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Crafting a WvW zerg build with warhorn - and maybe shouts


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So, after the recent buffs, i was wondering if there is a way to run warhorn / shouts / bubble in a optimized setup for wvw zerg.

Can you guys help me at crafting it?

* Is Tactics traitline useful or I can just run warhorn and 1 shout (like Shake it off) without picking it?

* Can Trooper runes be useful over Pack or Durability, for example?

* Warhorn/Shouts can give a lot of adrenaline now, is time to drop Discipline for Tactics-Defense-Spellbreaker?

* Can For Great Justice be useful or its just a wasted slot since we already have enough might-fury from other classes?

* Is a bit of healing gear worth it?


Basic Template: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJygZXokFYIDuCQAA3GOED-w

Discuss :)

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> I made a spreadsheet to see potential for healing powers.

> Many professions are over than 80% improved effectiveness with full healing power.

> Warrior is however quite low with an average 28%. So it would be a waste of stats. I might try it for fun if I am rich one day.


thats what i am having lots of fun with, still has decent dmg and because of the lower side of healing i went for not too much healing power




i also tried to explain all my choices over there :)

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Healing power doesn't have a good rate of return on warrior unless you're running banner regen (dat fire and forget uptime) since shouts are few and far between and you have 0 weapon skills nor mechanics to heal with. It does have a good personal sustain (noticeable on healing signet) however.


If warhorn had healing by default, or if warrior had a combat leadership type of weapon (like a scepter or something), healing power would probably work better.


The shouts should work well even without the healing power since the boons aren't terrible and shake it off will clear 6 condis (might as well be a full clear).


Fear Me... the 60 second cooldown is bad. In group fights, a guardian can apply stability with JUST the shout 2 times during that, a firebrand makes people immune. In 1v1, you should just be using Bull's Charge for a leap, 3 second knockdown (better than fear for 100b), cleansing immob, +10%/20%/w.e damage from the trait with 1/3 the cooldown.


For Great Justice in PvP/WvW does grant a lot of might, and has a very low cooldown with ammo. Traited brings it down to 20 seconds, with a base duration of 15. 12 stacks of might with close to 100% uptime; that's better than Empower with no cast time.


On My Mark is odd. It's a single target reveal, which means you need to have cast it BEFORE they stealth. Which makes it pretty damn hard to use. Also, 15 vuln is pretty boring. It has a low cooldown so you can heal more when traited though so that's nice. Personally, this should be a quickness share with a longer cooldown where the warrior instructs his allies to attack his now vulnerable target. Or it could come with an attack too to throw the target off. Think Warlord from Dungeons and Dragons.


Shake it Off is pretty damn good, 50 seconds seems like a long time, but it clears 6 conditions. That might as well be a full clear, for 5 people. It also is a stun break. Compare it to Contemplation of Purity (clears 14 for the guardian only) at a 40 second cooldown base. Note that both of these heal the user when traited.


To the Limit is neat, but also kind of odd. It caps your adrenaline (cool), heals for a lot when traited (base + trait), then grants allies a full endurane bar (except Daredevil). There are VERY few aoe endurance restoration abilities, so this is kind of stand out. The problem is if you are a spellbreaker, you want Defiant Stance for diving (if you aren't bunker stats) or Heal Signet (better hps plus emergency resistance). If warrior (especially core), had more defensive utilities, this would be a solid team heal, but you're limited to stances and shield.


Also, you might not want to run the trooper runes since shake it off + shrug it off (the auto proc trait) + warhorn basically covers all the condis you'll ever want to clear. Alternatively, consider Rune of the Tempest. This heals nearby allies whenever you break stun (shake it off, balanced stance, etc). The condi duration helps with immob duration a little so the stats aren't wasted. Cele trinkets give you a good base spread of stats, then add harriers and marauders/commanders for more support/damage as you desire.


Or you could just run shake it off and warhorn and take the other grandmasters. Powerful Synergy will make your sword 2 a 2 second daze when inside your own bubble, and boost the effectiveness of your warhorn 5 (2x water blast is quite nice, 2x stealth for smoke field). Unfortunately, other weapons do not work so well, but you could use OH axe and spin inside a water field or light field to support allies (2x healing or 2x condi cleanse if the rng is with you). Longbow also comes with a blast but that's about it.

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**I was already often rocking shout warhorn spellbreaker before the patch.** The outgoing cleanse was already 2-3 times as much as firebrand according to the arcdps.


**This is the build I ran** and I dont see any reason to change anything else than the runes, berserker stance helps kinda like pseudostab helping you ignore fear:



I think the core spellbreaker without tactics will look something like this:



About the feedback on these builds; Don't forget that warrior scales better on Toughenss than vitality, going just marauder for defensive stats is terrible idea.


