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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Keep in mind that after he uses all of these leaper finishers as people are suggesting, he then has no leap finishers/gap closers left after the stealthing to actually chase anyone or get anywhere quickly.


> Weapon skills have cool downs.

> + Quickening Zephyr




Is it normal that the maul damage that is doing 21 155 is not apparearing in the comba log ? Pushing space to slow the video we can clearly see that the maul is hitting at 21 155 after the wordly impact and before the hilt bash.

In the log, we see only wordly impact then hilt bash.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Keep in mind that after he uses all of these leaper finishers as people are suggesting, he then has no leap finishers/gap closers left after the stealthing to actually chase anyone or get anywhere quickly.

> >

> > Weapon skills have cool downs.

> > + Quickening Zephyr


> https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis


> In this video, how can you explain the tp ? The sword that indicates the exact location of the ranger is not disappearing or moving. It insta moves from a point (behind the wall) to another (mid point). It's obvious no ?


> And why the maul damage that is doing 21 155 is not apparearing in the comba log ? pushing space to slow the video we can clearly see that the maul is hitting at 21 155.

> We see only wordly impact then hilt bash (that was used after the 21 155 maul).


> Strange things here, strange things...


I'm sorry to say that while i think this all is fishy, that exact moment is.. normal. Stealth 'freezes' map icons like that in place. You can see it happen with WvW sentries too.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > Keep in mind that after he uses all of these leaper finishers as people are suggesting, he then has no leap finishers/gap closers left after the stealthing to actually chase anyone or get anywhere quickly.

> > >

> > > Weapon skills have cool downs.

> > > + Quickening Zephyr

> >

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis

> >

> > In this video, how can you explain the tp ? The sword that indicates the exact location of the ranger is not disappearing or moving. It insta moves from a point (behind the wall) to another (mid point). It's obvious no ?

> >

> > And why the maul damage that is doing 21 155 is not apparearing in the comba log ? pushing space to slow the video we can clearly see that the maul is hitting at 21 155.

> > We see only wordly impact then hilt bash (that was used after the 21 155 maul).

> >

> > Strange things here, strange things...


> I'm sorry to say that while i think this all is fishy, that exact moment is.. normal. Stealth 'freezes' map icons like that in place. You can see it happen with WvW sentries too.


OK, wasn't sure. But the combat log ?

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It's either hacks or OP isn't wearing armor. The dude is definitely sketchy with the teleporting. Though he did use GS3 which can lag through objects and have occasional TP oddities, I think the fact he still closed the gap after casting and whiffing Maul in Chaith's video that suggests this guy is already using some kind of hack.


WI can one-shot people pretty easily if they're glass, but even the old Maul/AoO/MoC build abusing SotH's +50% damage capped at like 45k in WvW. There's just no way to get close to 60k in sPvP, even with Sic' Em on a glass ele. I'm not seeing successful AoO triggers, anyways.


It's a "possibility" in concept - OHKO's via stealth WI's and lots of mobility, just I don't think it is to this magnitude, unless some bug is being exploited.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> It's either hacks or OP isn't wearing armor. The dude is definitely sketchy with the teleporting. Though he did use GS3 which can lag through objects and have occasional TP oddities, I think the fact he still closed the gap after casting and whiffing Maul in Chaith's video that suggests this guy is already using some kind of hack.


> WI can one-shot people pretty easily if they're glass, but even the old Maul/AoO/MoC build abusing SotH's +50% damage capped at like 45k in WvW. There's just no way to get close to 60k in sPvP, even with Sic' Em on a glass ele. I'm not seeing successful AoO triggers, anyways.


Watch chaith's clip. You can see me there running around with full armor, I was wearing armor. I was the Necro they targeted because they thought I was lying about 30,000+ crits

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > It's either hacks or OP isn't wearing armor. The dude is definitely sketchy with the teleporting. Though he did use GS3 which can lag through objects and have occasional TP oddities, I think the fact he still closed the gap after casting and whiffing Maul in Chaith's video that suggests this guy is already using some kind of hack.

> >

> > WI can one-shot people pretty easily if they're glass, but even the old Maul/AoO/MoC build abusing SotH's +50% damage capped at like 45k in WvW. There's just no way to get close to 60k in sPvP, even with Sic' Em on a glass ele. I'm not seeing successful AoO triggers, anyways.


