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Early look at the new meta

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I think the question was what changed ?

I run mostly T4 with randoms + meta built . I had a few times that Firebrand healed . Most of the times it is still druid + chrono + bs


From the dbs classes it is just all in at the moment but most of the the time I'm not the only weaver in it (Sometimes BS will be ignored and filled with another dps class). Which isn't surprising I heard from a poll on a fan site Elementist is the #1 played class in GW 2 while Renegade was on the last place when I look how they changed the DPS of those classes I have really bad feeling. :s (to be clear Renegade got a mayor push while Elementist got a big nerf)


Originally I thought what Arena.NET is aiming is mostly open the meta by nerfing some support classes and bush others and maybe with the next expansion we get an alternative to the chrono with a new elite trait for a other class. Pushing some of the lower DPS classes wouldn't be a problem except pvp/wvw which in my opinion is a dumpster fire anyway .


At the moment I looks more like Arena.NET will change balancing on marketing strategy which in however I spin it won't work. This because outside of raids most player are fixed with the their main char while many have multiple chars they aren't played with much. I maybe get a Renegade with my next char slot but under those circumstances the name will be something fatalistic like Somename last desperation


So it is just chaos so far I can see

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> I think the question was what changed ?

> I run mostly T4 with randoms + meta built . I had a few times that Firebrand healed . Most of the times it is still druid + chrono + bs


> From the dbs classes it is just all in at the moment but most of the the time I'm not the only weaver in it (Sometimes BS will be ignored and filled with another dps class). Which isn't surprising I heard from a poll on a fan site Elementist is the #1 played class in GW 2 while Renegade was on the last place when I look how they changed the DPS of those classes I have really bad feeling. :s (to be clear Renegade got a mayor push while Elementist got a big nerf)


> Originally I thought what Arena.NET is aiming is mostly open the meta by nerfing some support classes and bush others and maybe with the next expansion we get an alternative to the chrono with a new elite trait for a other class. Pushing some of the lower DPS classes wouldn't be a problem except pvp/wvw which in my opinion is a dumpster fire anyway .


> At the moment I looks more like Arena.NET will change balancing on marketing strategy which in however I spin it won't work. This because outside of raids most player are fixed with the their main char while many have multiple chars they aren't played with much. I maybe get a Renegade with my next char slot but under those circumstances the name will be something fatalistic like Somename last desperation


> So it is just chaos so far I can see


Meta won't change until they nerf Chrono and Druid, simple as that, they're OP since 2015, it's been 2 years and 9 months now...


Mind you I played FFXIV and Tanks + Healers are balanced, there's nothing that makes one superior to the other in any content, it's just different tastes for different players and that's what they should do in GW2.


The only time someone is gonna say something is when you're speedrunning Raids in Savage difficulty and that's it, if it's your first time people will just shut up unless you play something like Black Mage or Samurai and you're not the best or 2nd best DPS in the group.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > So, SC updated their benchmarks, builds and comps. As expected, Weaver is now completely overshadowed by Deadeye, Soulbeast and Holosmith, with the sole exception of KC. GJ Anet.


> Two are still meta in fractals though.


The actual meta uses 3 dps, at least 1 of which is Soulbeast. So, there.

Additionally, once people gear up their other power dps classes, there will be little reason to play weavers in fractals. They won't make a noticeable difference in clear times, and they'll save themselves all the extra effort.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > So, SC updated their benchmarks, builds and comps. As expected, Weaver is now completely overshadowed by Deadeye, Soulbeast and Holosmith, with the sole exception of KC. GJ Anet.

> >

> > Two are still meta in fractals though.


> The actual meta uses 3 dps, at least 1 of which is Soulbeast. So, there.

> Additionally, once people gear up their other power dps classes, there will be little reason to play weavers in fractals. They won't make a noticeable difference in clear times, and they'll save themselves all the extra effort.


Yes and 2 of the 3 dps are weavers. At least one is near mandatory for a semi organized group that wants to have decent kills. While weaver needs small buffs it is nowhere near useless. Power slb was a joke until last patch. Necro is still one. Weaver is still decent and just needs help on small hitbox and a slight buff to lava font. 10% on lava font maybe.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > So, SC updated their benchmarks, builds and comps. As expected, Weaver is now completely overshadowed by Deadeye, Soulbeast and Holosmith, with the sole exception of KC. GJ Anet.

> > >

> > > Two are still meta in fractals though.

> >

> > The actual meta uses 3 dps, at least 1 of which is Soulbeast. So, there.

> > Additionally, once people gear up their other power dps classes, there will be little reason to play weavers in fractals. They won't make a noticeable difference in clear times, and they'll save themselves all the extra effort.


> Yes and 2 of the 3 dps are weavers. At least one is near mandatory for a semi organized group that wants to have decent kills. While weaver needs small buffs it is nowhere near useless. Power slb was a joke until last patch. Necro is still one. Weaver is still decent and just needs help on small hitbox and a slight buff to lava font. 10% on lava font maybe.


Nah. That would still make you put a lot more effort for the same results. It's not useless, it's pointless.

