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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.

> > > > >

> > > > > If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

> > > > > I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.

> > > >

> > > > in a Spvp with people plat more , you should be dead in 1 sec, Ranger cant teleport while casting the skill like almost any other class in this game, but ok.

> > > >

> > > > To hit for that amount of damage you must have:

> > > > full berserker

> > > > all offensive traits

> > > > offensive rune like scholar

> > > > 25 might stack

> > > > use maul to have oportunity attack

> > > > meld with your pet

> > > > use sic,em

> > > > land the worldly impact that have a obvious 1 sec animation , with light effects included.

> > > >

> > > > all of that in middle of a fight in melee range with a berserker ranger.

> > > >

> > > > **first time he kill you shame on him, second time, shame on you.**

> > > >

> > > Really? that's your argument?

> > > Listen anything doing that much damage aint no shame to die. Cuz when it's broken, it's broken.

> > >

> > ...15922 hp with full berserker is a free kill for almost any class on this game......


> Hi. Thieves, Guardians and Ele's barely have more than that amount with Marauder Amulet...


if they are full berserker they are a free kill too, the only exception would be thief because he have a nice amount of stealth skills, with Marauder that classes have near 19k hp.

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With Marauder that classes should have near 18-19k hp, but they usually rely in good traitlines or synergies, the only class that is harder to kill with Berserker would be the Thief.


Anyway we were talking about Ranger , Ranger traitlines are usually bad, they dont have a god synergy between traits,weaponSkills or event between traits itselfs.


> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > To all rangers ..stop just stop , just use this opportunity to propose adequate level of nerfs to sic'em (dunno dmg cut down to 15% and CD to 25s while increase reveal by 2s), I suggest to build your case and make suggestions...while you can

> >

> > actually, sic'em is nerfed to 25% when you enter SB form, i would gladly lost Wordly Impact for a skill which we could use to stealth, WI fail 90% times you try to land it plus it root you for 1 sec.


> Where it says 25%? in sb form the number still 40% ....


It is true that the skill tooltip doesnt show the real damage while in SB form, but Anet nerfed it to 25% damage and 25% mov speed.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy

> >

> > I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.


> Hold up... that's at least 15 seconds of stealth, if not more. That's not possible. For a ranger that is utterly and completely impossible. You can reach max ~8-10 sec stacking stealth with daggers, warhorn, pets, etc. *that is not possble*


> **Edit:** sweet jesus, they're actually using dagger/warhorn + pig. That said, I tried it out myself to see how long I'd stay in stealth with tuft of hair + smokescale stealth stacking. I got to 12 seconds of totalth stealthed time. I can only assume the ranger was stealthed even longer than 15 sec because of how you cant see smokefield AOE, no pet, no ranger, no visuals etc.


Actually if you look very carefully, you can see that the ranger de-stealths and re-stealths up near the door to lord, phantaram ended up not seeing him though which is why he was random dodging around hoping to kite out the stealth.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy

> > >

> > > I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.

> >

> > Hold up... that's at least 15 seconds of stealth, if not more. That's not possible. For a ranger that is utterly and completely impossible. You can reach max ~8-10 sec stacking stealth with daggers, warhorn, pets, etc. *that is not possble*

> >

> > **Edit:** sweet jesus, they're actually using dagger/warhorn + pig. That said, I tried it out myself to see how long I'd stay in stealth with tuft of hair + smokescale stealth stacking. I got to 12 seconds of totalth stealthed time. I can only assume the ranger was stealthed even longer than 15 sec because of how you cant see smokefield AOE, no pet, no ranger, no visuals etc.


> Actually if you look very carefully, you can see that the ranger de-stealths and re-stealths up near the door to lord, phantaram ended up not seeing him though which is why he was random dodging around hoping to kite out the stealth.


Christ you're right. I had my video quality at 740 and couldnt see it then lmao

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > > https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy

> > > >

> > > > I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.

