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Coming Tomorrow 7/10/18 – Balance Patch

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> When does maint begin? What is the maint schedule? I can't find this information anywhere, figured I'd ask


Patches usually go in around 9am Pacific time (typically on Tuesdays), and there is no server downtime for patches. Patch notes will be posted on the forums, the official wiki, the GW2 reddit, and Dulfy. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/game-release-notes

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> When does maint begin? What is the maint schedule? I can't find this information anywhere, figured I'd ask


One of the weird (but good) things about GW2 is they don't need to take it offline for maintenance. They can install patches with the game online and people playing, and then you just need to log off (if you're online at the time) to download it and carry on playing.


As a result they don't normally announce when exactly they're planning to start, because it doesn't really matter for players. If you're online you'll get a message at some point (in big yellow text on the middle of the screen) telling you a new build is available and then you'll have 2 hours to reach a convenient point to stop, log off, download the patch and log back in. If you're not online then of course it will just download next time you're online.


But it's currently 7:30am in Seattle where Anet is based, so they'll probably start in about 1.5 hours and since it's just a balance patch it should be fairly straight-forward to install and the new build will probably not be long after that.

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I'm hoping for 2 things - that the deadeye rework will finally make thief a viable profession for raids, where it lacks DPS and support, and that I can put the LWS4 episode 3 Portal scroll in my time finally and free up a shared slot. I love playing my revenant and would not mind changes there to the energy mechanic ( which pushed me to play Renegade, as Herald could simply not keep attacking effectively in a long fight), or up the DPS significantly to also make them competitive in raids (and keep fights shorter in line with the energy mechanic). When I think balance, I think about brining all classes up to snuff to be welcome in Raid groups - but that's just my humble opinion.

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Hey Irenio, glad to see a balance patch.


Underwater-wise, is it possible [spear of Light](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spear_of_Light "Spear of Light") could pierce and hit more than one enemy? It being single target right now is quite hindering.

If also possible, it would be quite nice if [Zealot's Flurry](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zealot%27s_Flurry "Zealot's Flurry") could hit 5 enemies instead of 3.


Otherwise, Guardian seems to be pretty much in order underwater.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

> > Is there a possibility of future reworks in the pipeline Anet?


> There certainly are. :)


Love you guys and love the game you guys have been killing it this year in my opinion. Thanks for everything you guys do and another thank you for making this game different from the competition in ways i didnt really appreciate until recently!

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> Fun fact: Sword Weaver is already stronger than most other builds.


> I agree though that staff should be nerfed. An AoE-weapon shouldn't also do the highest single-target dps. Especially when you also can use it ranged. Sword Weaver should be the way to go considering healthy balance.


I definitely prefer sword weaver in terms of having fun, and doing open world/story instance play. But it seems like all I hear regarding group play (fractals OR raids) is elitism over anybody who dares take anything but a staff meta build in. Elitism is part of any online gaming community, sadly, but I do hate seeing entire weapon sets get brushed aside.


Out of curiosity, why would you say it's stronger than other builds, and what for? What sort of spec? Interested in someone else's take on it, I'm sure there are things I haven't taken into consideration or encountered.

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..... just whyyy nerf nerf nerf. The worse is weaver. Actually the weaver has the worse rota and you nerf this so if your weaver isn't really good his dps will be really bad worse than other class. Dh need up PVE but nothing, holo will be second dps and first if you have a bad weaver. Mesmer ok, necro ? you nerf epi ok good and nothing in exchange ? necro pve => usuless now thx good job again. Have you someone to test or ??

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I understand that the devs have very specific and narrow definitions of what characters should be doing (which is weird for a game with options and choices, but whatever).


But WHY IN THE WORLD do you create a class called "Guardian" and then get upset when people use it to "heal" and "support" ?


Can someone please explain what the narrow and specific purpose anet has for Guardian? Because it is clearly not to heal or support, otherwise they wouldn't keep nerfing them away from that.


Tell us what you want us to do, maybe?

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I love the UW changes for the Ranger and ALL the Rev updates especially the energy cost/upkeep reductions for the Revenant. These are my favorite:



- Protective Solace: This skill now has an initial energy cost of 5. Reduced the energy upkeep of this skill from 8 to 6 energy per second.


- Impossible Odds: Reduced the energy cost of this skill from 10 to 5. Reduced the energy upkeep of this skill in PvE from 8 to 6 energy per second. Fixed a bug that caused the superspeed effect to intermittently deactivate while this skill was active.


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Thanks for nerfing again the staff thief. I don't remember when it was last time that I read a favorable balance patch for it.

The DD was a good class to have fun around, and the nerf to Exposed Weakness is really depressing for a roamer. I didn't do any event/PvE quest today, too upset.

As roamer, I can basically apply only vulnerability as condition, so this change is a neat 8% of damage loss. Thank you.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> > Since skill splitting seems to be the current trend, can we get a look at PvE versions of various underperforming skills? The preceding opposite trend of un-splitting things ages ago ruined lots of skills for PvE (turrets, anyone?) and while competitive play balance understandably comes first, PvE deserves some love too.


> We're going to keep splitting skills, traits, etc as appropriate to keep different modes power levels from going to the extremes. This will happen on numeric levels, not functional levels.


> * A numeric difference is a skill inflicting heavy damage in one mode and moderate damage in another.

> * A functional difference is a skill granting stability in one mode and granting swiftness in another.


> The reasoning behind this is to make it easily understood that when you swap modes an ability or trait still fundamentally DOES what it did before. You don't have to re-learn from scratch.


So it feels like you lied here when it seems like devs are pushing skill together in diffrent game types but the skills are only being balanced for one.