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> @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

> Well the time effort and risk not only the weaver but the whole squad needs to invest makes weaver lackluster.


> Why would you take weaver at gorse when dead eye does more dps/cc and less dependent on distorts.


How exactly does de require less squad set up? It needs both the boons from chrono and the conditions from other classes to maximize its dps. Also what's 1 aegis to a weaver in raids outside of a 2% dps boost from arcane's bountiful power?

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > So, SC updated their benchmarks, builds and comps. As expected, Weaver is now completely overshadowed by Deadeye, Soulbeast and Holosmith, with the sole exception of KC. GJ Anet.

> > >

> > > Two are still meta in fractals though.

> >

> > The actual meta uses 3 dps, at least 1 of which is Soulbeast. So, there.

> > Additionally, once people gear up their other power dps classes, there will be little reason to play weavers in fractals. They won't make a noticeable difference in clear times, and they'll save themselves all the extra effort.


> Yes and 2 of the 3 dps are weavers. At least one is near mandatory for a semi organized group that wants to have decent kills. While weaver needs small buffs it is nowhere near useless. Power slb was a joke until last patch. Necro is still one. Weaver is still decent and just needs help on small hitbox and a slight buff to lava font. 10% on lava font maybe.


In raids people often play other classes because they need to switch for other people if they don't show up also some bosses need other classes so far I know but for the rest Arena.NET can't push them to play something else. Elementists have their place for the moment but mainly because you can't play push them to the side in randoms groups they are just too many .


I think I can only explain why I choose Elementist 3 years ago for my first and main char

1.)I always played mage classes in RPG games

2.) why? Because mages are always high dps classes which are very hard to play but shines in the endcontent


I also don't think that the players in raids which main chars are Elementist aren't happy about the current changes too. They can play other classes but when they start to play even stories and events like the current with not their main char the immersion breaks.


Maybe this is why I saw nearly empty T4 LFGs the last days on prime time


On the other hand T4 starts to be boring and I want to move on to CMs also the guild in which I'm became really active when I joined it and came in Gw2 over friends but because they were heavily disappointed in HoT the guild were in slumber and only a hand full were active for 2 years but now we have over 100 active players and they started to play fractals(my buddies and clan lead) and aiming to try raids in the not to distant future. So it is frustrating because no way is really an option.


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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> 2.) why? Because mages are always high dps classes which are very hard to play but shines in the endcontent


Curious, I've played tons of RPG as well and I can't relate to your experience. Usually, mages are often not that good on single target dps and good at wiping adds out of the floor thanks to their numerous AoE. The top dogs when it come to dps usually are rogues and archer archetypes. As for difficulty, I have yet to find a "mage" difficult to play, using a "mage" tend to make you take a more elusive gameplay but that's all.


Beside, it's already been quite a few years that the rpg industry try to smooth a lot the difference in survivability for all archetype. And a lot of games achieve good result in balance (not always satisfying for the player base like here on GW2 but still good results).


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > 2.) why? Because mages are always high dps classes which are very hard to play but shines in the endcontent


> Curious, I've played tons of RPG as well and I can't relate to your experience. Usually, mages are often not that good on single target dps and good at wiping adds out of the floor thanks to their numerous AoE. The top dogs when it come to dps usually are rogues and archer archetypes. As for difficulty, I have yet to find a "mage" difficult to play, using a "mage" tend to make you take a more elusive gameplay but that's all.


> Beside, it's already been quite a few years that the rpg industry try to smooth a lot the difference in survivability for all archetype. And a lot of games achieve good result in balance (not always satisfying for the player base like here on GW2 but still good results).



This is my expiernce since the 90's yeah there a few newer MMOs who tries to do different ways but Gw 2 wasn't one of them . Games it was like I said were Diablo 1&2 , Baldurs Gate , some Asien f2p MMOs. Where it wasn't like this I would say Neverwinter. Other classes with a lot of dmg are in my experience warriors and rouges.


The problem with making them very similar is they become very similar you see the problem ? You can see this overbalacing in games like LOL every unique character which could be used in a different way got its unique removed over time . My brother way a profi LOL gamer and developed with some friends something similar to ArcDPS for it a tool which helped you on fly to built and equip your character by giving you the info about the best options next. Long story short we all got bored with the game because all the stats become more or less the same.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > 2.) why? Because mages are always high dps classes which are very hard to play but shines in the endcontent

> >

> > Curious, I've played tons of RPG as well and I can't relate to your experience. Usually, mages are often not that good on single target dps and good at wiping adds out of the floor thanks to their numerous AoE. The top dogs when it come to dps usually are rogues and archer archetypes. As for difficulty, I have yet to find a "mage" difficult to play, using a "mage" tend to make you take a more elusive gameplay but that's all.

> >

> > Beside, it's already been quite a few years that the rpg industry try to smooth a lot the difference in survivability for all archetype. And a lot of games achieve good result in balance (not always satisfying for the player base like here on GW2 but still good results).

