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I would like a new Elite Spec that has Minions

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> pretty much every class already some form of minions

> Ranger - Pets

> Necros - Undeads

> Mesmer - Illusions

> Elementalist - Elementals

> Guardian - Spirit Weapons

> Thief - Thief Guild

> Engineer - Turrets

> Revenant - Spirit Charrs

> Warrior - One man army


> you may well just go play GW1, plenty of human pets


That is a far stretch on the revenant. It's not as if those things do anything more than a single attack on use. This is nothing like necro pets, or even guardian "pets".

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Personally, I think the Elementalist should be next.


I actually said the same a while back. My reasoning is they can just have the elementals be the attunements and have access to pet manipulation via skill bar. This would be really awkward though as they'd need to have a no-attunement so they can still use weapon skills.

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> @"Pew.1658" said:

> I know Guardians already have their summonable weapons and what not, but I could see them having Holy Spirits/Avengers F2-5, not entirely sure how the gameplay would turn out but that's my only suggestion.


They actually removed the AI component from Guardian weapons, so unless they did it like when they removed the Elite Skill Tomes to make them the mechanic for Firebrand, i'm guessing we won't see more AI-based Elites.

Even Renegade and Scourge, both of which could be minion/ai spirit based where made so their skills are pretty much just static aoes. Arena Net made it pretty clear they don't like AI-based classes, which really removes a lot of interesting possibilities.

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I'd really love to see them pull off a dedicated minion or pet specialization. A kin to a summoner or something. Pet classes have always been my go to in games. (:


I might be sprouting nonsense here, so forgive me in advance. But If they were ever to do such a thing, I hope they make one really well thought out pet that only this specialization would have access to. Instead of introducing a bunch of new pets to balance, they could potentially focus on making one really interesting pet AI with unique mechanics. It could be a special single dedicated spectral/ancient beast (ranger) , a demon (necro), or a special elemental/summon (elementalist). I'd honestly prefer to have one really good pet over 3758947834786 sub par ones. Especially if it made designing or balancing a potential pet specialization easier.


I'm not sure if they could pull it off. The AI in the game certainly ain't the best around. I gotta admit though, it's MUCH better than it was around the start of GW2. When I came back to the game, I was surprised to see my pets survive at all. They used to drop like flies and act rather questionable at times! Still do, but not nearly as often. If they put enough development into it, who knows! We could be pleasantly surprised.

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> @"Wyvern.7951" said:

> I might be sprouting nonsense here, so forgive me in advance. But If they were ever to do such a thing, I hope they make one really well thought out pet that only this specialization would have access to. Instead of introducing a bunch of new pets to balance, they could potentially focus on making one really interesting pet AI with unique mechanics. It could be a special single dedicated spectral/ancient beast (ranger) , a demon (necro), or a special elemental/summon (elementalist). I'd honestly prefer to have one really good pet over 3758947834786 sub par ones.


Like someone said earlier in this thread: golemancer.

Imagine engineer's toolbelt skills replaced by the control panel similar to what rangers have, and golems acquiring different moves via trait choices.

Oh, and it could use staff as a weapon to act as a control rod.

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Personally I would love to see a new summoner class but honestly what's the point? Aesthetics? We already have multiple classes / skills based around summoning meatshields, we don't need another one of those and if you want them to have a meaningful impact otherwise you are presented with one of two options:


- summon one strong minion (which would have to be at least on the same level as the Legendary Bandit Executioner in both offensive and defensive capabilities)




- being able to constantly resummon multiple extremely aggressive minions


I do think there is value in having a summoner class where the summoner itself is more of a support char for his minions but these minions have to able make up for the lack of aggressiveness and defensive play a human player brings to the table otherwise they just end up being meatshields for their master and we alredy have more then enought of those. As a rule of thumb: if they can't (with your support) beat the story bosses, make mincemeat out of an enemy camp in WvW (assuming no enemy players) and are a deadweight in high level fractals then it's not with it.

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If you played around 2015 (i think) right before hot came out - Engineers with turrets were dominating in spvp.


Back then turrets scaled with your health and your power and they were immune to AOE and condi. Turrets were awesome back then , but of course they were OP


I don't think pets are able to be balanced very well. They are either useless or incredibly powerful - primarily in spvp.

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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> If you played around 2015 (i think) right before hot came out - Engineers with turrets were dominating in spvp.


> Back then turrets scaled with your health and your power and they were immune to AOE.


Not as i remember it.

Turrets where broken for the opposite reason as to what you stated if memory serves me right. They DIDNT scale with stats (outside of healing power and condidamage which had to be patched in) and that was the core of the problem (and its a important distinction). Players could tank without loosing any damage from the turret side, and so they did. This was back when powercreep was low enough that a defensive amulet was enough to be tanky. Combined with the turret traits existing in the bunker trees and the engineer was fairly sturdy (except back then ht was the only condi clear they ran). The turret build would deal low damage for a damage oriented build, but too much for a bunker. And this was before the scrapper and the spellbreakers (to name a few) who later achieved the same thing and also had to be nerfed. Add to this that condition damage and critical hits didnt work against them as you said (but aoe worked and was effective) and there is a lot of "stat cheating" in favor of the engineer.

And finally turret engis usually had the trait that allowed them to toss them up to hard to reach places, further restricting their opponents approach with another trait increasing their range by 50% (these traits are now gone).


Now it blows the other way. Turrets can be crit and conditions can be applied to them, but they cant be cleansed nor can boons be applied to them. And with their low hp now that they can be crit it takes a stray cleave to kill a few of them at once. Slowly they have merged more and more turret traits to reduce the trait costs for them at least. And a lot of the problematic traits like self repair are now also gone.


Sorry for being long, but it is important that this story is told straight to remember the lessons learnt from it, and most people just use the build as a boogeyman without further reflecting on why it became such.


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> @"Anthony.3207" said:

> I don't think pets are able to be balanced very well. They are either useless or incredibly powerful - primarily in spvp.

This is why you have to factor in the player character, if the minion(s) is / are incredibly strong the PC has to be incredibly weak. If the PC ends up being a total pushover the class wouldn't be paticulary strong in PvP even if the minion itself is far above your average legendary creature in terms of strength (which it pretty much has to be considering how abysmal the DPS of you average boss mob is when compared to even a casual player).


It's almost comical how rare it is to see a minion focused class by which the minions don't end up being some kind of "cosmetic" or a meatshield. There are probably more but on top of my head only the trap assassin from D2 and the Doppelganger from Borderlands TPS come to mind.

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