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Is PvP getting less fun?


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Just started PvP this season. Keep in mind this is also my first MMO and competitive game I have really ever played, seriously at least, but I am a quick learner and I love GW2 for what it is. I don't know what has happened today but I went 1,450 this morning to 1,393 rank. I don't want to blame it on my team(but I will in a sec) because I know there is also error on my part but after watching my team run off point before they cap, let an enemy pull them away from every point, and run away from 2v2s and even 3v2s when the other team has a weak comp makes me sick even looking at the PvP menu. I don't understand how I have been on the weaker team literally all day. When I think we have a good comp, boom, other team has a deadeye, oneshot mes, and a scourge. We're winning 432 to 396, other team pushes and my team panics. Other team has a holosmith, suddenly my team doesn't know how to dodge. Then there's the fucks that try running far when we don't even have home and fail at a 1v1. I run power Reaper and it's a real shitshow to PvP with but there are very few comps I can't beat in a 1v1. Shit feels even worse when I'm winning a 1v1 and the dudes bud comes to save him but when my team sees they look the other fucking way or they wait until I die to engage. Feels bad man. I was having a lot of fun trying PvP until today. I just wanna get to platinum. Don't even have to place top 250 I just want to get her up there. Alright I'm done whining, thanks.

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PvP been bad since they added the Rated System for progression. Before Rated system I could play non Meta builds that I enjoyed even if they wasnt the best. But now you get punished for losing so its no point playing classes that you not best with also without the best builds. I didnt like non rated before because of the certain maps that it has. But now I have no choice, unless I want to play the same old class/builds that I use to play for years now.

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So... lets see. Old players not coming back, ESL not taking this game back, ANET refusing to learn from their mistakes cause their balancing team is a bunch of teenagers who can't take criticism. Hmm... add those up together an.. NAH GW2 WELL DESIGNED BEST GAME EVER 2018 (Only cause other games are garbage, this game is done when an actual game that's BALANCED AND DIVERSE comes out, you'll see)

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GW2 still has the best combat of any game in this genre right now, so yes, I do still enjoy it.

I think the main issues are with low population (*as a direct result of overreacting to the admittedly 'bad balance' that we've had*), the increased skill gap due to this low population and the actual lower level of "skill" currently held by players. The latter being a result of that 'bad balance' again.

You simply don't need much "skill" at this moment to be "good" in this game.

Then again, you're also no longer needed to be as "skilled" anymore due to the overall lower level of "skill", reducing the competitive nature of PvP on a grand scale rather quickly. It's one of those vicious cycles that's incredibly hard to break through and "all" of it has been due to design choices that the community (over)reacted to.


Opinions will always vary though.

I think the main thing is that, as with all things, if you do something long enough, it is almost guaranteed to become stale and boring.

Multiclassing helps a lot and I do take more frequent breaks from PvP (*and the game as a whole*) these days, but when I play, I do still enjoy it.


In fact, my main gripe is with the horrible players who are prevalent in the game nowadays. They spoil my fun, not the game itself.

They're a direct result and seem more prevalent due to the reasons I've listed above though. That's my two cents on the subject.

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poor balance and only one game mode.... yeah, pvp in this game gets boring quick. I take long breaks. Then I come back and enjoy it for a couple weeks and grow bored again. When it comes to pvp, I like to compare gw2 to World of warcraft. People often respond with go play world of wacraft then since I like it so much. Which is not fair. WoW does a lot of things well. GW2 can take a thing or two to improve their game. For example, in WoW, there are so many pvp maps and each map is a different game mode. It keeps things fresh and exciting. And the maps are on a larger scale, you can even use mounts in them. Anet should think of ways to implement new modes that make use of their existing content, and even old content. But damn man, it's really been 6 years of capturing points.

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Yes. It is getting more fun for the higher end of players who enjoy fast fights in which people can go down in less than 3 seconds, often whoever hits first wins, and for those who enjoy builds that can do too many things at the same time.


But that makes it **WAY** less fun for everyone else. So players get fed up with going down too fast without really knowing what really happened, the pace is way too fast, there's no replay records and the death breakdown doesn't really tell you what happened.


They hit someone with no protection and 25 stacks of vulnerability, the enemy goes only from 100% to 99, and get healed instantly with a tick of regen. Then the enemy hits them and their health goes down to 50% even though they have protection and no vulnerability, all defense traits they could equip and freaking Paladin Amulet and a rune of Melandru. They say "Hey! What's going on?!"


