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Looking for Answers: Mesmer Shadow Assault


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Hallo all!

This pesky Thief finally managed to down a Mesmer in the defense of a camp. She was downed on land (near water at the SE Alpine camp) and outside of the capture ring, so I was going to let her bleed out a bit while I healed up and tried to revive a camp NPC or two. Oddly enough, I every time I tried to revive an NPC, the process wouldn't even begin (I don't know if it was lag or a sustained daze or what). Of course I had clones chasing me all around, loading conditions on me (the Stealth on revive and condi-clear/heal on Stealth would have helped), so I decided to go finish off the Mesmer.


She had blinked to get in shallow water, I believe, and appeared to have started to heal. So I used Shadow Shot to stop the healing and get in close. Then I was down, and that's all it took. In the combat log, it says I got hit by a skill called Shadow Assault. The skill was not interactable in the combat log, and the only listings in the wiki have to do with an underwater Thief skill and a Warrior skill.


![shadow Assault](https://i.imgur.com/Fvw3bfe.jpg "")


So I'm not quite sure what happened. The only thing I can think of is a Phantasmal Rogue got me, but I don't play Mesmer, so I don't know their underwater capabilities. It's odd, though... neither of us were fully underwater that I could tell. We were in the shallows. Or maybe there's another skill that shows up as Shadow Assault in the combat log?


Thank you guys for the help! And please stop being so powerful. Thanks! ;-P

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Sounds about right. The downed phantasm does quite alot of damage, everyone knows that. It's been nerfed a fair bit in damage over the patches, but in turn its on a lower cooldown so it can still hit hard and fast.


But thieves dont really have a right to complain about damage.


![](https://i.imgur.com/gDtGutl.jpg "")


(that's against 1800 toughness btw)

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