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How would you rank the mounts?

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With the new Roller Beetle mount, it will be interesting to see how players have changed their ranking of the mounts. Here's mine:




*1 - Griffon - This is by far my most useful mount and set as my default. Though it may be glorified gliding, it's the most versatile of all the mounts. It's speed when diving and flying makes it fast for traveling like the raptor. Flying over all obstacles and terrain makes it as smooth and unhindered as the skimmer. It's compact size and sharper turns help in going into most caves and tighter areas, and ascend inclines quickly like the Jackal. And like the Springer, it can make it up to and over short walls pretty quickly. It's the only mount that can be activated mid-air to save you from a free fall when you aren't already on a mount.


2 - Roller Beetle - This mount really impressed me not only for how useful and well-designed it is, but because it proves once again how innovative and brilliant Anet's Devs can be. It brings a whole new way to experience the world, which was their intention. The ability to keep movement going and even utilize objects to effect your movement like bouncing off a short fence or rock to catch air or go up a tall sloped hill that you couldn't bypass with most other mounts as quickly, is a lot of fun and opens up experimentation for all that it can do. It's also the fastest ground mount when you get it going. World comp speed just increased even further.


3 - Skimmer - Used to be my favorite until the Griffon was acquired. There is nothing better than just hovering over all obstacles with such elegance and smooth movement. It's the most useful in consistently evading attacks as you travel. Being the only mount that takes advantage of and utilizes water areas also makes this a strong favorite for me.


4 - Raptor - When I need to get going now, not later, this is the mount of choice. It's like having my own Yoshi in GW 2. (Super Mario character)


5 - Jackal - I use this mount anytime I go into a cave or indoor area because of the size. It also has great control and precision even in tighter spots.


6 - Springer - Love the design, hopping movement, high jumps, and its engage skill. Downside is the movement when you need to be precise. The wide turns and horizontal movement, sliding around, and inability to grapple small areas when climbing a cliffside can drive one insane!


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1. Griffon.

2. Beetle.

3. Jackal.

4. Skimmer.

5. Springer.

6. Raptor.


Skimmer has saved me many times, but it's not an overrall enjoyable mount to have, compared to the Raptor, but the Raptor for me... simply has only the long jump to make it feel useful at all. That being said, each Mount is perfect. Skimmer serves its purpose for water/lava/branded, and then once you're on land, it becomes useless.

Rating them isn't easy.. Loved them all.

Beetle needs work, and skins, but the speed has me still content with it.

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1. Griffon - fast speed/flying/high places - most versatile

2. Raptor - quickly can leap for bursts of speed

3. Springer - always used for high places

4. Beetle - goes fast on flat terrain only, slow ramp up time

5. Skimmer - water

6. Jackal - useless, except for portals run speed is sorta fast, but not as fast as raptor with leap.

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Griffon is overrated imo. I have it, but i only find a use for it when I need to go down or there is a high obstacle in front of me or nearby (that I wouldn't be able to climb without a Springer *khm*).


1. Raptor - Still my most used mount, because I'm not always looking to go through a whole map. It wins general usage by far, which is the most important thing for me. It can get you through chasms with easy. I can get you up on smaller rocks without having to dismount. It can even give you a headstart into water.

2. Springer - I'm switching to it often to climb places.

3. Skimmer - Obviously really good on water and it let's you land on places where you'd normally be unable to if you were just swimming without a mount.

4. Beetle - When I plan ahead I can use it to Boost through water and travel a long distance in seconds. Useless for short distances where everything outclasses it.

5. Jackal - It had the utility of passing through portals. It's travel speed is comparable to that of the raptor, but is still outclassed sadly.

6. Griffon - Unless there is a high enough starting point nearby, which can only be accessed in most cases with a Springer and/or other mounts, it loses in everything. Without the speedboost Beetle wins in long-range. Raptor and Jackal will always leave it behind without the boost. So yeah. Does this mean it's my least favorite? No. It just means it's the most situational for me. It's a cool mount, but not really what I use most of the time, because of the reasons above.