> >


> This is my expiernce since the 90's yeah there a few newer MMOs who tries to do different ways but Gw 2 wasn't one of them . Games it was like I said were Diablo 1&2 , Baldurs Gate , some Asien f2p MMOs. Where it wasn't like this I would say Neverwinter. Other classes with a lot of dmg are in my experience warriors and rouges.



I'd only agree with baldur's gate/icewinddale and even in baldur's gate mage archetype can be pretty tanky. Neverwinter is highly dependant on your gear, anything deal damage on this game even the tanks and healers seem to have insane damage. Diablo 1 and 2 weren't really MMOs and even then it was difficult to really say that one was tankier than the other or delt more damage. I based my analysis on the few game you cited + rune of magic, rift, skyforge, rappelz, diablo 3, SWTOR... etc. No MOBA thought I can't stand this kind of games.


> The problem with making them very similar is they become very similar you see the problem ? You can see this overbalacing in games like LOL every unique character which could be used in a different way got its unique removed over time . My brother way a profi LOL gamer and developed with some friends something similar to ArcDPS for it a tool which helped you on fly to built and equip your character by giving you the info about the best options next. Long story short we all got bored with the game because all the stats become more or less the same.


Games nowaday bet on thematic more than role or archetype. In the end it's the only way to achieve balance. The character and professions have different feel but ultimately they are designed to fill different role based on how you build. Which was what anet advertised when they release the game.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Games nowaday bet on thematic more than role or archetype. In the end it's the only way to achieve balance. The character and professions have different feel but ultimately they are designed to fill different role based on how you build. Which was what anet advertised when they release the game.


But then you end up with classes lacking identity. You cannot ignore the archetype (or the theme, for that matter) completely.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Games nowaday bet on thematic more than role or archetype. In the end it's the only way to achieve balance. The character and professions have different feel but ultimately they are designed to fill different role based on how you build. Which was what anet advertised when they release the game.


> But then you end up with classes lacking identity. You cannot ignore the archetype (or the theme, for that matter) completely.


I don't think so, thematic is quite strong when it come to give identity. I think it's better than to stick to common idea, in the end, if you stick to profession's archetype, your game will end up being similar to other game and thus lack it's own identity. In the case of guild wars 2 the profession's identities are in the thematic: elementalist are user of elements, engineer use technology, mesmer are master of chaos and illusions, necromancers are all gloom and death... etc.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > Games nowaday bet on thematic more than role or archetype. In the end it's the only way to achieve balance. The character and professions have different feel but ultimately they are designed to fill different role based on how you build. Which was what anet advertised when they release the game.

> >

> > But then you end up with classes lacking identity. You cannot ignore the archetype (or the theme, for that matter) completely.


> I don't think so, thematic is quite strong when it come to give identity. I think it's better than to stick to common idea, in the end, if you stick to profession's archetype, your game will end up being similar to other game and thus lack it's own identity. In the case of guild wars 2 the profession's identities are in the thematic: elementalist are user of elements, engineer use technology, mesmer are master of chaos and illusions, necromancers are all gloom and death... etc.


And if they all are capable of doing exactly the same, this becomes purely a flavor choice with no effect on the gameplay. Which is not what the users want.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > Games nowaday bet on thematic more than role or archetype. In the end it's the only way to achieve balance. The character and professions have different feel but ultimately they are designed to fill different role based on how you build. Which was what anet advertised when they release the game.

> > >

> > > But then you end up with classes lacking identity. You cannot ignore the archetype (or the theme, for that matter) completely.

> >

> > I don't think so, thematic is quite strong when it come to give identity. I think it's better than to stick to common idea, in the end, if you stick to profession's archetype, your game will end up being similar to other game and thus lack it's own identity. In the case of guild wars 2 the profession's identities are in the thematic: elementalist are user of elements, engineer use technology, mesmer are master of chaos and illusions, necromancers are all gloom and death... etc.


> And if they all are capable of doing exactly the same, this becomes purely a flavor choice with no effect on the gameplay. Which is not what the users want.


That depend on the user.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > > Games nowaday bet on thematic more than role or archetype. In the end it's the only way to achieve balance. The character and professions have different feel but ultimately they are designed to fill different role based on how you build. Which was what anet advertised when they release the game.

> > > >

> > > > But then you end up with classes lacking identity. You cannot ignore the archetype (or the theme, for that matter) completely.

> > >

> > > I don't think so, thematic is quite strong when it come to give identity. I think it's better than to stick to common idea, in the end, if you stick to profession's archetype, your game will end up being similar to other game and thus lack it's own identity. In the case of guild wars 2 the profession's identities are in the thematic: elementalist are user of elements, engineer use technology, mesmer are master of chaos and illusions, necromancers are all gloom and death... etc.

> >

> > And if they all are capable of doing exactly the same, this becomes purely a flavor choice with no effect on the gameplay. Which is not what the users want.


> That depend on the user.


Note the use of plural. You'll always find individuals liking/wanting all sorts of strange things. But overall the players won't be happy with this, as it is ultimately less interesting and *less* flavorful. Differences in professions and skills would be de facto skins instead of gameplay.

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