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Jessica Price, the cherry on top of the cake

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Up until now, with this whole issue, I never really agreed that people should be fired over tweets, maybe a reprimand and a public apology but never fired.


With this issue it was the same, I think Jessica should get some ground rules determined and be allowed to do her work in Anet, since everyone can have bad days, or bad weeks. Everyone can sometimes lash out at clients both the regular physical kind or the service's kind that are p.e. players, or customer support's clients, it's something that happens when you are in a controversial business where there are hundreds of people that have thousands of opinions each.


That is until I saw this tweet right here from when TotalBiscuit passed away:


Edit: Here are a few more, feel free to click and see the chain for context:


And I have to say, this right here, killed it for me. No matter how much of an asshole you are, you don't just say this kind of words publicly, in situations like this, being a public figure, you either are sympathetic, say something nice or shut your trap. Now I've been checking the tweets from her, that people have been showing, and I have to say: she does not belong at Anet, she does need to get fired, and finally what the hell were they thinking when they hired this person? I've seen people fired for tweeting things 300% milder than this.


Here's another example of the type of person she is, read the whole chain of answers:

Courtesy or /u/7BitBrian


This was just my opinion that I really wanted to get off my chest,


TL;DR: I think Jessica is a terrible person for what she said about TB and that she has no place in Anet.


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If what she said yesterday is just her "having one bad day" then she clearly has an awful lot of bad days, consistently going back years and years... Maybe she picked the wrong line of work? If she hates her job and the people around her so much, why keep her there? She should find something else in life that makes her happy. Instead of lashing out at people every day. It's not healthy.

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internet mobs are internet mobs, howling and screaming for a lynching of someone. Calm down and think over what you are doing and sprouting of drivel to egg on each other in your echo chamber.


And more and more spam wont help your case or make anyone take you serious. Everyone here deserves a forum timeout.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> And more and more spam wont help your care or make anyone take you serious. Everyone here deserves a forum timeout.


I'm sure you enjoy having a person like her writing the story for a game you like, well I don't and I really won't let this bullshit die out.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> internet mobs are internet mobs, howling and screaming for a lynching of someone. Calm down and think over what you are doing and sprouting of drivel to egg on each other in your echo chamber.


> And more and more spam wont help your case or make anyone take you serious. Everyone here deserves a forum timeout.


So we should simply let Price continue this disgusting tirade? We should simply let Price continue screaming sexism and racism against any and all who dare voice a differing opinion? We should simply let Price vocally let us, the fans, the paying customers of ArenaNet, know that Price hates us and doesn't have to "pretend" to be nice to us lowly peons? We should simply let Price continue to voice their satisfaction that someone has died?


...right, I see it now, we're all overreacting. We'll go play our game and buy gems and expansions and Living World episodes and happily fuel that behaviour because we like being ridiculed, mocked, and ranted at by a couple of almighty devs.


What Price has done is not acceptable, in any way, period. ArenaNet needs to realize this, and being the squeaky wheel seems the only way to get them to notice. Otherwise, they'll just let it all blow over and hope people forget about it...until the inevitable next time Price spouts off with disgusting rhetoric.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> And again I dont defend her, but the acts in here of the internet mob is utterly deplorable. You should be ashamed of your behavior.


I've seen way worse for way less to be honest, and, as I said, this is one of the very very few cases where I really don't want the mob to stop, and so I will simply try to keep the mob alive. As long as the mob lives Anet will have to talk to us.

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Anybody that condones the crap that this lowlife POS spews out is just as bad as she is. If Anet continues to say nothing and condone what she does with their name attached to it they deserve what will inevitably come from it. Anything short of termination at this point is not enough. I don't care how horrible you think the person is you don't post saying you are glad they passed.


And then to get in a fight with Jebro over literally nothing. She just wants to go out of her way just to get into fights to spew more hatred and toxicity. At this point I personally don't want to support a company who thinks this kind of behavior is acceptable.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> internet mobs are internet mobs, howling and screaming for a lynching of someone. Calm down and think over what you are doing and sprouting of drivel to egg on each other in your echo chamber.


> And more and more spam wont help your case or make anyone take you serious. Everyone here deserves a forum timeout.


Nah, we need to keep up the pressure until she's fired. She needs to go work some shitty retail job for a couple years to check herself and revaluate how she talks to/about people.

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Still just words folks... Do you really want to ruin someone's life? Is that seriously what you advocate for?


Honestly, I just want her out of Anet's narrative team. Whatever happens to her after it's not my business, she should think a little before speaking in public media with her real identity. There are several cases of people that got a lot of problems because of social media and talking out of their asses or even just giving an opinion, this is not soemthing new and she should have known by now. She choose to ignore it and these are the consequences.

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> @"Shizlam.4310" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > Still just words folks... Do you really want to ruin someone's life? Is that seriously what you advocate for?


Honestly, I just want her out of Anet's narrative team. Whatever happens to her after it's not my business, she should think a little before speaking in public media with her real identity. There are several cases of people that got a lot of problems because of social media by talking out of their butts or even just giving an opinion, this is not something new and she should have known by now. She choose to ignore it and these are the consequences.



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> And you just prove my words. Take the high road instead of sinking even lower.


This falls close the arena of the tolerance paradox. In order to be a completely tolerant society you have to tolerate intolerance. However, this doesn't work in reality you have to tolerate everything expect intolerance. In this case I'm willing to tolerate the single occurance, everyone makes mistakes, but I won't tolerate her continuous toxicity. If she gets fired she may realize there are consequence for the way she treats people and better herself. This will also appease the community. It's a win/win really, expect if she lacks introspection and continues to be horrible to people.

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