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Will be going away for last week. Anet if I crack it up to 1k games can u not decay me as surely I have earned my spot where I get to as always t3 plat at end and good chance of holding but the decay will t1 gold or bronze me hahaha can't show my face again with that. I know pvp is a joke now and No1 cares but I do as I am 100% pvp and play for titles and top spots

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The decay is absolutely attoricious, and due to how bad it is I can’t even take going for rank or leaderboard spots seriously given my job. Could be sitting comfortably at mid plat, have to go out of town for a few weeks and then come back and have to curb stomp poor little bronzies in a warpath back to mid gold/low plat (since you’re bound to still lose a game or two on the way there).


It’s an absolute joke, and given the current state of PvP isn’t even needed, at least not to the extreme they have it now. If anything it should only decay starting at plat or higher and stop at Gold 3 or something like that. Because that’s the only point rank even begins to matter, and I highly doubt bronze and silver players really want to be going up against high ranking players who’ve been on vacation or w/e.


> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> you just need to play a game to remove 100 decay pts... and if i'm not mistaken ... the max decay is -700.


> So when you'll be back (before seasons ends i hope for you ) you just need to play some games (since you're 100% pvp)


700 sounds about right, but keep in mind that’s still enough of a drop to kick you down from low to mid plat into bronze after a little over a week of not playing, and you lose more MMR points for any loss you May get (deserved or otherwise) on your games back up. God forbid you get 5 AFK losses as you’re trying to get back up, you’ll easily lose 100-200 MMR from that.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> The decay is absolutely attoricious, and due to how bad it is I can’t even take going for rank or leaderboard spots seriously given my job. Could be sitting comfortably at mid plat, have to go out of town for a few weeks and then come back and have to curb stomp poor little bronzies in a warpath back to mid gold/low plat (since you’re bound to still lose a game or two on the way there).


> It’s an absolute joke, and given the current state of PvP isn’t even needed, at least not to the extreme they have it now. If anything it should only decay starting at plat or higher and stop at Gold 3 or something like that. Because that’s the only point rank even begins to matter, and I highly doubt bronze and silver players really want to be going up against high ranking players who’ve been on vacation or w/e.


> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > you just need to play a game to remove 100 decay pts... and if i'm not mistaken ... the max decay is -700.

> >

> > So when you'll be back (before seasons ends i hope for you ) you just need to play some games (since you're 100% pvp)


> 700 sounds about right, but keep in mind that’s still enough of a drop to kick you down from low to mid plat into bronze after a little over a week of not playing, and you lose more MMR points for any loss you May get (deserved or otherwise) on your games back up. God forbid you get 5 AFK losses as you’re trying to get back up, you’ll easily lose 100-200 MMR from that.


It does not affect your actual rating (skill rating or what is it called?). You only drop from the leaderboard and lose your badge, you would not be teamed with lower tier players.

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> @"Gamble.4580" said:

> Would not mind it but leave 10days before end and don't come back untill after season ends, but already done 400 games I don't tip toe the top leader boards like most of the afk top 10 who play 1 game every 2 days


might be problematic then ... but yeah you can't do anything except delay your holidays LUL (kidding here)

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> @"Namless.4028" said:

> A lot of people dont seem to understan how decay works.

> It just changes how you get shown in the leaderboards it doesnt affect matchmaking at all.


They do get it. Let's assume you did your best along 500 games and maintained at 1530 rating. You come back on the last season's day after holidays, you're at 1530-700. Unfortunately, you experience severe unluck on the 7 games, and you're at 1498, and have no time to get back the platinum badge.

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