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Ticket 6971909 submitted 6/24 and still no response.

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Support is backed up. Depending on the type of issue, it could be as long as four weeks. (My issue took 23 days for a GM to get back to me. After that, it was resolved quickly.)


I agree it's maddeningly frustrating that the delays are this long (and haven't seemed to get better in the last month). But they do eventually get to every ticket. Be patient (and **do not** start a new ticket; that could put you at the end in the queue, based on the date of the second ticket).

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> Not necessarily. Check back after 3 months, because that's when they/Zendesk auto-close your tickets as it happens to my cases.


> So be prepared for 3 months + X.


> Excelsior.


You need to follow up with a support supervisor then. Not only is not the norm, but it's so unusual that it never happens to the vast majority of people.


I'm really sorry that you've had to wait and deal with delays, but please don't spread misinformation: the system only closes tickets if there's no response. So maybe their emails aren't getting to you or maybe your responses aren't getting to them or any of half a dozen issues that affect you.


For the OP, they should be prepared for a four week wait, although it will almost certainly be shorter than that. Once they get that first human response, they need to respond within 3 days, which is plenty of time for most cases.



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I've got several tickets open at present -

6981565 - submitted 30/6/18.. no response other than automated

6999736 - submitted 12/7/18... no response other than automated .. this one is much more important than the other so hoping its not going to be anywhere like as bad as the other, but tbh I am not holding my breath.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> if suport is so full with tickets then it's time for Anet to wonder why :wink:


It's long past time. They must already be worried; the must already be doing something substantive (both to address the current crisis and the systemic issue of how to prevent this from happening ever again). If not, management has to know this has the potential to hurt the bottom line.

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> @"Thanatiel.8160" said:

> What I don't get that I see : "last activity: 5 hours ago".

I strongly recommend ignoring any "last activity" messages. That could be meaningful (someone has started on your ticket) or it could be a red herring (someone opened up your ticket to work on it, then something more urgent took them away, so there's no change). The only important status update is when you get an email response.


During the first week after my most recent ticket, I checked email every day (it's a game account, one I don't use unless contacting ANet). During the second week, I'd check twice a day. During the third, I started checking three times daily, just to make sure I could respond quickly once ANet finally responded. (As it turned out, I missed the window by 8 hours; response came right after I checked. But, of course, that didn't delay the resolution much.)

(Took some back & forth; issue was resolved 90% satisfactorily, within 3 days. About as quickly as I could hope, after the 23 day wait.)



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> @"Thanatiel.8160" said:

> Waiting for 22 days to access my GW1 account and counting (probably a problem remembering a char name, every helpful suggestions from other players tried and failed), expecting to wait for 2 more weeks.

> What I don't get that I see : "last activity: 5 hours ago".


I seriously hope my second ticket doesn't get anywhere close to yours.. cos that's the very same issue I am asking Support to look into.. a GW1 character name is likely the cause for me not gaining access back to my old GW1 account, but if I have to wait that long, I'll just go back to SWTOR or DDO instead until CS decides to get it's act together :(


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