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1. **Griffon**, it's just the best allrounder and looks awesome to use. Instead of constantly switching between Raptor and Springer like before, I just mostly use the Griffon at all times with few drawbacks. When I first got it I never would've thought that it would become my default mount, but I just found myself using it more and more.

2. Closely followed by **Raptor** for mostly flat terrain

3. I think the **Beetle** will be in this place once I get used to it. It's the fastest and can even pass some water surfaces with enough acceleration.

4. **Skimmer** actually feels really nice to me and is very useful for varying terrain (water, high ledges, quicksand)

5. Honorary mention to the **Springer,** which I actually love, too, but it's use has mostly been replaced by Griffon for me.


I don't really use the Jackal. Tried it, but couldn't get used to it. It can't jump over small ledges that all other mounts can pass, and I can't really make use of it's "switch direction while teleporting, it's so convenient!" feature. Might be due to my constant use of the action cam. In fact, constantly teleporting with it kind of gives me motion sickness.

I use it a bit more lately since I got the Ceylon Cut skin for it (probably my favourite mount skin so far) but it's really just for looking at it.



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1. Raptor. My workhorse! It runs, jumps, attacks, is very versatile, and has loads of personality.

2. Griffon. Because flying is so useful and fun!

3. Springer. Gotta love getting up those unclimbable cliffs.

4. Skimmer. Nice to be able to go fast on water and avoid sharks, but not all that useful

5. Jackal. The blink is cool, but apart from the jackal gates, it does nothing a Raptor can't do. I hardly ever use it


Roller beetle not yet rated because, although I did get it and rank it up, I have not had time to learn to use it.

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1. Griffon. Infinite versatility. Good thing it's got a high barrier to entry, otherwise I think Anet sort of painted themselves into a corner with it. I find it hard to use much else.

2. Springer. The Springer does one thing much better than any of the others- vertical distance. It might not be the one I use most often, but it's the one I couldn't live without. Also, it's combat skill is great CC.

3. Jackal. I prefer this over the raptor for getting up slopes, and it's almost as fast.

4. Raptor. For when I just feel the need for speed.

5. Skimmer. Its use is more narrow than the Springer's and it's not particularly useful otherwise, but it's very convenient.

6. Beetle. Partly just haven't gotten the hang of it, but mostly I don't like the core idea of the design very much. The high speeds it is capable come at the cost of control and have a high ramp up time, and that's the opposite of what I want in a mount.

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1. Jackal. By far my most-used mount and always set as default. GW2 consisting mostly of uneven environment with slopes and obstacles, the jackal feels to me the most natural way to navigate the maps. Also, no fall damage and extremely fast and tight turning when the situation calls for it.


2. Springer. 'nuff said, I use this mount all the time to reach places, and to get a high starting point for the griffon. Also it's adorable.


3. Griffon. I honestly don't use this mount as much as I thought I would, due to the slow land speed and the need for a high starting point to go really fast, but I always use it when the opportunity rises, or when I need to glide further than the glider gets me. Also great for quick, smaller vertical climbs.


4. Beetle. Whilst difficult to master and slow before you gain momentum (or boost), this mount is super fun. I mostly use this for racing or crossing longs stretches of flat land, so it's not super high on my list when I think about overall usefullness.


5. Skimmer. My use of this mount is very situational, and I rarely use it anywhere outside watery areas. I like the mount itself quite a bit, but anywhere outside water or hazardous ground, the other mounts are simply faster and more useful.


6. Raptor. Since I aqcuired the jackal on the second day of PoF, I have hardly touched this mount at all. I like the movement and the animations, and especially the combat ability, but overall the mount feels sluggish to me, stopping at every slope or obstacle. Also it's missing the agility of the jackal in terms of quick turning and mid-air controllability.


Aside from 1. and 6. it was quite hard to list the mounts, since they all see use daily, but I tried to think about it from a practicality viewpoint and concretely how much I use each.

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I like and use all of them in certain situations (if i have to climb on a high rock - i'll use the springer, if i have to cross over water - i'll take the skimmer etc.) They are all useful and very nice done.


But... if i have to choose one favorite then its (still) the RAPTOR!!! =) I simply love this one, he is my companion in almost all situations and as someone mentioned already.. he has personality :) even if i'm waiting for an event or so, i prefer to sit on the raptor because of his hilarious idle animations.


