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Forearmed is Forwarned

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The same thing happened to me, except it skipped me _ahead_ to the next step in the story and I missed a big chunk. I went from scouting and clearing space for an encampment to seeing it fully set up and everyone arrived and never got to do the bit in the middle. If I could I'd trade with you, I'd much prefer repeating it to missing part of the story.


But what would be better IMO is if they changed it so the zone boundaries don't kick you out. I've seen people suggest changing it to kill you, or simply bouncing you back like they do at lower levels and I think either of those would be better.

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Yeah, it would be a lot simpler to kill the character and have them respawn.


Death & respawns are already a thing within the Story instances so we know it can be done.


Kicking them out of the instance and resetting it to boot is just.. well, not lazy. It was a solution to a problem way back when.


Lazy is leaving it this long and still not addressing it.

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I'm not sure what was going on with me in that instance. I was kicked while doing the step where you build vine walls and destroy enemy siege weapons, but I was kicked to the Kourna map, not the Tomb of Primeval Kings where I started and my story was moved on to the next step (the open world part).


I tried to reset it by leaving the map, switching to another story and completing an instance, then switching back to the current story, but it didn't work - I was still on the open world part. So I left it for a few days because I was discouraged by missing part of the story and somehow that worked. I don't know when or why it happened but when I went to carry on the story the green star was back at the Tomb and I was able to continue from the part where you meet Canach.


I'm actually happier with that, even though it means I lost a little bit of progress (building 2 vine walls and destroying some enemies) because I didn't miss a chunk of the story, but I have no idea how it happened and annoyingly no sensible way to recreate it to find out. I'm hoping Anet's testers will be able to investigate to make sure things like that don't happen again.

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**MINOR SPOILERS (sort of) FOR PATH OF FIRE!** (Although it is unlikely you are reading this if you haven't made it that far already).


I was COMPLETELY FINISHED with the final battle against Balthazar... another very long storyline instance. I was at the part where I'm dropped into a dreamlike slo-mo state, watching Aurene fly off. I did my best to chase after her, and it took me right down the stairs - that earlier had been my entrance - into what was now an orange border. In slow motion, I had ZERO chance of getting back to the "safe zone" before being kicked. VERY annoying! The episode was all over except for a little NPC chit-chat, but I had to repeat everything from scratch. That was my first attempt at Balthazar, and learning the mechanics for victory made it especially long and harrowing.



_**I just said the final battle against Balthazar was very long? Well it's NOTHING compared to FOREARMED IS FOREWARNED! This could EASILY have been broken down into three parts! Who's writing these episodes? Peter Jackson?**_


At least THREE TIMES during the FOREARMED IS FOREWARNED marathon quest I stepped out of the legal zone. One time I nearly knocked my keyboard on the floor in my terror-filled rush to get back in time. _No way_ did I want to replay all of that! Thank goodness I was on my Main Character. I can't see myself repeating this episode ever again, simply for the sheer time involved.


Beginning with **Path of Fire**, for some reason I find myself leaving the instance a lot. I never had that problem before. This is NOT a "mounts" thing. I have been stepping out of bounds while in combat. ANet is using the artificial barriers to corral you into a small zone, often closing off the area you just came from. I suppose someone decided that was a good way to put pressure on the players.


**SOMETHING needs to be changed about the way colliding with the orange Instance Boundaries is handled.



**1) Give us more time to get back.

2) Push us back in, just like the "strong currents" in explorable zones.

3) Return us to a starting point, like we do when we die.

4) Put orange boundary lines on the ground in-game, not just on the mini-map.

5) Do NOT kick us from the Instance!**


Feel free to implement _several_ of these suggestions, ANet. Especially number 5.


And for pity's sake, SHORTEN THE FREAKIN' STORYLINE INSTANCES! I need to get up occasionally to eat / pee / sleep / go to work / stretch / answer the phone / have a life.

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