> > >

> > > Hold up... that's at least 15 seconds of stealth, if not more. That's not possible. For a ranger that is utterly and completely impossible. You can reach max ~8-10 sec stacking stealth with daggers, warhorn, pets, etc. *that is not possble*

> > >

> > > **Edit:** sweet jesus, they're actually using dagger/warhorn + pig. That said, I tried it out myself to see how long I'd stay in stealth with tuft of hair + smokescale stealth stacking. I got to 12 seconds of totalth stealthed time. I can only assume the ranger was stealthed even longer than 15 sec because of how you cant see smokefield AOE, no pet, no ranger, no visuals etc.

> >

> > Actually if you look very carefully, you can see that the ranger de-stealths and re-stealths up near the door to lord, phantaram ended up not seeing him though which is why he was random dodging around hoping to kite out the stealth.


> Christ you're right. I had my video quality at 740 and couldnt see it then lmao


The stealth is roughly 8ish seconds after that point, close to 9 I'd say

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> @"ceces.9368" said:

> Well the ability that was doing all this actually got a buff. So instead of a 1 second cast with quickness, it's a 0.75 now.


I knew you'd be the first one to complain tho. I'll say it again, nerf fire grab or photonic blasting module too, first one that can do 100k dmg in a single skill and the other one that can reach 30k+ ez


Yeah, soulbeast *is* underperforming. It's not meta anywhere. I run a pure damage, *pure damage* build and hit at most 10k on a good impact. This harsh master build is a anomaly that no one can even recreate. Recreate it first, then nerf it

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

> > > > > > I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.

> > > > >

> > > > > in a Spvp with people plat more , you should be dead in 1 sec, Ranger cant teleport while casting the skill like almost any other class in this game, but ok.

> > > > >

> > > > > To hit for that amount of damage you must have:

> > > > > full berserker

> > > > > all offensive traits

> > > > > offensive rune like scholar

> > > > > 25 might stack

> > > > > use maul to have oportunity attack

> > > > > meld with your pet

> > > > > use sic,em

> > > > > land the worldly impact that have a obvious 1 sec animation , with light effects included.

> > > > >

> > > > > all of that in middle of a fight in melee range with a berserker ranger.

> > > > >

> > > > > **first time he kill you shame on him, second time, shame on you.**

> > > > >

> > > > Really? that's your argument?

> > > > Listen anything doing that much damage aint no shame to die. Cuz when it's broken, it's broken.

> > > >

> > > ...15922 hp with full berserker is a free kill for almost any class on this game......

> >

> > Hi. Thieves, Guardians and Ele's barely have more than that amount with Marauder Amulet...


> if they are full berserker they are a free kill too, the only exception would be thief because he have a nice amount of stealth skills, with Marauder that classes have near 19k hp.


17,245 is not near 19k. Those three professions need to have their base hp brought up to be in line with the other medium-hp professions. That base HP is FAR outdated and was only relevant when the damage gap between professions existed. Now *every* profession can do some 1-shot combo and having this much disparity between base HPs is ridiculous at this point in the game's life.

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OK just watched the phanta vid and did some testing myself. I was having a bit if a hard time as i dont know how OP got hit or what kind of situation it was but the vid from phantaram cleared a lot.


He came in from stealth with no interrupt/cc casted so that clears out a lot for me. No vulnerability stacks too and target was sitting at 100% health. That removes a lot of the buffs you have to work with. Tried something with marks/bm/sb where I prebuff might (only got to 24 stacks), precast maul for the damage buff and casted sic em. There is a split second where phantaram got revealed so he definitely used sic em there. Best I got was 27k average on a below 50% target, whereas the ranger dropped him from full, on a weaver with increased movespeed, using a skill that roots you. Not to mention the long ass time in stealth. Even if he has a lackey thief stealth stacking him and helping him with buffs, that is really shady.


As others have pointed out, I don't think its worldly impact thats the problem. Its clearly overstepping its damage, and with that stealth duration it really feels like there's shenanigans involved.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41030/longbow-aa-hack-or-legit#latest

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you use that SB build you can one shot people with Worldly Impact easily but, you are squishy as hell and the skill itself have a really obvious animation plus 1sec cast. you must enter melee range and any Ranger with berserker/squishy build in melee range should die in less than 2 sec, if people dont focus him the second time you see him is your team fault.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > was you using Berserk?? to hit for more than 50k im sure you was glass cannon too.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If i did 50k every 25 seconds, i would'nt care at all how glassy i am.