And sorry but imo, the griffon is a quite overrated mount, i use this one only when i have to.

As a GW1 player i like the Beetle but mostly because of nostalgia, tried it, sort of like it though i still have to learn its handling but it wont top my Raptor.

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Ill rate them based on how much i use them:


1) Raptor - More then often i find myself being the most comfortable with the raptor. It has fast / long leaps, making it ideal for exploring and going from one place to another. Allround my most used mount.


2) Skipper - While the raptor covers most of my horizontal needs. the Skipper aka bunny takes care of my vertical desires. Making it my second most used mount. And with that i already feel like i do not need more. But for the sake, ill still report them:


3) Griffon - Even tho this beast can overall be seen as best. I have barely any use for it unfortunately. I'm more comfortable with the jumping abilities on skipper and speed wise, you first need to find yourself some high ground. I feel like i am better off just hopping on to raptor or beetle for that purpose. I feel like GW2 is missing the true potential for the griffon. Excluding certain specific adventures. But then again, it is basically a bonus mount. So i can see why Anet went that way.


4) Jackal - Genuinely my second most favorite mount. Comes very close to raptor in overall usefulness. Very Agile. But just like griffon, the situation i find myself in need for its abilities is kinda rare. The Halloween maze race was really a great place for the jackal, and so are other tight areas where you need to skip through quickly. But again those places are not a lot. And given the mastery, i can "dodge" with the raptor too while leaping. So i do not use the jackal that much unless i need the sand portals.


5) Skimmer - Underwater content is minimum. ON WATER is non excisting. only useful to skip lakes and such. Do i need to say more? (Seriously tho, this mount needs uw abilities. PLZ ANET, make it happen).


6) Roller Beetle - I have an love/hate relation with this mount. I can talk for hours about this poor fella, so ill just try to keep it short: I am really enjoying myself for what it can do and how it reacts to the environment. But in all honesty, i feel like we lack a reason to actually use the beetle. it's just there for the shetz and giggles, and that makes me sad. Cause it did not get it's well deserved love as the other mounts did. Which gets even worse if you think about we probably have another 3 to 5 episodes to go before we hit another expansion. And that means there will be less use for mounts given people need to be able to play the next expansion without owning PoF.

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Okay, here's how I rank them:


1) **Springer** - This one's a winner! Plenty of meat, with good texture and flavor. Like all of the mounts, it can be a bit gamy if not handled properly, but any good cook will know how to deal with it. Excellent in stews, too!


2) **Raptor** - Tastes like chicken! Old joke, I know, but somewhat true. Once cooked, can be good cold the next day. Also goes great with waffles.


3) **Griffon** - You would think the flavor would be more like the raptor, but it's not. It has an almost acidic flavor to it that has to be slow cooked out. Good for when you plan to smoke or slowly cook a roast. For faster cooking, give this one a pass.


4) **Skimmer** - Far from my favorite, but others seem to like it. Best use seems to be to cut it up small, bread it, and deep fry.


5) **Beetle** - Lobster of the land. I don't like lobster. Still, you cook it and eat it in the same way. You just need a REALLY big pot of boiling water.


6) **Jackal** - This is dirt. Animated dirt. Don't eat dirt, kids.

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1. Griffon - My griffon is the best all-around mount. I am not always looking for speed, nor am I looking for cliff climbing. In general, I use the griffon getting from A to B in the most efficient way possible when there are no waypoints.

2. Skimmer - Although the skimmer is my favorite aesthetically, I placed it 2nd because of its limited use in the desert. Even so, I find myself using skimmer a LOT. The new map of Kourna has enough water that the skimmer is the 2nd fastest way to get from the farms to the fortress. I also love the animations and the grace as it spreads its "wings" and lifts above rocks and obstacles.


The rest are situational. The springer for climbing, the raptor for small spaces that the skimmer and griffon won't fit, and the jackal for using those sand portals. They are all interchangeable at this point in time.