What it seems like there a realty culture problem at anet where there some type of want to just throw ideals at the wall and hope something happens with out any though for the ppl playing there game. I think the event of the last week was only some one forgetting that there words where viable and not hidden by there game. I think anet hates there player base or at least are not part of being that "friendly players."

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> > Since skill splitting seems to be the current trend, can we get a look at PvE versions of various underperforming skills? The preceding opposite trend of un-splitting things ages ago ruined lots of skills for PvE (turrets, anyone?) and while competitive play balance understandably comes first, PvE deserves some love too.


> We're going to keep splitting skills, traits, etc as appropriate to keep different modes power levels from going to the extremes. This will happen on numeric levels, not functional levels.


> * A numeric difference is a skill inflicting heavy damage in one mode and moderate damage in another.

> * A functional difference is a skill granting stability in one mode and granting swiftness in another.


> The reasoning behind this is to make it easily understood that when you swap modes an ability or trait still fundamentally DOES what it did before. You don't have to re-learn from scratch.


You guys will never be able to actually balance PvP and PvE this way, both game modes are very different from each other and can't be treated as the same. An AI and a Player **function** different from each other, so you can't expect to fix everything with just a numeric change.

Yeah, people might need to learn the same skill again this way, but what so? PvE and PvP are 2 different game modes anyway.

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> @"JasonLucas.4981" said:

> > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > > @"Ariurotl.3718" said:

> > > Since skill splitting seems to be the current trend, can we get a look at PvE versions of various underperforming skills? The preceding opposite trend of un-splitting things ages ago ruined lots of skills for PvE (turrets, anyone?) and while competitive play balance understandably comes first, PvE deserves some love too.

> >

> > We're going to keep splitting skills, traits, etc as appropriate to keep different modes power levels from going to the extremes. This will happen on numeric levels, not functional levels.

> >

> > * A numeric difference is a skill inflicting heavy damage in one mode and moderate damage in another.

> > * A functional difference is a skill granting stability in one mode and granting swiftness in another.

> >

> > The reasoning behind this is to make it easily understood that when you swap modes an ability or trait still fundamentally DOES what it did before. You don't have to re-learn from scratch.


> You guys will never be able to actually balance PvP and PvE this way, both game modes are very different from each other and can't be treated as the same. An AI and a Player **function** different from each other, so you can't expect to fix everything with just a numeric change.

> Yeah, people might need to learn the same skill again this way, but what so? PvE and PvP are 2 different game modes anyway.


First, anet should make 3 different balance patch , one PvE,one Pvp and one WvW. However they still make 1 balance patch every x month as they do 3 gamemode , balance patch seen to have big content but its not. As i see they think that we're able to handle one skill shot which does more than 13k on a player with more than 3k armor and between 20 25k hp. Getting two or one shot from nowhere seen funny..


They still trying to balance patch the current metabuild without great change in old trait and skill. We need change as the game is getting the same , players will get bored and leave because they seen to have done everything. Moreover it seen that they are a black box , feedback seen to have no effect. I also ask why dont you make any survey or poll , they answered me that they dont like it. However poll n survey will give a great view of the current state of gamemode and if players are happy or not. I feel we're trying to show something to a blind man...



Anet, mistakes were made but please dont continue to ignore our feedback. Great game is made of both dev idea and players idea and feedback on the current state of the game. Dont try to implement complex solution, just made it simple and then when you fixed major issues, you can add more complex system.

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This may be a silly question, but I was wondering...


All Meteor Shower-like skills on the ele got the 'less damage to large targets' treatment. That's a smart change since it makes balancing those skills way easier. But why didn't this change also include Citadel Bombardment for the Revenant? Doesn't that have the same 'multiple hits on larger targets' effect that Lightning Storm, Meteor Shower & Ice Storm have?

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> @"hestiansun.1425" said:

> I understand that the devs have very specific and narrow definitions of what characters should be doing (which is weird for a game with options and choices, but whatever).


> **But WHY IN THE WORLD do you create a class called "Guardian" and then get upset when people use it to "heal" and "support" ?**


> Can someone please explain what the narrow and specific purpose anet has for Guardian? Because it is clearly not to heal or support, otherwise they wouldn't keep nerfing them away from that.


> Tell us what you want us to do, maybe?


I already changed my Guardian's WvW Healer/Supporter gear to a mere damage build weeks ago, because I didn't appreciate my crucial group support role to be rewarded with little to no loot. :angry: Now I feel even stronger that this was the right choice... :/

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"hestiansun.1425" said:

> > I understand that the devs have very specific and narrow definitions of what characters should be doing (which is weird for a game with options and choices, but whatever).

> >

> > **But WHY IN THE WORLD do you create a class called "Guardian" and then get upset when people use it to "heal" and "support" ?**

> >

> > Can someone please explain what the narrow and specific purpose anet has for Guardian? Because it is clearly not to heal or support, otherwise they wouldn't keep nerfing them away from that.

> >

> > Tell us what you want us to do, maybe?


> I already changed my Guardian's WvW Healer/Supporter gear to a mere damage build weeks ago, because I didn't appreciate my crucial group support role to be rewarded with little to no loot. :angry: Now I feel even stronger that this was the right choice... :/


This is true, the taging skills get the loot no matter how ineffective they are... healer and buffer etc get no thanks..

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> @"zaekeon.5128" said:

> > @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> > 5 years later, I'd just like my Flesh Golem to be able to go into the water. In 5 years we can't get this fixed?


> I’m glad they fixed this for you today



OMG, I haven't had a chance to log in yet, this is awesome!

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