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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> At this point it’s more like a **WELL KNOWN FACT** that soul beast is OP amongst people that are good at the game.


> It’s just most rangers are either legimately a tad slow or they can’t be bothered to find out what their skills do outside of auto attack.


> Ranger for some reason has always attracted the worst players. The same way revenant attracts the best.


> **EDIT:** Look at all the prior responses that somehow can’t see how easy it is to set up and land a 1 second cast time attack. Short bus material fam.


Soulbeast isn't op. You're contention is that Soulbeast is OP but enough 'gud' players aren't using the class?

Hmm, yeah, no. Thanks for trying.


Calling Rangers Slow and other people 'short bus' material.

I'm a Ranger main, I must be slow. Spell it out for me Forum Warrior.

What do you mean when you say slow?

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"


> Ran a big test on this with @"ceces.9368" , who is the OP that created this thread. I'd like to say now that if anyone knows of some "big secret" to amplify the top dps I've achieved in this video let me know, I would appreciate it. If anyone can replicate this test and just plainly achieve higher dps in general, it would be nice to see the method in a video, or at least posted as a text walk through. As far as my opinion on the topic, I believe it is impossible to achieve 60k single strike worldly impacts in spvp, without some kind of bug or other measure in play. The video will explain.


> I'd also like EVERYONE to keep in mind what @"Sol.4310" said about how "the problem isn't worldly impact, it is the marksmanship line," because that statement is very true.


> Here you go:


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HQrDwsQ8o4&feature=youtu.be


I think it is the way the damage modifiers scale. Look at the damage on the sic'm target vs. their pet that got caught in the AOE.

![](https://i.imgur.com/4upczlE.jpg "")


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HQrDwsQ8o4&feature=youtu.be


Thank you for actually doing this. This was my problem with all the people in the thread, complaining about a number that even with a lot of preparation can't be achieved, then not even trying to recreate it by themselves to see it's seemingly impossible to get that.


As for the test; I believe you could reach 25 might if you used we heal as one after rapid fire. You'd have might from hunter's gaze, paired with what your pet gets. Fresh reinforcements would guarantee a full stack. I know that in an actual match you'd have absolutely zero condition cleanse, but we're just theorycrafting at this point because it doesn't feel even remotely possible atm

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I was in the same match as OP. I was on a heavy class (Rev) so it worldy impact didn't hit me as hard. But he still one shot me from stealth.

38k is insane. I didn't even see the guy. I wonder if rev sword 4 can hit this hard https://imgur.com/a/E7eddV3


During the match when he said he had a 60k hit, I didn't believe him. 2 seconds later I get one shot out of nowhere. There wasn't even a pet around me. No warning whatsoever.

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60K he got while you were you downed. Damage is doubled when you are downed.


From stealth: LB3 + charge(pet skill) + QZ + WI.


There are many different combos but the eariest one is the one i show you there. Problem is if you have stab or avoid any of the attacks the ranger is toasted.







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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> 60K he got while you were you downed. Damage is doubled when you are downed.


> From stealth: LB3 + charge(pet skill) + QZ + WI.


> There are many different combos but the eariest one is the one i show you there. Problem is if you have stab or avoid any of the attacks the ranger is toasted.








But I wasn't downed, worldly impact is what downed me. I even explained it in the original post.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > 60K he got while you were you downed. Damage is doubled when you are downed.

> >From stealth: LB3 + charge(pet skill) + QZ + WI.

> > There are many different combos but the eariest one is the one i show you there. Problem is if you have stab or avoid any of the attacks the ranger is toasted.

> But I wasn't downed, worldly impact is what downed me. I even explained it in the original post.


You keep saying that which is doesn't seems to be true. Even with the very small text of combat log I can say you are liying.


**9 poisoned? 200 bleeding? an no more ticks?** That was your last tick from 4-6 seconds application minimum that scourge has in any skill.