I may be of that minority that thinks the roller beetles aren't that great. Sure, they're nostalgic, but there just aren't that many places in which it is useful. It seems that they're for just playing around now, unless you use them for the (very) few places you need to bust through a wall. I hope that it proves itself later in my experiences, but it will have to go a long way to make it my mount of choice.

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1. Raptor: the most useful and classic orizzontal move mount.

2. Springer: Adds a vertical movement, especially useful to climb in gw2.

3. Griffon: An upgraded version of Gliders.

4. Skimmer: While it's nice to have a water mount, it feels clunky and uncompleted to me, plus the inability to go underwater is a big MEH for me.

5. Roller Beetle: While I love its design, it doesn't offer anything more, just the "faster speed over long distances" doesn't make it worth for me.

6. Jackal: Aside from going through sand portals, it's useless.

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1. Griffon

2. Jackal

3. Springer

4. Raptor

5. Skimmer

6. Beetle (too long after mounting for endurance to happen so really slow at first)




> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> With the new Roller Beetle mount, it will be interesting to see how players have changed their ranking of the mounts. Here's mine:


> ---


> *1 - Griffon - This is by far my most useful mount and set as my default. Though it may be glorified gliding, it's the most versatile of all the mounts. It's speed when diving and flying makes it fast for traveling like the raptor. Flying over all obstacles and terrain makes it as smooth and unhindered as the skimmer. It's compact size helps in going into most caves and tighter areas, and ascend inclines quickly like the Jackal. And like the Springer, it can make it up to and over short walls pretty quickly.


> 2 - Roller Beetle - This mount really impressed me not only for how useful and well-designed it is, but because it proves once again how innovative and brilliant Anet's Devs can be. It brings a whole new way to experience the world, which was their intention. The ability to keep movement going and even utilize objects to effect your movement like bouncing off a short fence or rock to catch air, is a lot of fun and opens up experimentation for all that it can do. It's also the fastest ground mount when you get it going. World comp speed just increased even further.


> 3 - Skimmer - Used to be my favorite until the Griffon was acquired. There is nothing better than just gliding over all obstacles with such elegance and smooth movement. It's the most useful in consistently evading attacks as you travel. Being the only mount that takes advantage of and utilizes water areas also makes this a strong favorite for me.


> 4 - Raptor - When I need to get going now, not later, this is the mount of choice. It's like having my own Yoshi in GW 2. (Super Mario character)


> 5 - Jackal - I use this mount anytime I go into a cave or indoor area because of the size. It also has great control and precision even in tighter spots.


> 6 - Springer - Love the design, hopping movement, high jumps, and its engage skill. Downside is the movement when you need to be precise. The wide turns and horizontal movement, sliding around, and inability to grapple small areas when climbing a cliffside can drive one insane!




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Raptor used to be my go to until I got Griffon, then it was my secondary if I wanted to go fast, but gradually that's become the Jackal since it doesn't have the hangups of vertical incline. At this point I barely use the Raptor at all.

1) Griffon - most versatile and useful. It can manage just about any terrain, by skipping it and it's fast enough normally and very fast in the right situations.

2) Jackal - If you don't have the luxury of height the Jackal gets you where you need to be quick, and skips the annoying mobs, literally.

3) Roller Beetle - I didn't particularly like this one, and it's not an everywhere kind of mount. It's too slow until you get it going and it still gets stuck too easily on things. If you want to cross a zone and you don't want to Waypoint, or it's a new zone and you can't and you want to pick up some waypoints fast, this is the mount to do it. It's blazing speed is second to none, and if you boost just right it can run across water and run straight up vertical inclines, leaving very few barriers to its passing.

4) Skimmer - There is still plenty of water to cross and even the Griffon can't always get past it. If you're stuck in the middle and want to go fast, Skimmer can do it.

5) Springer - Sometimes you just want to climb something fast, and don't want to figure out the steps to get the Griffon up it.

6) Raptor - Still the best racer.

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1. Jackal is my default mover, it's more versatile than Raptor, and is pretty even in terms of speed (i'ts faster than Raptor in normal running, but Raptor jumps further, which is only advantageous in open land). Also, it doesn't die if you fall from too high up, like the raptor (can teleport to smooth the landing)

2. Griffon, for faster travel, if you can get a good high ground to start, you're set.

3. Skimmer, when there's water, it's the skimmer that rules.

4. Bunny, when you need to climb and the Griffon doesn't hack it.

5. Beetle and Raptor, both are really fast, but have too many constraints. They're fun, but for daily use Jackal is better.

