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Change of the released content

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First of sorry if my english sounds a little strange, i am not a native english speaker.

This topic has been in my head for a while now, mostly since PoF release. While i really enjoy the story in GW2, and while i am very happy that we get free content every 3-4 months, i have started to feel that anet is making something wrong with their content:

Most of the content isnt something that holds player very long. I just experienced it with the recent episode again...after 1 week most dedicated players are completly done with the episode+achievments, while also many slower paced players are at least done after 1 month (if all are even doing the achievments).

I am starting to question if this is the right way? Because i know already that i wont login often until the very next one will be released, and i also know many who will do the same. Most content that is released just isnt worth replaying or holds players longer then 10mins in order so be solved.

I am not going to start another discussion here if anet should transfer more resourcess to raids or lw, we have more then enough discussions about those already. What i want to start is a discussion what we think how anet could use the resourcess they have right now.

I from my side would wish that they start making content that is also worth playing more then once. For examble most story missions arent really touched again unless for achievments, and those are most of the time not even worth the effort since they give very least points. So unless you are a achievmenthunter, many dont touch those again. In GW1 (i know, GW2 and 1 are mostly different) you at least got some good cash out of the missions and you had daily-story-missions which rewarded you with coins which could be traded for some good items.

If they could make it a little more worth playing missions again it would help keeping more players busy.

Another thing i would like to discuss: making harder content.

Before i am getting stoned to death: i dont mean raids by default with this. What i mean is that most content is just to easy. Being it story or meta events, or mapcontent. Or fractals.

What i would find very interesting if they could bring similiar meta events like those of HoT, or even like Teq or Triple Trouble. Metas players actual have to invest time and coordination right after release before they can be farmed. right now the meta is once again a "i rush though the entire event by clicking skill 1 with 30 other players and stand in the glowing circles". Beside the point that they are not even rewarding since HoT besides Istan.

Another idea i have would be if they could start bringing different kind of raids and fractals. Why not making a fractal/raid where you *dont even need to fight*? Making a instanced jumping puzzle for examble, way harder then the Open World and guild ones, requiring very specific coordination between 5 or 10 people in order to be cleared together with timers, which will make the group spawn at the beginning once run out. Something the community actual needs some time to solve it, maybe even by using specific push/pull skills similiar to the bomb event of south tarir.

In my opinion, we dont need more content in a specific mode, but rather the content we already have and get should be more replayble by changing the made content to take longer to be done and being more rewarding so you want to repeat it once you have it finished.

What do you guys thing about this? You agree or disagree? Or even have better/other opinions/suggestions? Leave a comment with it ;).

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Why is this in "fractals, dungeons and raids" subforum?

Edit: on a side note, I really think adding a jp doesnt add anything to replayability. Check every jp so far, how often do you do them? Once for the achievement. Thats it.

We already have Hot-like metas, in Hot. We also have Teq like bosses, in Sparkfly fen. Same with TT. POF has the metas, its just that they lack rewards. And, believe me, TT is done by very few people.

Rewards add to replayability, and imho, thats what PoF metas lack. Actual rewards, to make the time you invest worthwhile.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Why is this in "fractals, dungeons and raids" subforum?

> Edit: on a side note, I really think adding a jp doesnt add anything to replayability. Check every jp so far, how often do you do them? Once for the achievement. Thats it.

Yeah, cause most of them are way to easy and not really rewarding. Which was my suggestion to change.

> We already have Hot-like metas, in Hot. We also have Teq like bosses, in Sparkfly fen. Same with TT. POF has the metas, its just that they lack rewards. And, believe me, TT is done by very few people.

Thats not my point. I was talking about bosses which are actual challanging. Not about a Teq clone.



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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Why is this in "fractals, dungeons and raids" subforum?

> Edit: on a side note, I really think adding a jp doesnt add anything to replayability. Check every jp so far, how often do you do them? Once for the achievement. Thats it.

> We already have Hot-like metas, in Hot. We also have Teq like bosses, in Sparkfly fen. Same with TT. POF has the metas, its just that they lack rewards. And, believe me, TT is done by very few people.

> Rewards add to replayability, and imho, thats what PoF metas lack. Actual rewards, to make the time you invest worthwhile.


I've done the Chalice of tears 4 times already, and still need to do it once again for Aurora. That's probably the JP i've done the least. I've done Urmaug's Secret more times than i can count, and the same can be said for Weyandt's Revenge.

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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Why is this in "fractals, dungeons and raids" subforum?

> > Edit: on a side note, I really think adding a jp doesnt add anything to replayability. Check every jp so far, how often do you do them? Once for the achievement. Thats it.

> Yeah, cause most of them are way to easy and not really rewarding. Which was my suggestion to change.

> > We already have Hot-like metas, in Hot. We also have Teq like bosses, in Sparkfly fen. Same with TT. POF has the metas, its just that they lack rewards. And, believe me, TT is done by very few people.

