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Elite Spec idea


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So a lot of people seem to want Balthazar with a greatsword or Togo with a scepter. Here's another idea for you guys: dual daggers that function mid-close range and invoke Talon Silverwing/another Tengu.


This spec could work work like a death-by-thousand-cuts. Using attacks you build stacks (either like Kallas Fervor or Warrior adrenaline) and the "spend" those stacks on you F skills. Each weapon skill that connects builds this resource to varying degrees.


The resource stack also has a passive effect determined by traits: toughness, power/Condi, swiftness.


Here's my idea of what the skills could be.


F1: consume stacks and leap through the air and into the mists. Slam into the ground at your target's feet, dealing more damage per stack consumed.


F2: consume your stacks and cleanse conditions on yourself. Each condition cleansed in this way gives you health.


F3: consume your stacks and unleash waves of mist energy around you. The more stack consumed, the more waves sent out.


Weapon Skills:

Skill 1: Rend your for by slashing into the mists.

Skill 2: Dash to you for through the mists. Upon reaching them, pummel them with your dagger.

Skill 3: Infuse yourself with mist energy and absorb the next blow against you.

Flip Over: Evade backwards through the mists. Unleash an attack on your for that hits more times if an attack was absorbed.

Skill 4: Tear small holes in the mists around your target with needle like precision. Cause cripple and vulnerability.

Skill 5: Unleash a beam of mists energy. This beam destroys projectiles, causes blindness, and hits many times.


Not sure what utilities could suit this but maybe the heal could be like guardians litiny of wrath. Anyways what do you guys think.

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  • 4 months later...

Simply tired of Twlight fanbois trying to turn my favorite class into an emo turd pile. No thanks.



Let me expand on this as well. We have 5 classes, two of which are heavy armor, that can already wield a Greatsword. The other two are Light armor. Only one that is Medium. Why do we need a 6th? Hell, why stop there? Let's give EVERYONE a Greatsword for that wonderful "burst damage". Really, you provided the argument, in another thread, that they need it for burst, but they really don't. You, and most other people that want Greatsword on Rev, just want to use it with Twilight and throw on Mallyx. No thanks. I prefer the other suggestions of Daggers, Scepter or other weapons that make sense for the class.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> Simply tired of Twlight fanbois trying to turn my favorite class into an emo kitten pile. No thanks.



> Let me expand on this as well. We have 5 classes, two of which are heavy armor, that can already wield a Greatsword. The other two are Light armor. Only one that is Medium. Why do we need a 6th? Hell, why stop there? Let's give EVERYONE a Greatsword for that wonderful "burst damage". Really, you provided the argument, in another thread, that they need it for burst, but they really don't. You, and most other people that want Greatsword on Rev, just want to use it with Twilight and throw on Mallyx. No thanks. I prefer the other suggestions of Daggers, Scepter or other weapons that make sense for the class.


Amazing, every thought you just provided was either a. Incorrect, b. Biased, c. Presumptive or d. Indicative that you have absolutely no idea how to play the class or what it needs in regards to an elite spec. Let's start by mentioning that you state 5 classes can use GS? Well 5 classes can currently use dagger. What is your point?


Let’s adhere to your delusion that the greatsword on the least played class isn’t (in my opinion and the sad realization that 16k dps is garbage tier dps while DH and Holo achieve 25k+ minimum) needed or demanded by the larger portion of players who actually enjoy being invited to endgame content (because we all know rev dps outside of condi is garbage, and condi doesn't come close to power in fractals in regards to raw sustainable burst), or being useful in x scenario. Nothing you have stated in your “argument” has given any reasoning outside of your inert hatred for such a weapon. You simply don’t like it based on aesthetics, and the fact that other professions have them? That’s hilarious high school level drama.


If you would prefer that a dagger or sceptre be implemented into an already stagnant main and offhand tool kit then be my guest. However, don’t pretend that your ideas aren’t based off of your own personal preference and are some how more appropriate for the class as a whole. Because all the ideas I’ve seen proposed for the class outside of a greatsword build are so incredibly basic they give no insight as to how the class would perform as a whole. Take this thread for example, great outline of ideas but the lack of expansion on any of them and how they'll fit into the larger picture almost make it moot, not to mention but putting yet ANOTHER source of energy/stack management on a class that already has the highest amount of nonsense to juggle isn't exactly the best thing to consider.


GG. Try again.

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The funny part is that many oppose it, but you just don't want to see it. Now, while I will not insult you, I will say that Greatsword is not needed for burst. We have the Hammer, which is great for burst and have seen the numbers myself. Besides, who's the say it would be burst? Have you see how Greatsword is on Mesmer? You do better with Sw/Sw and Sw/Focus. Daggers are great for the Thief and provide a very high damage output compared to others. No, I guess I don't know what I'm talking about. My mistake.


You seem to be under the impression that all heavy classes require it, but they don't. People have suggested Greatsword since it came out and many others have said no. They like the ideas being present, but not the weapon. Dagger, Scepter, Focus are all weapons that have been mentioned. Dual Axe has been mentioned. Greatsword is not the end-all-be-all of burst.


Say what you will about it, but you're not as much in the majority as you wish you were or claim to be.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> The funny part is that many oppose it, but you just don't want to see it. Now, while I will not insult you, I will say that Greatsword is not needed for burst. We have the Hammer, which is great for burst and have seen the numbers myself. Besides, who's the say it would be burst? Have you see how Greatsword is on Mesmer? You do better with Sw/Sw and Sw/Focus. Daggers are great for the Thief and provide a very high damage output compared to others. No, I guess I don't know what I'm talking about. My mistake.


> You seem to be under the impression that all heavy classes require it, but they don't. People have suggested Greatsword since it came out and many others have said no. They like the ideas being present, but not the weapon. Dagger, Scepter, Focus are all weapons that have been mentioned. Dual Axe has been mentioned. Greatsword is not the end-all-be-all of burst.


> Say what you will about it, but you're not as much in the majority as you wish you were or claim to be.


Yeah go take a hammer into fractals and see how much opening burst you can produce before sustaining 12-16k on a afk s/s rotation.


You keep throwing ideas out with no quantifiable evidence supporting them. 15k COR crit over 1.5 seconds followed up by a 12k phase smash over another 2 seconds is absurdly low dps in a pve scenario (12-16k opener with 5-6k sustained dps at best? rip). It's embarrassing that you even mention the hammer at all, considering it is strictly a WvW weapon (and the only area where it excels outside of open world facerolling).


Every idea you put fourth just illustrates your lack of understanding of what I'm trying to convey, or the more demanding aspects of the game that Rev fall behind.


I'm convinced you have zero idea what "burst" is in a PvE scenario. You just keep looping your ideas around that you don't want GS to exist, or are basing it around implementations that already exist. Who cares what other classes do with the weapon. For all we know, ANET can come out with a melee ranged longbow for Rev to fulfill it's lack of burst power.


I'm done talking with you about this. Have fun k-training eotm.

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