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**Griffon** - My top mount for most any situation. I can use it to get pretty much anywhere without any obstacles getting in my way. I'm also a huge fan of the Griffon races across the map as well. And although since its recent nerf it had I've learned to adjust to the change (even if I greatly dislike it).


**Raptor** - Still my top favorite mount when it comes to crossing vast flat areas and gaps. It was my favorite during PoF beta and it's still my favorite land mount today. And plus I've always had a great fondness towards dinosaurs in general so this guy won my heart. That CC skill it has is a big bonus, bringing enemies into one cluster spot. I love it.


**Springer**- Third place was a tough choice between Springer and Skimmer. In a sense I rarely use either of them unless needed. However, I find myself needing Springer to jump to high ledges more often than I need to coast across the water. It also has a great CC skill when engaging fights, thus that's another bonus. Unfortunately I've yet to truly find a skin I absolutely adore on it but maybe one day.


**Skimmer** - Definitely a situational mount when it comes to water. At first I thought this mount was going to be my top favorite when GW2 first teased the mounts. I quickly realized after using it that it is not very viable on land. At this point it is just on the back end unless I absolutely need it. Although I admit that mastery that helps it avoid incoming attacks while hovering has saved my tail more times than I can count, due to how long you can hover with it.


**Jackal**- This one was hard to place. Mostly because I never could connect with it more than the Raptor. Much as I love the teleporting feature I never found it as useful as the Raptor's leap. It also doesn't help that I still haven't memorized which Jackal portal leads to where. I do find it does take sharp turns a lot easier than the Raptor. Most times when I'm in tight places I will use the Jackal to get around.


**Beetle**- Last but not least is the Beetle. Really nifty idea! Fantastic creativity from Anet's team at creating this guy. I unfortunately just cannot grasp the use of this mount. The 0 endurance feature upon mounting is a huge turn off, especially in the PoF maps where mobs are practically everywhere. When I need to make a quick get away from a mob cluster the beetle is the last mount on my mind to pick. I do, however, find it to be pretty fun to use in core maps of Tyria where mob danger is less of a threat. Definitely can be useful if you're just starting out a new character and wanna unfog the map.

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to me would be

1- Griffon

2- Springer

3- Skirmmer


I use Griffon for allmost everything, just change to Springer when i cant just jump puzzle with Griffon to higher places or when i need to cross a lot of water and wasnt able to get the speed boost. The Beetle is really decent, but, like the griffon at max speed, he is way to fast, my game cant keep up with it and sometimes it dosent load the models off the mobs or fail to load some textures and pretty much all the sounds get super delayed lol was a real challange get Gold on the races when playing with like 4~5 FPS lol

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1. Jackal - my go to mount for general use. I like its look and the way it moves. The protective boost when I dismount in battle often comes in handy as does the ability to teleport down from great heights.

2. Skimmer - my second most used mount, good for traversing water, swamps, and quicksand. I also love the way it can just float over so many ground obstacles and float down from great heights too.

3. Springer - very situational, only used if I need to make a high jump.

4. Raptor - even more situational for me than the Springer. Unless I need to make a long leap the Jackal's jump ability can't handle, I never use the Raptor anymore.


Never bothered to get either the Griffon or the Beetle and don't know if I ever will. I just don't like the way the Beetle looks and don't play through the story lines so I won't need it for any story specific uses. Getting the Griffon just seems like too much effort to me as the mounts I already have serve my needs well.

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1. Griffon - An all rounder of a mount, especially when there's elevation.

2. Raptor - The leap, especially on a flat terrain, is just the fastest way to travel

3. Springer - For those places the griffon can't reach.

4. Jackal - Fastest base movement on land according to some, still prefer the raptor over it.

5. Skimmer - Only used when traversing water.

6. Roller Beetle - I gather every node I see, and on most maps I travel, they come up before the beetle can even reach 1/2 endurance.

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