> Watch chaith's clip. You can see me there running around with full armor, I was wearing armor. I was the Necro they targeted because they thought I was lying about 30,000+ crits


I'm favoring your statement. But 30k into glass is easily doable on ranger/soulbeast and has been doable for years. My guildmember's first build when joining the game was maul ranger, which regularly crit to 40k+ in WvW. That was with old AoO and SotH, however, and not into toughness tanks with protection, and obviously with much higher WvW stats (~15k would be the upper limit currently with WI in sPvP if my estimations are correct). It still doesn't explain the TP'ing that well and how quickly it was delivered. Though the cast on WI got cut dramatically this patch, and Live Fast cuts this further with quickness on-cast.


I'd report the player, surely. But the build concept as a whole isn't out of the realm of reason. It's just these numbers are a little bit too high for what's theoretically possible, and the player isn't even meeting the criteria (getting AoO triggered via MoC). He's either abusing a bug or hacking.

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I don't understand why a dev. didn't already made a statement about this, just telling if it's theoretically possible or not.


Not explaining how he can do this (if it's possible), but just saying if it's possible or not.


The thread is growing bigger and a lot of people are wondering if it's possible or not, and maybe are doing false accusations. If so, dev. must stop those accusations and then people will have a subjet to discuss in a healthy manner.



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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > I think I've figured out most of his traits and utilities.

> > >

> > > He is using WHaO, signet of the hunt, quickening zephyr, sic 'em, strength of the pack.

> > > GS dagger/ dagger or warhorn (not sure)

> > > MMS 3 ? 2 (possibly using signet trait)

> > > BM 3 2 1

> > > SB 1 ? 3

> > >

> > > Smokescale / Siamoth

> >

> > I can't blame you for not reading every reply on a 6 page thread, but this was answered near the end of page 5 By @"Ryan.9387"

> >

> >

> > MM 322

> > BM x2x

> > SB 123

> >

> > GS (enhancement/x) / dagger warhorn(x/x)

> > Berserker scholar

> > Siamoth smokescale

> >

> > Heal as one, signet of the hunt, signet of the wild, sicem, optional elite.

> >

> > To stealth long cast gs3 into a wall with smokescale f2, follow up with dagger leap, wh5, dagger leap. Precasting siamoth f2 if you can to pick up and use on the approach.

> >

> > After a burst you can unmerge out of smokescale, then f2 (for field) into pet swap (blast) into the original combo. This gives you very very long stealth if you can be in combat.

> >

> > To stack might use heal as one before merging with your smokescale. That'll give 22 might or 25 if you rng plasma.

> >

> > To burst, buff to 25 might, use maul in open air (to get moment of clarity), then worldly impact or maul (choice). Use sicem and hunt right before the attack lands.

> >

> > I've landed 35k today using this. You could get way more damage attacking a target with 25 vuln while having Coliseum sword and kill buffs.

> >

> > You can't get more damage than this without outside help (ex if someone crippled target you could use the sigil for 5% more damage).

> >

> > Have fun playing around with this. Just note you have no condi clear, no stun break, and berserker amulet. For extra fun get a thief friend to stealth you in voice chat.


> He is not using signet of the wild proven by 1. His F2 on pet taunts people, and 2. he has access to superspeed. You can't have both traited, thus quickening zephyr. Strength of the pack (obvious icon is obvious). I'm not interested in running this build, just finding out the details needed to figure out how to replicate those numbers to see how legit this truly is (oneshot out of stealth on otherwise untouched target).

> I'm well aware how it should actually be excecuted, i'm a ranger main so I can figure that out.



Signet of the wild does more damage upfront. Qz would stack stealth much faster and would probably be more effective in actual games. Taunt on f2 is irrelevant and that trait choice has no effect on damage.


What I've given is the maximum damage that should be possible alone.

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> @"Delweyn.1309" said:

> I don't understand why a dev. didn't already made a statement about this, just telling if it's theoretically possible or not.


> Not explaining how he can do this (if it's possible), but just saying if it's possible or not.


