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Late feedback for POF. (Spoiler) Do not read if haven't finished. What Anet should do to Rytlock.

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I believe Anet didn't put full thought onto Rytlock's action. I liked Rytlock until he decided to accidentally release Balthazar. I know everything is on the hush, hush. However for Rytlock's action that released the God of War, and then killing the commander, he should have at least apologized. Yes he had a tear when The Commander came back after killing the eater. But I believe Rytlock could have been a more tremendous character if, he'd shown much more emotion for his wrong doing. He could've been side by side with commander during every fight. However when we were fighting, The Commander was all alone. Like, did he not remember the world is about to be jacked up all because he wanted his sword back?


Since the world does not know what has happened, or who killed Balthazar. I understand why there can not be a punishment. However I do wish that, within the upcoming story, it can be brought up for Rytlock and The Commander, so Rytlock can make redemption. My opinion about him is almost to not caring about him anymore, all because of that not being thought of.


So for future matters I hope Anet puts these type of things into the game within the future. I hope Rytlock, and The commander can have an emotional talk of what happened, and how Rytlock truly felt when he saw The commander had died. Things like this I believe should be within the game.

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What you mean his action was ok because he didn’t know? So are you saying if a person got the nucleur bomb codes from America and didn’t know it was the codes, gave it away to a different country, that he should plead with no repercussions? I’m sorry but his actions would have been prison, accidental or not.


Same goes with Rytlock. Balthazar is like the bombs that Rylock didn’t know about, yet released him into the world. Accident or not, something should have been done.


Yes I believe they did talk but only what? 2 sentences?


What I am saying is a full movie scene. And even the commander being closer to rytlock as brothers. During that time that arenanet created it, That time could have brought them in as a brotherhood. Yes the guild supposedly suppose to be a brotherhood, however no one in the guild shows actual heart felt emotion as a brotherhood should be.

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> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> Same goes with Rytlock. Balthazar is like the bombs that Rylock didn’t know about, yet released him into the world. Accident or not, something should have been done.


Your analogy here is faulty. It's more that Rytlock is like a guy who picks up some dude on the highway and gives him a ride to the next town, without realising that he's some psycho-crazy serial killer that he (Rytlock) hasn't seen any pictures of, and then afterwards the said serial killer goes on a spree. Is Rytlock responsible for those deaths in any "moral responsibility" sense? Clearly, in a "he's an element in the causal chain" sense, he's responsible - something he did was part of a chain of events that lead to those people dying, but in a "moral responsibility" sense(1), he is not.


(1) The assertion that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" is faulty for a closely related reason. It depends on the law, of course, but while here on Earth pretty much every culture ever has taken a dim view of killing members of the killer's own "tribe", for example, the same is not true of profiting on a stock market by what we now call "insider trading". So, we can conclude that, ON EARTH, it is unreasonable for a murderer to claim that he didn't know that murder is against the law, but, given the above, it is reasonable for someone from a time (e.g. the 17th and 18th Centuries in England) or cultural context that permits insider trading to claim that he didn't know that here and now in the 21st Century, insider trading is *very* illegal.

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If they didnt know it was the codes and they *Somehow* got ahold of them without realizing it was the codes, yes i think its fair to say that if they gave it away without still realizing they had something important, i fail to see the issue. The real issue is, that it would be i dare say impossible for that scenario to ever happen. His actions would not have lead to prison at all.


The mists are a strange place and strange powers are there, he also meets freaking glint while there too, and the Balthazar he met looked nothing like the Balthazar statues you see around the world. In the cutscene we are given he looks like a old homeless man. Did he screw up by releasing Balthazar? Sure, but had he known it was Balthazar at the time, i doubt he would have released him at all, more likely knowing the fact that hes a Charr would have killed him then and there, false gods and all.


So forgive me if i disagree heavily with the fact that you think he needs to be "punished" for some at least in my opinion unavoidable event given the facts presented to us.



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Bad analogy.


This is a good one >>

> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > Same goes with Rytlock. Balthazar is like the bombs that Rylock didn’t know about, yet released him into the world. Accident or not, something should have been done.