> @"kappa.2036" said:

> * Is Tactics traitline useful or I can just run warhorn and 1 shout (like Shake it off) without picking it?

> * Can Trooper runes be useful over Pack or Durability, for example?

> * Warhorn/Shouts can give a lot of adrenaline now, is time to drop Discipline for Tactics-Defense-Spellbreaker?

> * Can For Great Justice be useful or its just a wasted slot since we already have enough might-fury from other classes?

> * Is a bit of healing gear worth it?


- You can play without Warhorn and tactics as your mobility and damage will be better.

- Trooper most likely isn't worth it with recent changes to "Shake it off!"

- For great justice is not worth it even though it could cleanse, heal, give adrenaline might/fury

- Healing power does nothing on warrior.



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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> **I was already often rocking shout warhorn spellbreaker before the patch.** The outgoing cleanse was already 2-3 times as much as firebrand according to the arcdps.


> **This is the build I ran** and I dont see any reason to change anything else than the runes, berserker stance helps kinda like pseudostab helping you ignore fear:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNBMhJ6knDozDsYXwKEgZXskFYIDgCQAAPDvhDxJngqWIA-jVCEQBbRJYUU+8gTBQb0HAwjAQS2fgJKh8n6PA4BBEAAB4mtZbezADdoDdoDdo1m38m38m38m38m3sUAquMC-w


> I think the core spellbreaker without tactics will look something like this:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJASRnUJCVhgdeAG7CM7ilsADZAUACA4Z4NcIWpGIGA-j1CEQBwb/hnokIRq/8gjAwWUC2GdBA4CBwElZRRpAAfAAQ4QAEAABIs5NDM0hO0hO0hWbezbezbezbezbezSBo6WL-w


> About the feedback on these builds; Don't forget that warrior scales better on Toughenss than vitality, going just marauder for defensive stats is terrible idea.


> > @"kappa.2036" said:

> > * Is Tactics traitline useful or I can just run warhorn and 1 shout (like Shake it off) without picking it?

> > * Can Trooper runes be useful over Pack or Durability, for example?

> > * Warhorn/Shouts can give a lot of adrenaline now, is time to drop Discipline for Tactics-Defense-Spellbreaker?

> > * Can For Great Justice be useful or its just a wasted slot since we already have enough might-fury from other classes?

> > * Is a bit of healing gear worth it?


> - You can play without Warhorn and tactics as your mobility and damage will be better.

> - Trooper most likely isn't worth it with recent changes to "Shake it off!"

> - For great justice is not worth it even though it could cleanse, heal, give adrenaline might/fury

> - Healing power does nothing on warrior.




> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> Healing power doesn't have a good rate of return on warrior unless you're running banner regen (dat fire and forget uptime) since shouts are few and far between and you have 0 weapon skills nor mechanics to heal with. It does have a good personal sustain (noticeable on healing signet) however.


> If warhorn had healing by default, or if warrior had a combat leadership type of weapon (like a scepter or something), healing power would probably work better.


> The shouts should work well even without the healing power since the boons aren't terrible and shake it off will clear 6 condis (might as well be a full clear).


> Fear Me... the 60 second cooldown is bad. In group fights, a guardian can apply stability with JUST the shout 2 times during that, a firebrand makes people immune. In 1v1, you should just be using Bull's Charge for a leap, 3 second knockdown (better than fear for 100b), cleansing immob, +10%/20%/w.e damage from the trait with 1/3 the cooldown.


> For Great Justice in PvP/WvW does grant a lot of might, and has a very low cooldown with ammo. Traited brings it down to 20 seconds, with a base duration of 15. 12 stacks of might with close to 100% uptime; that's better than Empower with no cast time.


> On My Mark is odd. It's a single target reveal, which means you need to have cast it BEFORE they stealth. Which makes it pretty kitten hard to use. Also, 15 vuln is pretty boring. It has a low cooldown so you can heal more when traited though so that's nice. Personally, this should be a quickness share with a longer cooldown where the warrior instructs his allies to attack his now vulnerable target. Or it could come with an attack too to throw the target off. Think Warlord from Dungeons and Dragons.


> Shake it Off is pretty kitten good, 50 seconds seems like a long time, but it clears 6 conditions. That might as well be a full clear, for 5 people. It also is a stun break. Compare it to Contemplation of Purity (clears 14 for the guardian only) at a 40 second cooldown base. Note that both of these heal the user when traited.


> To the Limit is neat, but also kind of odd. It caps your adrenaline (cool), heals for a lot when traited (base + trait), then grants allies a full endurane bar (except Daredevil). There are VERY few aoe endurance restoration abilities, so this is kind of stand out. The problem is if you are a spellbreaker, you want Defiant Stance for diving (if you aren't bunker stats) or Heal Signet (better hps plus emergency resistance). If warrior (especially core), had more defensive utilities, this would be a solid team heal, but you're limited to stances and shield.


