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Meta Warrior (corebreaker)


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Hello, i've been making my own builds since release.

I'm calling this one "corebreaker" due to its very core-warrior feel but with all the luxuries of Spellbreaker traitline.



Here i have made two different versions of my build:


The general player-base prefers low skill high reward builds and accepts them as meta.



Some things you can swap around in this build to customize it to your liking-

-Strength/Fury Runes instead of Hoelbrak.

-Intelligence sigil for preference.

-Pure Strike for any of the other minor SPB traits.

-Signet of Rage for Rampage.

-Defy Pain over Armored Attack.


The reason you take axe over sword or a dagger is that axe skills apply a lot more consistent pressure on your enemy through damage.

Sword has leap which is good for kiting around points and Final Thrust, which does negligible damage above 50%, but below it hits about 9k+. Both good things but compared to axes ability to axe toss for 3-8k based on your might and your enemies health, two charges 8s CD, makes Final Thrust look weak in comparison especially since you'll be landing it a lot more often. Leap is cool but axe toss also cripples your enemy, and you can use Cyclone Axe to destroy clones, remove blind, aegis, 5k+ damage, along with vulnerability. Sword offers instant tether from its F1 but its F1 is completely useless beyond that; You lose a lot of pressure playing sword (especially above 50%) and if you keep the pressure on with axe you will have many more opportunities to land F1 so its hardly an advantage to sword.

Dagger provides a stun and an unblockable 2-4k hit. Axe loses the CC but gains two ranged damage sinks and just once again a lot more pressure through consistent damage.



If you think you're up to snuff, you can try my personal build which is optimized better for high skill high reward.



Things you're going to notice are different:

-Signet of Stamina; this has the same CD as featherfoot but instead of giving you resistance/superspeed you gain more DODGEROLLS. Aswell as a full condition "oh kitten" button. This build has lots of endurance gain via Might Makes Right trait, so when you tether you're just getting non-stop healing/endurance compiled with this signet and landing skills (especially in traited GS with might on hit sigil) makes you have an almost kitten amount of dodging.

-Cleansing Ire; you dropped a stun break so you dropped the stun break trait and took a more effective condition cleanse. Now instead of popping a resistance for 5s and hoping the conditions go away, you cleanse them! Active rewards for active gameplay! This also boosts your adrenaline to 100%, 100% of the time- picking up the lost adrenaline from not playing discipline trait line.

-Citadel Runes; these runes don't give you the might every 5s like strength/hoelbrak (for slightly more endurance/healing) but you do gain permanent fury (crits make you a lot more scary) and a bomb. A bomb is so much more powerful then you might realize, its a blind/aegis clear (does about 1.5k damage). Thief shadow shot on you, bomb procs, blind cleared as you were GS F1 landing a tether which generally is the end of a duel with a thief. Basically the same as Rage Runes but -5% damage for the chance to completely destroy someone.



Not taking the Discipline traitline will always get a lot of eye squinting, but i don't mind. I see SPB/DISC/X as you having to choose between two really good traitlines defense/strength. For what? For a shorter weapon swap, cleanse on swap, slightly faster base speed, and whatever you take for DISC GM trait. Those all feel like very minor things once you get used to playing without them; like they are really just quality of life traits, and you're giving up MASSIVE traits like Adrenal Health, reflect shield/CD, cleansing ire, or GS might/CD, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, DODGE DOES UNBLOCKABLE DAMAGE, burst skills give endurance. Also i prefer to get immob'd half the time honestly because i can GS Whirlwind Attack and absolutely obliterate someone (which happens a lot more often then it should).

It just seems like you're losing a lot to make the game feel a little smoother because you're use to it.



This is what i think will be meta for this years PvP patch. People have been asking me about it, so i figured i'd just share it with everyone.

Feel free to leave feedback or any questions you might have.

Don't forget to +1 my post if you're going to try out the build! Happy twirling!

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where is that high risk high reward? it combines almost all the defensive stuff (everything in defense and mmr+magebane tether on strength)

when i want high risk high reward i play spb/disci/strength, getting my sustain from mmr and mightgain, using mending to remove condis, probably shake it off too (havent done pvp since patch, had too much fun with my worker in wvw

lyssa rune is quite fun too

the main thing is that you lose pretty much all the passive stuff and have to react actively

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> where is that high risk high reward? it combines almost all the defensive stuff (everything in defense and mmr+magebane tether on strength)



High risk high reward is dropping a stun break and the low skill RR trait and relying on your ability to use all your dodgerolls properly. If done so you will be virtually unstoppable but if you mess up even a little, you're going to die very often. You don't have the mobility nor the immob cleanse/passive cleanse that Discipline provides. Ire is active, you're picking the active traits in defense (not 90s balance/endure) for my second build; not the passives. Discipline is much more passive QoL in comparison as defense requires you to be landing F1s at least.



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> @"Blue.1207" said:

> Hahahaha, there's no such thing as a warrior that's "high risk" while running defense line and offhand sheild w/ healing sig. Good memes.


