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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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Edit: Caught on a stream, he stealth's for longer than 4seconds and without warning, 1 shots you.




Edit: Another clip, but read the quoted comment after and watch it in slow motion


> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> I was in the game with the OP..


> I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:


> https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis


> .


>If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target. Watch the last 11ish seconds of the video, you'll see it

>Also if you watch the entire clip in 0.25 speed, you can see that chaith gets hit by hilt bash, then worldly impact, but yet the ranger doesn't appear out of stealth yet. He stays in it and once chaith goes down, he barley appears. You can even see the thief appearing faster than him, even before a dagger training hits him it seems. So why is the thief being revealed faster than the ranger who hits him first?


>Edit: Before anyone keeps defending this guy and says it's smoke scales f2 in soul beast.... Watch it closely please, you can see after the teleport he finishes the animation of swoop, great >sword 3 attack. Also he mauls afterwards with no finishing animation on that attack, because that attack animation locks you till the very end and even after all that, at the very end you >can see him still chasing his target and then using that ability


This ranger kept killing everyone on our team with 1 ability, he kept saying it's a known build and not a bug. I said i'd report him anyways and send in a ticket with screen shot logs. Here's my death log when I ran into him a few times


32,000 from the first hit: https://i.imgur.com/ShnZ2Rv.png


A few matches later, nearly 60,000: https://i.imgur.com/fWpGWGz.png

Combat log: https://i.imgur.com/z60XEm3.png


Edit: Since someone thinks I am trolling, here are the screen shots not cropped. I just tried to cover the names

32,000 one:


You can see my entire team complain about getting 1 shot


60,000 one:


Combat log:



And all of you that are saying I was downed for the 60,000 one. Look on the right hand side. See that? Worldly impact is first in that death log, meaning that downed me, then maul killed me in downed state.

Don't know how that death log works? Each time anyone takes damage to go into downed state, or dies in downed state, it adds one there and pushes any that was there downwards. Meaning, since worldly Impact was lower than maul, worldly impact downed me, then maul killed me in downed state.


And for my build, it's blood scourge with sage amulet


Edit again:

Before anyone says anything about the 60,000 damage hit, and the buff being in the eternal coliseum, buffs spawn every 3 minutes. That was 1min, 40 seconds into the game when I got hit for that much. Buffs didn't even spawn yet, And even if he had the buff, 20% of 30,000 damage is only 6,000


Edit again:

For those of you who said maul buffing him also had something to do with it, you can see in the 60,000 damage one, he mauled when I was downed, he worldly impacted me first to down me


And in the first image, the 32,000 damage one, he didn't even maul at all



Here's another example of someone else who gets hit **From stealth** like I do/my team mates did.



And a quote from someone who was in one of my games also that got 1 shot from that ranger, again from stealth:


> @"Hennessy.4351" said:

> yea i played with that ranger as well he stealth and 1 hit me using the worldly impact.

> he 1 hit me like 5x

> he didnt gain any buffs and he didnt hit me and went to stealth and 1 shot me .

> i have protection buffs (33% incoming damage decrease)


Again, another person from stealth taking that much damage as a heavy armor character. Yes he has the buff, but without the buff, it'd still hit over 30,000


> @"Shavage.1436" said:

> I was in the same match as OP. I was on a heavy class (Rev) so it worldy impact didn't hit me as hard. But he still one shot me from stealth.

> 38k is insane. I didn't even see the guy. I wonder if rev sword 4 can hit this hard https://imgur.com/a/E7eddV3


> During the match when he said he had a 60k hit, I didn't believe him. 2 seconds later I get one shot out of nowhere. There wasn't even a pet around me. No warning whatsoever.




I have been trying to recreate this from stealth and all stealth sources seem to not be long enough for him to sneak around and land that attack while getting buffed some how




Edit: Tried to replicate it and get those numbers, a soul beast main helped me.


He was only able to get 33,000 after a ton of set up and effort, and couldn't do it from stealth which this guy was doing it from stealth.


Here's his video:


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I had a SB doing that to me the other night (cant remember the name but it had a rhyme to it, like 'ranger-danger'. I would watch him stealth towards me and I would pop all my bubbles (blood necro) and he would 1 shot me every single time. Since I play SB as a main, I went thru the logs and every WI was for 30K+ followed by the standard rotation of Maul + Hiltbash + Maul. I totaled every encounter with him that match, and he hit me, a fully defensive and prebubbled/damaged reduced abilities active necro, for over 50k+. Was he cheating? Doubt it...he was built from a test build, one trick pony, 1-shot build that I tried out on target dummies.


It reminds me a lot of an old core signet thief, 1-shot build I used to play back in the day. However, this SB build is nuts. I sure hope it does not catch on. We already have 1-shot, stealthing mez out there.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> i'd report him anyways and send in a ticket with screen




> @"Mouse.7382" said:

> It reminds me a lot of an old core signet thief, 1-shot build I used to play back in the day. However, this SB build is nuts. I sure hope it does not catch on. We already have 1-shot, stealthing mez out there.


It been there since PoF and it doesn't catch on, because it's a glass canon. It needs way more setting up and has a short window to pull the combos. Sneeze at it and it dies.


