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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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I desperately want another character slot for my account to try out other classes and I really don't want to delete any of the old characters I have at the moment (all 5 of them :( )

But real life things like bills and such kinda get in the way of me ever buying enough gems to get a slot.


What I'm asking, and hoping for is that maybe, just maybe there's a few people around here willing to donate some spare gold towards the cost of converting to gems (currently about 300-315 gold in total for 800 gems) I don't want to ask just one person for this since it's a bit much for one, but maybe there's a few nice people around :)


EDIT: I play on EU


Will update this thread if I have any luck.

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Hello there! I'm getting really sick with inventory managing, it's driving me really nuts and the necessity of holding several packs of basic salvage kits and packs of gathering tools doesn't help that at all. Managing inventory becomes a tedious task every 40 minutes or so of the game to me and eats up to 15 minutes of playing. I do not have the fastest hand on wild west, so it makes my gaming life pretty sad.

I would really like to have Copper-fed-salvage-o-matic and/or the simplest unbreakable gathering tools, but I'm pretty far away from both goals as of gold speaking. Please help?

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I have an Asuran Necromancer main and I've had my eye on the Tireless gathering set since I made him. I'd really love to have them to complete the necrotic feel of my necro, but due to planning a wedding and the financial responsibility of a newborn I find myself short on cash to afford them as well as not enough time to farm the gold for them. I'd be grateful to anyone that would be so nice as to help with any if all three.


Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, here's hoping that someone has a generous soul. I play a druid who would look perfect in the new Ritualist Outfit. But due to some medical issues right now, I'm...well, broke as can be. There's no way I can afford it, but if anyone would like to help out, either with the Ritualist Outfit or (dare to dream) the Ritualist Package so she could have the staff too...well, that would be incredible.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello there. I thought about making a request in this thread for quite a while now, but I always kept myself from doing it up to this moment, because I wanted to wait for something that I would absolutely love, but wouldn't be able to get all by myself or when I really needed help with something. Well, this day has come now. I always enjoyed the mount skins the designers came up with and when I saw their last creation, I was blown away.

I know it's a big request, but when I saw the new skyscale skin Shimmerwing, I instantly fell in love. But it's way to expensive for me to afford at the moment and if there happens to be a kind person willing to help me to aquire it one way or another, I'd be incredibly grateful. :)


Edit: I am so happy! A big gigantic thank you to the generous person who gifted me the skin! I thought I was dreaming when I received the mail. This community is so kind. I'll be sure to help other players in this thread when I can, to give them the joy you gave me :)

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Hey everyone,


I've been a really big fan of this thread for a long time. I love reading the stories in here, especially after spending time in the WvW and PvP forums. The shear positivity in here is cleansing.


I normally have very little time to play. My grandmother lives with me, so most of my time outside of work is spent taking care of her. She spent this last week with my aunt (her daughter), which has left me with lots of free time though. I decided to spend that extra time farming up gold to buy a bunch of the equinox weapon set (love it!!). I've been wanting to update my look for a very long time now, but vanity costs gold.... Now that I have most of the skins I need, I'm in game playing with my new look. Unfortunately, I've realized none of my whites are white enough! I need Permafrost Dye, which is very expensive. I'm out of gold and my grandmother returns tomorrow. If anyone out there would be kind enough to help me complete my new look, I'd really appreciate it.

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Hi everyone,


this thread is a really cool idea, at first I didn't believe such thing exists. :lol:

I'm a new player and I just finished the Main Story and the PoF storyline. I'm working on the HoT storyline now but I also would like to unlock the Living World Episodes.

I'm not even sure how to buy them or how many gems you need to pay but I'd really love to unlock the first one! _(I'm not sure if it's possible to buy the Living World Season 1 or you can only play the second one?)_ If the Season 1 is no longer available then I'd be happy to get the Second one :smile:

Anyone could help me with this, I'd greatly appreciate it!


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> @"Tyrick.9805" said:

> I'm not even sure how to buy them or how many gems you need to pay but I'd really love to unlock the first one! _(I'm not sure if it's possible to buy the Living World Season 1 or you can only play the second one?)_ If the Season 1 is no longer available then I'd be happy to get the Second one :smile:


Unfortunately, Season 1 is not available. The model of the "Living World" changed post Season 1, and going back and revamping S1 to allow for the type of replay-ability of the other Living Story chapters has not been logistically possible. Good luck on acquiring the others!



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This isn't a request from me, but I would like to use my one request for my brother in law. He came back to guild wars last month and is my only relative playing and freaking loves the expansions so it's nice to have someone I know playing again. But he missed out on living seasons 2 and 3. I would love to gift him them, but just moved cross country with my family so I cant currently. If anyone could gift him either one or both that would make his day and mine. His account is:


Traceur Whisper.2159


Thank you so much!

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Hello, i would love to get a Name Change Contact, when i had created my main i had make the mistaken of using a whatever name and now the regret is too real :s . i would love the generous soul that gift that to me forever and ever <3.



