of hatred and stupidity masquerading as indignant moral superiority. We're tired of seeing it in every television show, every comic, every movie, every internet community, every hobby. We're tired of having every "heteronormative" comment being met with a horde of zealots who will relentlessly harass every tangentially related person in an attempt to get the offender fired from their job and unperson'd in the industry.


Do you noticed the problem began when "they"* got tired of hatred and stupidity masquerading as indignant moral superiority, right?


*There is NO they or us, really, sorry, we are ALL in the same mess...

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Windu The Forbidden One.6045" said:

> > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

> > > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > > Happens in every multiplayer game...

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > That also happens in every multiplayer game. Players tell the devs how to do their jobs and players tell eachother how to play the game, nothing new there.

> >

> > Giving constructive criticism =/= telling someone how to do their job.


> Don't try to sugar coat it, it's not always constructive.


Might be true in some cases in this case it 100000000000% was, Derior was exceedingly polite and respectful and just trying to open a dialogue.

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> I'm confused why the "sexist" card was pulled. Did someone say something about females, or simply about her. I could understand if the post contained negativity about women in general, but I loathe when people use the "you're not like me, so you obviously hate everyone that is" arguement. That thinking just perpetuates the hate they are calling out.


it's a blatant attack on his character to both invalidate him by suggesting that his argument is not based on valid arguments or a differing perspective but because he's a bigot who hates her for arbitrary reasons and to garner sympathy points from a certain type of ppl that hold a "listen and believe" mentality to these claims. throw in believes from the most toxic parts of left wing politics and this reaction becomes as predictable as the sun rising over the horizon.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Ardid.7203" said:

> >

> > Do you noticed the problem began when "they"* got tired of hatred and stupidity masquerading as indignant moral superiority, right?

> >

> > *There is NO they or us, really, sorry, we are ALL in the same mess...


> Your post doesn't make sense. Please explain more clearly.


Hate only creates hate. The issue with all "minoritys" began with the abuse from the ones helding the power back then(and still). Today things are somewhat, awkwardly, beginning to balance out, but the change allows old minded haters and new minded haters to mix and hate at the same time and level, all yelling in the name of "justice", all offended by something.

But humans need to stop expecting "justice", because, sadly, justice depends on opinion.

The only way to stop this kind of stupidity, IMO, is to stop yelling back, take the blow to our hypertrophied morals (whatever side we are on) and continue walking. We still have to live together, and we still need to listen each other, and we still are going to say super offensive things. Lets get over it when they are still words.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:


> Hate only creates hate. The issue with all "minoritys" began with the abuse from the ones helding the power back then(and still). Today things are somewhat, awkwardly, beginning to balance out, but the change allows old minded haters and new minded haters to mix and hate at the same time and level, all yelling in the name of "justice", all offended by something.

> But humans need to stop expecting "justice", because, sadly, justice depends on opinion.

> The only way to stop this kind of stupidity, IMO, is to stop yelling back, take the blow to our hypertrophied morals (whatever side we are on) and continue walking. We still have to live together, and we still need to listen each other, and we still are going to say super offensive things. Lets get over it when they are still words.


It really doesn't, and it really didn't. Romans 12:9, "Let love be without hypocrisy Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good." If you love what is good, then you should detest what is evil by equal measure. "Hate" is motivation, a drive to see injustices see the light, and wrongs to be righted. It is perfectly natural, and also it produces good things, I.E. all of the laws that exist today. Without a hate for evil, there is no morality. Only empty and superfluous mantras. Stand firm in your morals, because the idea that the other side will back down just because you did is silly. Our current political climate is more polarized than it was immediately after the U.S. civil war; there is no "backing down" from this.


The issue of PC culture today came from a hybrid of German and Russian philosophies that culminated into a postmodern monster of anti-thought. It is not "old hate vs new hate." It asserts several things, all of which are factually incorrect but nonetheless are adhered to religiously:

(1): The human is a fully socialized creature with no innate behaviors

(2): Wealth and fortune are finite resources that cannot be changed

(3): All ideas and philosophies are equal, since all humans are relative.

(4): Be wholly indiscriminate in thought.

(5): Inequality in society is only the product of evil: the winners have stolen from the losers.

(6): Being indiscriminate in thought does not mean being indiscriminate in policy.


Combine it all together and you get a PC monster that revels in identity politics and hates everything that works. I can see its influence in you, too. Justice is not opinion, and there is no finite amount of power being hoarded by the ones who have it. A sense of justice is ubiquitous across all mankind, and by merely existing a person holds the power to alter their environment. The notions to the contrary are concocted by a mind (Karl Marx, specifically) that is ignorant of economics, ignorant of human behavior, and has delved so deep into edgelord nihilism that it dismisses all notions of morality and law as social power plays by a shared group identity.

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> @"pareth.3847" said:

> > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > I'm confused why the "sexist" card was pulled. Did someone say something about females, or simply about her. I could understand if the post contained negativity about women in general, but I loathe when people use the "you're not like me, so you obviously hate everyone that is" arguement. That thinking just perpetuates the hate they are calling out.


> It was because she's a female and the guy who offered his opinion (politely!!!!) was a man. That's all. If I called every man sexist who gave me recommendations or feedback on how things could be differently, I would never have improved in my own job.


> And to all who say she can do what she want on her private Twitter: she makes her tweets visible to all. She could protect them, too, and only connect with people she likes and trust. Then no gamers could see her tweets. But she posts publicly as a representative of Anet. I work for a charity. Do you think they would like it if I proudly mentioned that in my profile and then was disrespectful towards our clients? I'd lose my job. Simple as that. That's why you keep private profiles and profiles related to your job SEPARATE. She also complained a lot more about people, and not nicely. She felt hassled because it was a holiday in the US. If she had a company twitter, she could just NOT see that on days off. And her truly private Twitter profile would be free of people she doesn't want to communicate with. Simple.


That's what I was getting from the posts. I dont have a twitter account, and don't feel like learning anything about it to read about someone like that. I can't stand when people create problems that aren't there to try to invalidate someone else. I've had a similar arguement brought against me in the past. It has to be frustrating for him, I'm just glad this community has rallied to fight this stupidity, and bigotry.

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