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Do you ever feel like a scrub because you play an 'easy' profession? Are they really that easy?


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.


I feel with you man. Necro main and it's such an easy class, especially in wvw roaming where your only defense is your healthbar. - NOT


Knowing the other classes, i am really happy all the time, when someone whispers me "gg, noob class"


That tells me some things that might be the case:

1. Opponent was really bad, because necro has only decent matchups but no real good one. And on most matchups necro is on disadvantage

2. I played really good





If you think that scourge is noob class, you either are a really bad player or you never played scourge yourself. It's the worst spec to 1v1 people on in the whole game.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.


> I feel with you man. Necro main and it's such an easy class, especially in wvw roaming where your only defense is your healthbar. - NOT


> Knowing the other classes, i am really happy all the time, when someone whispers me "gg, noob class"


> That tells me some things that might be the case:

> 1. Opponent was really bad, because necro has only decent matchups but no real good one. And on most matchups necro is on disadvantage

> 2. I played really good




> @"whoknocks.4935"

> If you think that scourge is noob class, you either are a really bad player or you never played scourge yourself. It's the worst spec to 1v1 people on in the whole game.



Scourge is a noob braindead class made for lazy people who wants to get kills my simply spamming.

Yesterday I encountered 2 noobs scourges roaming together and I was alone in a 2vs1.

They didn't dodge a single ability I used on them, but only random dodged while I was doing nothing.

But they kept placing shades under my feet, I was pressuring them landing all my skills, but I was perma cripples weakness and all the other condis. And they managed to get me down after a continuous brainless spam.


With every single class you have to watch the enemy boon bar and watch: "Oh look he has stability, I can't CC him until stability fade away, oh look he has resistance, my condi effects are useless for now, I have to wait till it vanishes!".

Scourge doesn't give a f**k. He corrupts stability and resistance anyway, so he doesn't have to watch anything, just braindead spam, interrupt your healing skill with staff 5 unblockable fear and you are done with 16 stacks of torment, bleeding, poison.

So yeah it's a retard and noob friendly spec which is deadly in 1vs1s except against constant ranged pressure from rangers, deadeyes and oneshot builds.

Other than that he counters every single profession without full cleanses or without resistance uptime.

It's not a good roamer class because it's slow as hell, and if you get ganked you have no mobility to escape. But this doesn't mean it sucks in 1vs1.

Probably you are a really bad scourge yourself if you can't win 1vs1s with it, or you play a trash build.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > I guess I just want to know if anyone else feels conflicted about playing their _easy _ profession? I get my intelligence insulted at least once a day for beating something like a mes/ele as my ranger or warrior. I don't know if I'm just unlucky in running into toxic people or if this is actually a common view people have of the more simple professions.

> >

> > I feel with you man. Necro main and it's such an easy class, especially in wvw roaming where your only defense is your healthbar. - NOT

> >

> > Knowing the other classes, i am really happy all the time, when someone whispers me "gg, noob class"

> >

> > That tells me some things that might be the case:

> > 1. Opponent was really bad, because necro has only decent matchups but no real good one. And on most matchups necro is on disadvantage

> > 2. I played really good

> >

> >

> >

> > @"whoknocks.4935"

> > If you think that scourge is noob class, you either are a really bad player or you never played scourge yourself. It's the worst spec to 1v1 people on in the whole game.

> >


> Scourge is a noob braindead class made for lazy people who wants to get kills my simply spamming.

> Yesterday I encountered 2 noobs scourges roaming together and I was alone in a 2vs1.

> They didn't dodge a single ability I used on them, but only random dodged while I was doing nothing.

> But they kept placing shades under my feet, I was pressuring them landing all my skills, but I was perma cripples weakness and all the other condis. And they managed to get me down after a continuous brainless spam.


> With every single class you have to watch the enemy boon bar and watch: "Oh look he has stability, I can't CC him until stability fade away, oh look he has resistance, my condi effects are useless for now, I have to wait till it vanishes!".

> Scourge doesn't give a f**k. He corrupts stability and resistance anyway, so he doesn't have to watch anything, just braindead spam, interrupt your healing skill with staff 5 unblockable fear and you are done with 16 stacks of torment, bleeding, poison.

> So yeah it's a kitten and noob friendly spec which is deadly in 1vs1s except against constant ranged pressure from rangers, deadeyes and oneshot builds.

> Other than that he counters every single profession without full cleanses or without resistance uptime.