People seem to get this confused. Whereas defense line has a lot of low risk options, it aslo has ones such as Cleansing Ire. Relying on this trait for condition clear is a lot higher risk then being able to swap off conditions every 4 seconds with Discipline. Higher risk because now you will feel the full effect of getting kited (without resistance) and no movespeed trait from Discipline. Sure if you're Def/Disc/Spb that's not very high risk but neither is Str/Disc/Spb people just fool themselves into thinking that as if they aren't taking MMR and have all the Discipline QoL to fall back on.


If taking both lines wasn't higher risk then why is Discipline such a staple?

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> @"rigour.8749" said:

> > @"Blue.1207" said:

> > Hahahaha, there's no such thing as a warrior that's "high risk" while running defense line and offhand sheild w/ healing sig. Good memes.


> People seem to get this confused. Whereas defense line has a lot of low risk options, it aslo has ones such as Cleansing Ire. Relying on this trait for condition clear is a lot higher risk then being able to swap off conditions every 4 seconds with Discipline. Higher risk because now you will feel the full effect of getting kited (without resistance) and no movespeed trait from Discipline. Sure if you're Def/Disc/Spb that's not very high risk but neither is Str/Disc/Spb people just fool themselves into thinking that as if they aren't taking MMR and have all the Discipline QoL to fall back on.


> If taking both lines wasn't higher risk then why is Discipline such a staple?


disci is a staple because its needed for smooth gameplay without cd downtime were you mostly aa if you dont have fast hands...if you didnt know that im not sure if you rly played warrior long enough


spb/str/ disc is def higher risk with higher reward than having defense becausw you get all those dmg multipliers from strength while you lose those defensive options you just mentioned from defense...ofc you will have more condi stuff on you, but thats why i play mending, shake it off and lyssa rune, those are some juice cleanses, and guess what? all are active and not as unreliable as cleansing ire, that doesnt clean kitten while being blinded, getting blocked or dodges etc. it also just cleanses 1 condi per f burst hit, not enough for my liking

oh btw i also have 1 sigil of cleansing on my weapon, its even somewhat of an active cleanse when i hold my weapon swap to cleanse 2 condis when im getting loaded with condis rather than just mindlessly swapping weapons

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:


> disci is a staple because its needed for smooth gameplay without cd downtime were you mostly aa if you dont have fast hands...if you didnt know that im not sure if you rly played warrior long enough


> spb/str/ disc is def higher risk with higher reward than having defense becausw you get all those dmg multipliers from strength while you lose those defensive options you just mentioned from defense...ofc you will have more condi stuff on you, but thats why i play mending, shake it off and lyssa rune, those are some juice cleanses, and guess what? all are active and not as unreliable as cleansing ire, that doesnt clean kitten while being blinded, getting blocked or dodges etc. it also just cleanses 1 condi per f burst hit, not enough for my liking

> oh btw i also have 1 sigil of cleansing on my weapon, its even somewhat of an active cleanse when i hold my weapon swap to cleanse 2 condis when im getting loaded with condis rather than just mindlessly swapping weapons



You don't lose smooth gameplay by getting rid of Discipline, you just have to adapt (takes like a day to get used to) and you're almost never auto-attacking at least not more than any other warrior build.


I encourage every warrior to try DEF/STR/SPB for more than just to say you didn like it, really give it a chance, and i promise you will see that discipline is not the traitline you should be running. That you won't even miss it if you're good at playing around the game mechanics and landing your F1.



I used to play STR/DISC/SPB and having swap cleanse(which you still have from sigils), more mobility, being able to use both weapon sets more often(for gs evade,mobility,quck shield reactions), IS 100% MORE DEFENSIVE then having traits that require you to land F1 to even be effective. Its so much more risky due to the things you mentioned (blind/aegis/dodgerolls)that you have to play around or you'll die; but you're also getting rewarded massively by doing so, much MUCH more than Discipline rewards you but at the cost of more effort.


AND even if you don't like Cleansing Ire, you can always go the first build and have the build i didn't describe as high skill high reward, but just the meta. It has RR instead and a few other differences i mentioned that might suit to your liking/playstyle better.

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> @"rigour.8749" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:


> > disci is a staple because its needed for smooth gameplay without cd downtime were you mostly aa if you dont have fast hands...if you didnt know that im not sure if you rly played warrior long enough

> >

> > spb/str/ disc is def higher risk with higher reward than having defense becausw you get all those dmg multipliers from strength while you lose those defensive options you just mentioned from defense...ofc you will have more condi stuff on you, but thats why i play mending, shake it off and lyssa rune, those are some juice cleanses, and guess what? all are active and not as unreliable as cleansing ire, that doesnt clean kitten while being blinded, getting blocked or dodges etc. it also just cleanses 1 condi per f burst hit, not enough for my liking

> > oh btw i also have 1 sigil of cleansing on my weapon, its even somewhat of an active cleanse when i hold my weapon swap to cleanse 2 condis when im getting loaded with condis rather than just mindlessly swapping weapons



> You don't lose smooth gameplay by getting rid of Discipline, you just have to adapt (takes like a day to get used to) and you're almost never auto-attacking at least not more than any other warrior build.


