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Weaver... and I thought ele was off-putting


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I can understand the desire for more simplicity within a class themed as you would like it, and to an extent you can facilitate it through traits and the like, but ultimately the Elementalist it built around the attunes in such a way it's really enjoyable a system to learn for a lot of us; like others here there are only a few classes that feel complex enough that it stimulates me.


I wonder why you'd call Weaver more twitch gameplay than normal Elementalists, though. In my experience, the Weaver is far more about planning what to do next, since the attunement cooldown prevents twitch responses. That is also what Elementalist encapsulates to me in this game. You are like a strategist with magic, or how to put it :)

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> @"Aether McLoud.1975" said:

> I can't really think of ANY game that does the elemental caster archetype better than GW2

The only game I can think of is Ragnarok Online Wizard, but this was much different type of elemental caster - you were stationary when casting, you had enormous spells with extremely long cast times - decreased by stats, but base cast time could have been 10-15 seconds (but no cooldowns) and enormous amounts of crowd control that allowed you to cast these spells safely.

Add to that elemental table of resistance/weaknesses with more entries than Pokemon and each element enemy having 4 subtypes (from Water 1 to Water 4, each one progressively more resistant/weak to other elements) and it created extremely intricate gameplay for Wizards.


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> @"Argol Vazin.3061" said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > Rant incoming, sorry, but I'll try to keep this constructive.

> >

> > I know you want to make things unique, but in your quest to be "different than other mmos", you peeps needlessly make off-putting profession and skill designs. Instead of improving all of your professions, and taking out all of the frustrating mechanics, you make them worse.

> >

> > First off, it's not engaging to have each profession with completely different gameplay mechanics. It's frustrating. The uniqueness should come from the actual skills and roles, not needing to relearn different mechanics per class. It makes playing certain professions unapproachable. Second, you have all these weapon combos to memorize with elementalist, and now you make it worse with weaver combos. Third, there are sooooo many skills with completely different ranges... talk about awful while in combat.


> Never play a Moba, something like SMITE where most characters have different play styles even within that role due to unique mechanics/passives.

> Someone that mains one mage might not be able to pick up and play another mage despite them being the same role.


> Actually it is kinda like fighting games. Sure every character will punch and kick when you press the corrosponding buttons. but the playstyles are vastly different based purely around the combat style. You can;t play someone like say Fox in smash then transition to say Kirby and expect to play the same.

> Or maybe I should use Tekken. Going from someone like King to ling xiaoyu is a massive change in playstyle.


Smash is not a fighting game.

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What I like about Weaver is how it is so different from other classes :p


I often get bored of professions because the weapons stay basically the same for 80 levels, and the abilities and such don't change much.


Weaver adds lots of new abilites, more so than any other class got for their new weapons... I feel like this is the reason it might stay engaging for longer than the other classes. Completely opposite to what you said, OP, and honestly can't see lots of people agreeing with you.

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i think that to introduce a new mechanic there need to be a need for such mechanic.

1. it is either the need of "role of cool", trying to make it feel as amazing and awesome as possible; see C9 ultimated skills, or BDO 200% (before the graphic downgrade to skill effects, wish that was an option on/off).

2. or it need to be mechanical to remove frustration, make it more intuitive, give it a better gameplay flow.


i think the weaver could learn towards the gameplay flow IF it was balanced better in how the switching should be done or if it rewarded more for the extra work when succeeding.

role of cool is always nice, but imho GW2 is as far from this as can be (gw2 seems to be highly focused on the "want to be esport", and those two just doesnt match; anyone that played Lol from the early days remember how Awesome/Cool most of the chars felt when you hit your setup just perfectly, felt completely broken but completely awesome and since every char had something like that it equaled out; however it is Far harder to balance perfectly and therefore we seen lol constantly move towards a setup where everything is completely equal, functions the same, is the same and is kind of dull and almost never "cool/awesome").


right now the weaver doesn't hold enough interest for me to even come back and play (bugs on launch made me turn away for a while and the skillset for the staff seemed lacking and didn't enhance the feeling of "Arch Mage" imho, staff is my weapon of choice as it is the closest to Arch type mage class there is in GW2.

I had hoped improvements, as promised, would have come between the beta and release but none seem to have made it and doubt any real changes will come in the future.

I dislike when publishers give misinformation to appease the community, the least it should be honest; if you think this is the best and won't change it then just don't say you will try to fix the issue which you don't believe is there.

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