> Your analogy here is faulty. It's more that Rytlock is like a guy who picks up some dude on the highway and gives him a ride to the next town, without realising that he's some psycho-crazy serial killer that he (Rytlock) hasn't seen any pictures of, and then afterwards the said serial killer goes on a spree. Is Rytlock responsible for those deaths in any "moral responsibility" sense? Clearly, in a "he's an element in the causal chain" sense, he's responsible - something he did was part of a chain of events that lead to those people dying, but in a "moral responsibility" sense(1), he is not.


> (1) The assertion that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" is faulty for a closely related reason. It depends on the law, of course, but while here on Earth pretty much every culture ever has taken a dim view of killing members of the killer's own "tribe", for example, the same is not true of profiting on a stock market by what we now call "insider trading". So, we can conclude that, ON EARTH, it is unreasonable for a murderer to claim that he didn't know that murder is against the law, but, given the above, it is reasonable for someone from a time (e.g. the 17th and 18th Centuries in England) or cultural context that permits insider trading to claim that he didn't know that here and now in the 21st Century, insider trading is *very* illegal.



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This "I don't like this NPC; s/he should die/suffer" thing is getting tiresome.

Unfortunately, ANet doesn't have the narrative space to include *every* consequence as the result of a story event. If anything, we should have gotten some notion that Rytlock ignoring the High Legions resulted in something other than a stern talking-to about his disappearance and subsequent Revenant status. Missed opportunity, sure, but hardly vital to the plot.

And for him releasing Balthazar? Rytlock already sought to fix what he did, and if Balthazar hadn't emerged and started threatening Elona to kill a dragon, no one would have even known. Hard to see any official consequences of it.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"blambidy.3216" said:

> > Same goes with Rytlock. Balthazar is like the bombs that Rylock didn’t know about, yet released him into the world. Accident or not, something should have been done.


> Your analogy here is faulty. It's more that Rytlock is like a guy who picks up some dude on the highway and gives him a ride to the next town, without realising that he's some psycho-crazy serial killer that he (Rytlock) hasn't seen any pictures of, and then afterwards the said serial killer goes on a spree. Is Rytlock responsible for those deaths in any "moral responsibility" sense? Clearly, in a "he's an element in the causal chain" sense, he's responsible - something he did was part of a chain of events that lead to those people dying, but in a "moral responsibility" sense(1), he is not.


> (1) The assertion that "ignorance of the law is no excuse" is faulty for a closely related reason. It depends on the law, of course, but while here on Earth pretty much every culture ever has taken a dim view of killing members of the killer's own "tribe", for example, the same is not true of profiting on a stock market by what we now call "insider trading". So, we can conclude that, ON EARTH, it is unreasonable for a murderer to claim that he didn't know that murder is against the law, but, given the above, it is reasonable for someone from a time (e.g. the 17th and 18th Centuries in England) or cultural context that permits insider trading to claim that he didn't know that here and now in the 21st Century, insider trading is *very* illegal.


Well I didn’t think that everyone would take that as harsh as I thought. But yes. I agree with you. Above in my post, I did say I understand Rytlock couldn’t be punished because within the story, people don’t know that The Commander even killed Balthazar. Or kinda killed since kralk ate him at the end. So how could he be in a type of court? Or accused of it?


All I’m saying is since there was no punishment of what Rylock has done. Idk gw2 laws within the game. So (if) somehow people found out. Something should happen. What? I truly do not know.


During the point of Rytlock releasing Balthazar and The Commander coming back to life, Anet could’ve made a better brotherhood between Rytlock and The Commander. Only because of Rytlock releasing Balthazar. And The Commander dying, and coming back to life.


This is only feedback of which I believe that Anet would implement within the characters.


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I did not want it to post this as I’m bashing Anet or anything. Just for everyone to know. I was just making a comment to show that Anet could do a tremendous thing with Npcs. I believe it would also make people love the Npcs more if, Anet would show the Npcs having a greater bond. I was just saying that during the time of Rytlock and pof. Rytlock and The Commander could have been great companions if, Rytlock and The Commander had a sit down talk after The fight of Balthazar was over. Or Rytlock could have a shaken moment after seeing The Commander passed. Yes he did his fist thing when The Commander came back. But it could been a great moment when he came back.


The stress Anet could’ve put on Rylock. The anguish he could’ve had. During each episode he could’ve showed the most wrath in his anger for his mistake.


If Anet puts things like that into every npc. Story would be even more Amazing.


I’m not saying Anet isn’t doing a great job. Anet is doing amazing.



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