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Mount speeds


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First of all, thanks, you made a believer out of me. I didn't think that the game could get better with mounts, and now I love it.

I have a small issue, some of my friends don't have PoF, so they don't have mounts, and I run into the constant problem of not using my mount or using my mount and leave my friends behind. I know what you are thinking, you can leave your friends behind, but I don't want them to be left alone and sad.


Can we please get the rp walk to normal character speed???


Thanks in advance!!

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Your friends might actually be able to keep up with your mount, depending on their prof.


See [this thread, reposting data from a Redditor](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4326/running-faster-than-a-centaur-repost-of-mount-speed-data-from-reddit "this thread"), which compares mount speeds to on-foot speeds.

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I know there is an rp walk, but the speed is slower than normal walk, but the mount speed is too fast for my friends, so tapping that would be a bit annoying.. My friends don't have the money right now to buy HoT or PoF, I was lucky to get a copy for myself as a gift even.


Heh, a trot toggle key won't be bad :3

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