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A New Race.

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I've been thinking about what if ANet made a new race but not as easy and simple to unlock, and I will explain how.


Imagine an expansion in the future with a side story, in this side story there are collections, achievements and other tasks and missions which unsolves a mystery and reveal a species hidden for a long time and never found untill now, this could be a celestial, anomaly or a void theme race, it could be small like the Asura which I think would look really great, this could be a new race created in labs by asuras, for example find the spirit or the anomaly or something celestial or a void like part, so the asura can work on re-creating this race, a race which is new to the lore and unique but can only be unlocked by completing certian collections/achievements or so, I think this will add so many new ideas and expand guild wars universe even more we are locked on only 4 races, I think the community would love this I don't know I'd personally get really hyped if something like this gets official, anyhow please share your thoughts freely. =)

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Of course, but I didn't mean like right now, it's an idea I threw out there so maybe they will think about and hopefully develop something related in next big expansion because they will add something new for sure like they did with gliders and mounts, might aswell do some story and this idea in it.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I don’t see the benefit a new race would bring.


That all depends on how they are implemented.


> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I have one character of each profession so I won’t make a new character.


That's you. I know people with over 20 characters.


> @"yoni.7015" said:

> Instead of creating a new race they should create more content.


A new race would be content. You should probably be more specific on your definition of content.



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> @"Einsof.1457" said:

> No. No new races please just continue to develop and improve existing ones. We have a great variety of playable races already. Quality over quantity is the way to go.


I think they missed a big opportunity born, essentially another human race, over the bird people (don't remember the name). Their lore is different from humans, but astheticly, they are pretty much the same. It's like extra sliders for humans, potted over to a new race.

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A new race can create lore and more content if you are referring to story content, for example let's just take a Void or a Celestial bound human race where they were created by ancient magic in another dimension or something and the new expansion would be related to this dimension and you have to enter that place and start exploring and playing the story, don't you think something so new and never been added would be good? because tbh when i look at the desert and path of fire I get a flashback to guild wars 1 and I know that it's the lore but a new fresh story would be even better, now I can go on creating a lore which is irrelevant that's ANet's job but you see where I'm going with this, this can already add new skins related to Void for Weapons, Mounts, Armor etc.. and I haven't seen anything close to the void theme so far in Guild Wars or even a celestial like theme similiar to the legendary Twilight footsteps effect.


And most importantly to not just add a new race and immediately start playing it, because that's just dull and boring IMO, adding a race with a backstory to it and lore and actually playing and experiencing this new lore is really fun.


It is a hard and complex thing to start doing but the game has to grow and something new like this will grow this universe and create new things to explore which we've never seen before in GW.

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The question isn't whether a new, playable race would be well received (let's assume it would be, like the mounts and gliding and other ANet-style implementation of MMO features). The question is always: "what resources would it take to add a new race to the game?" And that must be balanced against, "what else could we do with those same resources?"


As the devs have said, on more than one occasion, they aren't considering a new race any time soon, because it would interrupt all the other plans they already have.


It can be fun to discuss what new race they might choose or how one might gain access to playing it. As long as everyone is clear: it's not going to happen.

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I agree, and I know that, but eventually they must add a large new content to the game or else it will drain the fun over time the small stories are fun and really good but they are just really short I think if they focus on one big thing that would really be good for us and for them, look at Warframe for example a game that was never meant to be open world yet they worked on it and got it just righr and now they are adding the second open world zone,I mean expanding like Warframe is doing, but idk maybe they are working on something big I just hope it's atleast close to announcement.

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> @"FrostyWaffle.4360" said:

> A new race can create lore and more content if you are referring to story content, for example let's just take a Void or a Celestial bound human race where they were created by ancient magic in another dimension or something and the new expansion would be related to this dimension and you have to enter that place and start exploring and playing the story, don't you think something so new and never been added would be good? because tbh when i look at the desert and path of fire I get a flashback to guild wars 1 and I know that it's the lore but a new fresh story would be even better, now I can go on creating a lore which is irrelevant that's ANet's job but you see where I'm going with this, this can already add new skins related to Void for Weapons, Mounts, Armor etc.. and I haven't seen anything close to the void theme so far in Guild Wars or even a celestial like theme similiar to the legendary Twilight footsteps effect.


> And most importantly to not just add a new race and immediately start playing it, because that's just dull and boring IMO, adding a race with a backstory to it and lore and actually playing and experiencing this new lore is really fun.


> It is a hard and complex thing to start doing but the game has to grow and something new like this will grow this universe and create new things to explore which we've never seen before in GW.