> > > > > > > I can hit 5 target at a 240 radius at 50k.. Hell yeah. Gimme gimme.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > in a Spvp with people plat more , you should be dead in 1 sec, Ranger cant teleport while casting the skill like almost any other class in this game, but ok.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To hit for that amount of damage you must have:

> > > > > > full berserker

> > > > > > all offensive traits

> > > > > > offensive rune like scholar

> > > > > > 25 might stack

> > > > > > use maul to have oportunity attack

> > > > > > meld with your pet

> > > > > > use sic,em

> > > > > > land the worldly impact that have a obvious 1 sec animation , with light effects included.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > all of that in middle of a fight in melee range with a berserker ranger.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **first time he kill you shame on him, second time, shame on you.**

> > > > > >

> > > > > Really? that's your argument?

> > > > > Listen anything doing that much damage aint no shame to die. Cuz when it's broken, it's broken.

> > > > >

> > > > ...15922 hp with full berserker is a free kill for almost any class on this game......

> > >

> > > Hi. Thieves, Guardians and Ele's barely have more than that amount with Marauder Amulet...

> >

> > if they are full berserker they are a free kill too, the only exception would be thief because he have a nice amount of stealth skills, with Marauder that classes have near 19k hp.


> 17,245 is not near 19k. Those three professions need to have their base hp brought up to be in line with the other medium-hp professions. That base HP is FAR outdated and was only relevant when the damage gap between professions existed. Now *every* profession can do some 1-shot combo and having this much disparity between base HPs is ridiculous at this point in the game's life.


Tbh Anet should normalize HP of ALL CLASSES, but if we take into account how they balance......

They should remake all trait lines of all classes, Guardian and Eles have really good defensive traits but as they have less hp it have sense, if you normalize their hp you should nerf all of their defensive traits, same with thiefs, a full berserker thief with 19k hp (warrior hp) would be invincible with all their stealth,movement skills.


About the one shot combo, well......... this thread is going out of common sense, to make 1 try with this combo you have to sacrifice ALL (skills,utilities,traits) and you must actually hit with it,, DH can kill you in 1 sec with traps,a buffed warrior can kill a squishy with f1 axe, i have seen ele Phoenix doing 24k(12k and 12k), thief backstab of 16k on people with 2589 armor, holo stunning people to death with 20k damage, power reaper one shotting people (same skill but hit more than one time), but the problem is WI and we must nerf the Ranger because someone is oneshoting people with it........... the fact is that this game has too much damage.


Im sure that killing people with 40k damage must be funny as hell, but, the reality is that, if you can only kill 1 person each 30sec and you dont bring anything more to the table , your team contribution in Spvp is zero, you will kill 1 and die instant...........


BTW, ¿was the op wearing all of their armor set ?.

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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


No it's not normal but history shows that 1 shotting is a practical method of balance in the game. In other word, 1 shot is normal but not with the excessive damage numbers....so do not expect any drastic changes but damage tweaks)



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You can now do it in 3/4sec lol like this skill needed a buff. You can now Hunter Shot, walk to someone on point while in stealth, Worldly Impact him without even needing a cc, then use Takedown into rapidfire and finish with point blank shot or from Takedown into Maul, Hilt Bash, Maul.

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Yup that clip right there is exactly how that ranger one shot me too. He stealthed for more then 12 seconds and insta downed me with Wordly Impact which btw has just been updated with a shorter cast time 0.75s now instead of 1s. Anet needs to fix this ASAP.


There is a video of one guy attemptin to recreate that damage but he was not able to. So I assume this ranger found how to exploit it or he's using some sort of hack to stealth that long and multiply his damage.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > Well the ability that was doing all this actually got a buff. So instead of a 1 second cast with quickness, it's a 0.75 now.


> I knew you'd be the first one to complain tho. I'll say it again, nerf fire grab or photonic blasting module too, first one that can do 100k dmg in a single skill and the other one that can reach 30k+ ez


> Yeah, soulbeast *is* underperforming. It's not meta anywhere. I run a pure damage, *pure damage* build and hit at most 10k on a good impact. This harsh master build is a anomaly that no one can even recreate. Recreate it first, then nerf it


I posted a 40k worldly. With the buffs from coliseum attack it would have been in the 60k range. I just had the crowd buff.