> The thread is growing bigger and a lot of people are wondering if it's possible or not, and maybe are doing false accusations. If so, dev. must stop those accusations and then people will have a subjet to discuss in a healthy manner.


> Otherwise...


I made this post like 2 days or so before the patch. They probably have been really busy and Ben has only replied/made posts about things that are much more important, such as how they broke teleporting in sPvP. Also, if he is really hacking/cheating, I am pretty sure Ben cannot disclose anything that is happening.


As for the damage, all the test we did and people that seem to be able to get 30,000ish crits have to set up a lot and sacrifice everything to do it. I don't find that damage okay for anyone, I hate dying in 1 hit/under a second, but at least they have to work a ton to get that out and makes it not viable(currently?)

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> Signet of the wild does more damage upfront. Qz would stack stealth much faster and would probably be more effective in actual games. Taunt on f2 is irrelevant and that trait choice has no effect on damage.


> What I've given is the maximum damage that should be possible alone.


And what I've given is roughly the build they're actually using, max damage or not. They somehow hit 57k without signet of the wild.



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Ok, there is a lot of stark defense and attacking going on in here, from players who have not actually gone in game to test any of this. There are a lot of statements being made concerning how skills work nearly 1 year ago, when they do not work the same way now. Some people are also just trying to put words into my mouth at this point. Amongst these comments:

* Signet of the hunt no longer grants any damage enhancement. It only makes attacks unblockable when activated and grants +25% movement speed on passive.

* There is no way to buff might to 25 while running this gimmick in the way that the suspect ranger is doing this, and there is no way to stack vuln on his target before landing the WI. Don't believe me? Go in the game, get reacquainted with how ranger works now, and test it for yourselves. You can toss all the "Heal As One" theorycrafts as you want from memory, but I'm telling you this isn't practical at all do in the timeframe of the stealth and it actually isn't possible while running the build that the suspect ranger is running. If you want to prove me wrong, go make a video and show us how to do it.

* Phantaram did at one point mention 20s of stealth when he went back in the edit to look at it again, after the match ended. Watch the whole video and count it for yourself. The additive stealths in a short time frame before and after he briefly appeared.

* @"EnderzShadow.2506" Ryan was in the right direction with his analysis of how it was happening, but come to find the combo to make this work is ran much differently than both of you are thinking. It works like this: F2 Smokescale - Swap pet to benefit free Clarrion Bond Blast - 1x Dagger #3 "you need to buff the quickness FIRST so that all the other actions are fast enough to stack all these animations before Smoke Field ends." Dagger #3 also has a short CD in between ammo use so - Call Of The Wild Blast - Back into Dagger #3 - Swap and GS #3 - Begin moving to your target for the WI while buffing the modifiers on the way. You can't use GS #3 FIRST because then it would be on swap cool down after the WI and you wouldn't be able to follow up with the Maul or even prebuff Attack Of Opportunity on the way to the opponent. So please stop posting Ryan's response over and over, albeit a good analysis, it isn't entirely accurate.


But as promised, I went in-game and recorded a bunch of field tests again, as well as a few matches. I can conclude that it is very possible to stealth for 10s with no Siamoth, and for 14s with the Siamoth. Though, I decided in-match that the Siamoth forage was not reliable and I opted to use the Rock Gazelle in its palce for the F2 charage which allows further travel distance while stealthed, also has WI, and also can Daze an opponent to prime the +50% Moment Of Clarity.


There are still many things in Phanta & Chaith's videos, as well as the OP's screen shots of 60k single strikes, that mechanically don't make sense. But after field testing this today I'll conclude my part of this discussion by saying that if the suspect ranger is doing this with legitimate mechanics, kudos to him. And I'll leave this here so everyone can see how he is stealthing for so long, how it's done, and just how far he could potentially move during this stealthing. It's a short video this time, here you go:




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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > Signet of the wild does more damage upfront. Qz would stack stealth much faster and would probably be more effective in actual games. Taunt on f2 is irrelevant and that trait choice has no effect on damage.

> >

> > What I've given is the maximum damage that should be possible alone.


> And what I've given is roughly the build they're actually using, max damage or not. They somehow hit 57k without signet of the wild.