Which is a moot point once you realize the Commander is written to be Raceless, Genderless, and of no particular allegiance prior to the Pact and Dragon's watch. Without that link, you're still stuck with basic problem of explaining a whole new section of Lore that has to be crammed into an episodic method of story writing, while still having room for the overarching story thread. If movies and TV have taught us anything in the last 2 decades, that doesn't work. And of the things that do work, the perception comes from the main form of media at the time it was released. All the Starwars novels may as well not exist...... because the only things people are universally aware of comes from the movies. For us, GW1 players remember GW1.... but new players don't know jack. And there has been a lot of short hand being used from GW1 to not waste twice the amount of time trying to get new players completely caught up. Joko in LS4 worked, because the foundation for him was laid in the backdrop of POF. That didn't happen in LS3, and as a result, Balthazar not only came out of Left field, many of the new players thought him to be either no real personality or a bad parody of something in pop culture.



I problem I've been noticing is how sometimes its hard to separate the idea of a mechanic from that of a story. They can exist in synergy; but most often players present their ideas in terms of how it affects the game's mechanics, thinking that gives them the most weight. Mechanics have a huge price, made all the more expensive due to the nature of THIS engine.


So consider the following...... objectively there are far more benefits to simply starting fresh and spending time to rebuild the engine to be forward adaptable, and make a whole new swath of content for it. But its also objectively not likely, because financial incentives trump pretty much everything else. WoW is 15 years old, and has many changes to it.... but its still basically the same game it always was. EvE Online is just as old, and has 2 additional games set in the EVE universe that are thematically coherent with the Main game, but fundamentally incompatible on a mechanical level (and they've tried very hard to make it that work).


This game has hit the limit for its growth on Combat and Skills...... which is why both expansions build on movement and map exploration. To really fix combat and buildcraft, we'd have to throw out roughly half the mechanical systems that currently exist to make room for better ones. But what do you consider more important? Lore which doesn't directly interact with core gameplay, but can be built with less consequence. Or lore which plugs into the game's systems in order to expand it? And if its the latter.... whose gonna pay for it? And how long are you willing to wait for that to be made possible?

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> It is almost the time to introduce teaser for GW3 you talking of things that people were suggesting in launch of GW2. :)


Why? MMO's last a very long time (if successful). GW2 is successful, so is WoW and to a lesser degree SWTOR. I could see GW2 getting several more expansions as the game is still mechanically very good (and graphically still pretty good).

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@"FrostyWaffle.4360": Your complicated way of access to a new playable race won't make it more likely to happen. I believe it has been made very clear that they refuse to grant us access to new playable races mainly for the effort involved to add them (armor designs, hitboxes, voice-overs etc). Also, if there ever were to be new playable races, I sure hope they will be already existing ones, like tengu, centaur, koda, quaggan (eww), skritt, you name it (non-transformed dwarves would be awesome, too).

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> @"FrostyWaffle.4360" said:

> I've been thinking about what if ANet made a new race but not as easy and simple to unlock, and I will explain how.


>I think this will add so many new ideas and expand guild wars universe **even more we are locked on only 4 races**, I think the community would >love this


Wish granted! We have 5 races, not 4, so go find the one you are missing and enjoy it!

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I believe someone said (a long time ago) it's not easy to roll-out a new playable race. Each time that specific race interacts with an NPC and they have a conversation, three voice-overs need to be made (one each for male and female PCs plus the NPC). I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's for starters. Then there's choosing the race, animations, armor, etc.


But I could have dreamt it all.

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In terms of development time you have two choices:

Content for a new race, or content for current races.

That's the unfortunate reality of it.


What makes it really difficult outside of the armor is the personal story bits. Unlike other mmos where you just get plopped in the already made questing experience, GW2 has the personal story alongside that. They could do the whole "they start at max level with no personal story thing", but that would make more sense for a class than a race. To say the least, the return isn't worth the monumental effort of it. There's a reason why WoW is doing allied races, they're easy to churn out since they recycle old assets and they have a universal rig system for animations.

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> @"FrostyWaffle.4360" said:

> I've been thinking about what if ANet made a new race but not as easy and simple to unlock, and I will explain how.


> Imagine an expansion in the future with a side story, in this side story there are collections, achievements and other tasks and missions which unsolves a mystery and reveal a species hidden for a long time and never found untill now, this could be a celestial, anomaly or a void theme race, it could be small like the Asura which I think would look really great, this could be a new race created in labs by asuras, for example find the spirit or the anomaly or something celestial or a void like part, so the asura can work on re-creating this race, a race which is new to the lore and unique but can only be unlocked by completing certian collections/achievements or so, I think this will add so many new ideas and expand guild wars universe even more we are locked on only 4 races, I think the community would love this I don't know I'd personally get really hyped if something like this gets official, anyhow please share your thoughts freely. =)


somebody has been stealing ideas from battle for azeroth

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