There's nothing like a series of tutorials and instanced challenges teaching players all these things more skilled players are exploi- ahem doing, either.


So players can't really learn what happened to them or improve, get fed up, and leave.


And as the game mode gets depopulated more and more, any new player that tries it ends up fighting against the same people over and over. And for them it feels like running against a wall over and over without any chance of ever going over the wall. So they get fed up and leave for good.


A vicious cycle that will continue until the pace of the game is adjusted so it is more fun for more people, which will be inevitably at the expense of a few players who will not like that, since it will mean a slower pace with more attrition and tactical use of skills and less spammability and combat fluency.


Either someone realizes that and the changes are done, or PvP will be done.

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Keeps getting worse with each balance patch. The only thing keeping this game from growing is the horrendous balance team. They haven't got a clue what they are doing and they just keep driving more and more players away with each patch.


I'd be pissed if I worked on other parts of the game and they alone chase away a majority of the players.

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Balance has never been my issue with GW2, it's generally atrocious in every MMO. The garbage design of classes which are literally anti-fun to play against is the issue... idk why they keep making crap like this. Passives anti-fun and super cringe when your opponent auto 'outplay' you by doing absolutely nothing themselves. Their class design team has 0 interest in pvp, that much is obvious. Pvp is plagued with pve traits and has always been on the back burner , it's really sad. Take it for what it is.. if GW2 didn't have the combat it does, no one would even THINK about touching this game mode. If you constantly play this games pvp you will rage into oblivion, it is a jump in here and there kind of deal, once you feel that salt build up just alt f4 to your main MMO or go back to pve.


This game is just a meme ^_^ don't take it too seriously. I mean 6 years deep and we still only have 1 serious pvp mode, have seen some of the most awful gameplay in the history of online pvp. There have been builds so silly to play against that I've just quit the game for months at a time for it to change. There are many more examples but you already know them if you've been around to experience the C word which ANet now bans for on their safe space forums because its thrown around here so much. Builds in this game put iWAY from GW to shame by an incredibly extremely long shot. I'd rather take an rspike to the face every day. I would take any horrible GW meta back any day of the week especially since there were counters but that would be impossible because GW2 pvp so dead that you aren't allowed to group a team haha :expressionless:


I tip my hat off to the 2 pvp devs still trying to do what they can for pvp when they get no resources to play with, this game is ran by the pve devs 100% and the pvp team just picks up the pieces and does what they can with it. By fundamental design this game cannot and will not ever be competitive or more fun without an over haul that would simply take too much effort to attain. You're better off waiting for GW3 than expecting anything to change here so if you aren't currently enjoying the game in some capacity, I suggest just leaving lol.





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Apologies for the wall of text. Just my 2 cents.


I started spvp few weeks ago a bit before this season started. I was already meddling with WvW and I died a lot, couldn't win any 1v1 so I labeled myself useless garbage who shouldn't even try spvp. In WvW I never tried to use my pve build (condi soulbeast) so I read a lot about other more suitable builds and tried them without any more success. One day I decided to roam with my pve build I felt very confident with.... and I started winning 1v1s. And yes I was surprised and felt better about myself.


Then I said what the heck, let's try some pvp. Again, read a lot about it, researched builds for my soulbeast, familiarized myself with mechanics and entered into unranked (season was still a week away that time). To my biggest surprise, I guess due to the gear equality I was killing people with my crappy condi trapper soulbeast. And again I felt good about myself and started to like spvp.


Then I read more, watched a lot of soulbeast spvp video, ran different builds in unranked, and put together a build I liked something along the power soulbeast longbow/axe-axe line. Still I felt good about the whole pvp thing.


Then season came. High hopes, still feeling noobish but I didn't care about anything, kitten ranks who cares, let's just enjoy the matches. And you know what ruined it to me?


Not the unbalance, I still was able to kill people, I still could win 1v1s even when I was still unexperienced and noob. Sure I died a lot but then learned a lot from my deaths, started recognizing signs of danger so I started to react faster (even deadeye marks).

Not the childish toxic players who start running their mouth (fingers) right after losing the first mid fight blaming everyone but themselves, that's why they invented "block" so I don't see their diarrhea of words and keep fighting.

Not the bunker builds impossible to even bring them down to below 80% of health at what point they heal to full, who are also bursting you down slowly while throwing at you their constant chain cc (this is how I learned to disengage and RUN :D ).

Not the lost matches even if it was a 36-500, shit happens.