All i can say: you were downed and the enemy mesmer kept applying vulnerability on you with Split surge. Because you are using a condi tank build it needed the soulbeast to come around and finish you off with WI ( fairly tipical use of such telegraphed and slow cast skill which actually acompanies perfectly the cast voice "Enough!" )


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> @"Shavage.1436" said:

> I was in the same match as OP. I was on a heavy class (Rev) so it worldy impact didn't hit me as hard. But he still one shot me from stealth.

> 38k is insane. I didn't even see the guy. I wonder if rev sword 4 can hit this hard https://imgur.com/a/E7eddV3


> During the match when he said he had a 60k hit, I didn't believe him. 2 seconds later I get one shot out of nowhere. There wasn't even a pet around me. No warning whatsoever.


Another person saying again from stealth. I don't know how you can get all those buffs and do that all from stealth, along with them being a rev with heavy armor.


We tried in the video to do it from stealth, max hit was like 17,000ish

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> I have no idea what pieze is. It's all there clear and in screen shots, I don't know what you want. There's many people saying it's all from stealth and there was even someone trying to help me recreate it. It's impossible from stealth to get all that.


> I was not downed, you can see in my combat log, in my death log that worldly impact did that to me.

Your dead log shows you the damage you got while you were in game (included downed).

If you look at the right of your own screen shot you can see **what it got you downed Sucubbus Ceces was the maul**.

**It's right there in the screen for God's shake**.


Please reflect and listen in what we are saying because it pretty clear you are confused.


You got 57K damage while you were downed with around 10 stacks of vulnerabilty on you from the mesmer.


PS: i'm not saying ~30K damage is ok thou. But there are many skills from all the classes which should be balanced as well , ones that are easier to execute and have the same effect of finishing a player in less than a second.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > I have no idea what pieze is. It's all there clear and in screen shots, I don't know what you want. There's many people saying it's all from stealth and there was even someone trying to help me recreate it. It's impossible from stealth to get all that.

> >

> > I was not downed, you can see in my combat log, in my death log that worldly impact did that to me.

> Your dead log shows you the damage you got while you were in game (included downed).

> If you look at the right of your own screen shot you can see **what it got you downed Sucubbus Ceces was the maul**.

> **It's right there in the screen for God's shake**.


> Please reflect and listen in what we are saying because it pretty clear you are confused.


> You got 57K damage while you were downed with around 10 stacks of vulnerabilty on you from the mesmer.


> PS: i'm not saying ~30K damage is ok thou. But there are many skills from all the classes which should be balanced as well , ones that are easier to execute and have the same effect of finishing a player in less than a second.


Please look at the 32,000 damage one. Look on the right hand side. See how it says **WORLDLY IMPACT** First and then I bleed out above it? That's how it records your death, it goes down as more come in. Now look at the 60,000 one, I was hit with worldly impact first, then went down and got hit by maul. Maul killed me downed state, you can see it on the right hand side with that death log.

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > > I have no idea what pieze is. It's all there clear and in screen shots, I don't know what you want. There's many people saying it's all from stealth and there was even someone trying to help me recreate it. It's impossible from stealth to get all that.

> > >

> > > I was not downed, you can see in my combat log, in my death log that worldly impact did that to me.

> > Your dead log shows you the damage you got while you were in game (included downed).

> > If you look at the right of your own screen shot you can see **what it got you downed Sucubbus Ceces was the maul**.

> > **It's right there in the screen for God's shake**.

> >

> > Please reflect and listen in what we are saying because it pretty clear you are confused.

> >

> > You got 57K damage while you were downed with around 10 stacks of vulnerabilty on you from the mesmer.

> >

> > PS: i'm not saying ~30K damage is ok thou. But there are many skills from all the classes which should be balanced as well , ones that are easier to execute and have the same effect of finishing a player in less than a second.


> Please look at the 32,000 damage one. Look on the right hand side. See how it says **WORLDLY IMPACT** First and then I bleed out above it? That's how it records your death, it goes down as more come in. Now look at the 60,000 one, I was hit with worldy impact first, then went down and got hit by maul. Maul killed me downed state, you can see it on the right hand side with that death log.


Ok i see you may lack basic understanding of how the interface works.

What do you think this means?

