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[Suggestion] Minion's sacrifice.


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To take a little break from the last patch, why not trying to let go of some ideas about necromancer's minions.


I was looking at _bone minions'_ active skill and thinking that both damage and blast on it end up being a waste. And so I thought, why not try to make this more interesting to use.

Thus, my suggestion would be to "promote" the use of minion sacrificing skills throught a trait and _putrid explosion_ effect:

- _Flesh of the master_ replaced by _Zeal of the sacrificer_: Sacrificing a minion grant alacrity (5s) to you and your party members. Gain bonus toughness per minion controlled.

- _Putrid explosion_ replaced by _Frenetic harvest_: Sacrifice a minion to grant quickness (5s) and 10-15 might stacks (5s) to you and your minions.


Wouldn't it be lovely?

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Why are you trying to pour more support into death magic..... is my only concern.

Everyone wants support so much on necro that most ideas end up sharing something with allies in lines that really are not focused on sharing anything with other people. as a result if this were to happen realistically the alacrity would be more like a duration of 1 second not because it could be shared. Just be selfish with it.


As far as the bone minions.

This is just blood is power with a little more kick to it and I cant agree that necro needs anymore might than it already has. Maybe try other boons there.


While im all for more active use of minions I still think skills like **Summon Madness (from lich form)** is the better way to go. have minions pop out quickly do something strong and go boom or despawn after. A few of them could linger for a bit or something maybe give the utility slot ones ammo charges depending on what they would do and how long they last.


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> Why are you trying to pour more support into death magic


Why not... honnestly all elementalist's traitlines can help to fart boons and nobody seem to care. Why would it be the end of the world if the necromancer had more than just blood magic giving some support?


Come on... Quickness!!! Well, whatever, the idea with bone minion was mainly to sacrifice 1 minion for a bit of frenzy from both the summoner and it's summon. The main goal was to use this to give steroids to the minions that remain alive and thus help them deal damage. It's shared to the necromancer just to open up the use of the bone minions out of minion heavy builds. Nothing more nothing less.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Why are you trying to pour more support into death magic


> Why not... honnestly all elementalist's traitlines can help to fart boons and nobody seem to care. Why would it be the end of the world if the necromancer had more than just blood magic giving some support?


I would rather see it put in scourge rather than other random areas in other trait lines to be honest. We have darn near pointless e spec right now its about time they rework it for its proper role. They have culled its damage even more now without adding any support to it. Another nerf or two without some serious thinking on how to give back and its existence will be a clean slate to rewrite.


> Come on... Quickness!!! Well, whatever, the idea with bone minion was mainly to sacrifice 1 minion for a bit of frenzy from both the summoner and it's summon. The main goal was to use this to give steroids to the minions that remain alive and thus help them deal damage. It's shared to the necromancer just to open up the use of the bone minions out of minion heavy builds. Nothing more nothing less.


Honestly what minions need to help them deal damage is faster attacking speed, faster movement, and possible some of them need unique attack or two that you dont have to command. So while quickness solves the attack speed issue i still think they rest would just be used as super steroid version of blood is power. At which point BiP becomes more useless even though it was just updated not too long ago with multi charges. You mean i don't have to hurt myself? i still get tons of might, and quickness....


If blood is power was not a thing i would support the full idea of it. but lets be real necro wont get quickness unless they make an elite spec based on necro not being a slow caster. To turn around and give necro natural quickness goes against the theme they have stuck so hard by throughout all its current updates and elite specs.

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