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> With Marauder that classes should have near 18-19k hp, but they usually rely in good traitlines or synergies, the only class that is harder to kill with Berserker would be the Thief.


> Anyway we were talking about Ranger , Ranger traitlines are usually bad, they dont have a god synergy between traits,weaponSkills or event between traits itselfs.


> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > To all rangers ..stop just stop , just use this opportunity to propose adequate level of nerfs to sic'em (dunno dmg cut down to 15% and CD to 25s while increase reveal by 2s), I suggest to build your case and make suggestions...while you can

> > >

> > > actually, sic'em is nerfed to 25% when you enter SB form, i would gladly lost Wordly Impact for a skill which we could use to stealth, WI fail 90% times you try to land it plus it root you for 1 sec.

> >

> > Where it says 25%? in sb form the number still 40% ....


> It is true that the skill tooltip doesnt show the real damage while in SB form, but Anet nerfed it to 25% damage and 25% mov speed.


Yeah, wilderness survival is so bad it was banned in 1v1 tournaments along with each and every bird pet.


Get real my dude.

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> @"Outsider.6051" said:

> OK just watched the phanta vid and did some testing myself. I was having a bit if a hard time as i dont know how OP got hit or what kind of situation it was but the vid from phantaram cleared a lot.


> He came in from stealth with no interrupt/cc casted so that clears out a lot for me. No vulnerability stacks too and target was sitting at 100% health. That removes a lot of the buffs you have to work with. Tried something with marks/bm/sb where I prebuff might (only got to 24 stacks), precast maul for the damage buff and casted sic em. There is a split second where phantaram got revealed so he definitely used sic em there. Best I got was 27k average on a below 50% target, whereas the ranger dropped him from full, on a weaver with increased movespeed, using a skill that roots you. Not to mention the long kitten time in stealth. Even if he has a lackey thief stealth stacking him and helping him with buffs, that is really shady.


> As others have pointed out, I don't think its worldly impact thats the problem. Its clearly overstepping its damage, and with that stealth duration it really feels like there's shenanigans involved.


The burst that downed him wasn't actually worldly impact, we don't know for sure what the initial 26k hit was since the animation was hidden by stealth, however after the initial burst the ranger did smoke assault followed by worldly impact on the downed body which means worldly impact didn't generate the down otherwise it would have been on cooldown. So it was probably actually a 26k maul for the opening burst. Worldly impact has a power multiplier of 2.21 which actually isn't that high (for reference tier 1 eviscerate is at 2.0 power multiplier while tier 3 is at 3.0) while maul has a 1.75 power multiplier yet is the second largest single hit that ranger has access to. Going by these multipliers, a 26k maul would actually be about a 32.7k worldly impact under the same conditions.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Outsider.6051" said:

> > OK just watched the phanta vid and did some testing myself. I was having a bit if a hard time as i dont know how OP got hit or what kind of situation it was but the vid from phantaram cleared a lot.

> >

> > He came in from stealth with no interrupt/cc casted so that clears out a lot for me. No vulnerability stacks too and target was sitting at 100% health. That removes a lot of the buffs you have to work with. Tried something with marks/bm/sb where I prebuff might (only got to 24 stacks), precast maul for the damage buff and casted sic em. There is a split second where phantaram got revealed so he definitely used sic em there. Best I got was 27k average on a below 50% target, whereas the ranger dropped him from full, on a weaver with increased movespeed, using a skill that roots you. Not to mention the long kitten time in stealth. Even if he has a lackey thief stealth stacking him and helping him with buffs, that is really shady.

> >

> > As others have pointed out, I don't think its worldly impact thats the problem. Its clearly overstepping its damage, and with that stealth duration it really feels like there's shenanigans involved.


