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How far can you climb as a solo reaper?

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Pretty high. There are several ones, even at the very top. But: Especially the map awareness, reading setups and the knowledge of when and where to fight requires a lot of learning. It surely has a high skill ceiling and the class does not carry you as much as other classes.


Bet we'll be seeing even more reapers now after the next scourge nerf though. Reaper is in an okayish spot - definitely not meta, but can get a lot of work done by competent players.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Gamble.4580" said:

> > Leg. joined na 2 days ago on 35 games won 31, reaper is to strong right now.


> Lol, 1 soulbeast boi every game can demote you from you rank.


Lol I agree that are strong but I am winning because I don't Leroy Jenkins a sb

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It's important to detail what Reaper build you all are referring to before rushing to your keyboard to make primitive conclusions or brag. Some Reaper builds are not viable at any tier. Some are viable. None are meta.


A lot also depends on your supporting teammates with Reaper and Necro in general. The same exact spec can be viable or trash depending on team comp. It's important to switch builds and traits sometimes instead of just blindly going with whatever.

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At the time of this post I am/was player #21 on my Leaderboard playing Blood Scourge. I don't recall any of the names above playing Reaper though I didn't commit to memory exactly who was playing what. I see very few reapers considering I have 227w/202l which is 429 games so far. Also on this season no one at all has 1800+ rating (Legendary), so I'd say you can more or less safely reach Gold 3/Plat 1 (~#100+ on the leaderboard at the time I'm posting this) with a Reaper, even though I don't see many people playing it myself. The ones that I do see are always extremes, they either perform very well and carry teamfights or get focused down to death in seconds everytime they leave base. Having counters like condi thieves or Rangers also makes quite more difference than in my own case where I'm playing Scourge.


Also I don't think Reaper has become a better option after patch at all. In fact, I'd say scepter 3 and corrupt boon are now much deadlier than they were before, and given you play a Blood Scourge and not the pure damage burning one, your capacity for boon control/pressure is insane now. All in all Scourge was buffed if you play it as Anet supposedly intended ("heavy support" in their own words).

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> At the time of this post I am/was player #21 on my Leaderboard playing Blood Scourge. I don't recall any of the names above playing Reaper though I didn't commit to memory exactly who was playing what. I see very few reapers considering I have 227w/202l which is 429 games so far. Also on this season no one at all has 1800+ rating (Legendary), so I'd say you can more or less safely reach Gold 3/Plat 1 (~#100+ on the leaderboard at the time I'm posting this) with a Reaper, even though I don't see many people playing it myself. The ones that I do see are always extremes, they either perform very well and carry teamfights or get focused down to death in seconds everytime they leave base. Having counters like condi thieves or Rangers also makes quite more difference than in my own case where I'm playing Scourge.


> Also I don't think Reaper has become a better option after patch at all. In fact, I'd say scepter 3 and corrupt boon are now much deadlier than they were before, and given you play a Blood Scourge and not the pure damage burning one, your capacity for boon control/pressure is insane now. All in all Scourge was buffed if you play it as Anet supposedly intended ("heavy support" in their own words).


Haven't been on today but I thought high plat 1 was the end of t250 atm.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > At the time of this post I am/was player #21 on my Leaderboard playing Blood Scourge. I don't recall any of the names above playing Reaper though I didn't commit to memory exactly who was playing what. I see very few reapers considering I have 227w/202l which is 429 games so far. Also on this season no one at all has 1800+ rating (Legendary), so I'd say you can more or less safely reach Gold 3/Plat 1 (~#100+ on the leaderboard at the time I'm posting this) with a Reaper, even though I don't see many people playing it myself. The ones that I do see are always extremes, they either perform very well and carry teamfights or get focused down to death in seconds everytime they leave base. Having counters like condi thieves or Rangers also makes quite more difference than in my own case where I'm playing Scourge.

> >

> > Also I don't think Reaper has become a better option after patch at all. In fact, I'd say scepter 3 and corrupt boon are now much deadlier than they were before, and given you play a Blood Scourge and not the pure damage burning one, your capacity for boon control/pressure is insane now. All in all Scourge was buffed if you play it as Anet supposedly intended ("heavy support" in their own words).


> Haven't been on today but I thought high plat 1 was the end of t250 atm.


You're correct, I meant low Plat 2 ends past 100 and low P1 is beyond 250.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Also I don't think Reaper has become a better option after patch at all.


Yeah, I don get where the idea that Scourge getting nerfed makes Reaper good comes from. Reaper's problem is that it doesn't matter how good it's damage is or how large it's HP pool if every class can just run circles around.


You can't kill what you can't catch, and you can't survive what you can't escape.


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Please don't play Reaper in ranked games unless you are platinium 1 or higher. Unfortunately, for the average gamer, playing Reaper will put your entire team at a disadvantage.


Its like having a Thief on your team that doesn't know how to Decap nodes or fight 2vs1, Reaper is statistically not a good choice for most players.


Why would you pick Reaper and force your team to carry you, when you could pick Scourge and carry your team.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Please don't play Reaper in ranked games unless you are platinium 1 or higher. Unfortunately, for the average gamer, playing Reaper will put your entire team at a disadvantage.


> Its like having a Thief on your team that doesn't know how to Decap nodes or fight 2vs1, Reaper is statistically not a good choice for most players.


> Why would you pick Reaper and force your team to carry you, when you could pick Scourge and carry your team.

As a reaper main i have to agree - unfortunately.


Most reaper players I encounter are incredibly bad. I mean these players are also bad on other classes, but get carried by cheesy mechanics. On reaper poor positioning will punish you harder than on any other spec and class. In contrast to reaper core necro and scourge can go range and play the low risk way.


If you're competent on reaper the spec has a pretty good carry potential due to its insane aoe burst.


I focus reapers because there is a good chance that they suck and are unable to fight back under pressure. The rare moments it turns out that the player is actually good, the fight becomes tough.


Btw.: I'm not talking about wells reapers. These are relatively easy to counter. If they run pala amulet they lack burst and if they run marauder or even zerker they lack sustain. There are much stronger 1v1 and 5v5 reaper builds with less telegraphed bursts .

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