That's not hard, you could easily see this situation in a team fight.

Sigil of opportunity 5%

Sword buff on Coliseum 20%

Coliseum kill buff

25 vuln stacks 25%

And any other of the numerous things players take to increase damage. (Banners empower ap druid gylphs etc) 60k is the stars aligning but it IS possible, you just need help.

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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > > Signet of the wild does more damage upfront. Qz would stack stealth much faster and would probably be more effective in actual games. Taunt on f2 is irrelevant and that trait choice has no effect on damage.

> > >

> > > What I've given is the maximum damage that should be possible alone.

> >

> > And what I've given is roughly the build they're actually using, max damage or not. They somehow hit 57k without signet of the wild.

> >

> >


> That's not hard, you could easily see this situation in a team fight.

> Sigil of opportunity 5%

> Sword buff on Coliseum 20%

> Coliseum kill buff

> 25 vuln stacks 25%

> And any other of the numerous things players take to increase damage. (Banners empower ap druid gylphs etc) 60k is the stars aligning but it IS possible, you just need help to push past 35k solo.



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> @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > > Signet of the wild does more damage upfront. Qz would stack stealth much faster and would probably be more effective in actual games. Taunt on f2 is irrelevant and that trait choice has no effect on damage.

> > >

> > > What I've given is the maximum damage that should be possible alone.

> >

> > And what I've given is roughly the build they're actually using, max damage or not. They somehow hit 57k without signet of the wild.

> >

> >


> That's not hard, you could easily see this situation in a team fight.

> Sigil of opportunity 5%

> Sword buff on Coliseum 20%

> Coliseum kill buff

> 25 vuln stacks 25%

> And any other of the numerous things players take to increase damage. (Banners empower ap druid gylphs etc) 60k is the stars aligning but it IS possible, you just need help.



Read my Original post please. The sword buffs weren't even possible yet because it was 1min 40 seconds into the game. So he couldn't have got any coliseum buffs at all. I didn't have 25 stacks of vuln also.


In chaith's video, you can see he gets hit for about 26,000ish, he had the buff then, but chaith also had protection on(-33%) damage, so his hit would have been about 8,580ish higher, so well over 30,000


You can also see in the ele's and chaiths video, none of them had debuffs and he still hit that hard.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Ok, there is a lot of stark defense and attacking going on in here, from players who have not actually gone in game to test any of this. There are a lot of statements being made concerning how skills work nearly 1 year ago, when they do not work the same way now. Some people are also just trying to put words into my mouth at this point. Amongst these comments:

> * Signet of the hunt no longer grants any damage enhancement. It only makes attacks unblockable when activated and grants +25% movement speed on passive.

> * There is no way to buff might to 25 while running this gimmick in the way that the suspect ranger is doing this, and there is no way to stack vuln on his target before landing the WI. Don't believe me? Go in the game, get reacquainted with how ranger works now, and test it for yourselves. You can toss all the "Heal As One" theorycrafts as you want from memory, but I'm telling you this isn't practical at all do in the timeframe of the stealth and it actually isn't possible while running the build that the suspect ranger is running. If you want to prove me wrong, go make a video and show us how to do it.

> * Phantaram did at one point mention 20s of stealth when he went back in the edit to look at it again, after the match ended. Watch the whole video and count it for yourself. The additive stealths in a short time frame before and after he briefly appeared.

> * @"EnderzShadow.2506" Ryan was in the right direction with his analysis of how it was happening, but come to find the combo to make this work is ran much differently than both of you are thinking. It works like this: F2 Smokescale - Swap pet to benefit free Clarrion Bond Blast - 1x Dagger #3 "you need to buff the quickness FIRST so that all the other actions are fast enough to stack all these animations before Smoke Field ends." Dagger #3 also has a short CD in between ammo use so - Call Of The Wild Blast - Back into Dagger #3 - Swap and GS #3 - Begin moving to your target for the WI while buffing the modifiers on the way. You can't use GS #3 FIRST because then it would be on swap cool down after the WI and you wouldn't be able to follow up with the Maul or even prebuff Attack Of Opportunity on the way to the opponent. So please stop posting Ryan's response over and over, albeit a good analysis, it isn't entirely accurate.