> Also, you might not want to run the trooper runes since shake it off + shrug it off (the auto proc trait) + warhorn basically covers all the condis you'll ever want to clear. Alternatively, consider Rune of the Tempest. This heals nearby allies whenever you break stun (shake it off, balanced stance, etc). The condi duration helps with immob duration a little so the stats aren't wasted. Cele trinkets give you a good base spread of stats, then add harriers and marauders/commanders for more support/damage as you desire.


> Or you could just run shake it off and warhorn and take the other grandmasters. Powerful Synergy will make your sword 2 a 2 second daze when inside your own bubble, and boost the effectiveness of your warhorn 5 (2x water blast is quite nice, 2x stealth for smoke field). Unfortunately, other weapons do not work so well, but you could use OH axe and spin inside a water field or light field to support allies (2x healing or 2x condi cleanse if the rng is with you). Longbow also comes with a blast but that's about it.


healing power doesbt scale noticeable at all on healing sig...i run 800healing power on my build and youll notice the improvement on to the limit, healing 12k on yourself

auto shake it off only cleanses 1 condi, so trooper makes it 2 (activates from 1 condi tho, but infight it does more is it gets off cd and maybe your group already has more condi)

also increases effectiveness of fgj, allowing it to be used to cleanse stuff like chill while pushing to make your group be more sticky (before the fight actually started and you are loaded with condis, having chill on necro for example can mean his death if he cant keep uo with the commander)

healing for 2k+per shout is actually is quite nice, ive had fights in wvw where arc dps showed me 150k+ healed in that single fight

allows you to dive deep without defiant stance


i dont rly see a reason to not take shouts when you allready went into tactics, its too good to not take it, i sacrificed disci and thus fast hands for it and having condi cleanses on lower cd with shouts while im on hammer for 10sec can be crucial for survival

like going in with sword horn, using horn skills when needed, swap to hammer, gettig loaded with condis, use shouts to clear, 10s later i can swap to horn and clear again, without shouts id be helpless against condi right when i swap to hammer


i only use powerful synergy if my guild wants to blast smoke for stealth, so i can blast 4 times easy, with the potential of blasting 6 times alone (havent tried it yet; using bow, horn, swap bow to hammer use hammerstun with adrenalin from horn trait...not sure if the smokes hold up that long to do it all) and then swap synergy back to shout trait right after while stealthed

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Don't run healing power.


FGJ is dependent on group comp, with any sort of heralds or fury generation I wouldn't take it.


"Shake it off" might be worth taking. I wouldn't bother with "Fear Me" or "on my mark". In a WvW environment, unless you are fighting groups below 5 people they just aren't going to be strong.


I would probably put in an extra stunbreak such as Balanced stance or Defy Pain as well , or even Stomp for an extra blast finisher.

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Assuming that the ratio is accurate on the site, a .05 healing ratio on healing signet is quite solid. That's a 1.0 over 20 seconds, pretty solid performance, with basically 0 waste and no cast time to interrupt. Mending is 1.0 over 15 but a HUGE cast time. To The Limit is 1.0 as well, over 30 seconds. Of course, when traited, To The Limit becomes a 2.2 over 24 seconds which is pretty high, but that is basically the exception rather than the standard.


The reason why trooper has fallen off is because conditions are dumped in large amounts (even if each individual stack is small). 1 condi cleanse is basically going to go who knows where due non-existent cleanse priority. A single shade hit puts torment, cripple, high odds of burning. If it's F2, it corrupts any boon you have, if it's F4, it fears. There's no way to tell which of these ONE shout is going to cleanse, and you can't even spam them like Firebrand can. Like, if you trait for it, Firebrand can cleanse a condi every 9.5 seconds (plus regen), compared to FGJ's 1 per 20 seconds (plus might/fury which is good compared to empower). Additionally, both of these skills come as Ammo, except that Firebrand can burst out 7 condis (1, 1, then 5 on the final charge) removed, whereas FGJ can burst out 2. Even worse is that traited mantra full recharge is the exact same as FGJ.


Also note that trooper runes will add a marginal amount of cleanse to your personal cleanse. EVEN if you swap off to Hammer (abandoning that sweet sweet 10 potential cleanse on warhorn), shake it off is (now) the best emergency button you'll ever need. Now that you've bubbled and are on hammer, you're probably eating those counter bombs. Hopefully you had resistance (since both builds pack zerker stance, but featherfoot is an option for better positioning from super speed), which means you've just ignored conditions up until bubble. Even if multiple scourges bomb you, you probably will cap out at around 6 conditions (torment, burning, cripple, chill, poison, bleeding). Now that WOULD be pretty bad in a pre-shake it off change world, cause you'd dump 3 and then die horribly from whatever ones you missed (4 damage conditions, 2 cc conditions ouch).