![](https://i.imgur.com/bZ0pEwS.png "")

As far as i can tell other WI could come also from the same place, the soulbeast finishing your downed state.


Otherwise if you think that player cheated (it could be) just report him to exploits@arena.net, they will deal with this accordingly.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> 60K he got while you were you downed. Damage is doubled when you are downed.


> From stealth: LB3 + charge(pet skill) + QZ + WI.


> There are many different combos but the eariest one is the one i show you there. Problem is if you have stab or avoid any of the attacks the ranger is toasted.








Damage is not doubled in downed state. Being up or downed has nothing to do with the 60k single strike.



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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > > > I have no idea what pieze is. It's all there clear and in screen shots, I don't know what you want. There's many people saying it's all from stealth and there was even someone trying to help me recreate it. It's impossible from stealth to get all that.

> > > >

> > > > I was not downed, you can see in my combat log, in my death log that worldly impact did that to me.

> > > Your dead log shows you the damage you got while you were in game (included downed).

> > > If you look at the right of your own screen shot you can see **what it got you downed Sucubbus Ceces was the maul**.

> > > **It's right there in the screen for God's shake**.

> > >

> > > Please reflect and listen in what we are saying because it pretty clear you are confused.

> > >

> > > You got 57K damage while you were downed with around 10 stacks of vulnerabilty on you from the mesmer.

> > >

> > > PS: i'm not saying ~30K damage is ok thou. But there are many skills from all the classes which should be balanced as well , ones that are easier to execute and have the same effect of finishing a player in less than a second.

> >

> > Please look at the 32,000 damage one. Look on the right hand side. See how it says **WORLDLY IMPACT** First and then I bleed out above it? That's how it records your death, it goes down as more come in. Now look at the 60,000 one, I was hit with worldy impact first, then went down and got hit by maul. Maul killed me downed state, you can see it on the right hand side with that death log.


> Ok i see you may lack basic understanding of how the interface works.

> What do you think this means?

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/bZ0pEwS.png "")




Literally re-read what I said above. Yes, maul killed me when I was **downed**, but what downed me was worldly impact with that 60,000 damage crit.


The death log on the right hand side will go down as more deaths come in. It will put in something on the right hand side when you down someone, then again when you kill them in downed state. In the first screen shot, the 32,000 one, you can see that clearly. I got hit with worldly impact, then bled out. Same goes with this one, worldly impact downed me, then he mauled me in downed state. I am not saying he didn't hit me in downed state and killed me, he did, but worldly impact hit me for 60,000 when I was not in downed state


And the user above me posted the wiki and it says this:




Guild Wars 2 has three separate life states: alive, downed, and defeated. When a character is downed, they fall to the ground and lose their movement but gain triple their base health and a chance to fight to survive. The character's weapons and skills are replaced with downed skills for their profession. (A downed ranger gets the ranger profession's downed skills.) Downed characters cannot dodge, nor can they move or evade attacks unless their downed skills enable them to do so. Health while downed steadily drains at a rate of 2.5% per second **and suffers enemy damage as normal.**

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Always a lot of lines because some stupid people can't read the exact informations.

Always people who are trying to shift debate away from the core of the problem in meaningless debates about everything else.


It's what makes forum hard to read and understand for other people.

Just taking the time to watch a bit carefully all the informations and it would help to focus on the subject.


Here the subject is

- how can a ranger be stealthed for so long ?

- here the problem is not the maul (most people can reach it's 30k damages). The problem is wordly impact that does 60k.


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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> To all rangers ..stop just stop , just use this opportunity to propose adequate level of nerfs to sic'em (dunno dmg cut down to 15% and CD to 25s while increase reveal by 2s), I suggest to build your case and make suggestions...while you can


actually, sic'em is nerfed to 25% when you enter SB form, i would gladly lost Wordly Impact for a skill which we could use to stealth, WI fail 90% times you try to land it plus it root you for 1 sec.

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > To all rangers ..stop just stop , just use this opportunity to propose adequate level of nerfs to sic'em (dunno dmg cut down to 15% and CD to 25s while increase reveal by 2s), I suggest to build your case and make suggestions...while you can


> actually, sic'em is nerfed to 25% when you enter SB form, i would gladly lost Wordly Impact for a skill which we could use to stealth, WI fail 90% times you try to land it plus it root you for 1 sec.