> It's not a good roamer class because it's slow as hell, and if you get ganked you have no mobility to escape. But this doesn't mean it sucks in 1vs1.

> Probably you are a really bad scourge yourself if you can't win 1vs1s with it, or you play a trash build.


And there you go. Thats just the bad excuse of a bad player.


If you would actually really try to kill them you could.

But you didn't even try. Sorry but from your text i read:


"I'm a noob player that doesn't know how to fight scourges. I use all my skills to get boons and i complain about scourge if they get corrupted. Oh and while we are at it: i always facetank scourge but he still kills me so it has to be a noob profession."


If you fight a scourge, make sure:


1. How many cc's does scourge have? Do i need stability or can i dodge these cc abilities?

2. Do i want to kite them till they have no lifeforce left and then kill them or do i want to facetank them?

3. How many corrupts does necro have?


To answer these things:

1. Scourge has 2 fears and a knockdown, that's it. No need for stability, that can be corrupted into fear.

2. Always kite them and pressure them from range. Scourge has no mobility and the lf-generation sucks if you can't land hits.

3. Scepter 3 (2corrupted), f2 if traited (1 corrupted), F1 if traited (1 corrupted), well (1corrupt per second), axe 3 ((2 corrupted), corrupt boon (3 corrupted), punishment skills (1 corrupted), punishment elite(1per sec) and some more from traits


But noone plays scepter and axe. And almost all of the corruptions have only pretty small range. So you complain about scourge while fighting where he's strong but you don't use his weaknesses.


Oh and while we are at it: scourge has no stability other than one on 35sec cd. So just permanent cc him



And just to add: you will most likely loose every 2v1 if the two players aren't completely stupid


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most people probably enjoy being overpowered - hence the numbers of mirages before the patch

i personally dont like to play an Overpowered+Easy class... there's no point for ME in being the highest DPS on a group or killing a lot in pvp/wvw if im using a broken class

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When I played a lot of WoW - progression raiding, arena - there was this dude who played a super easy class. We were joking with him and said if he was so good (we had a 2000 rated 5's team with him), why didn't he play a more challenging class. He said he plays earlier classes so that he can focus more on what's going on, rather than spending all of his mental energy on playing the character. In other words, he could focus on situational awareness rather than mechanical complexity. I fully agree with his reasoning. You don't get an award for playing a "hard to master" class. You either win, or you lose.

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> @"Vordrax.5243" said:

> When I played a lot of WoW - progression raiding, arena - there was this dude who played a super easy class. We were joking with him and said if he was so good (we had a 2000 rated 5's team with him), why didn't he play a more challenging class. He said he plays earlier classes so that he can focus more on what's going on, rather than spending all of his mental energy on playing the character. In other words, he could focus on situational awareness rather than mechanical complexity. I fully agree with his reasoning. You don't get an award for playing a "hard to master" class. You either win, or you lose.


Well said!

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Solo PVE scrub here: I can die with ANY profession and/or spec - no matter how easy/faceroll it may be; so no, I don't feel like a "scrub" for playing an "easy" profession. And even if that were not the case, I still wouldn't feel like a "scrub" as I simply play the profession(s) I like. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Warrior is a class with a very low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. It's probably the easiest class to dominate with in lower elos because warrior is highly effective against players who don't understand kiting. In higher tiers when people aren't as predictable with their positioning warrior requires quite a bit more outside class knowledge than many of the other professions to still do well. If you don't time your bursts against the CDs of the escapes of other classes you will never kill a decent player.


TL;DR warrior dominates bads so if someone gives you smack for playing one that says more about them than about you.

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Warrior is a pretty easy class to play, SB especially is quite entertaining in how aggravating it can be to its opponents. I wouldn't be too worried though, sometimes you gotta just cheese your way through PvP after a hard day and not have to think at all. When I want that I play my Warrior and let the raging whispers soothe my soul.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Warrior is a class with a very low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. It's probably the easiest class to dominate with in lower elos because warrior is highly effective against players who don't understand kiting. In higher tiers when people aren't as predictable with their positioning warrior requires quite a bit more outside class knowledge than many of the other professions to still do well. If you don't time your bursts against the CDs of the escapes of other classes you will never kill a decent player.


> TL;DR warrior dominates bads so if someone gives you smack for playing one that says more about them than about you.


FYI, I think you mean a higher skill floor.