BUT NOW you remove 6. And it's a stun break. I'm not 100% sure, but that means you should be able to remove fear (if you got feared) in addition to ALL OF THOSE. So now you're healthy. BUT WAIT, maybe you mispositioned and got scourge bombed again and have all 6 conditions on you. Fortunately, shake it off is ALSO an ammo skill, so after a short 5 second wait, you can remove all of them again! So sure, if you REALLY need to remove ONE random condition during 5 seconds, then yeah go ahead and take trooper, but it's mostly overkill and doesn't actually add real cleanse to yourself. Also, 5 seconds after the second shake it off comes back, you are free to switch to warhorn again, letting you remove basically most of the conditions in the game again (except bleed but scourge doesn't apply a lot of bleed except for RNG curses procs).


I will agree that you might as well run the shout trait in groups now, since phalanx strength is basically worthless (no pvp/wvw split why?). Honestly, they need to make phalanx strength apply Inspiring Presence to allies for wvw/pvp or something. I guess instant 24 might from FGJ is a possibility but ehhhh.


Tl;dr you are definitely right to use trooper runes BEFORE this patch, but now the shake it off change basically destroys any reason to use them.

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> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> Assuming that the ratio is accurate on the site, a .05 healing ratio on healing signet is quite solid. That's a 1.0 over 20 seconds, pretty solid performance, with basically 0 waste and no cast time to interrupt. Mending is 1.0 over 15 but a HUGE cast time. To The Limit is 1.0 as well, over 30 seconds. Of course, when traited, To The Limit becomes a 2.2 over 24 seconds which is pretty high, but that is basically the exception rather than the standard.


> The reason why trooper has fallen off is because conditions are dumped in large amounts (even if each individual stack is small). 1 condi cleanse is basically going to go who knows where due non-existent cleanse priority. A single shade hit puts torment, cripple, high odds of burning. If it's F2, it corrupts any boon you have, if it's F4, it fears. There's no way to tell which of these ONE shout is going to cleanse, and you can't even spam them like Firebrand can. Like, if you trait for it, Firebrand can cleanse a condi every 9.5 seconds (plus regen), compared to FGJ's 1 per 20 seconds (plus might/fury which is good compared to empower). Additionally, both of these skills come as Ammo, except that Firebrand can burst out 7 condis (1, 1, then 5 on the final charge) removed, whereas FGJ can burst out 2. Even worse is that traited mantra full recharge is the exact same as FGJ.


> Also note that trooper runes will add a marginal amount of cleanse to your personal cleanse. EVEN if you swap off to Hammer (abandoning that sweet sweet 10 potential cleanse on warhorn), shake it off is (now) the best emergency button you'll ever need. Now that you've bubbled and are on hammer, you're probably eating those counter bombs. Hopefully you had resistance (since both builds pack zerker stance, but featherfoot is an option for better positioning from super speed), which means you've just ignored conditions up until bubble. Even if multiple scourges bomb you, you probably will cap out at around 6 conditions (torment, burning, cripple, chill, poison, bleeding). Now that WOULD be pretty bad in a pre-shake it off change world, cause you'd dump 3 and then die horribly from whatever ones you missed (4 damage conditions, 2 cc conditions ouch).


> BUT NOW you remove 6. And it's a stun break. I'm not 100% sure, but that means you should be able to remove fear (if you got feared) in addition to ALL OF THOSE. So now you're healthy. BUT WAIT, maybe you mispositioned and got scourge bombed again and have all 6 conditions on you. Fortunately, shake it off is ALSO an ammo skill, so after a short 5 second wait, you can remove all of them again! So sure, if you REALLY need to remove ONE random condition during 5 seconds, then yeah go ahead and take trooper, but it's mostly overkill and doesn't actually add real cleanse to yourself. Also, 5 seconds after the second shake it off comes back, you are free to switch to warhorn again, letting you remove basically most of the conditions in the game again (except bleed but scourge doesn't apply a lot of bleed except for RNG curses procs).


> I will agree that you might as well run the shout trait in groups now, since phalanx strength is basically worthless (no pvp/wvw split why?). Honestly, they need to make phalanx strength apply Inspiring Presence to allies for wvw/pvp or something. I guess instant 24 might from FGJ is a possibility but ehhhh.


> Tl;dr you are definitely right to use trooper runes BEFORE this patch, but now the shake it off change basically destroys any reason to use them.


With my calculations, healing Signet gives more result with healing power than to the limit untraited.


Shake it off cures 3 conditions per ammo, not 6.

If you cures 6, you used 2 ammos and have to wait ammo recharge. Definitly not 5s but 25s.

