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Do you ever feel like a scrub because you play an 'easy' profession? Are they really that easy?


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I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.


Tbh I used to. I roam solely on Spellbreaker so you can imagine the whispers. At the end of the day though, I play the game for my enjoyment and no one elses. Play what you enjoy.

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Warriors aren’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. They’re simple (as in the opposite of complex) and straightforward, true, but that is just as much of an disadvantage as an advantage.


Compared to classes like Mesmer and Thief, Warrior is sorely lacking in “neat tricks” and other fancy mechanics.


In PvP especially this translates to Warriors being quite hard to be good at. If a Thief tries to “out melee” a Warrior in a slugging match he will lose, no contest. But a highly skilled Thief player will run circles around you to the point where it feels like you can’t fight back at all.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.


nah dude i main warri and i get called out for it so much...with some of them you can actually talk and they dont just reply with insults, turns out most of them have never played warrior themself and just repeat what they heard somewhere else...

i was once called out by a druid player for having too much sustain and mobility...like...what?


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Warriors aren’t easy by any stretch of the imagination. They’re simple (as in the opposite of complex) and straightforward, true, but that is just as much of an disadvantage as an advantage.


> Compared to classes like Mesmer and Thief, Warrior is sorely lacking in “neat tricks” and other fancy mechanics.


> In PvP especially this translates to Warriors being quite hard to be good at. If a Thief tries to “out melee” a Warrior in a slugging match he will lose, no contest. But a highly skilled Thief player will run circles around you to the point where it feels like you can’t fight back at all.


this, so much this, warrior is a class that gets called out by noobs for being op and often gets laughed at by ppl that know how to play against warri

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i roam mostly on a deadeye so i get alot of whispers telling me about just how easy my build is. and tbh they are correct. on the last few servers i was on i allways had 3-4 people who didnt really play thief before, i thought them how to play deadeye a little and they were winning most of their fights after a while. probably because the way i play deadeye you can do pretty good without even looking what exactly your opponent is doing.

do i feel like a scrub tho for playing deadeye? no not really. i play to win my fights. if i play a build that is hard but even with flawless execution i still die, especially to a person running a build that cant even utilize this much skill, then i feel stupid for wasting potential on a weak build. in gaming not allways the highest skill (however you define this) will win. in end game PvE and sPvP we tend to use the optimal builds for the situation so we can achieve the best results, yet in WvW roaming people like to get the best results on the build of their choice and think they can achieve those results with pure skill. spoiler: they cant. because the moment they face someone with a stronger build no matter the difficulty of that build, they might die. you cannot offset everything with just skill you also would have to be miles better then everyone else to compensate your build choice.

i have never been told to be a scrub by a person that just defeated me, i allways get told that i am bad by people after i kill them..


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More often than not, these sort of complaints come from PvP, so if the person i'm against is raging because of my class or build, i say i'm doing something right.


Rule of thumb: Play what YOU want, not what people demand you play. In PvP, people will hate what counters them and demand nerfs. In PvE, people are obsessed with doing the content quickly [and then complain there isn't any], so they'll demand you play whatever is dictated to be the strongest class.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> There is no "easy class". Each class has a role and doing or exceeding your role will always be hard.


"Easy class" is somewhat wrong. But there certainly are easy builds. Shortbow/Shortbow Soulbeast and kitless Holosmith are the prime examples. Extremely easy to play, extremely reliable, having slightly lower damage potential than the "optimal" builds. But actually dishearteningly close to the top builds, considering the dramatic difference in the effort required to play them.


P.S. That's before Deadeye became top build. Now I suppose the difference in effort is no longer dramatic between the easiest builds and the top one.

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Warrior is the noob class. Sorry, but it's true. I had one some time ago (deleted it, because I alwas fell asleep after 5 minutes of playing it). Standard Core GS/Axe/Shield.


5 minutes of practise and you win 90% of your encounters. The other 10% are condi mesmers and warriors that play the class for more than 5 minutes.


It's obvious. Warrior is still the dominant spec at duel spots because a one handed monkey wins duels on it.


Side Note: Thx ANet for buffing peak performance! It's not that rampage wasn't already OP.


For a Thief is easy to not die. The rest is tricky. It has faceroll encounters and impossible to win encounters. But it can always escape. So it's not nessessarily rewarding but a safe spec.


Staff/Sword/X condi chrono/mirage. The same... 5 minutes of practise esp. noticing the brokeness of staff2 and general low cooldowns that let you mindlessly spam stuff and you only lose to better mesmer players.

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First class I made was a mesmer, as I played one in GvG in GW, and then a ranger, because my original character was one and 'just because' .

I have all classes, although I tend to stick to light and medium classes.

And do I feel bad for playing 'an easy class?'

hell no. I play what I like.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> I'm curious what the ranking would be from Most Complex (so "respected" by the righteous) to Easiest (Go home noob you're boring).


From what I've gathered;


**Go home noob you're boring**


1. Warrior; "Stupid constant invul with OP heals trash"

2. Ranger; "Needs AI pet and 1500 range bow because can't play"

3. Necro; "Deathshroud, conditions, [insert salty comment here]"

4. Guardian; "Hammer 1-shot wanna be"


**Most complex**


2. Mesmer; "Need an IQ of 300 to play well"

3. Engi; "So much to manage, have to be perfect to be good"

4. Ele; "Many buttons, so good, much elite"


**Hardest OR easiest depending on who you ask**


1. Theif; "One shot condi stealth needing noob" OR "You must have a .00001 reaction speed to play"

2. Rev; "LOL" Or "Well, it's actually really good if you just L2P and git gud"

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > I'm curious what the ranking would be from Most Complex (so "respected" by the righteous) to Easiest (Go home noob you're boring).