Where it says 25%? in sb form the number still 40% ....

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest

> > > > >

> > > > > If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.

> > > > >

> > > > > was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.

> > > >

> > > > If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

> > > > I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.

> > >

> > > in a Spvp with people plat more , you should be dead in 1 sec, Ranger cant teleport while casting the skill like almost any other class in this game, but ok.

> > >

> > > To hit for that amount of damage you must have:

> > > full berserker

> > > all offensive traits

> > > offensive rune like scholar

> > > 25 might stack

> > > use maul to have oportunity attack

> > > meld with your pet

> > > use sic,em

> > > land the worldly impact that have a obvious 1 sec animation , with light effects included.

> > >

> > > all of that in middle of a fight in melee range with a berserker ranger.

> > >

> > > **first time he kill you shame on him, second time, shame on you.**

> > >

> > Really? that's your argument?

> > Listen anything doing that much damage aint no shame to die. Cuz when it's broken, it's broken.

> >

> ...15922 hp with full berserker is a free kill for almost any class on this game......


Hi. Thieves, Guardians and Ele's barely have more than that amount with Marauder Amulet...

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As I've read nearly all of the comments, I can only repeat what some of the wiser ones said:


While this may be "normal", as in he didn't hack, it may point to some unintended bugs in the dmg formula of the skills he has used in synergy. Apart from that, if he managed to pull it off too easily and out of stealth or with not many buffs on him, it may be an indication of cheating too.


All in all, while possible to do 30k dmg, it is worth an investigation by ANet on what actually happened. There is enough to indicate that something fishy may have been going on. If not, cool. It's just a gimmicky glass cannon build that's debatable (like everything else in the game). However, if some funny things were indeed going on, then it needs correctional measures.


Good Luck & Have Fun.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy


> I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.


Hold up... that's at least 15 seconds of stealth, if not more. That's not possible. For a ranger that is utterly and completely impossible. You can reach max ~8-10 sec stacking stealth with daggers, warhorn, pets, etc. *that is not possble*


**Edit:** sweet jesus, they're actually using dagger/warhorn + pig. That said, I tried it out myself to see how long I'd stay in stealth with tuft of hair + smokescale stealth stacking. I got to 12 seconds of totalth stealthed time. I can only assume the ranger was stealthed even longer than 15 sec because of how you cant see smokefield AOE, no pet, no ranger, no visuals etc.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> To all rangers ..stop just stop , just use this opportunity to propose adequate level of nerfs to sic'em (dunno dmg cut down to 15% and CD to 25s while increase reveal by 2s), I suggest to build your case and make suggestions...while you can


So are they supposed to expect a nerf for something that cannot be reproduced vs what's been found so far?


> Where it says 25%? in sb form the number still 40% ....


The tooltip was never updated to reflect merging with Soulbeast, but it is indeed only 25% of an increase. (You dont even get the 40% movement buff the skill was supposed to provide, either)

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > To all rangers ..stop just stop , just use this opportunity to propose adequate level of nerfs to sic'em (dunno dmg cut down to 15% and CD to 25s while increase reveal by 2s), I suggest to build your case and make suggestions...while you can


> So are they supposed to expect a nerf for something that cannot be reproduced vs what's been found so far?


> > Where it says 25%? in sb form the number still 40% ....


> The tooltip was never updated to reflect merging with Soulbeast, but it is indeed only 25% of an increase. (You dont even get the 40% movement buff the skill was supposed to provide, either)


The second you get mentioned on the forum...it's the moment the countdown to your nerfs starts and that explain why players here are extremely edgy

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I edited the original post with all the info I have gathered. It has everyone that I have seen complain about that guy coming out from stealth without any pre buff and a video from twitch clips where the guy gets no help for stealth and just kills the streamer in 1 hit after being in stealth for so long.


I also explained why the 60,000 damage one was not in downed state, just from looking at the death log on the right hand side.

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