Maybe you meant shrug it off ?

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> > @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> > Assuming that the ratio is accurate on the site, a .05 healing ratio on healing signet is quite solid. That's a 1.0 over 20 seconds, pretty solid performance, with basically 0 waste and no cast time to interrupt. Mending is 1.0 over 15 but a HUGE cast time. To The Limit is 1.0 as well, over 30 seconds. Of course, when traited, To The Limit becomes a 2.2 over 24 seconds which is pretty high, but that is basically the exception rather than the standard.

> >

> > The reason why trooper has fallen off is because conditions are dumped in large amounts (even if each individual stack is small). 1 condi cleanse is basically going to go who knows where due non-existent cleanse priority. A single shade hit puts torment, cripple, high odds of burning. If it's F2, it corrupts any boon you have, if it's F4, it fears. There's no way to tell which of these ONE shout is going to cleanse, and you can't even spam them like Firebrand can. Like, if you trait for it, Firebrand can cleanse a condi every 9.5 seconds (plus regen), compared to FGJ's 1 per 20 seconds (plus might/fury which is good compared to empower). Additionally, both of these skills come as Ammo, except that Firebrand can burst out 7 condis (1, 1, then 5 on the final charge) removed, whereas FGJ can burst out 2. Even worse is that traited mantra full recharge is the exact same as FGJ.

> >

> > Also note that trooper runes will add a marginal amount of cleanse to your personal cleanse. EVEN if you swap off to Hammer (abandoning that sweet sweet 10 potential cleanse on warhorn), shake it off is (now) the best emergency button you'll ever need. Now that you've bubbled and are on hammer, you're probably eating those counter bombs. Hopefully you had resistance (since both builds pack zerker stance, but featherfoot is an option for better positioning from super speed), which means you've just ignored conditions up until bubble. Even if multiple scourges bomb you, you probably will cap out at around 6 conditions (torment, burning, cripple, chill, poison, bleeding). Now that WOULD be pretty bad in a pre-shake it off change world, cause you'd dump 3 and then die horribly from whatever ones you missed (4 damage conditions, 2 cc conditions ouch).

> >

> > BUT NOW you remove 6. And it's a stun break. I'm not 100% sure, but that means you should be able to remove fear (if you got feared) in addition to ALL OF THOSE. So now you're healthy. BUT WAIT, maybe you mispositioned and got scourge bombed again and have all 6 conditions on you. Fortunately, shake it off is ALSO an ammo skill, so after a short 5 second wait, you can remove all of them again! So sure, if you REALLY need to remove ONE random condition during 5 seconds, then yeah go ahead and take trooper, but it's mostly overkill and doesn't actually add real cleanse to yourself. Also, 5 seconds after the second shake it off comes back, you are free to switch to warhorn again, letting you remove basically most of the conditions in the game again (except bleed but scourge doesn't apply a lot of bleed except for RNG curses procs).

> >

> > I will agree that you might as well run the shout trait in groups now, since phalanx strength is basically worthless (no pvp/wvw split why?). Honestly, they need to make phalanx strength apply Inspiring Presence to allies for wvw/pvp or something. I guess instant 24 might from FGJ is a possibility but ehhhh.

> >

> > Tl;dr you are definitely right to use trooper runes BEFORE this patch, but now the shake it off change basically destroys any reason to use them.


> With my calculations, healing Signet gives more result with healing power than to the limit untraited.


> Shake it off cures 3 conditions per ammo, not 6.

> If you cures 6, you used 2 ammos and have to wait ammo recharge. Definitly not 5s but 25s.

> Maybe you meant shrug it off ?


in wvw it cleanses 6, not 3 per ammocharge


> @"Kiroshima.8497" said:

> Assuming that the ratio is accurate on the site, a .05 healing ratio on healing signet is quite solid. That's a 1.0 over 20 seconds, pretty solid performance, with basically 0 waste and no cast time to interrupt. Mending is 1.0 over 15 but a HUGE cast time. To The Limit is 1.0 as well, over 30 seconds. Of course, when traited, To The Limit becomes a 2.2 over 24 seconds which is pretty high, but that is basically the exception rather than the standard.


> The reason why trooper has fallen off is because conditions are dumped in large amounts (even if each individual stack is small). 1 condi cleanse is basically going to go who knows where due non-existent cleanse priority. A single shade hit puts torment, cripple, high odds of burning. If it's F2, it corrupts any boon you have, if it's F4, it fears. There's no way to tell which of these ONE shout is going to cleanse, and you can't even spam them like Firebrand can. Like, if you trait for it, Firebrand can cleanse a condi every 9.5 seconds (plus regen), compared to FGJ's 1 per 20 seconds (plus might/fury which is good compared to empower). Additionally, both of these skills come as Ammo, except that Firebrand can burst out 7 condis (1, 1, then 5 on the final charge) removed, whereas FGJ can burst out 2. Even worse is that traited mantra full recharge is the exact same as FGJ.