> But as promised, I went in-game and recorded a bunch of field tests again, as well as a few matches. I can conclude that it is very possible to stealth for 10s with no Siamoth, and for 14s with the Siamoth. Though, I decided in-match that the Siamoth forage was not reliable and I opted to use the Rock Gazelle in its palce for the F2 charage which allows further travel distance while stealthed, also has WI, and also can Daze an opponent to prime the +50% Moment Of Clarity.


> There are still many things in Phanta & Chaith's videos, as well as the OP's screen shots of 60k single strikes, that mechanically don't make sense. But after field testing this today I'll conclude my part of this discussion by saying that if the suspect ranger is doing this with legitimate mechanics, kudos to him. And I'll leave this here so everyone can see how he is stealthing for so long, how it's done, and just how far he could potentially move during this stealthing. It's a short video this time, here you go:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTVZDI9GbtA&feature=youtu.be



he is playing dagger and longsword ? No distance weapon ?

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@"Delweyn.1309" Surprisingly yes, he has no LB. You can see it in Phantaram & Chaith's streams, posted a couple pages back. I'm pretty sure the reason why he chooses to do this is because (A) LB stealthing is a strike, which would ruin his damage modifiers before going in, and (B) The LB stealth is only 1x 3s stealth, while the Dagger/Warhorn is 2x 2s stealths and 1x 3s stealth. So if he is aiming at just super sneaky thief like 1 shots, he has to play it this way.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Delweyn.1309" Surprisingly yes, he has no LB. You can see it in Phantaram & Chaith's streams, posted a couple pages back. I'm pretty sure the reason why he chooses to do this is because (A) LB stealthing is a strike, which would ruin his damage modifiers before going in, and (B) The LB stealth is only 1x 3s stealth, while the Dagger/Warhorn is 2x 2s stealths and 1x 3s stealth. So if he is aiming at just super sneaky thief like 1 shots, he has to play it this way.


Yes, all his gameplay seems to be only get OS from stealth. He rarely see him fighting on the minimap of all match.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > I was in the game with the OP..

> >

> > I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:

> >

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis

> >

> > .


> If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


> Edit: Before anyone keeps defending this guy and says it's smoke scales f2 in soul beast.... Watch it closely please, you can see after the teleport he finishes the animation of swoop, great sword 3 attack. Also he mauls afterwards with no finishing animation on that attack, because that attack animation locks you till the very end and even after all that, at the very end you can see him still chasing his target and then using that ability


That's the soulbeast smoke assault that teleports it has animation of claws or sth.

Edit: saw it in slomo again and it does look a little fishy there. I do not know what it is.

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> @"neptunechild.4831" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > I was in the game with the OP..

> > >

> > > I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:

> > >

> > > https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis

> > >

> > > .

> >

> > If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target

> >

> > Edit: Before anyone keeps defending this guy and says it's smoke scales f2 in soul beast.... Watch it closely please, you can see after the teleport he finishes the animation of swoop, great sword 3 attack. Also he mauls afterwards with no finishing animation on that attack, because that attack animation locks you till the very end and even after all that, at the very end you can see him still chasing his target and then using that ability


> That's the soulbeast smoke assault that teleports it has animation of claws or sth.


It's the ending animation of swoop, I said it. Look at that, then go in game and use swoop.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Ok, there is a lot of stark defense and attacking going on in here, from players who have not actually gone in game to test any of this. There are a lot of statements being made concerning how skills work nearly 1 year ago, when they do not work the same way now. Some people are also just trying to put words into my mouth at this point. Amongst these comments:

> * Signet of the hunt no longer grants any damage enhancement. It only makes attacks unblockable when activated and grants +25% movement speed on passive.

> * There is no way to buff might to 25 while running this gimmick in the way that the suspect ranger is doing this, and there is no way to stack vuln on his target before landing the WI. Don't believe me? Go in the game, get reacquainted with how ranger works now, and test it for yourselves. You can toss all the "Heal As One" theorycrafts as you want from memory, but I'm telling you this isn't practical at all do in the timeframe of the stealth and it actually isn't possible while running the build that the suspect ranger is running. If you want to prove me wrong, go make a video and show us how to do it.

