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Lets Settle it

Jack Redline.5379

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I can't really figure out out of all the stuff i see in forums in this perticular Thief section what you people actually want. SO here is a poll it could help me figure out where as a thief player I stand and where do you other ppl stand. The greatest issue here seems to be (imo) that some ppl want thief to be power focused class and some ppl want it to be condi focused class. So here is question which do you want? Stealth is not counted as a variable since you can play stealth both in power and in condi builds so please choose one you don't need to say why so we don't argue here. If you want you are welcome anyway.

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you should be able to play a class with power and condi, yet by design there are more severe counters to condi then to power so i prefer playing powerbuilds myself. but i dont mind if you aswell can build a condi thief that is doing good enough for you.

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Why can't it be both?


I don't understand this split between power vs condi.. Gw2 has always been a game that's promoted that any class can pretty much be anything.. and from my experience you can make any class a decent power or condi build.. sometimes both at once.


Seems silly that anyone would want to diminish one over the other :S

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I play both power and condi depending on what the meta is like and what I'm running into while roaming. I prefer power in general tho, as I don't feel like certain builds counter me so much playing power as condi. Condi feels more rock paper scissors in it's matchups atm, might just be me thinking that tho.


Edit: for clarity, while I prefer power I absolutely think condi thief should be a viable option for the sake of variety. Just to be clear.

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If this thread was about the more contentious D/D kit specifically I'd vote, but as a class in general, it seems kinda silly to argue power vs condi as a whole at this point.


I'll note that the condition damage stat was not part of the game in beta and was intended as as source of "true damage" coming to and from tanks, with soft CC being the real power behind conditions, which is why most of them didn't originally stack.


The game has changed, but some of the weapons largely haven't.

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Well i must say i am not really happy about the results so far since i can see that no matter how hard i will push condi through i will get bashed back by this power wall. but i am happy i got results so far and please share if you read this so other ppl can see it as well. So it is finally settled and we know how many ppl actually wants condi/power thief

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> you should be able to play a class with power and condi, yet by design there are more severe counters to condi then to power so i prefer playing powerbuilds myself. but i dont mind if you aswell can build a condi thief that is doing good enough for you.


i know and i agree this is not about how we want to change class this is only about preferences of us thief players so we can see how many ppl wants to play power /plays power and would loke to have it improved (since obviously if you main power you want your power to be strong) and same works with condi.

It is just about prefferences this poll is not supposed to change anything it is just statistics

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Why can't it be both?


> I don't understand this split between power vs condi.. Gw2 has always been a game that's promoted that any class can pretty much be anything.. and from my experience you can make any class a decent power or condi build.. sometimes both at once.


> Seems silly that anyone would want to diminish one over the other :S


as i wrote to Mudsse above this comment it is only about prefferences in game style. Not supposed to diminish anything we all know we can trait and build up anything this poll is only supposed to make statistics about prefferences of thief players. which anyway will be power/condi (if it is supposed to be efficient of course)

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