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* **Permafrost Dye**

* **Shadow Abyssal Dye**



I always love dying my characters to be in the variants of Black and White, especially to match my Black Lion's Equinox Axes. If I had to choose one, I would dedicate to the **Permafrost Dye** as I love how vibrant and true to the white. I always find myself dying my characters, but not always feeling "complete" as the colors do not match the feeling or it is "not quite there".


In-Game Contact:


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Hi posting here so hopefully some kind could could help me finish making my first legendary weapon (Twilight)

Ive got everything but majority of the Tier 6 mats for Gift of Magic/Might

In retrospect I probably should have been selling these mats as I was playing... Hindsight is definitely 20/20


Gift of Magic

* 30 / 250 Vial of Powerful Blood

* 17 / 250 Powerful Venom Sac

* 11 / 250 Elaborate Totem

* 24 / 250 Pile of Crystalline Dust


Gift of Might

* 8 / 250 Vicious Fang

* 26 / 250 Armored Scale

* 10 / 250 Vicious Claw

* 14 / 250 Ancient Bone


Server : NA

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Hello there, since this is a one wish thing... I would really hope that someone could help me acquire the Skyscale Ascension Mounts Pack. I really love mount skins over other gem store items and legendaries and usually squandered everything on the ones i like and conversions certainly hurt. But i'm unable to obtain it this time. I really liked the branded, bioluminescent and the axejaw skins and will be extremely grateful if a warm-hearted person could send it to me as a gift.


Edit: I managed to get it by myself. Did not expect it to be up for so long. Wish others able to fulfill their wishes too, be it by themselves or by somebody. Cheers!

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Hi everyone, I usually am too proud to ask for help but i though i would give it a try. I'm trying to craft my favorite legendary, Nevermore (i just love everything about it, from the reference to Edgar Allen Poe, to the looks), but the amount of Spiritwood Planks and a few other timegated materials is really big. So even if anyone could donate a few of them it would be a great help and would cut the time and cost of making the precursor a lot. Naturally i will be making my own daily mats but all bits of help would go a long way.


So what i'm asking for help is:

11/75 Spiritwood Planks

2/10 Elonian Leather Square


I'm on a EU server and my display name is leunamsil.6742.

Tyvm in advance


Thank you list: JustTrogdor, Vicera Ruse

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Hello! How are you all doing? So, I started a while back in the game and one of the activities that I mostly liked (and still like) is exploring and gathering/logging/mining. I was saving my black lion statuettes to buy the unlimited tools, but it seems that anet took it all out of the merchant. I was trying to farm gold and exchange it for gems too, but then I started exchanging gold to buy the living world seasons, to buy bag slots, bank tabs... things that I couldn't just ignore. I can't buy gems too because it's sooo expensive in my country (1 dollar equals 4 of my country's currency). It's so expensive that buying 2 of the tools would be the groceries for 2 weeks in my house. So I really can't afford it. So I decided to reply this post now that some of these tools are on sales in the gem store.


I would be sooooooo so so so grateful if someone gifted me with the unlimited tools. Could be any of them!

- Logging Axe

- Harvesting Tool

- Mining Pick


Thanks in advance for everyone reading this! <3

Oh! I'm in NA server.

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Desire (NA Server)


Edit-Update: 07-31 I unlocked the Griffon today! Thank you everyone who helped with this desire :) <3





Desire: 225g would really be nice to finally get Griffon mount. Working on getting gold in game and will update this as I earn.

Thank you! :)


*~~ Edit/Update* (Date: 07-20) Earned 6 Gold. Was Gifted 20 gold towards goal Thank you! ~~

* ~~07-22 Update: Earned 4 Gold. Gifted 25 Gold today Thank You~~!

~~If anyone knows ways to make Gold faster in game. I would like tip~~s!

* ~~07-25: Earned 5 Gold today!~~

*~~ 07-25: Was Gifted 5 gold towards Griffon today! Thank you very much! <3 :) ~~

* ~~Update 7/27 Just have 4 items left for open skies each 25g for each item just 100g total to go. Thanks everyone!~~






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> @"starlight.6091" said:

> Desire (NA Server)


> 800 Gems ~ I would like to play Living World 4 Chapters


> Living World 4 Episodes 1-4

> I hope this isnt too ridiculous to ask. Ep. 1-4


> Thanks in advance. I appreciate this post and hope I can too help someone soon! :)


Just an FYI because several people have asked for this in the past.

Living world seasons can not be gifted, they must be purchased directly on the account that is to use them

Gems can not be gifted, the only way to give another player gems would be using a gem card and sending the activation code (or gifting enough gold to convert to gems).



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> @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:




> Just an FYI because several people have asked for this in the past.

> Living world seasons can not be gifted, they must be purchased directly on the account that is to use them

> Gems can not be gifted, the only way to give another player gems would be using a gem card and sending the activation code (or gifting enough gold to convert to gems).




I see! Thanks for the info :)

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