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The TRUE Release Notes


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We have noticed that necromancer have been preforming well in raids and fractals recently that is not our vision for the necromancer profession so we decided to implement some changes to fix this issue ;

* Epidemic: Increased the travel speed of epidemic projectiles by 33%. This skill now reduces the duration of conditions it copies by 50%.

* Dhuumfire: This trait now has a cooldown when used in conjunction with the scourge specialization . This cooldown is set at 1 seconds in PVE.

* Feast of Corruption: This skill no longer automatically inflicts torment. It now corrupts boons before gaining life force and inflicting torment based upon the number of conditions on the necromancer's target. The number of boons corrupted is 3 in PvE .

and for necromancer players a few hidden nerfs for you to enjoy discovering them ;) .


We are monitoring this situation closely and will implement further change in the future as NEEDED to ensure necromancer profession is played as designed .

We apologize for any inconvenient and hope you continue enjoying our game .

[ArenaNet](https://www.arena.net/ "ArenaNet") .

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We have noticed that elementalists have been preforming well in raids and fractals recently that is not our vision for the elementalist profession so we decided to implement some changes to fix this issue ;

* Multi-hit, ground targeted abilities will now deal a fraction of the damage they used to because apparently enemies do not walk out of them as often as we want them to.

* Elements of Rage: This trait's usefulness has been reduced by about 66% because we know its alternatives are utter trash in PvE and nobody would use them anyway.

* Lava Font: The cooldown of this skill has been reverted to its 6-second duration by popular demand. The damage has been reduced disproportionately to avoid accidentally giving some elementalist players a glimmer of hope.


For elementalist players we also hid a few undocumented nerfs for you to enjoy discovering them ;) .

We are monitoring this situation closely and will implement further change in the future as NEEDED to ensure elementalist profession is played as designed .

We apologize for any inconvenient and hope you continue enjoying our game .



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* Peak Performance: Increased the duration of the damage-increase effect from 5 seconds to 6 seconds. Reduced the damage increase from 33% to 20% in PvE only. We won't mention the bigger nerf to the WvW version (33% -> 10%) because who even cares about WvW?

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Remind me to cheer when thief gets rightfully nerfed.


I think deadeye rifle is ok since its highly unreasonable to actually pull off in a raid, even more so in a fractal.


Deadeye d/d though...yeah... probably could uses a nerf.


Regardless weavers are sitting at a healthy 38-40k right now so they still the dps kings just by a lesser margin. I'm pretty happy about that.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > It's not salt.

> >

> > It's pure frustration over ArenaNets incompetence to balance the game in a coherent and consistent way.


> I see ele getting nerfed thats pretty good balance i must say ^^


They nerfed Ele the wrong way.


The problem are too much damage-modifiers with Weaver. Another problem was that staff was and probably still is the BiS-weapon. An AoE-focussed ranged weapon shouldn't be the best option. That's against the risk-and-reward-concept and you have the huge-hitbox-problem (though Berserker and Renegade need to be adjusted in that regard too). If you nerf staff though, you have to encourage using other weapons like Sword or Dagger. Ele still has a complex rotation, so that should show in its dps-potential, even though it shouldn't be otherworldy high. A follow-up-problem though is the squishyness of Ele though. You have to make adjustments here too if you want to have coherent and consistent game-design. Like, increase the health-pool, give some reliable CC (maybe by adjusting an offhand-weapon), etc.


I must admit that I never was a huge Weaver-fan and that their dominance in fractals and a lot of raid-bosses disgusted me, but still, I feel sorry for them 'cause these "balance"-changes were just stupid.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > It's not salt.

> > >

> > > It's pure frustration over ArenaNets incompetence to balance the game in a coherent and consistent way.

> >

> > I see ele getting nerfed thats pretty good balance i must say ^^


> They nerfed Ele the wrong way.


> The problem are too much damage-modifiers with Weaver. Another problem was that staff was and probably still is the BiS-weapon. An AoE-focussed ranged weapon shouldn't be the best option. That's against the risk-and-reward-concept and you have the huge-hitbox-problem (though Berserker and Renegade need to be adjusted in that regard too). If you nerf staff though, you have to encourage using other weapons like Sword or Dagger. Ele still has a complex rotation, so that should show in its dps-potential, even though it shouldn't be otherworldy high. A follow-up-problem though is the squishyness of Ele though. You have to make adjustments here too if you want to have coherent and consistent game-design. Like, increase the health-pool, give some reliable CC (maybe by adjusting an offhand-weapon), etc.


> I must admit that I never was a huge Weaver-fan and that their dominance in fractals and a lot of raid-bosses disgusted me, but still, I feel sorry for them 'cause these "balance"-changes were just stupid.


Modifiers wont change how ele is basically insane on large hitbox and w/e on small.



The aoe vs st thing tho doesnt require onoy ele to change.


Its the way alot of aoes in alot of classes worj and would require a game wide rework.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > Remind me to cheer when thief gets rightfully nerfed.

> Their dps, while indeed increased to make them now a solid pick, seems to be still below weaver, so i guess only after the next wave of weaver nerfs.




In what universe 39k < 38k?

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > Remind me to cheer when thief gets rightfully nerfed.

> > Their dps, while indeed increased to make them now a solid pick, seems to be still below weaver, so i guess only after the next wave of weaver nerfs.

> >

> >


> In what universe 39k < 38k?


39k with allies to share venoms with. Wana go after vemon share?

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Looks like this got moved to the necro section


I got kicked recently form raid and fractal lfg

BUT I got surprised when Anet kicked me from fractal and raid forum .

I guess necro regarding fractal and raid not welcomed neither in game nor in forum .

This is the highlight of necromancer end game .

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > Looks like this got moved to the necro section


> I got kicked recently form raid and fractal lfg

> BUT I got surprised when Anet kicked me from fractal and raid forum .

> I guess necro regarding fractal and raid not welcomed neither in game nor in forum .

> This is the highlight of necromancer end game


Lol, next we'll be unwelcome in ow content and personal story story.

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> Lol, next we'll be unwelcome in ow content and personal story story.


To my fellow necromancers be patient I assure you that Anet on the right tract to cleanse us from the game because we represent corruption until our fate meet with dhuum fate sealed away


PS I hope Anet give us a thron to sit on and see other profession doing lowest dps benchmark and say not bad at least i am not a necro .

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I guess people who do not play elementalist regularly do not understand what ele has gone though in nerfs. Sure, it has high DPS but if you sneeze on an ele, the ele dies. You have to learn about positioning, timing and to take your licks because their healing is terrible. their toughness is terrible. their evades aren't anything to praise. their conditions are terrible. They give crap boons. So, what makes them unique compared to every other class that does literally everything better? The ele DPS. (which revenant can reach just as easily and can 1 shot any weaver)

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Remind me to cheer when thief gets rightfully nerfed.


If D/D power can finally get a rework to make it playable in the PvP modes, yes please.


It's easily one of, and likely contending with, the worst PvP kit/kits in the game.


Malicious Backstab is pretty much your problem for PvE. Sadly, D/D DE is total junk in PvP so no matter how much they buff it, D/D DE - or really D/D as a whole - will be straight garbage until skills 3/4 get reworked entirely.

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