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Just a theory about how to deal with dragons


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We have to get rid of the dragons so that the civilization we hold dear can remain (regardless of potential harm,...)

But killing dragons would basically destroy the world

And putting them back to sleep would be highly insatisfactory, both for us as players and for characters.

We can't either incite dragons to change their ways, they are far beyond our understanding


SO, we can't destroy their mind, neither can we reason them

So, we REPLACE their mind


We don't find oter powerful creature to play their roles. There are nothing able to take the place of a force as old as the world itself.

But, magic, body and soul are separated entities, though greatly interconnected.


With knowledge of these connections, we:

- Weaken the dragons enough through fighting

- Enter their mind and break them (with mordremoth dead, they all have the mind component now)

- Replace it with the soul of something else, who basically take control of the body, the influence and all the magical connections, but have the will to share and protect instead of devouring and destroying


It would require knowlege, powerful weapons, spells and artefacts, suitable candidates (partly from Glint Legacy and this "weapon" whose stauts is unclear), requiring active collaboration between various parties


But, I think it is the way. We will keep the balance by using the tools already in place (we are not brillant enough to outclass them anyway). Maybe, in due time, will the pale tree take the vacant place of Mordremoth. For Zhaitan i don't know, that could be an issue.


Yes, for me it's the best and most logical thing to do. Sure, it woul be really complex. But it is the way.


What do you think?

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I think that with Aurene inheriting Joko's power of awakening, combined with the Forgotten's dragon purification ritual, we'll be able to either bring the two dragons we killed back and pacify them or bring back creatures powerful enough to replace them.

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> @"Orimidu.9604" said:

>bring the two dragons we killed back and pacify them

I would like this to happen. I was pretty disappointed after killing Zhaitan(and with Mordremoth in general). I don't think forces of nature should be killed; only delayed. Redirecting them, however, seems an equally interesting option.

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> @"Orimidu.9604" said:

> I think that with Aurene inheriting Joko's power of awakening, combined with the Forgotten's dragon purification ritual, we'll be able to either bring the two dragons we killed back and pacify them or bring back creatures powerful enough to replace them.


That's an interesting idea but I don't believe it one second. I too believe that forces of nature should not be killed, but we cannot undo what has been done. Zhaitan and Mordremoth are far too big and powerful to be ressurected. Furthermore, they have been dead for a long time, which make ressurection even more tricky. Finally, I think that any character who come up with this idea will be either locked up or cut to pieces.


There is no coming back in this story. We can only go forward.

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We could potentially make Aurene so powerful that she could handle everything by herself [thanks to Living Story Season 3 and now 4, Aurene has power from Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Jormag, Primordus, her own power based on Kralkatorik, the God of War Balthazar's power and Palawa Joko's power].


She literally has power from almost every dragon, a God and one of the most powerful spellcasters in all of Tyria. All she needs is the Deep Sea Dragon's power and to absorb the power that Kralkatorik himself absorbed.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> We could potentially make Aurene so powerful that she could handle everything by herself [thanks to Living Story Season 3 and now 4, Aurene has power from Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Jormag, Primordus, her own power based on Kralkatorik, the God of War Balthazar's power and Palawa Joko's power].


> She literally has power from almost every dragon, a God and one of the most powerful spellcasters in all of Tyria. All she needs is the Deep Sea Dragon's power and to absorb the power that Kralkatorik himself absorbed.


She absorbed power from every dragon, but I don't think it makes her able to handle their domain by any means. She's stille extremely young and most of its power is probably beyond her comprehension. Furthermore, it is really possible, really SAFE to rely on just one entity to do all the balance work. That seems extremely dangerous.


Dragons have maintained balance because the took care of opposite domain: death and plants, fire and ice, crystal and...organic life? Water? Manipulatting energies from opposite domains is one thing, but assuming the entire control of it? How much power can a creature posess?


I don't think Aurene could become in the course of a couple of years some kind of godly entity able to balance all magics on her own. That's how this idea about her use her connection with kralkatorrik to take over his mind with our help to obtain control of both is body and power.


Or...with the same idea, we cripple the dragons so much so that magic is trapped to their living, uncounscious bodies, or extra dimensions, and Aurene somehow play the role of a relay, using her affinity to regulate the flow of magic through the world without possessing it. Maybe we could build several powerful devices to help her with this task. But it's risky and dragons are about possessing after all.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I’d rather we just find new vessels for the magic and get back to killing


Must admit... I really, really want to kill Kralkatorrik and Primordius. For personnal business. However, my solution does not exclude the fight and the defeat.

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i believe this already came up during PoF story, Glint wanted the elder dragons be destroyed but their power absorbed by her offsprings to keep the world in balance


one of my own theory was the story will lead to Aurene absorbing parts of every elder dragons' magic, creating a seventh 'elder' dragon that will keep the other six in check; because Aurene have a piece of every elder dragons, the six elder dragons will be in a constant state of being weakened.


Joko's dialogue in the latest LW was rather interesting though, he said Kralkatorrik was a salamander before being fed of loads of magic; will have to see if it turns out to be true or not; Glint seems to being a native species of Tyria base on the Arah path's dialogue "Warden Illyra: Glint remained in crystalline form, but she regained her free will and identity."

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> one of my own theory was the story will lead to Aurene absorbing parts of every elder dragons' magic, creating a seventh 'elder' dragon that will keep the other six in check; because Aurene have a piece of every elder dragons, the six elder dragons will be in a constant state of being weakened.


Two of those six are already dead, and Taimi at the end of PoF suggests that Kralkatorrik becoming so much more powerful is bad for The All's balance too.


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> Joko's dialogue in the latest LW was rather interesting though, he said Kralkatorrik was a salamander before being fed of loads of magic; will have to see if it turns out to be true or not; Glint seems to being a native species of Tyria base on the Arah path's dialogue "Warden Illyra: Glint remained in crystalline form, but she regained her free will and identity."


Technically, all that line is saying that Glint was corrupted thus turned into a crystalline creature like any other branded, and the purification process by the Forgotten didn't alter her physical body.


Of course, we've since learned that Glint is Kralkatorrik's daughter, so it's probable that she was crystalline beforehand too. That said though, if she was born before Kralkatorrik became a crystal dragon himself (if such was the case), then she could have become crystalline when corrupted by Kralkatorrik.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > one of my own theory was the story will lead to Aurene absorbing parts of every elder dragons' magic, creating a seventh 'elder' dragon that will keep the other six in check; because Aurene have a piece of every elder dragons, the six elder dragons will be in a constant state of being weakened.


> Two of those six are already dead, and Taimi at the end of PoF suggests that Kralkatorrik becoming so much more powerful is bad for The All's balance too.


Zhaitan and Modremoth may be dead and other elder dragons had absorbed their magic, but there is nothing to suggest that all of the elder dragons cannot be slain and redistribute the magic to restore the balance into 6 new dragons


just like in Nightfall, the 5 gods may have taken away most of Abbadon's magic when he was locked away, Kormir absorbed Abbadon's magic upon his death, but there is nothing suggests 5 gods give or did not give Kormir Abbadon's magic that was stripped away from him, so it's all speculation

but one thing we do know is the gods do have the ability to redistribute magic



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