> The burst that downed him wasn't actually worldly impact, we don't know for sure what the initial 26k hit was since the animation was hidden by stealth, however after the initial burst the ranger did smoke assault followed by worldly impact on the downed body which means worldly impact didn't generate the down otherwise it would have been on cooldown. So it was probably actually a 26k maul for the opening burst. Worldly impact has a power multiplier of 2.21 which actually isn't that high (for reference tier 1 eviscerate is at 2.0 power multiplier while tier 3 is at 3.0) while maul has a 1.75 power multiplier yet is the second largest single hit that ranger has access to. Going by these multipliers, a 26k maul would actually be about a 32.7k worldly impact under the same conditions.


If you look at the video, it's 20 days old. If he is using a bug to get all this damage from some multiplier bug, he could have gotten better at using the bug, as all my screen shots/other people who get 1 shot by him was done by worldly impact alone.


In the video, he doesn't stack vulnerability or anything, he just goes in stealth for like 9 seconds, pops out and 1 shots him. That's how it's done to me, and everyone else who posted screen shots/have said the same thing

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > With Marauder that classes should have near 18-19k hp, but they usually rely in good traitlines or synergies, the only class that is harder to kill with Berserker would be the Thief.

> >

> > Anyway we were talking about Ranger , Ranger traitlines are usually bad, they dont have a god synergy between traits,weaponSkills or event between traits itselfs.

> >

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > To all rangers ..stop just stop , just use this opportunity to propose adequate level of nerfs to sic'em (dunno dmg cut down to 15% and CD to 25s while increase reveal by 2s), I suggest to build your case and make suggestions...while you can

> > > >

> > > > actually, sic'em is nerfed to 25% when you enter SB form, i would gladly lost Wordly Impact for a skill which we could use to stealth, WI fail 90% times you try to land it plus it root you for 1 sec.

> > >

> > > Where it says 25%? in sb form the number still 40% ....

> >

> > It is true that the skill tooltip doesnt show the real damage while in SB form, but Anet nerfed it to 25% damage and 25% mov speed.


> Yeah, wilderness survival is so bad it was banned in 1v1 tournaments along with each and every bird pet.


> Get real my dude.


Probably Ranger class is the class that sacrifice more damage to be able to last more than 5 seconds in a fight, i use owl for utilities not for his damage, have a nice

damage tooltip but it doenst hit hard, but his utilities in Sb give you a nice mobility.


I know that Tournaments from 4 years ago mean nothing now but, it represent how good the core trait lines/skills are for each class 1 out 60 players of the 3 World Tournaments was a Ranger, so yes , i will get real, Ranger need better traitlines.


If a class is not in the meta means that there are classes that are far superior, ofc there will always be people that are god Tier with nonMeta classes, but it is a fact that Ranger is out of Meta and Out of Raid Party as Dps ( as druid seems that we can do ok yet, til Anet decide to nerf Druid heal/buffs one more time)



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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> https://clips.twitch.tv/TastyUninterestedSlothDatSheffy


> I will just leave this right here. If you search hard enough on phantaram's channel you can find a spree of him being one-shot in a similar manner about 4 times in about a 3 minute span with the largest hit landing for a bit over 30k from straight out of stealth.


Yep, that's just weird. Can't recreate it, no matter what I try.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> If those **AOE** 20k+ Worldly Impact is balanced, why was Rock Gazelle nerfed? Please revert the nerf. Thanks.


Gazelle's Charge was not controllable and could do its nonsense regardless of the ranger's build (even Druid could get away with it - same complaints people had about Iboga in PvE when Consuming Bite was a thing). Even now it still bugs out on odd occasions to hit for 9k+, though its rare.

At the very least, Worldly Impact kills require a full glass build and an active attempt at setting it up to land it.

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Anyone who PVPed back when HJ was around knows this guy; he's been literally doing it for years. He pretty much perfected the art of stealth stacking + getting a kitten ton of modifiers and then mauling (in the past) and now wordly impacting. He's been one shotting from stealth since I can remember. No one has complained about this much before because I think he's the only one I've ever seen do it.


I'm almost positive he's using sword/warhorn + GS and Smokey+Siamoth.


This is explains the stealthing, and 30k is pretty normal for wordly impact.


The 60k makes no sense and I have no idea about it- I think it has to be the colosseum.


Watching the videos it does seem as if he has infinite stealth and the damage doesn't make sense. I can't imagine he's hacking, but I don't have an explanation.

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