> * Phantaram did at one point mention 20s of stealth when he went back in the edit to look at it again, after the match ended. Watch the whole video and count it for yourself. The additive stealths in a short time frame before and after he briefly appeared.

> * @"EnderzShadow.2506" Ryan was in the right direction with his analysis of how it was happening, but come to find the combo to make this work is ran much differently than both of you are thinking. It works like this: F2 Smokescale - Swap pet to benefit free Clarrion Bond Blast - 1x Dagger #3 "you need to buff the quickness FIRST so that all the other actions are fast enough to stack all these animations before Smoke Field ends." Dagger #3 also has a short CD in between ammo use so - Call Of The Wild Blast - Back into Dagger #3 - Swap and GS #3 - Begin moving to your target for the WI while buffing the modifiers on the way. You can't use GS #3 FIRST because then it would be on swap cool down after the WI and you wouldn't be able to follow up with the Maul or even prebuff Attack Of Opportunity on the way to the opponent. So please stop posting Ryan's response over and over, albeit a good analysis, it isn't entirely accurate.


> But as promised, I went in-game and recorded a bunch of field tests again, as well as a few matches. I can conclude that it is very possible to stealth for 10s with no Siamoth, and for 14s with the Siamoth. Though, I decided in-match that the Siamoth forage was not reliable and I opted to use the Rock Gazelle in its palce for the F2 charage which allows further travel distance while stealthed, also has WI, and also can Daze an opponent to prime the +50% Moment Of Clarity.


> There are still many things in Phanta & Chaith's videos, as well as the OP's screen shots of 60k single strikes, that mechanically don't make sense. But after field testing this today I'll conclude my part of this discussion by saying that if the suspect ranger is doing this with legitimate mechanics, kudos to him. And I'll leave this here so everyone can see how he is stealthing for so long, how it's done, and just how far he could potentially move during this stealthing. It's a short video this time, here you go:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTVZDI9GbtA&feature=youtu.be



he can take soulbeast ability to share boon when merge with pet an horn 5 with clarion to heal as one and merge. it will be 25 might.

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@"Badcat.7320" Yes but then he wouldn't have the trait that grants 4s of unblockable attacks. To get any unblockable, he would then have to use Signet of the Hunt and sacrifice Moa Stance, which is in my opinion, crucial for the extension of quickness buffs, the on-demand fury that re-procs Remorseless, the stability on Strength of the Pack, and even the Protection that Moa grants for wading into the middle of team fights or AoE heavy areas. What you sacrifice for that 25 might buff, makes the build unrealistically squishy to the point that rando AoE or blind swings become dangerous.


The unblockable attacks are vital though. When playing such a high risk/high reward build structure, you want to make sure it can land its gimmick. Just my opinion though I guess.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Keep in mind that after he uses all of these leaper finishers as people are suggesting, he then has no leap finishers/gap closers left after the stealthing to actually chase anyone or get anywhere quickly.


he's at about 1400, he doesn't need a gap closer..

i'm talking about the second video btw.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Ok, there is a lot of stark defense and attacking going on in here, from players who have not actually gone in game to test any of this. There are a lot of statements being made concerning how skills work nearly 1 year ago, when they do not work the same way now. Some people are also just trying to put words into my mouth at this point. Amongst these comments:

> * Signet of the hunt no longer grants any damage enhancement. It only makes attacks unblockable when activated and grants +25% movement speed on passive.

> * There is no way to buff might to 25 while running this gimmick in the way that the suspect ranger is doing this, and there is no way to stack vuln on his target before landing the WI. Don't believe me? Go in the game, get reacquainted with how ranger works now, and test it for yourselves. You can toss all the "Heal As One" theorycrafts as you want from memory, but I'm telling you this isn't practical at all do in the timeframe of the stealth and it actually isn't possible while running the build that the suspect ranger is running. If you want to prove me wrong, go make a video and show us how to do it.

> * Phantaram did at one point mention 20s of stealth when he went back in the edit to look at it again, after the match ended. Watch the whole video and count it for yourself. The additive stealths in a short time frame before and after he briefly appeared.