> Thats not my point. I was talking about bosses which are actual challanging. Not about a Teq clone.




Serpents Ire, Maw are PoF metas. The former is a tough one, it is different to other metas, but it has absolutely crap rewards.

Anet have stated they will use resources on fractals, as far as instanced content goes. Wishful thinking (new dungeon jp! It sounds so bad to me) is ok and all, but let's be realistic.

Deep stone fract is the latest one, it is really easy, it has some different mechanics but thats not enough to make people embrace it. Most like it for its visuals. Cant imagine a full jp fractal, what would the point of that be?

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> Serpents Ire, Maw are PoF metas. The former is a tough one, it is different to other metas, but it has absolutely crap rewards.

> Anet have stated they will use resources on fractals, as far as instanced content goes. Wishful thinking (new dungeon jp! It sounds so bad to me) is ok and all, but let's be realistic.

> Deep stone fract is the latest one, it is really easy, it has some different mechanics but thats not enough to make people embrace it. Most like it for its visuals. Cant imagine a full jp fractal, what would the point of that be?


Well again thats why i said make it harder, so the communtiy actual has to stick their heads together to solve it, while it on the other hand should be rewarding for the affort it requires.

Also, i just suggest possibilities which kind of content they could make, not that it has to be jp^^. What i said it has to be is that it has to be *challanging enough to hold players longer in it* and *once its done it has to be rewarding enough to do it more than once*, being it fractals, dungeons, raids, story missions, jp or metas.



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> @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > Serpents Ire, Maw are PoF metas. The former is a tough one, it is different to other metas, but it has absolutely crap rewards.

> > Anet have stated they will use resources on fractals, as far as instanced content goes. Wishful thinking (new dungeon jp! It sounds so bad to me) is ok and all, but let's be realistic.

> > Deep stone fract is the latest one, it is really easy, it has some different mechanics but thats not enough to make people embrace it. Most like it for its visuals. Cant imagine a full jp fractal, what would the point of that be?


> Well again thats why i said make it harder, so the communtiy actual has to stick their heads together to solve it, while it on the other hand should be rewarding for the affort it requires.

> Also, i just suggest possibilities which kind of content they could make, not that it has to be jp^^. What i said it has to be is that it has to be *challanging enough to hold players longer in it* and *once its done it has to be rewarding enough to do it more than once*, being it fractals, dungeons, raids, story missions, jp or metas.




Gw2 is the casual friendly game. No need for harder content. If challenge is your cup of tea, maybe some other game would be more suitable for you. Gw2 has ftactal cms, raids as challenging content. Look at Serpents Ire meta, people complain by the dozens that its cc phase is waaaay unfair (it is, btw). Very frw do that meta, if anyone. No, Gw2 doesnt need more challenging content. I would be really happy and glad if they would resolve pvp balance issues, class balance issues, wvw world restructuring issues. Anet focus more on open world and living story instead in New, hard, challenging fractals or New raid wings (or challenging content in general) , and that is what gw2 is about. Do they do it well? That is another discussion.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Xantaria.8726" said:

> > > Serpents Ire, Maw are PoF metas. The former is a tough one, it is different to other metas, but it has absolutely crap rewards.

> > > Anet have stated they will use resources on fractals, as far as instanced content goes. Wishful thinking (new dungeon jp! It sounds so bad to me) is ok and all, but let's be realistic.

> > > Deep stone fract is the latest one, it is really easy, it has some different mechanics but thats not enough to make people embrace it. Most like it for its visuals. Cant imagine a full jp fractal, what would the point of that be?

> >

> > Well again thats why i said make it harder, so the communtiy actual has to stick their heads together to solve it, while it on the other hand should be rewarding for the affort it requires.

> > Also, i just suggest possibilities which kind of content they could make, not that it has to be jp^^. What i said it has to be is that it has to be *challanging enough to hold players longer in it* and *once its done it has to be rewarding enough to do it more than once*, being it fractals, dungeons, raids, story missions, jp or metas.

> >

> >


> Gw2 is the casual friendly game. No need for harder content. If challenge is your cup of tea, maybe some other game would be more suitable for you. Gw2 has ftactal cms, raids as challenging content. Look at Serpents Ire meta, people complain by the dozens that its cc phase is waaaay unfair (it is, btw). Very frw do that meta, if anyone. No, Gw2 doesnt need more challenging content. I would be really happy and glad if they would resolve pvp balance issues, class balance issues, wvw world restructuring issues. Anet focus more on open world and living story instead in New, hard, challenging fractals or New raid wings (or challenging content in general) , and that is what gw2 is about. Do they do it well? That is another discussion.


Again, my point is not making content more challanging in form of hardcore content. Also, making content that is legit being done on the first try and in only a few hours while waiting always 3-4 months for the next one is not casual content, but rather bad desgin. Content can still be casual while it takes time to actual finish it. What good is there for Anet if many players stop playing the game for months, only to return for a storyupdate?

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