> Also note that trooper runes will add a marginal amount of cleanse to your personal cleanse. EVEN if you swap off to Hammer (abandoning that sweet sweet 10 potential cleanse on warhorn), shake it off is (now) the best emergency button you'll ever need. Now that you've bubbled and are on hammer, you're probably eating those counter bombs. Hopefully you had resistance (since both builds pack zerker stance, but featherfoot is an option for better positioning from super speed), which means you've just ignored conditions up until bubble. Even if multiple scourges bomb you, you probably will cap out at around 6 conditions (torment, burning, cripple, chill, poison, bleeding). Now that WOULD be pretty bad in a pre-shake it off change world, cause you'd dump 3 and then die horribly from whatever ones you missed (4 damage conditions, 2 cc conditions ouch).


> BUT NOW you remove 6. And it's a stun break. I'm not 100% sure, but that means you should be able to remove fear (if you got feared) in addition to ALL OF THOSE. So now you're healthy. BUT WAIT, maybe you mispositioned and got scourge bombed again and have all 6 conditions on you. Fortunately, shake it off is ALSO an ammo skill, so after a short 5 second wait, you can remove all of them again! So sure, if you REALLY need to remove ONE random condition during 5 seconds, then yeah go ahead and take trooper, but it's mostly overkill and doesn't actually add real cleanse to yourself. Also, 5 seconds after the second shake it off comes back, you are free to switch to warhorn again, letting you remove basically most of the conditions in the game again (except bleed but scourge doesn't apply a lot of bleed except for RNG curses procs).


> I will agree that you might as well run the shout trait in groups now, since phalanx strength is basically worthless (no pvp/wvw split why?). Honestly, they need to make phalanx strength apply Inspiring Presence to allies for wvw/pvp or something. I guess instant 24 might from FGJ is a possibility but ehhhh.


> Tl;dr you are definitely right to use trooper runes BEFORE this patch, but now the shake it off change basically destroys any reason to use them.




a single clear (on 5ppl) does matter, often you get cripple or chill on your group (nothing else) ppl falling behind because of that are easy targets

considering that i play 4 shouts (fgj, shake it off, to the limit and autoshout) thats 20 cleanses more with trooper (i know you replied to the builds of that other guy)

20 more clears justify the use of that rune because there isnt rly one that has more synergy than trooper

in every fight i looked at arc dps i had waaay more condi cleanses than the firebrands, warri easily reaches tripple digits in a single fight


> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Don't run healing power.


> FGJ is dependent on group comp, with any sort of heralds or fury generation I wouldn't take it.


> "Shake it off" might be worth taking. I wouldn't bother with "Fear Me" or "on my mark". In a WvW environment, unless you are fighting groups below 5 people they just aren't going to be strong.


> I would probably put in an extra stunbreak such as Balanced stance or Defy Pain as well , or even Stomp for an extra blast finisher.


fgj will always be good now in that type of build, 12 stacks of might instantly on low cd for my whole group? hell yea gimme gimme, fury ontop? sure ill take it, gets ripped too much anyways so cant rly have too much of it, revs often will be in backline anyways and be out of my meleerange

im talking big groups not smallscale, just to be clear


fear me and on my mark are trash yes...


on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is


LOL, now you're listening to me? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).


Edit: Forgot auto shrug it off which will inevitability proc during a fight so it'd be closer to about 176k heals on shouts alone with one being proced automatically.


**Ally Heals**

Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002

Runes+Sigils+Food/Wrench = 46.6% additional outgoing heals to allies

Shouts to allies = 4002 + 46.6% = 5867

Shout heals to allies 5867x4=23468 per shout to allies

Shout procs to allies: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

Total shouts to allies 23468x6=**140808**


**Self Heals**

Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002 per shout

Shout procs: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

Shout heals to self from trait 4002x6=24012

Self heal from to the limit 9100+(1x2502)=11602

Total shout heals 24012+11602=**35614**


**Total shout heals** 35614+140808=**176422**

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is


> LOL, now you're listening to me?!?!?!?!? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).




im not listening to you, i still think banners are trash, and i just played around with the build calculator and was interested in how high the healing could get with putting as much healing power as i could into it, and with the 4k+ i meant without stacks. without banner and an actually playable build i reach 5,6k per shout with full weapon kill stacks and 25 stacks of might, still maintaining around 50% critchance with fury but losing quite some power, only 2300 with full might stacks.. which is still okey for a healing/ccing and boon ripping oriented build


edit. i said healing power is not wasted, thats why even i have around 800 in the build ive posted in my other thread...just saying

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is

> >

> > LOL, now you're listening to me?!?!?!?!? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).