> I encourage every warrior to try DEF/STR/SPB for more than just to say you didn like it, really give it a chance, and i promise you will see that discipline is not the traitline you should be running. That you won't even miss it if you're good at playing around the game mechanics and landing your F1.



> I used to play STR/DISC/SPB and having swap cleanse(which you still have from sigils), more mobility, being able to use both weapon sets more often(for gs evade,mobility,quck shield reactions), IS 100% MORE DEFENSIVE then having traits that require you to land F1 to even be effective. Its so much more risky due to the things you mentioned (blind/aegis/dodgerolls)that you have to play around or you'll die; but you're also getting rewarded massively by doing so, much MUCH more than Discipline rewards you but at the cost of more effort.


> AND even if you don't like Cleansing Ire, you can always go the first build and have the build i didn't describe as high skill high reward, but just the meta. It has RR instead and a few other differences i mentioned that might suit to your liking/playstyle better.


i play without disci in wvw zerging, and i already know that i wont be playing without it in builds that require me to play 1v1 or 1v2 etc, you just cant combo as much as you want, for example evis into arcing slice, or gs movement into axe dmg, as soon as your opponent notices that you are stuck on axe for 10s they will just start kiting you whenever you swap away from gs

i dont want to rely on hitting f bursts anyways, its what makes warri the predictable thing he is, deny those hits and you shut down most of his dmg and his sustain...ez win

good opponents just wont get hit by those, and putting even more weight into them is just bad


like i said, id rather ditch defense to rely on my dodges and rather dodge than just try to facetank and sustain the dmg

with disci you have way more momentum to pressure your opponent, its also more unpredictable when you can swap anytime instead of being stuck on one set for 10s

a good offense is the best defense ;)

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> @"rigour.8749" said:

> > @"rigour.8749" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> >

> > > i dont want to rely on hitting f bursts anyways, its what makes warri the predictable thing he is, deny those hits and you shut down most of his dmg and his sustain...ez win

> > > good opponents just wont get hit by those, and putting even more weight into them is just bad

> > >

> > > like i said, id rather ditch defense to rely on my dodges and rather dodge than just try to facetank and sustain the dmg

> > > with disci you have way more momentum to pressure your opponent, its also more unpredictable when you can swap anytime instead of being stuck on one set for 10s

> > > a good offense is the best defense ;)

> >



I rarely lose 1v1s if at all and 1v2 is really just kiting around unless the thief is +1 in which case you just kill that kitten. (because you'll survive with this defense in a 1v2 better and you still have all the same damage because saying you can't combo just cause your weapon swap is normal duration is ridiculous)

Also predictability doesn't really effect good players, that's like saying rev is bad cause you'll never land Sword 2 out of Sword 3 cause every rev does it... ok so the rev just waits for you to dodge after Sword 3 or the Rev uses a Glint utility that you dodge out of Sword 3 then uses Sword 2.. If you play in a straight line you're going to lose no matter what you're playing. If beating players was as simple as "dodge f1" no one would play this game; there is so much more mind games when you play against better players.

The high skill comes from being able to outplay your opponents even with them already knowing that pretty much any hit from a warrior is going to hurt.. Adapting n such.


You say you lose combo potential but how often do you actually find yourself Evis into Arc Slice.. I think i rarely do that out of a Bulls Charge and I AM DOING IT ON A BUILD WITHOUT DISCIPLINE SO /cricket noises... We're talking as if your swapping is completely going away, nope its still there and is up when you need it like probably 85% of the time. So you still have combo potential and the ability to set it up properly because you have even more sustain. My personal favorite is getting a dodge out of them into BullsCharge > Axe 2 > Arc Slice > Whirlwind.


"i'd rather ditch defense to rely on dodges" - you're literally having the same number of dodges because you're still strength.................

You have all the same defense that str/disc, you're still rolling around dodging everything but now you got tons of healing! MAYBE EVEN MORE CAUSE STAMINA SIGNET ON THE HIGH SKILL BUILD.

At the cost of not being able to spam your weapon swap no matter how much you feel that you need to when you really don't, and passive mobility trait.


ON TOP OF ALL THAT, yes this build is a little more vulnerable to kiting due to not ALWAYS being able to swap instantly back (usually not a problem on most nodes or if you have any understanding of how LoS works) to GS BUT that is why i made the low skill build include a stun break with superspeed and resistance.. That's not to say that swap won't be up just that it has a longer CD then Disc obviously..., your shield is also on lower CD so you'll probably be able to walk toward them while blocking and keep your axe out until you arrive to them, try to land some damage, when they run away again then you swap to GS 5 if they dodge it, punish them with a BullsCharge Arc Slice..

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I use a self made "corebreaker" build too with mace/shield. It's very low on offence, but I can live with that for the senjoyment of the style of play it gives me


Mace with any build outside of Berserker is generally really slow. Its just a slow weapon on every class.

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> @"rigour.8749" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I use a self made "corebreaker" build too with mace/shield. It's very low on offence, but I can live with that for the senjoyment of the style of play it gives me


> Mace with any build outside of Berserker is generally really slow. Its just a slow weapon on every class.


I've used it for nearly 6 years, I am happy with how mace works. As I said, whether it is optimum or not isn't relevant to me, it's great fun to play

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