> @"Mouse.7382" said:

> he was built from a test build, one trick pony, 1-shot build that I tried out on target dummies.


Exactly. You might get one shotted once, but you sure learn fast enough to easily counter it next time.


> > @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> You...you were hit by wordly impact...? How is that even possible


^ This.


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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> You guys are completely missing the point. I asked a simple question if it was normal or not. If it's not, it could be a bug abused. It doesn't matter if he hit me with something or not.


My max hit with worldly impact has been ~36k (PvE). Note that you need a nearly perfect setup (cc, maul, fury, might, sic 'em) to actually reach this. It's as glass cannon as it gets, a normal non glass build will get around 7k-10k on a wordly impact.


So yes, this is technically normal.

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if you scroll through the pvp section you can usually find a couple of threads about this ....so yes, id say its a well known build.


It basically stacks a bunch of dmg modifiers and gambles for a crit. If it hits (and crits) 30k + numbers (if you dont have toughness/protection) are very well achievable.

But knowing Anet and their habit of missing bugs (hello spellbreaker FC getting the same dmg modifier applied twice), this might as well not be intended....I honestly cant tell at this point.


On another note....can people please stop pretending to get hit by this "from stealth"?



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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> You guys are completely missing the point. I asked a simple question if it was normal or not. If it's not, it could be a bug abused. It doesn't matter if he hit me with something or not.


It's normal if he plays zerker ranger with 0 defensive traits and even the stars aling while you're playing glass.


But the longest stealth he ahs is 3 seconds which he used to get into position and do a stationary channeled skills.


It's 60% your fault and 40% your team's for not oneshotting the ranger on sight every time he showed up.

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I don't know why you guys seem to think it's my fault an ability is hitting that much. You guys are fine with it? It hit me for 60,000 damage in another game https://i.imgur.com/fWpGWGz.png


It's all from stealth where you can't see any warnings, i'm not the only one and my team mates get hit by it. I'm in plat 2, or was after facing him a few times and my team dying by him in stealth



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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> I don't know why you guys seem to think it's my fault an ability is hitting that much. You guys are fine with it? It hit me for 60,000 damage in another game https://i.imgur.com/fWpGWGz.png


> It's all from stealth where you can't see any warnings, i'm not the only one and my team mates get hit by it. I'm in plat 2, or was after facing him a few times and my team dying by him in stealth




... wordly impact does not hit 60k. Did you actually see 60k pop up on your screen? I highly doubt that reading is exact, pull something from actual combat log next time.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > I don't know why you guys seem to think it's my fault an ability is hitting that much. You guys are fine with it? It hit me for 60,000 damage in another game https://i.imgur.com/fWpGWGz.png

> >

> > It's all from stealth where you can't see any warnings, i'm not the only one and my team mates get hit by it. I'm in plat 2, or was after facing him a few times and my team dying by him in stealth

> >

> >


> ... wordly impact does not hit 60k. Did you actually see 60k pop up on your screen? I highly doubt that reading is exact, pull something from actual combat log next time.


If you want a combat log, here: https://i.imgur.com/z60XEm3.png


I do not understand how you all defend such high number values?

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > I don't know why you guys seem to think it's my fault an ability is hitting that much. You guys are fine with it? It hit me for 60,000 damage in another game https://i.imgur.com/fWpGWGz.png

> > >

> > > It's all from stealth where you can't see any warnings, i'm not the only one and my team mates get hit by it. I'm in plat 2, or was after facing him a few times and my team dying by him in stealth

> > >

> > >

> >

> > ... wordly impact does not hit 60k. Did you actually see 60k pop up on your screen? I highly doubt that reading is exact, pull something from actual combat log next time.


> If you want a combat log, here: https://i.imgur.com/z60XEm3.png


> I do not understand how you all defend such high number values?


That is not natural. You can't even get that in aerodome training area with all buffs. I'd say that guy is a bit fishy


As for 30k hits it's because wordly impact doesnt hit 30k by default. It hits 7k for me in PvE, pure zerker. It needs you to take skills such as sic 'em, a skill with otherwise no utility whatsoever, to reach this damage. It takes preparation. It's not a 1 button oneshot.

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I got hit by a 29k worldy impact once. it was really lame. if you don't have a thief or some one to counter the soulbeast, then they can get free kills all day. a well played zerk sb is pretty hard to counter since they approach from stealth, and even if you do see him coming its a long shot that your team mates will pay attention to your caps lock warnings. extreme damage numbers like this shouldn't exist in pvp or wvw.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> This ranger kept killing everyone on our team with 1 ability, he kept saying it's a known build and not a bug. I said i'd report him anyways and send in a ticket with screen shot logs. Here's my death log when I ran into him a few times


> 32,000 from the first hit: https://i.imgur.com/ShnZ2Rv.png


> A few matches later, nearly 60,000: https://i.imgur.com/fWpGWGz.png

> Combat log: https://i.imgur.com/z60XEm3.png


I don't know why people are having a hard time answering your question. No, it's not normal to get hit 60k by any skill. I doubt they were hacking, though. Would love a response from the ANET team on this one, as I'm sure it's not intended for any skill to even get to 30k.


While the folks here are right about the build being gimmicky, the question you asked is valid.

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If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.


was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.

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