> From what I've gathered;


> **Go home noob you're boring**


> 1. Warrior; "Stupid constant invul with OP heals trash"

> 2. Ranger; "Needs AI pet and 1500 range bow because can't play"

> 3. Necro; "Deathshroud, conditions, [insert salty comment here]"

> 4. Guardian; "Hammer 1-shot wanna be"


> **Most complex**


> 2. Mesmer; "Need an IQ of 300 to play well"

> 3. Engi; "So much to manage, have to be perfect to be good"

> 4. Ele; "Many buttons, so good, much elite"


> **Hardest OR easiest depending on who you ask**


> 1. Theif; "One shot condi stealth needing noob" OR "You must have a .00001 reaction speed to play"

> 2. Rev; "LOL" Or "Well, it's actually really good if you just L2P and git gud"


There's several different things relating to the "difficulty" of a class:


* Actions per minute

* Keeping track of multiple cooldowns (on multiple weapons/swaps) and resources

* Relative "balance" of a class's skills (IE Rampage vs Tornado, which does better?)

* Number of potential skills on bar at any given moment and knowledge of their unique importance

* Potential combinations/chains of skills (IE Stunlocking people)

* Set up required to perform well


If you look at these metrics, right away two classes are clearly the most difficult on a general basis: Engi and Elementalist. Engi objectively has the most skills in the game, and can theoretically pack a whopping 40 skills (5-kit build) into a single build, each with their own cooldown and unique attributes. Elementalist can also pack a whopping 49 skills (with summons), each with their own cooldown and unique attributes.


The rest will have varying degrees of difficulty depending on a given build and its simplicity or complexity, but those two classes particularly stand out as far as difficulty/complexity goes. If I don't know what I'm doing on a given build, but can still win with ease, it's an easy build.


I admit I'm biased as a main engineer, but there are three classes I find generally find easy to play well: Necro, guardian, and ranger. Other classes may be moderately more difficult, requiring specific timing (thief, war, rev), skill placement (war, mesmer, thief), setups (mesmer, rev, thief), or knowledge of the class (mesmer, war, rev).

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I treat character-building as an act of self-expression. Combat is just an extension of that. If difficulty helps that process, great, but difficulty for the sake of difficulty strikes me as pointless. I guess if an easy profession were more fun to play, I'd play it without concern for difficulty.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > I'm curious what the ranking would be from Most Complex (so "respected" by the righteous) to Easiest (Go home noob you're boring).

> >

> > From what I've gathered;

> >

> > **Go home noob you're boring**

> >

> > 1. Warrior; "Stupid constant invul with OP heals trash"

> > 2. Ranger; "Needs AI pet and 1500 range bow because can't play"

> > 3. Necro; "Deathshroud, conditions, [insert salty comment here]"

> > 4. Guardian; "Hammer 1-shot wanna be"

> >

> > **Most complex**

> >

> > 2. Mesmer; "Need an IQ of 300 to play well"

> > 3. Engi; "So much to manage, have to be perfect to be good"

> > 4. Ele; "Many buttons, so good, much elite"

> >

> > **Hardest OR easiest depending on who you ask**

> >

> > 1. Theif; "One shot condi stealth needing noob" OR "You must have a .00001 reaction speed to play"

> > 2. Rev; "LOL" Or "Well, it's actually really good if you just L2P and git gud"


> There's several different things relating to the "difficulty" of a class:


> * Actions per minute

> * Keeping track of multiple cooldowns (on multiple weapons/swaps) and resources

> * Relative "balance" of a class's skills (IE Rampage vs Tornado, which does better?)

> * Number of potential skills on bar at any given moment and knowledge of their unique importance

> * Potential combinations/chains of skills (IE Stunlocking people)

> * Set up required to perform well


you forgot for PvP aspects something very important. if your build is just stronger then your opponents then it is also easy, because you dont have to execute everything as good as your opponent, might even make mistakes and win against an opponent who is playing flawless. thats why thief is often easiest class, because thief is designed to avoid everything his opponent does, now if your thief build can do that and still has enough damage to kill then your opponent cant do anything to win the fight, apart from hoping you make alot of mistakes. basically risk/reward is often considered way more if you are a noob then the difficulty to use the class.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Warrior is the noob class. Sorry, but it's true. I had one some time ago (deleted it, because I alwas fell asleep after 5 minutes of playing it). Standard Core GS/Axe/Shield.


> 5 minutes of practise and you win 90% of your encounters. The other 10% are condi mesmers and warriors that play the class for more than 5 minutes.


> It's obvious. Warrior is still the dominant spec at duel spots because a one handed monkey wins duels on it.


> Side Note: Thx ANet for buffing peak performance! It's not that rampage wasn't already OP.


> For a Thief is easy to not die. The rest is tricky. It has faceroll encounters and impossible to win encounters. But it can always escape. So it's not nessessarily rewarding but a safe spec.


> Staff/Sword/X condi chrono/mirage. The same... 5 minutes of practise esp. noticing the brokeness of staff2 and general low cooldowns that let you mindlessly spam stuff and you only lose to better mesmer players.


when was peak performance buffed recently? it was nerfed quite a bit this week


also its quite obvious that you only played it for 5min because then you never got the chance to fight good ppl

i give you that, its easy to stomp noobs with warrior, but against ppl that know their class and how warri plays its a different story

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