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Thanks for the balance patch <3

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First I want to say - I play engineer so of course I might be bais. But basically...


I think this patch is good. It does minor power reduction on firebrand scourge and mesmer. Those guys are popular and strong ( probably popular because they are strong )


I know that the developers have to make minor tweaks. In a PvP game. (not so much pve) a few number changes can have a dramatic change on a classes power.


I also know that when you nerfed scourge firebrand and mesmers - you really made people mad.


I will say that - I love this game and I love engineer. I know you guys don't deserve that negative remarks. You're human and you have lives and you guys are simply people.


Ignore the negative remarks. Less.....minded people will get mad because they lose power and fun and they get stressed out and angry


We shouldn't call the developers bad people because they nerfed are classes in pvp. I am just sad that pvpers treat the developers so badly.


I play engineer. We have had are moments of OP. We been nerfed and unviable forever man. It's a maturity experience you get used to.


Any ways thanks guys for the balance patch. Even if you nerf engineer I still keep playing because I am a person of strenght and power hehe JK jk......


But any ways - ignore the negativity. People hate losing power. That's just the cycle of balance and cycle of life. Thanks developer's you all are good people.



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I'm really happy for the classes they buffed, BUT: I'm opposed to nerf the dps on the ele, especially the weaver.

Damage is pretty much all the class brings to the table of meta groups, aside from the tempest healer. The ele is pretty much the squishiest class when running a dps-build, has high cast times and one of the more complex rotations in order to reach the peak of dps-output.

If they wanna put the dps of the ele in line with other classes, there should be some more viable builds and reasons to take the ele to a meta-fight, aside from dps.

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Many fellow thieves are in pain, tho speaking as a rifle Deadeye, I too am pleased with this patch.


As much as it bettered the Deadeye rifle performance, folks should consider how its changed our targets.


Not all buffs are listed under our class heading in the patch notes.

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Not thankful that necro have been the lowest class for benchmarks, even below banner slaves who are support, for the past 9 months and get to stay that way for another 3 month. The only time necro were not DEAD LAST was when sand shroud was bugged, which was promptly fix.

Thanks for removing the only competitive reason to have a necro, and then give it nothing back but more nerfs.

I give the balance patch a lol/10

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