It refers to the efficacy of the class when played at its lowest level (the floor). Skill ceiling refers to efficacy when played at the highest level. Prior to the expansions, low skill floor/high skill ceiling professions were generally thief/mesmer.


Warrior has a weird skill ceiling because it's got the most variability due to matchups rather than skilled play coming from anyone. It peaks earlier, but its efficacy is super context-dependent as a consequence because GW2 isn't well-balanced/is balanced around rock-paper-scissors gameplay.


A mediocre warrior can still smash a great player on a class/build it's strong against solely because of the matchup, while an amazing warrior can similarly get smashed by a mediocre player who has the favorable matchup instead.


As for the OP, yes. It's why I never play FoTM builds and spend years trying to master off-meta builds/professions/etc. I only really swap to something easy/strong for WvW when I'm desperate to clear an objective for the server or shut up someone who likes to pretend they're good because they can copy metabattle and faceroll. There's no real point in PvP if it's one-sided, which is why I put myself in compromising situations on the weird/weaker kits I play all the time, too.

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I only play ele, and life isn't always easy. I don't care what other people play as long as they don't feel the need to insult other players. Well sometimes i wish I could also get perma fury/quickness/25 might and be able to hit someone for 15k, but I see no reason to blame people for choosing what they want to play.

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I like the to play fb and sb and wvw -unique to gw2 and why I play at all.

The rotation stuff seems pointless, self importance, if I wanted to pvp, I'd go tekken etc If I wanted a massive button pattern bash I'd go killer instinct, both have more emphasis on timings and skill. not build and balance.

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I main thief. Got sick of not being able to 1v1 or roam in pvp. I still play it. But every now and again I go on my Holo.


Holo is basically easy mode for me. Massive damage. The moment you get into melee range most things die. The insane cc is also great. You can just cc and if you catch them with the first cc they can't attack back and basically just die. The massive aoe also gets rid of pesky mirage clones. If you run sheild and pistol deadeye won't be a problem either. Sheild has aoe knock back.


Using it in open world now. Tons of fun. Def not balanced. But hey that's why I went for it. It's flashy, over tuned and fun.

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I play basically nothing but soulbeast. yes, I get a lot of whispers like "lol pew pew noob no skill" etc etc. as well as accusations of cheating /hacking.


the funny thing is longbow isn't even what makes soulbeast strong. greatsword is what makes soulbeast shine. longbow is only a supplement to ranger imo. a good one, sure. but if all classes could only pick one weapon... longbow ranger would be absolutely horrible.


when someone calls me a "pew pew noob" I usually just laugh cuz it shows they don't understand anything about what makes my build strong.

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I use to consider warrior one of my hardest professions to play because ive played necro for so long and the two don exactly play the same i struggle to play warrior properly but its growing on me. When i first started warrior made me more frustrated than any other profession cause it fatigued me mentally. Considering the opposite of what most people claim learning the basics of warrior (which im still doing) has been the hardest for me.


I wouldn't say i feel like a scrub for playing professions that might have nicer skills or traits than others.

I main necro but i never felt like it was easy to the point i felt bad playing it. Its simple to play but that does not make something easy to master. In truth all professions can be easy to play depending on how you build them.


I will say that some professions have gimmicks or traits or skills that can make me feel spoiled (Extra dodges, invuln, blocks, escapes, tons of great break stuns, lots of hard with quicker cast times etc.) Things im not using to having on necromancer. If anything if i play something that has such things i dont feel scruby just a bit spoiled it quickly rolls off when i go back to necro and realize i dont have a way to move large distance gaps consistently, or invulns,... more than 2 dodge rolls.


I try not to mix pvp into the equation but yes if i go on mesmer in pvp (even thought i have almost no idea how to 1 shot completely or the most effective way to play it. #playingpwoerchrono looool) I often feel like i have several chances recover when mistakes are made as opposed to necromancer. but this is only my personal exp and 1 example.


Like i said i feel spoiled not scrubby. If you play something that has good tools and go to something that has lesser tools but is generally easier to play it could come off that way though i guess. :astonished:


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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> OP all classes in this game are braindead to appeal to a larger audience. Similar how WoW gutted tons of skills and depths from its classes.


ill be honest not everyone likes to play a game thats dependent on having 30+ skills on your hud at any given time for every single absolute situation. I for one am not a fan of any a mmo that does such a thing.

To base every profession to be braindead on that factor reveals a very niche/close minded person or some one who only prefers old school mmos which this is not mind you.

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