> * @"EnderzShadow.2506" Ryan was in the right direction with his analysis of how it was happening, but come to find the combo to make this work is ran much differently than both of you are thinking. It works like this: F2 Smokescale - Swap pet to benefit free Clarrion Bond Blast - 1x Dagger #3 "you need to buff the quickness FIRST so that all the other actions are fast enough to stack all these animations before Smoke Field ends." Dagger #3 also has a short CD in between ammo use so - Call Of The Wild Blast - Back into Dagger #3 - Swap and GS #3 - Begin moving to your target for the WI while buffing the modifiers on the way. You can't use GS #3 FIRST because then it would be on swap cool down after the WI and you wouldn't be able to follow up with the Maul or even prebuff Attack Of Opportunity on the way to the opponent. So please stop posting Ryan's response over and over, albeit a good analysis, it isn't entirely accurate.


> But as promised, I went in-game and recorded a bunch of field tests again, as well as a few matches. I can conclude that it is very possible to stealth for 10s with no Siamoth, and for 14s with the Siamoth. Though, I decided in-match that the Siamoth forage was not reliable and I opted to use the Rock Gazelle in its palce for the F2 charage which allows further travel distance while stealthed, also has WI, and also can Daze an opponent to prime the +50% Moment Of Clarity.


> There are still many things in Phanta & Chaith's videos, as well as the OP's screen shots of 60k single strikes, that mechanically don't make sense. But after field testing this today I'll conclude my part of this discussion by saying that if the suspect ranger is doing this with legitimate mechanics, kudos to him. And I'll leave this here so everyone can see how he is stealthing for so long, how it's done, and just how far he could potentially move during this stealthing. It's a short video this time, here you go:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTVZDI9GbtA&feature=youtu.be



Thanks for the test vid.

Gives me something to mess around with.

While I wouldn't try to take into competitive matches, it can be fun for some goof off games.


Curious about one thing, when you were trying to see how far you could travel in stealth, why didnt you use the gs3 to actually leap THROUGH the smoke field and get you some distance?

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > I was in the game with the OP..

> >

> > I can vouch that every worldly impact was done from stealth with no setup. I was personally getting hit for 21.9k on my 16k health and and toughness amulet Holosmith from stealth. I streamed it:

> >

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/CautiousAlertSharkCopyThis

> >

> > .


> If you play the video in 0.25 speed, you can see it much much easier. He just teleports to his target


> Edit: Before anyone keeps defending this guy and says it's smoke scales f2 in soul beast.... Watch it closely please, you can see after the teleport he finishes the animation of swoop, great sword 3 attack. Also he mauls afterwards with no finishing animation on that attack, because that attack animation locks you till the very end and even after all that, at the very end you can see him still chasing his target and then using that ability


Sorry to say it but the guy isn't cheating at all, for starters your icon stays on the map when you stealth. Getting the amount of stealth to reach mid from his location is achievable with sword/horn, he would have had 24 stacks of might just off using Call of the Wild > Beast Mode > We Heal As One with Fresh Reinforcement trait, he would have used swoop to help close the gap. He also didn't use swoop after the Worldly Impact, it was Maul x2 all within recharge window and animations are fine, the guy just knows how to play his build that's it end of story. The guy would have had around 3450 Power and 1400 Ferocity and he used Sic'Em as well, you can see the stealth debuff go up right as he does his Worldly Impact small window, it's not hard to press Sic'Em as you do Worldly Impact.


The build is high risk, high reward, it has almost no survival at all with no condition removal it's ok against burst builds but that's about it. Build uses, MM/BM/SB train lines and it probably uses Berserker with Scholar.


Now, from reading over the thread someone has already debunked the 60k damage from what I believe aren't you in downstate as you got mauled first which put you in downstate followed with the worldly impact.


Traits he is using have been in the game for a rather long time, was a matter of time before someone got good at using the combo and with recent buff to Soulbeast your going to see some really large numbers popping up.

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Sorry on the earlier post, this build will give you more damage.






The key which I didn't realize was the f2 taunt applies before damage, letting you get old moment of opportunity +50% dmg AND the maul +25% at the same time if your worldly impact interrupts. Also take opportunity sigil for 5% more + soulbeast minor for 5% more. That'll get you to 60k easy.

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