It was the unfair and extremely annoying matchmaker and pointing system.


I played about 700 matches since I started this season. Win/loss rate always around 50%-50%. That's normal I guess. BUT! When I win I win only 8-11 points, rarely 12-13, once in a moon 14-15+ And when I lose? BOOMMM INTO YOUR FACE: 14-15-16 Also, every time I reach a higher tier like silver 3 to gold 1 instantly got from the matchmaker rng God a lovely streak of this slap into my face. And in my opinion that is the biggest problem. No incentive to advance even when you are in bad luck with the random team comp but you're performing and giving your best.


Especially after great fights 497-501, I get a HUGE minus. I feel great because it was a good fight, 10 ppl giving the best, then BOOMMM INTO YOUR FACE YOU WORTH ONLY KITTEN -16.


In my opinion, this should stop. Pointing system should reward you for your efforts, and I am not saying to get + points after losing, but at least something along the line of -5 -- -8 when you are close to win, shave off from your minuses when you get some top kitten titles and/or were engaged in combat or on cap points for more than 80%+ during the match etc. etc. Get more minuses when you were at base (aka AFK) for too long, or anywhere on the map not fighting and not capping/decapping, With such changes in the pointing system I could swallow the bitter pill of losing and not even enrage about the crappy matchmaker AI choices.


Again, just my 2 cents about pvp and fun. Thnx for reading.

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Powercreep ruined it. HOT powercreep was one thing. After all it was pretty clear just by the way elite specs worked that they were always meant to be superior to core specs. But then POF came and powercreeped the existing elite specs. The current iteration of the meta is so disgustingly powercreeped that the only Hot spec that competes is rev. All the other HOT builds are left to the gutter. And to make matters worse, when a HOT spec is deemed too powerful(druid, chrono) it's completely nuked instead of given reasonable nerfs. When a POF spec is too powerful (mirage) it's given a slap on the wrist and remains meta. When are the powercreep nerfs coming? Because if they never happen then why should I ever take PvP seriously knowing that each expansion release is just going to introduce more powercreep and invalidate existing specs.

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If matchmaking took into account amulets and elite specs, the games would improve significantly. Even if it could be abused, people do the same thing already by queuing as an off-meta class than swapping to something useful. Only wait... that almost never happens because it's too much of a bother. It would prevent lopsided match-ups like core guardian vs firebrand, or triple bunker vs full glass. Quite frankly, it's the single thing they could do to revitalize my interest in PvP (other than the obvious but impossible "increase the player base").


They also need to take a look at whatever system they have in place that result in people losing 8 games in a row then winning 10. Yes, we're at +2 wins, but it doesn't *feel* good. It's either boring if you're winning or incredibly frustrating if you're losing. Neither of which contribute to a pleasant PvP experience.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> GW2 is the best pvp game out there for me.


> GW2 spvp brings all the good elements of MMO style pvp to the table while leaving all the bad behind, specifically the xp and gear grind bs.


Give it time, you're too fresh and naive. Pretty soon you'll be smashing your keyboard and internally screaming.

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> @"JohnMPrenticeJr.7863" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > GW2 is the best pvp game out there for me.

> >

> > GW2 spvp brings all the good elements of MMO style pvp to the table while leaving all the bad behind, specifically the xp and gear grind bs.


> Give it time, you're too fresh and naive. Pretty soon you'll be smashing your keyboard and internally screaming.


Hehe, exactly this. Just wait until you've been around long enough to watch your favorite game mode hemorrhage to death because of development blunders. Enjoy what little remains while it lasts.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> GW2 is the best pvp game out there for me.


> GW2 spvp brings all the good elements of MMO style pvp to the table while leaving all the bad behind, specifically the xp and gear grind bs.


Now imagine, just imagine if this game offered game modes like normal mmo's do.

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Yeah Im going to be taking a break for a bit from this game until the one shot builds and infinite stealth/dodging is toned down. I laughed, wasnt even angry, when I first came back to playing this game when POF was released and met my first soulbeast. Died in a matter of seconds, couldnt even believe it, thought it was a fluke, but there seems like there is no way to react. Same thing with so many other classes, this almost instant kill, one shot from stealth and other classes. I just dont find that fun. I remember when the game first came out, the skills seemed really slower pace but more tactical. The idea of combo fields made me think you really needed to be smart in your placement of spells etc. The dodging mechanic as well made me think the game would be reacting to your opponent, using your defensive skill against their offensive, etc. That really appealed to me.

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