> >

> >


> im not listening to you, i still think banners are trash, and i just played around with the build calculator and was interested in how high the healing could get with putting as much healing power as i could into it, and with the 4k+ i meant without stacks. without banner and an actually playable build i reach 5,6k per shout with full weapon kill stacks and 25 stacks of might, still maintaining around 50% critchance with fury but losing quite some power, only 2300 with full might stacks.. which is still okey for a healing/ccing and boon ripping oriented build


> edit. i said healing power is not wasted, thats why even i have around 800 in the build ive posted in my other thread...just saying


I'm not denying that banners aren't trash, I'm just saying the healing you can pump out is allot more than people give warrior credit for. Although given the math 176k heals on shouts is a very large number in a short period of time I wonder where we stack against druids and fire brands. Also the cool thing about most of these shout heals is that we can use shout heals while we're CC'ed, not many classes can do that.

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Thank you all for the feedback , you have been very exhaustive and detailed :) I think the best gear setup is the one made by Threather.9354, but maybe i will try some healing power to see how it performs. Also i'm really in favor of To The Limit, this skill is really useful since basically you can heal + give free dodges to your allies - Also the adrenaline component of the skill is very useful since we can't get free adrenaline by swapping weapons if we dont run discipline, so To the limit + shouts + warhorn are the key to always have adrenaline while fighting.

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is


> LOL, now you're listening to me? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).


> Edit: Forgot auto shrug it off which will inevitability proc during a fight so it'd be closer to about 176k heals on shouts alone with one being proced automatically.


> **Ally Heals**

> Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002

> Runes+Sigils+Food/Wrench = 46.6% additional outgoing heals to allies

> Shouts to allies = 4002 + 46.6% = 5867

> Shout heals to allies 5867x4=23468 per shout to allies

> Shout procs to allies: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> Total shouts to allies 23468x6=**140808**


> **Self Heals**

> Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002 per shout

> Shout procs: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> Shout heals to self from trait 4002x6=24012

> Self heal from to the limit 9100+(1x2502)=11602

> Total shout heals 24012+11602=**35614**


> **Total shout heals** 35614+140808=**176422**


Hello Red Haired Savage,


Can you post here a link to your build?

I was playing around with build editor and couldn't reach 2502 healing power.



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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is

> >

> > LOL, now you're listening to me? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).

> >

> > Edit: Forgot auto shrug it off which will inevitability proc during a fight so it'd be closer to about 176k heals on shouts alone with one being proced automatically.

> >

> > **Ally Heals**

> > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002

> > Runes+Sigils+Food/Wrench = 46.6% additional outgoing heals to allies

> > Shouts to allies = 4002 + 46.6% = 5867

> > Shout heals to allies 5867x4=23468 per shout to allies

> > Shout procs to allies: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > Total shouts to allies 23468x6=**140808**

> >

> > **Self Heals**

> > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002 per shout

> > Shout procs: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > Shout heals to self from trait 4002x6=24012

> > Self heal from to the limit 9100+(1x2502)=11602

> > Total shout heals 24012+11602=**35614**

> >

> > **Total shout heals** 35614+140808=**176422**


> Hello Red Haired Savage,


> Can you post here a link to your build?

> I was playing around with build editor and couldn't reach 2502 healing power.


> Thanks.


you wont reach 2500 healing power with gear alone, maybe he added traited healing banner to it


i got to like 2250 healing power max, including weapon stacks and healing power you ger from having might

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is

> > >

> > > LOL, now you're listening to me? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).

> > >

> > > Edit: Forgot auto shrug it off which will inevitability proc during a fight so it'd be closer to about 176k heals on shouts alone with one being proced automatically.

> > >

> > > **Ally Heals**

> > > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002

> > > Runes+Sigils+Food/Wrench = 46.6% additional outgoing heals to allies

> > > Shouts to allies = 4002 + 46.6% = 5867

> > > Shout heals to allies 5867x4=23468 per shout to allies

> > > Shout procs to allies: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > > Total shouts to allies 23468x6=**140808**

> > >

> > > **Self Heals**

> > > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002 per shout

> > > Shout procs: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > > Shout heals to self from trait 4002x6=24012

> > > Self heal from to the limit 9100+(1x2502)=11602

> > > Total shout heals 24012+11602=**35614**

> > >

> > > **Total shout heals** 35614+140808=**176422**

> >

> > Hello Red Haired Savage,

> >

> > Can you post here a link to your build?

> > I was playing around with build editor and couldn't reach 2502 healing power.

> >

> > Thanks.


> you wont reach 2500 healing power with gear alone, maybe he added traited healing banner to it


> i got to like 2250 healing power max, including weapon stacks and healing power you ger from having might


Hello RedShark,

Yes, I can get to 2251 with traited banner, cleric gear and monk runes but then I cant reach +46,6% outgoing healing because I miss concentration and only get +43,5%.


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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > > on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is

> > > >

> > > > LOL, now you're listening to me? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).

> > > >

> > > > Edit: Forgot auto shrug it off which will inevitability proc during a fight so it'd be closer to about 176k heals on shouts alone with one being proced automatically.

> > > >

> > > > **Ally Heals**

> > > > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > > > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002

> > > > Runes+Sigils+Food/Wrench = 46.6% additional outgoing heals to allies

> > > > Shouts to allies = 4002 + 46.6% = 5867

> > > > Shout heals to allies 5867x4=23468 per shout to allies

> > > > Shout procs to allies: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > > > Total shouts to allies 23468x6=**140808**

> > > >

> > > > **Self Heals**

> > > > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > > > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002 per shout

> > > > Shout procs: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > > > Shout heals to self from trait 4002x6=24012

> > > > Self heal from to the limit 9100+(1x2502)=11602

> > > > Total shout heals 24012+11602=**35614**

> > > >

> > > > **Total shout heals** 35614+140808=**176422**

> > >

> > > Hello Red Haired Savage,

> > >

> > > Can you post here a link to your build?

> > > I was playing around with build editor and couldn't reach 2502 healing power.

> > >

> > > Thanks.

> >

> > you wont reach 2500 healing power with gear alone, maybe he added traited healing banner to it

> >

> > i got to like 2250 healing power max, including weapon stacks and healing power you ger from having might


> Hello RedShark,

> Yes, I can get to 2251 with traited banner, cleric gear and monk runes but then I cant reach +46,6% outgoing healing because I miss concentration and only get +43,5%.

> Thanks.



Yes you have to have the banner out, and don't forget the build editor is bugged and doesn't show you the additional healing power from full stacks of might on inspiring presence (which adds 250 healing power, so you have to do your own math since it doesn't show what it should). The banner will also give you 255 concentration.



Also note I haven't ran quite this build yet since I don't want to change some of my current sigils, and don't have all the infusions.

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> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> > > > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > > on a sidenote, it should be possible (havent tried it) that every shout heals for 4k+ thats 20k health being pumped into your group, could be for the lolz, my point is, that healing power isnt as bad as you might think it is

> > > >

> > > > LOL, now you're listening to me? It's closer to about 5.9k per shout on allies, and about 4k heals on yourself. Granted you're full heal with monk runes and banner, but it's about 149k heals in less than 10 seconds (on your allies its about 120k) on shouts alone now that it's on the ammo system. Thats also not counting the regen and other heals you're doing. I will say however it is a very fun and lulz build (legendary armor makes build/theory crafting much more fun in game).

> > > >

> > > > Edit: Forgot auto shrug it off which will inevitability proc during a fight so it'd be closer to about 176k heals on shouts alone with one being proced automatically.

> > > >

> > > > **Ally Heals**

> > > > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > > > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002

> > > > Runes+Sigils+Food/Wrench = 46.6% additional outgoing heals to allies

> > > > Shouts to allies = 4002 + 46.6% = 5867

> > > > Shout heals to allies 5867x4=23468 per shout to allies

> > > > Shout procs to allies: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > > > Total shouts to allies 23468x6=**140808**

> > > >

> > > > **Self Heals**

> > > > Healing power 2502 (with might and whatnot)

> > > > Vigorous shouts 1000+(1.2 x 2502)= 4002 per shout

> > > > Shout procs: Auto shake it off, shake it off x2, FGJ x2, To the Limit = total shouts 6

> > > > Shout heals to self from trait 4002x6=24012

> > > > Self heal from to the limit 9100+(1x2502)=11602

> > > > Total shout heals 24012+11602=**35614**

> > > >

> > > > **Total shout heals** 35614+140808=**176422**

> > >

> > > Hello Red Haired Savage,

> > >

> > > Can you post here a link to your build?

> > > I was playing around with build editor and couldn't reach 2502 healing power.

> > >

> > > Thanks.

> >

> > you wont reach 2500 healing power with gear alone, maybe he added traited healing banner to it

> >

> > i got to like 2250 healing power max, including weapon stacks and healing power you ger from having might


> Hello RedShark,

> Yes, I can get to 2251 with traited banner, cleric gear and monk runes but then I cant reach +46,6% outgoing healing because I miss concentration and only get +43,5%.

> Thanks.


i get 2250 without banner, so adding the banner i would get to 2500...but banners are trash and concentration is definately not needed on warrior, since you dont rly have thaz many boons and those that you have are already long enough, so they will be ripped most likely before they run out on their own

and even without that concebtration i habe enough outgoing healing

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